changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 3 d8a3531bc6b8
child 13 8f67d927ea57
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Classes for executing OOM actions (e.g. closing applications and running plugins).
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <hal.h>
    20 #include <apgwgnam.h>
    22 #include "goommonitorplugin.h"
    23 #include "goommonitorplugin.hrh"
    24 #include "goomactionlist.h"
    25 #include "goomwindowgrouplist.h"
    26 #include "goompanic.h"
    27 #include "goomtraces.h"
    28 #include "goomconstants.hrh"
    29 #include "goommemorymonitor.h"
    30 #include "goommemorymonitorserver.h"
    31 #include "goomrunplugin.h"
    32 #include "goomcloseapp.h"
    33 #include "goomconfig.h"
    34 #include "goomactionref.h"
    35 #include "goomapplicationconfig.h"
    36 #include "goomcloseappconfig.h"
    37 #include "goomrunpluginconfig.h"
    39 template <class T>
    40 CGOomPluginList<T>::CGOomPluginList()
    41     {
    42     FUNC_LOG;
    43     }
    45 template <class T>
    46 CGOomPluginList<T>::~CGOomPluginList()
    47     {
    48     FUNC_LOG;
    50     TInt count = iPlugins.Count();
    51     for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
    52         {
    53         TPlugin& plugin = iPlugins[ii];
    54         if (plugin.iImpl)    // only if successfully added
    55             REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(plugin.iDtorUid);
    56         }
    57     iPlugins.Close();
    58     }
    60 template <class T>
    61 void CGOomPluginList<T>::ConstructL(TInt aInterfaceUid)
    62     {
    63     FUNC_LOG;
    65     RImplInfoPtrArray implArray;
    66     CleanupClosePushL(implArray);
    67     REComSession::ListImplementationsL(TUid::Uid(aInterfaceUid), implArray);
    69     TInt count = implArray.Count();
    70     iPlugins.ReserveL(count);
    72     for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
    73         {
    74         iPlugins.AppendL(TPlugin());
    75         TPlugin& plugin = iPlugins[ii];
    76         TUid uid(implArray[ii]->ImplementationUid());
    77         plugin.iImpl = static_cast<T*>(REComSession::CreateImplementationL(uid, plugin.iDtorUid, NULL));
    78         plugin.iUid = uid.iUid;
    79         }
    81     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&implArray);
    82     }
    84 template <class T>
    85 CGOomPluginList<T>::TPlugin::TPlugin()
    86 : iImpl(0)
    87     {
    88     FUNC_LOG;
    89    }
    91 template <class T>
    92 CGOomPluginList<T>* CGOomPluginList<T>::NewL(TInt aInterfaceUid)
    93     {
    94     FUNC_LOG;
    96     CGOomPluginList* self = new (ELeave) CGOomPluginList();
    97     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    98     self->ConstructL(aInterfaceUid);
    99     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   100     return self;
   101     }
   103 CGOomActionList* CGOomActionList::NewL(CMemoryMonitor& aMonitor, CMemoryMonitorServer& aServer, RWsSession& aWs, CGOomConfig& aConfig)
   104     {
   105     FUNC_LOG;
   107     CGOomActionList* self = new (ELeave) CGOomActionList(aMonitor, aServer, aWs);
   108     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   109     self->ConstructL(aConfig);
   110     CleanupStack::Pop();
   111     return self;
   112     }
   114 CGOomActionList::~CGOomActionList()
   115     {
   116     FUNC_LOG;
   118     iCloseAppActions.ResetAndDestroy();
   119     iCloseAppActions.Close();
   120     iRunPluginActions.ResetAndDestroy();
   121     iRunPluginActions.Close();
   123     iActionRefs.Close();
   125     delete iPluginList;
   127     }
   129 // Creates a list of actions based on the contents of the config and the current window group list
   130 // Any old actions will be replaced.
   131 // This function may leave, however enough memory should be reserved for this process so that at least
   132 // some actions have been created for freeing memory, these can then be run by calling FreeMemory.
   133 // Note that this function will only leave in extreme circumstances, in normal usage we should have
   134 // enough reserved memory to build the complete action list.
