changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 3 d8a3531bc6b8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Server implementation fo share files in application private gage 
    15 *                with controlled way
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <f32file.h>
    23 #include <e32math.h>
    24 #include "alfstreamerserver.h"
    25 #include "alfstreamerconsts.h"
    26 #include "alfstreamerbridge.h"
    27 #include "alfwindowmanager.h"
    28 #include "alfhierarchymodel.h"
    29 #include <ecom.h>
    30 #include <alf/AlfTransEffectPlugin.h>
    31 #include <alf/AlfTransEffectPlugin.hrh>
    34 // ==================================
    35 // Launcher implementation.
    36 // ==================================   
    38 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 // DoAlfStreamerServerThreadStartFunctionL
    40 // Construct the server object
    41 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 //   
    43 LOCAL_C void DoAlfStreamerServerThreadStartFunctionL(CAlfStreamerBridge* aBridge)
    44     {
    45     CAlfStreamerServer::NewLC(aBridge);
    47     RThread().Rendezvous(KErrNone);
    48     CActiveScheduler::Start();
    49     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // server
    50     }
    52 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 // Entry point into the new thread
    54 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 //   
    56 GLDEF_C TInt AlfStreamerServerThreadStartFunction(TAny* aBridge)
    57     {
    58     __UHEAP_MARK;
    59     RThread thread;
    61     TInt err = User::RenameThread(KAlfStreamerServerThreadName);
    62     if (err == KErrNone)
    63         {
    64         thread.SetPriority(EPriorityAbsoluteHigh);
    65         thread.Close();
    67         // Set up scheduler and cleanup stack for this thread
    68         CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new CActiveScheduler;
    69         if (!scheduler)
    70             {
    71             return KErrNoMemory;
    72             }
    73         CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
    74         CTrapCleanup* trapCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
    75         if (!trapCleanup)
    76             {
    77             return KErrNoMemory;
    78             }
    80         // Set initial trap harness, and construct server object
    81         TRAP(err,DoAlfStreamerServerThreadStartFunctionL((CAlfStreamerBridge*)aBridge));
    83         delete CActiveScheduler::Current();
    84         delete trapCleanup;
    85         }
    86     __UHEAP_MARKEND;
    87     return err;
    88     }
    90 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 // LaunchServer
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 //   
    94 TInt CAlfStreamerServer::LaunchServer(TThreadId& aThreadId, CAlfStreamerBridge* aBridge)
    95     {
    96     // First, check that ther server isn't already running.
    97     TFindServer findServer(ALFSTREAMER_SERVER_NAME);
    98     TFullName name;
    99     if (findServer.Next(name) == KErrNone)
   100         {
   101         return KErrAlreadyExists;
   102         }
   103     RThread serverThread;
   105     TInt err = serverThread.Create(
   106         KAlfStreamerServerThreadName,
   107         AlfStreamerServerThreadStartFunction,
   108         16384, // magic
   109         0, // uses caller thread's heap
   110         (TAny*)aBridge, 
   111         EOwnerThread);
   113     aThreadId = serverThread.Id();
   114     TRequestStatus status;
   115     serverThread.Rendezvous(status);
   116     serverThread.Resume();
   117     serverThread.Close();
   118     User::WaitForRequest(status);
   119     return err;
   120     }
   122 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 // NewLC
   124 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 //   
   126 void CAlfStreamerServer::NewLC(CAlfStreamerBridge* aBridge)
   127     {
   128     CAlfStreamerServer* pS = new (ELeave) CAlfStreamerServer(aBridge);
   129     CleanupStack::PushL(pS);
   130     pS->ConstructL();
   131     }
   133 TInt DoRendezvous(TAny* aCallBack)
   134     {
   135     RThread().Rendezvous(KErrNone);
   136     CAsyncCallBack* cb = (CAsyncCallBack*) aCallBack;
   137     delete cb;
   138     return KErrNone;
   139     }
   141 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 // ConstructL
   143 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 //   
   145 void CAlfStreamerServer::ConstructL()
   146     {
   149     iWindowHierarcy = CAlfHierarchyModel::NewL(*this);
   150     iWindowMgr = CAlfWindowManager::NewL(iWindowHierarcy);
   151     iBridge->SetStreamerServer( *this );
   152     iThemesListener = CThemeRepositoryListener::NewL();
   153     iThemesListener->IssueRequest();
   154     iRendezvous = new (ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(EPriorityHigh*3);
   155     iRendezvous->Set(TCallBack(DoRendezvous, iRendezvous));
   156     iRendezvous->CallBack();
   157     }
   159 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 // NewSessionL
   161 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   162 //   
   163 CSession2* CAlfStreamerServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& /*aVersion*/,const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/) const
   164     {
   165 	CSession2* newSession = new(ELeave) CAlfStreamerServerSession();
   166     iSessions++;
   168     return newSession;   
   169     }
   171 CAlfStreamerServerSession* CAlfStreamerServer::WservSession(TInt aScreenNumber)
   172     {
   173     CAlfStreamerServerSession* windowServerSession = NULL;
   174     for(TInt i = 0; i < iWindowServerSessions.Count(); i++ )
   175         { 
   176         if(aScreenNumber == iWindowServerSessions[i]->ScreenNumber() )
   177             {
   178             windowServerSession = iWindowServerSessions[i];
   179             break;
   180             }
   181         }
   182     return windowServerSession;
   183     }
   186 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 // HandleClientExit
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 //   
   190 void CAlfStreamerServer::HandleClientExit(const CSession2* /*aClient*/)
   191     {
   192     iSessions--;
   193     if (!iSessions)
   194         {
   195         // CActiveScheduler::Stop(); // TODO: lets not die, if client dies.
   196         }
   197     }
   199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 // destructor of CAlfStreamerServer
   201 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 //   
   203 CAlfStreamerServer::~CAlfStreamerServer()
   204     {
   205     delete iThemesListener;
   206     delete iWindowMgr;
   207     delete iWindowHierarcy;
   208     iCompositionSessions.Close();
   209     iCompositionHostSessions.Close();
   210     iCompositionTokens.Close();
   211     iWindowServerSessions.Close();
   212     }
   214 void CAlfStreamerServer::AppendCompositionSessionL(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, TBool aHost)
   215     {
   216     if(!aHost)
   217         {
   218         TInt index = iCompositionSessions.Find(aSession);    
   219         if (index == KErrNotFound)
   220             {
   221             iCompositionSessions.AppendL(aSession);
   222             }
   223         }
   224     else
   225         {
   226         TInt index = iCompositionHostSessions.Find(aSession);    
   227         if (index == KErrNotFound)
   228             {
   229             iCompositionHostSessions.AppendL(aSession);
   230             }
   231         }
   232     }
   233 void CAlfStreamerServer::RemoveCompositionSession(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession)    
   234     {
   235     TInt index = iCompositionSessions.Find(aSession);    
   236     if (index != KErrNotFound)
   237         {
   238         FreeCompositionSessionExtents(aSession);
   239         TPckgC<TInt> id(reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aSession));
   240         for(TInt u = 0; u < iWindowServerSessions.Count(); u++ )
   241             { 
   242             if( aSession->ScreenNumber() == iWindowServerSessions[u]->ScreenNumber())
   243                 {
   244                 TRAP_IGNORE(QueueRequestForSessionL(iWindowServerSessions[u], id, KAlfCompOpSessionClosed));
   245                 }
   246             }
   248         iCompositionSessions.Remove(index);
   250         }
   251     TInt hostindex = iCompositionHostSessions.Find(aSession);    
   252     if (hostindex != KErrNotFound)
   253         {
   254         HBufC8* message = HBufC8::NewLC(8);
   255         TInt session = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aSession);
   256         TPtr8 clientBuf = message->Des();
   257         clientBuf.Insert(0, TPtrC8((TUint8*)&session ,sizeof(TInt)));
   258         TInt newtarget = 0;
   259         clientBuf.Insert(1 * sizeof(TInt), TPtrC8((TUint8*)&newtarget ,sizeof(TInt)));
   260         for(TInt i = 0; i < iWindowServerSessions.Count(); i++ )
   261             { 
   262             if( aSession->ScreenNumber() == iWindowServerSessions[i]->ScreenNumber())
   263                 {
   264                 TRAP_IGNORE(QueueRequestForSessionL(iWindowServerSessions[i], *message, KAlfCompOpBindSourceToToken)); // bind to 0 -> remove binding
   265                 }
   266             }
   267         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   268         iCompositionHostSessions.Remove(hostindex);
   269         }
   271     // clean possible tokens for this composition source
   272     TInt targetSession = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aSession);
   273     for( TInt i = 0; i < iCompositionTokens.Count() ; i++)
   274         {
   275         if ( targetSession == iCompositionTokens[i].iTarget )
   276             {