   135 void CGOomActionList::BuildPluginActionListL(CGOomWindowGroupList& aWindowGroupList, CGOomConfig& aConfig)
   136     {
   137     FUNC_LOG;
   139     if (iFreeingMemory)
   140         {
   141         TRACES("OOMWATCHER:CGOomActionList::BuildActionListL Memory is currently being freed, do not build action list");
   142         TRACES2("OOMWATCHER:CGOomActionList::BuildActionListL iCurrentActionIndex = %d out of %d actions in progress", iCurrentActionIndex, iActionRefs.Count());
   143         return;
   144         }
   146     iActionRefs.Reset();
   147     iCurrentActionIndex = 0;
   149     TInt actionsIndex = 0;
   151     iAppsProtectedByPlugins.Reset();
   153     iRunningKillAppActions = EFalse;
   155     //
   156     // There is only one kind of plugin, the graphics plugin which is based on the oom plugin
   157 	// references to v2 plugin types removed as these are not yet used by GOOM
   158     // we rely on the pluginlist not having changed since construction
   160     // Go through each plugin in the plugin list, create a run-plugin action for each one
   161     TInt pluginIndex = iPluginList->Count();
   162     while (pluginIndex--)
   163         {
   164         // Get the config for this plugin
   165         CGOomRunPluginConfig& pluginConfig = aConfig.GetPluginConfig(iPluginList->Uid(pluginIndex));
   166         TInt priority = pluginConfig.CalculatePluginPriority(aWindowGroupList);
   168         TGOomSyncMode syncMode = pluginConfig.iSyncMode;
   169         TInt ramEstimate = pluginConfig.iRamEstimate;
   171         TActionRef::TActionType actionType;
   173         if (pluginConfig.PluginType() == EGOomAppPlugin)
   174             {
   175             actionType = TActionRef::EAppPlugin;
   176             }
   177         else
   178             actionType = TActionRef::ESystemPlugin;
   180         TActionRef ref = TActionRef(actionType, priority, syncMode, ramEstimate, *(iRunPluginActions[actionsIndex]), aWindowGroupList.GetIndexFromAppId(pluginConfig.TargetApp()));
   181         iAppsProtectedByPlugins.Append(pluginConfig.TargetApp());
   182         TRACES1("Creating Plugin Action Item TargetAppId %x", pluginConfig.TargetApp());
   183         //It is valid to have plugins with equal priority
   184         User::LeaveIfError(iActionRefs.InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(ref, ComparePriorities));
   186         actionsIndex++;
   187         }
   189     TRACES1("BuildActionListL: Action list built with %d Plugin items",iActionRefs.Count());
   190     }
   192 void CGOomActionList::BuildKillAppActionListL(CGOomWindowGroupList& aWindowGroupList, CGOomConfig& aConfig)
   193     {
   194     FUNC_LOG;
   196     iActionRefs.Reset();
   197     iCurrentActionIndex = 0;
   199     aWindowGroupList.RefreshL();
   201     iRunningKillAppActions = ETrue;
   203     if (aWindowGroupList.Count())
   204             {
   205             // Go through each item in the wglist, create an app close action for this application
   206             TInt wgIndex = aWindowGroupList.Count() - 1;
   208             TRACES1("BuildActionListL: Windowgroup list count %d ",aWindowGroupList.Count());
   210             // Fix for when fast swap has focus, or pen input server has put itself into the foreground:
   211             // the wg at index 1 should be considered as the foreground app.
   212             // stopIndex is calculated to take this into account.
   213             TUid foregroundUid = TUid::Uid(iMonitor.ForegroundAppUid());
   215             TRACES1("BuildActionListL: Foreground App %x ", foregroundUid);
   217             while (wgIndex >= 0)
   218                 {
   219                 CGOomCloseAppConfig* appCloseConfig = NULL;
   221                 CApaWindowGroupName* wgName = aWindowGroupList.WgName();
   222                 __ASSERT_DEBUG(wgName, GOomMonitorPanic(KInvalidWgName));
   224                 // Get the app ID for the wglist item
   225                 // This sets the window group name
   226                 TInt32 appId = aWindowGroupList.AppId(wgIndex, ETrue);
   228                 if ( !appId  || foregroundUid.iUid ==appId || wgName->IsSystem() || wgName->Hidden() || (iAppsProtectedByPlugins.Find(appId) != KErrNotFound))
   229                     {
   230                     //If the UID is NULL at this point, we assume the process is not an application
   231                     //and therefore is not a suitable candidate for closure.
   232                     //We also do not close system or hidden apps.