   277             iCompositionTokens.Remove(i);
   278             i--;
   279             }
   280         };
   281     }
   283 void CAlfStreamerServer::HandleCompositionRequestL(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, TInt aOp, const RMessage2& aMessage)
   284     {
   285     CAlfStreamerServerSession* wservsession = WservSession( aSession->ScreenNumber() );
   287     TInt length = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
   288     User::LeaveIfError(length);
   289     HBufC8* message = HBufC8::NewLC(length+4);
   290     TPtr8 clientBuf = message->Des();
   291     aMessage.ReadL(0,clientBuf);
   293     if(aOp == KAlfCompOpSetExtent) 
   294         {
   295         TInt* ptr = (TInt*)clientBuf.Ptr();
   296         TInt screennumber = ptr[4];
   297         if(screennumber!=aSession->ScreenNumber())
   298             {
   299             aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().iInternal[0] = ptr[5];
   300             aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().iInternal[1] = ptr[6];
   301             aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().iInternal[2] = ptr[7];
   302             aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().iInternal[3] = ptr[8];
   303             wservsession = WservSession( screennumber );
   304             }
   305         }
   306     else if(aOp == KAlfCompOpSessionClosed)
   307         {
   308         FreeCompositionSessionExtents(aSession);
   309         }
   311     TInt session = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aSession);
   312     clientBuf.Insert(0, TPtrC8((TUint8*)&session ,sizeof(TInt)));
   314     if( wservsession ) // don't send to any wservsession if composition source does not have a window anywhere and this is not SetExtent operation
   315         {
   316         QueueRequestForSessionL(wservsession, clientBuf, aOp);
   317         }
   319     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // unefficient..
   321     if (!wservsession)
   322         {
   323         aMessage.Complete(KErrNotReady);
   324         return;
   325         }
   327     if( aOp == KAlfCompOpCreateSource )
   328         {
   329         AppendCompositionSessionL(aSession);
   330         aMessage.Complete(reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aSession));
   331         }
   332     else if ( aOp != KAlfCompOpSetZOrder )
   333         {
   334         aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   335         }
   336     }
   338 void CAlfStreamerServer::QueueRequestForSessionL(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, const TPtrC8& aPtr, TInt aOp)
   339     {
   340     aSession->QueueL(aPtr, aOp);
   341     }
   343 void CAlfStreamerServer::QueueRequestAllSessionsL(const TPtrC8& aPtr, TInt aOp, TBool aAlsoWServ)
   344     {
   345     if (aAlsoWServ)
   346         {
   347         for(TInt i = 0; i < iWindowServerSessions.Count(); i++ )
   348             { 
   349             iWindowServerSessions[i]->QueueL(aPtr, aOp);
   350             }    
   351         }
   353     for(TInt i = iCompositionSessions.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
   354         { 
   355         iCompositionSessions[i]->QueueL(aPtr, aOp);
   356         }
   357     }
   359 TInt CAlfStreamerServer::CreatePermissionToken(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aTarget, CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession)
   360     {
   361     TInt length = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
   362     User::LeaveIfError(length);
   363     HBufC8* message = HBufC8::NewLC(length);
   364     TPtr8 clientBuf = message->Des();
   365     aMessage.ReadL(0,clientBuf);
   367     TInt* ptr = (TInt*) clientBuf.Ptr();
   368     TInt newkey = Math::Random();
   370     TRAPD( err, iCompositionTokens.AppendL( CCompositionToken( newkey, ptr[0] /* customer specified key */,
   371                                                                 ptr[1] /*flags*/, aTarget,
   372                                                                 aSession->ScreenNumber() ) ) );
   373     if (err)
   374         {
   375         newkey = 0;
   376         }
   377     RDebug::Print(_L("CAlfStreamerServer::CreatePermissionToken - newkey %d target: %d, err: %d"), newkey, aTarget, err );
   379     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(message);
   380     return newkey; 
   381     }
   383 void CAlfStreamerServer::ValidateToken( CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, const RMessage2& aMessage)
   384     {
   385     TInt length = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
   386     User::LeaveIfError(length);
   387     HBufC8* message = HBufC8::NewLC(length + 12);
   388     TPtr8 clientBuf = message->Des();
   389     aMessage.ReadL(0,clientBuf);
   391     TInt* ptr = (TInt*) clientBuf.Ptr();
   392     TInt tokenkey  = ptr[1];
   393     TInt secret = ptr[2];
   394     // only AlfStreamer server knows the tokens. Thus it will pass the existing target and attribs to the client
   395     TInt i = 0;
   396     while(  i < iCompositionTokens.Count() )
   397         {
   398         if ( tokenkey == iCompositionTokens[i].iKey && secret == iCompositionTokens[i].iSecretKey )
   399             {
   400             break;
   401             }
   402         i++;
   403         };
   405     if ( i < iCompositionTokens.Count())
   406         {
   407         CAlfStreamerServerSession* wservsession = WservSession( iCompositionTokens[i].iScreenNumber );
   408         if( wservsession )
   409             {
   410             aSession->SetScreenNumber( wservsession->ScreenNumber() );
   411 //            CCompositionToken token(iCompositionTokens[i].iKey, iCompositionTokens[i].iSecretKey, iCompositionTokens[i].iFlags, iCompositionTokens[i].iTarget, iCompositionTokens[i].iScreenNumber);
   412             TInt session = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aSession);
   413             clientBuf.Insert(0, TPtrC8((TUint8*)&session ,sizeof(TInt)));
   415             if( iCompositionTokens[i].iCombinedTarget )
   416                 {
   417                 clientBuf.Insert(1 * sizeof(TInt), TPtrC8((TUint8*)&iCompositionTokens[i].iKey ,sizeof(TInt)));
   418                 clientBuf.Insert(2 * sizeof(TInt), TPtrC8((TUint8*)&iCompositionTokens[i].iFlags ,sizeof(TInt)));
   419                 }
   420             else
   421                 {
   422                 clientBuf.Insert(1 * sizeof(TInt), TPtrC8((TUint8*)&iCompositionTokens[i].iTarget ,sizeof(TInt)));
   423                 clientBuf.Insert(2 * sizeof(TInt), TPtrC8((TUint8*)&iCompositionTokens[i].iFlags ,sizeof(TInt)));
   424                 }
   426             AppendCompositionSessionL(aSession, ETrue);
   427             // pass the updated buffer to client    
   428             QueueRequestForSessionL(wservsession, clientBuf, KAlfCompOpBindSourceToToken);
   429             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // unefficient..
   430             aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   431             }
   432         else
   433             {
   434             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // unefficient..
   435             aMessage.Complete(KErrNotFound);
   436             }
   437         }
   438     else
   439         {
   440         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // unefficient..
   441         aMessage.Complete(KErrNotFound); // client will get User::Leave after this.
   442         }
   443     }
   445 void CAlfStreamerServer::HandleCompositionEventL(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession, TInt aOp, const RMessage2& aMessage)
   446     {
   447     if ( aOp == KAlfCompositionWServReady )
   448         {
   449         TInt index = iWindowServerSessions.Find(aSession);    
   450         if (index == KErrNotFound)
   451             {
   452             iWindowServerSessions.AppendL(aSession);
   453             }
   454         aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   455         return;
   456         }
   458     if ( aOp == KAlfCompositionLowOnGraphicsMemory ||  aOp == KAlfCompositionGoodOnGraphicsMemory 
   459 		|| aOp == KAlfCompositionTargetHidden ||aOp == KAlfCompositionTargetVisible)
   460         {
   461         aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   462         QueueRequestAllSessionsL(KNullDesC8(), aOp, ETrue);    
   463         return;
   464         }        
   466     TInt length = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
   467     User::LeaveIfError(length);
   468     HBufC8* message = HBufC8::NewLC(length);
   469     TPtr8 clientBuf = message->Des();
   470     aMessage.ReadL(0,clientBuf);
   472     TInt* ptr = (TInt*) clientBuf.Ptr();
   473     CAlfStreamerServerSession* target =  reinterpret_cast<CAlfStreamerServerSession*>(*ptr);
   475     switch(aOp)
   476         {
   477         case KAlfCompositionFrameReady:
   478             {
   479             QueueRequestAllSessionsL(clientBuf.Right(4), aOp);    
   480             break;
   481             }
   482         case KAlfCompositionTargetCreated:
   483             {
   484             if (!target->MessagePtr().IsNull())
   485                 {
   486                 // create a combined target token
   487                 if(ptr[1] > 0 )
   488                     {
   490                     TRAPD( err, iCompositionTokens.AppendL( 
   491                             CCompositionToken(
   492                             ptr[1], // new token
   493                             ptr[2], // secret key
   494                             0,
   495                             reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aSession),
   496                             aSession->ScreenNumber(),
   497                             ETrue // combined target