   233                     TRACES3("BuildActionListL: Not adding process to action list; UID = %x, wgIndex = %d, wgid = %d", appId, wgIndex, aWindowGroupList.WgId(wgIndex).iId);
   234                     TRACES3("BuildActionListL: IsSystem = %d, Hidden = %d, Foregroundapp %x", wgName->IsSystem() ? 1 : 0, wgName->Hidden() ? 1 : 0, foregroundUid);
   235                     }
   237                 else if (aWindowGroupList.IsBusy(wgIndex) || wgName->IsBusy())
   238                     // If the application has been flagged as busy then look up the configuration for busy apps in the config file
   239                     {
   240                     // Find the app close config for this app ID
   241                     appCloseConfig = aConfig.GetApplicationConfig(KGOomBusyAppId).GetAppCloseConfig();
   242                     }
   243                 else if (aWindowGroupList.IsDynamicHighPriority(wgIndex))
   244                     // If the application has been flagged as busy then look up the configuration for busy apps in the config file
   245                     {
   246                     // Find the app close config for this app ID
   247                     appCloseConfig = aConfig.GetApplicationConfig(KGOomHighPriorityAppId).GetAppCloseConfig();
   248                     }
   249                 else
   250                     // If the application hasn't been flagged as busy or high priority then look up the priority according to the config
   251                     {
   252                     // Find the app close config for this app ID
   253                     appCloseConfig = aConfig.GetApplicationConfig(appId).GetAppCloseConfig();
   254                     }
   256                 // Create the app close action and add it to the action list
   257                 if (appCloseConfig)
   258                     {
   259                     TUint priority = appCloseConfig->CalculateCloseAppPriority(aWindowGroupList, wgIndex);
   260                     TInt wgId = aWindowGroupList.WgId(wgIndex).iId;
   261                     TGOomSyncMode syncMode = appCloseConfig->iSyncMode;
   262                     TInt ramEstimate = appCloseConfig->iRamEstimate;
   263                     TActionRef ref = TActionRef(TActionRef::EAppClose, priority, syncMode, ramEstimate, wgId, wgIndex);
   265                     //AppClose Actions should always have a unique prioirity determined by the application's z order.
   266                     TInt err = iActionRefs.InsertInOrder(ref, ComparePriorities);
   267                     if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrAlreadyExists))
   268                         {
   269                         User::Leave(err);
   270                         }
   271                     TRACES3("BuildActionListL: Adding app to action list, Uid = %x, wgId = %d, wgIndex = %d", appId, wgId, wgIndex);
   272                     }
   274                 wgIndex--;
   275                 }
   276             }
   278         TRACES1("BuildActionListL: Action list built with %d items",iActionRefs.Count());
   279     }    
   282 // Execute the OOM actions according to their priority
   283 // Run batches of OOM actions according to their sync mode
   284 void CGOomActionList::FreeMemory(TInt aMaxPriority)
   285     {
   286     FUNC_LOG;
   288     if (iFreeingMemory)
   289             {
   290             TRACES("OOMWATCHER:CGOomActionList::FreeMemory Memory is currently being freed, do not start any more actions");
   291             return;
   292             }
   294     iMaxPriority = aMaxPriority;
   296     TBool memoryFreeingActionRun = EFalse;
   298     // Get the configured maximum number of applications that can be closed at one time
   299     const CGOomGlobalConfig& globalConfig = CMemoryMonitor::GlobalConfig();
   300     TInt maxBatchSize = globalConfig.iMaxCloseAppBatch;
   301     TInt numberOfRunningActions = 0;
   303     TInt memoryEstimate = iMonitor.GetFreeMemory(); // The amount of free memory we expect to be free after the currently initiated operations
   305     while (iCurrentActionIndex < iActionRefs.Count())
   306         {
   307         if(iActionRefs[iCurrentActionIndex].Priority() > aMaxPriority)
   308             {
   309             TRACES1("Busy App wgid %d, spared by GOOM", iActionRefs[iCurrentActionIndex].WgId());
   310             iCurrentActionIndex++;
   311             continue;
   312             }
   314         TActionRef ref = iActionRefs[iCurrentActionIndex];
   315         CGOomAction* action = NULL;
   316         if (ref.Type() == TActionRef::EAppClose)
   317             {
   318             action = iCloseAppActions[numberOfRunningActions];
   319             static_cast<CGOomCloseApp*>(action)->Reconfigure(ref);
   321             //Double checking again if this app is now in foreground, if yes then we dont kill
   322             CApaWindowGroupName* wgName = CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(iWs, iWs.GetFocusWindowGroup());