   498                            ) ) );
   499                     if (err)
   500                         {
   501                         ptr[1] = 0;
   502                         }
   504                     }
   506                 target->MessagePtr().Complete(ptr[1]);    
   507                 }
   508             break;
   509             }
   510         default:
   511             break;
   512         }
   513     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   514     aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   515     }    
   518 void CAlfStreamerServer::FreeCompositionSessionExtents(CAlfStreamerServerSession* aSession)
   519     {
   520     if( !aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().IsNull())
   521         {
   522         for(TInt i = 0; i < iWindowServerSessions.Count(); i++)
   523             { 
   524             if( aSession->ScreenNumber() != iWindowServerSessions[i]->ScreenNumber() )
   525                 {
   526                 TInt session = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aSession);
   527                 TInt array[] = {session, 0,0,0,0, // TRect()
   528                                 0, // screennumber does not matter
   529                                 aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().iInternal[0],
   530                                 aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().iInternal[1],
   531                                 aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().iInternal[2],
   532                                 aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().iInternal[3] };  
   533                 TPtrC8 ptr((TUint8*)&array ,sizeof(array));
   534                 QueueRequestForSessionL(iWindowServerSessions[i], ptr, KAlfCompOpSetExtent );
   535                 }
   536             }
   537         aSession->ExtentSurfaceId().CreateNullId();
   538         }
   539     }
   541 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   542 // constructor
   543 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   544 //   
   545 CAlfStreamerServerSession::CAlfStreamerServerSession() : iScreenNumber(KErrNotFound)
   546     {
   547     }
   549 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   550 // destructor of CAlfStreamerServerSession
   551 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   552 //   
   553 CAlfStreamerServerSession::~CAlfStreamerServerSession()
   554     {
   555     TInt i = 0;
   556     RImplInfoPtrArray pluginArray;
   557     REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KAlfGfxPluginInterfaceUId, pluginArray );    
   558     for ( i = iLoadedPlugins.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   559         {
   560         TInt j = 0;    
   561         for ( j= 0; j < pluginArray.Count(); j++ )
   562             {
   563             TUid loaded = TUid::Uid(iLoadedPlugins[i]);
   564             TUid listed = pluginArray[j]->ImplementationUid();
   565             TPtrC8 listedopaque = pluginArray[j]->OpaqueData();
   566             if ( loaded == listed && ( (listedopaque.CompareF( KAlfDoNotUnloadPlugin )) != 0 ) )
   567                 {
   568                 ((CAlfStreamerServer*)(Server()))->WindowMgr()->DestroyPlugin(TUid::Uid(iLoadedPlugins[i]));
   569                 }
   570             }
   571         }
   572     // Clear the data in plugin array
   573     for (TInt i = pluginArray.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   574         {
   575         // destroy 
   576         delete pluginArray[i];
   577         pluginArray.Remove( i );
   578         }
   579     pluginArray.Close();
   580     iLoadedPlugins.Close();    
   582     CAlfStreamerServer* server = dynamic_cast<CAlfStreamerServer*>((CAlfStreamerServer*)Server()); // nice const cast     
   583     server->RemoveCompositionSession((CAlfStreamerServerSession*)this); // deja vu   
   584     server->HandleClientExit(this);
   585     }
   588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 // ServiceL
   590 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   591 //   
   592 void CAlfStreamerServerSession::ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   593     {
   594 //    RDebug::Print(_L("CAlfStreamerServerSession::ServiceL %d"), aMessage.Function());
   595    CAlfStreamerServer* server = (CAlfStreamerServer*)( Server() );
   597    TInt op = aMessage.Function();
   599    // handle composition control ops in different function
   600    if (op >= KAlfCompOpCreateSource)
   601        {
   602        HandleCompositionOpL(op, aMessage, server);
   603        return;
   604        }
   606    switch(op)
   607         {
   608         case EAlfBridgerBlindSend:
   609         case EAlfBridgerSendChunk:
   610         case EAlfBridgerRequestDataBlock:
   611         case EAlfBridgerAsyncronousData:
   612         case EDsNotifyNativeWindowData:
   613             {
   614             server->WindowTree()->HandleMessageL( aMessage );
   615             return;
   616             }
   618         case EAlfDecodSLoadPlugin:
   619             {
   620             TInt index = iLoadedPlugins.Find(aMessage.Int0());
   621             TRAPD( err, server->WindowMgr()->LoadPluginL(TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0())) );
   622             // was successfully loaded, add uid to session's array
   623             if ( err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists )
   624                 {
   625                 if ( index == KErrNotFound )
   626                     {
   627                     iLoadedPlugins.AppendL(aMessage.Int0());
   628                     }
   629                 }
   630             else    
   631                 {
   632                 User::Leave( err );
   633                 }
   634             break;
   635             }
   636         case EAlfDecodSUnloadPlugin:
   637             {
   638             TInt index = iLoadedPlugins.Find(aMessage.Int0());
   639             if  (index != KErrNotFound )
   640                 {
   641                 RImplInfoPtrArray pluginArray;
   642                 REComSession::ListImplementationsL( KAlfGfxPluginInterfaceUId, pluginArray );    
   643                 TInt i = 0;    
   644                 for ( i = 0; i < pluginArray.Count(); i++ )
   645                     {
   646                     TUid loaded = TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0());
   647                     TUid listed = pluginArray[i]->ImplementationUid();
   648                     TPtrC8 listedopaque = pluginArray[i]->OpaqueData();
   649                     if ( loaded == listed && (listedopaque.CompareF( KAlfDoNotUnloadPlugin )) != 0 ) 
   650                         {
   651                         iLoadedPlugins.Remove(index);
   652                         server->WindowMgr()->DestroyPlugin(TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0()));
   653                         }
   654                     }
   655                 // Clear the data in plugin array, it is not going to be used any more.    
   656                 for ( i = pluginArray.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   657                     {
   658                     // destroy 
   659                     delete pluginArray[i];
   660                     pluginArray.Remove( i );
   661                     }
   662                 pluginArray.Close();
   663                 }        
   664             break;
   665             }        
   667         case EAlfDecodSSendSynch:
   668         case EAlfDecodSSendAsynch:
   669             {
   670             server->WindowMgr()->HandlePluginMsgL(aMessage); // will complete synch message immediately       
   671             return; // so message won't be completed
   672             }        
   674         case EAlfDecodSCancelAsynch:
   675             {
   676             server->WindowMgr()->CancelPluginMsg(TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0()), aMessage.Int1());       
   677             break;        
   678             }        
   680         case EAlfDecodSPrepareFrame:
   681             {
   682             server->WindowMgr()->PrepareNewFrame(aMessage.Int0());
   683             break;
   684             } 
   685         case EAlfSetScreenRotation:
   686             {
   687             TInt rotation = aMessage.Int0();
   688             aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);    
   689             server->Bridge()->AddData( EAlfBridgeSetScreenRotation,rotation);
   690             break;
   691             } 
   692         case EAlfGetNativeWindowHandles:
   693             {
   694             TPckgC<TAlfNativeWindowData> data(server->Bridge()->iAlfWindowData);
   695             aMessage.WriteL(0, data);
   696             break;    
   697             }
   699         default:
   700             {
   701             aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported);
   702             break;
   703             }        
   704         }
   705     if (!aMessage.IsNull())
   706         {
   707         aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   708         }
   709 //    RDebug::Print(_L("CAlfStreamerServerSession::ServiceL exit"));
   710     }
   712 void CAlfStreamerServerSession::HandleCompositionOpL(TInt aOp, const RMessage2& aMessage, CAlfStreamerServer* aServer)
   713     {
   714     switch (aOp)
   715         {
   716         case KAlfCompOpRequestEvent:
   717             {
   718             iIsListeningCompositionEvents = ETrue;    
   719             if (!CompletedFromQueue(aMessage))
   720                 {
   721                 iMessagePtr = aMessage;
   722                 }
   723             break;   
   724             }
   726     case KAlfCompOpCancelEventRequest:
   727             {
   728             if (!iMessagePtr.IsNull())
   729                 {
   730                 iMessagePtr.Complete(KErrCancel);
   731                 }
   732             aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   733             break;   
   734             }    
   736     case KAlfCompositionWServReady:
   737     case KAlfCompositionFrameReady:
   738     case KAlfCompositionLowOnGraphicsMemory:
   739     case KAlfCompositionGoodOnGraphicsMemory:    
   740     case KAlfCompositionTargetHidden:
   741     case KAlfCompositionTargetVisible:
   742     case KAlfCompositionTargetCreated:
   743         {
   744         aServer->HandleCompositionEventL(this, aOp, aMessage);
   745         break;
   746         }
   748     // temp, should go to window server to have more precise control on 
   749     // operations    
   750     case KAlfCompOpCreateToken:
   751         {
   752         TInt token = aServer->CreatePermissionToken( aMessage, reinterpret_cast<TInt>(this), this );
   753         aMessage.Complete(token);
   754         break;
   755         }
   756     case KAlfCompOpBindSourceToToken:
   757         {
   758         aServer->ValidateToken(this, aMessage);        // called method will complete aMessage 
   759         break;
   760         }
   761     case KAlfCompOpSetZOrder:
   762         iMessagePtr = aMessage; 
   763     case KAlfCompOpCreateSource:
   764     case KAlfCompOpEnableAlpha:
   765     case KAlfCompOpSetOpacity:
   766     case KAlfCompOpSetRotation: 
   767     case KAlfCompOpSetExtent:
   768     case KAlfCompOpEnableKb:
   769     case KAlfComOpSetBackgroundAnim:
   770     case KAlfCompOpSessionClosed:
   771         {
   772         aServer->HandleCompositionRequestL(this, aOp, aMessage);
   773         break;
   774         }
   775     case KAlfCompositionWServScreenNumber:
   776         {
   777         iScreenNumber  = aMessage.Int0();
   778         aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   779         break;
   780         }
   781     case KAlfCompositionSourceScreenNumber:
   782         {
   783         TInt length = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
   784         User::LeaveIfError(length);
   785         HBufC8* message = HBufC8::NewLC(length);
   786         TPtr8 clientBuf = message->Des();
   787         aMessage.ReadL(0,clientBuf);
   789         TInt* ptr = (TInt*) clientBuf.Ptr();
   790         iScreenNumber  = ptr[0];
   792         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(message);
   793         aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   794         break;
   795         }
   796     default:        
   797         // add debug guards or remove
   798         RDebug::Print(_L("Oops, unknown composition command: %d "), aOp);
   799         User::Invariant();
   800         }
   801     }
   803 TBool CAlfStreamerServerSession::CompletedFromQueue(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   804     {
   805     if (iQueue.Count())
   806         {
   807         TRAPD(err, aMessage.WriteL(0,*iQueue[0]/*->Des()*/));
   808         TInt cmd = iCmds[0];
   809         if (!err)
   810             {
   811             delete iQueue[0];
   812             iQueue.Remove(0);
   813             iCmds.Remove(0);
   814             }
   815         else
   816             {
   817             RDebug::Print(_L("CAlfStreamerServerSession::CompletedFromQueue err: %d"),err);
   818             }
   819         if( !iMessagePtr.IsNull())
   820             {
   821             iMessagePtr.Complete(err?err:cmd);
   822             }
   823         else
   824             {
   825             aMessage.Complete(err?err:cmd);
   826             }
   827         return ETrue;
   828         }
   829     return EFalse;
   830     }
   832 void CAlfStreamerServerSession::QueueL(const TPtrC8& aPtr, TInt aCmd)
   833     {
   834     if (!iIsListeningCompositionEvents)    
   835         {
   836         return;
   837         }
   839     if (!iMessagePtr.IsNull())
   840         {
   841         TRAPD(err, iMessagePtr.WriteL(0,aPtr));
   842         iMessagePtr.Complete(err?err:aCmd);
   843         }    
   844     else
   845         {
   846         HBufC8* ptr = aPtr.AllocLC();
   847         TInt err = iCmds.Append(aCmd);
   848         if (!err)
   849             {
   850             iQueue.AppendL(ptr);
   851             }
   852         User::LeaveIfError(err);    
   853         CleanupStack::Pop();    
   854         }        
   855     }
   857 void CAlfStreamerServerSession::SetScreenNumber(TInt aScreennumber)
   858     {
   859     iScreenNumber = aScreennumber;
   860     }
   862 TInt CAlfStreamerServerSession::ScreenNumber() const
   863     {
   864     return iScreenNumber;
   865     }
   867 TSurfaceId& CAlfStreamerServerSession::ExtentSurfaceId()
   868     {
   869     return iExtentSurfaceId;
   870     }
   871 // end of file