   323             RDebug::Print(wgName->WindowGroupName());
   324             TInt32 fgApp = wgName->AppUid().iUid;
   325             TInt32 appId = iMonitor.GetWindowGroupList()->AppIdfromWgId(ref.WgId(), ETrue);
   326             if(appId == fgApp)
   327                 {
   328                 TRACES1("Foreground App wgid %x, spared by GOOM", appId);
   330                 iCurrentActionIndex++;
   331                 continue;
   332                 }
   333             }
   334         else
   335             {
   336             action = &(ref.RunPlugin());
   337             }
   339         iFreeingMemory = ETrue;
   340         TRACES2("CGOomActionList::FreeMemory: Running action %d which has priority %d", iCurrentActionIndex,ref.Priority());
   341         action->FreeMemory(iCurrentTarget - memoryEstimate);
   342         memoryFreeingActionRun = ETrue;
   344         // Actions with EContinueIgnoreMaxBatchSize don't add to the tally of running actions
   345         if (ref.SyncMode() != EContinueIgnoreMaxBatchSize)
   346             numberOfRunningActions++;
   348         // Update our estimate of how much RAM we think we'll have after this operation
   349         memoryEstimate += ref.RamEstimate();
   351         // Do we estimate that we are freeing enough memory (only applies if the sync mode is "esimtate" for this action)
   352         TBool estimatedEnoughMemoryFreed = EFalse;
   353         if ((ref.SyncMode() == EEstimate)
   354             && (memoryEstimate >= iCurrentTarget))
   355             {
   356             estimatedEnoughMemoryFreed = ETrue;
   357             }
   359         if ((ref.SyncMode() == ECheckRam)
   360                 || (numberOfRunningActions >= maxBatchSize)
   361                 || estimatedEnoughMemoryFreed
   362                 || globalConfig.ForceCheckAtPriority(iActionRefs[iCurrentActionIndex].Priority()))
   363             // If this actions requires a RAM check then wait for it to complete
   364             // Also force a check if we've reached the maximum number of concurrent operations
   365             // Also check if we estimate that we have already freed enough memory (assuming that the sync mode is "estimate"
   366             {
   367             // Return from the loop - we will be called back (in CGOomActionList::StateChanged()) when the running actions complete
   368             TRACES("CGOomActionList::FreeMemory: Exiting run action loop");
   369             return;
   370             }
   371         // ... otherwise continue running actions, don't wait for any existing ones to complete
   372         iCurrentActionIndex++;
   373         }
   376     if (!memoryFreeingActionRun)
   377         {
   378         // No usable memory freeing action has been found, so we give up
   379         TRACES("CGOomActionList::FreeMemory: No usable memory freeing action has been found");
   380         iMonitor.ResetTargets();
   381         TInt freeMemory;
   382         if (FreeMemoryAboveTarget(freeMemory) && !iMonitor.NeedToPostponeMemGood())
   383             {
   384             MemoryGood();
   385             }
   386         iServer.CloseAppsFinished(freeMemory, EFalse);
   387         }
   388     }
   390 // Should be called when the memory situation is good
   391 // It results in notifications of the good memory state to all plugins with an outstanding FreeMemory request
   392 void CGOomActionList::MemoryGood()
   393     {
   394     FUNC_LOG;
   396     TInt actionRefIndex = iActionRefs.Count();
   398     // Go through each of the action references, if it's a plugin action then call MemoryGood on it
   399     // Note that this only results in a call to the plugin if FreeMemory has been called on this plugin since that last call to MemoryGood
   400     while (actionRefIndex--)
   401         {
   402         if ((iActionRefs[actionRefIndex].Type() == TActionRef::EAppPlugin)
   403                 || (iActionRefs[actionRefIndex].Type() == TActionRef::ESystemPlugin))
   404             {
   405             iActionRefs[actionRefIndex].RunPlugin().MemoryGood();
   406             }
   407         }
   408     }
   410 TBool CGOomActionList::FreeMemoryAboveTarget(TInt& aFreeMemory)
   411     {
   412     FUNC_LOG;
   414     aFreeMemory = iMonitor.GetFreeMemory();
   416     TRACES1("CGOomActionList::FreeMemoryAboveTarget: Free RAM now %d",aFreeMemory);
   418     return (aFreeMemory >= iCurrentTarget);
   419     }
   421 TInt CGOomActionList::ComparePriorities(const TActionRef& aPos1, const TActionRef& aPos2 )
   422     {
   423     FUNC_LOG;
   425     if (aPos1.Priority()< aPos2.Priority())
   426         {
   427         return -1;
   428         }
   429     if (aPos1.Priority() > aPos2.Priority())
   430         {
   431         return 1;
   432         }
   434     // If priorities are equal then we use hardcoded rules to determine which one is run...
   436     // All other actions are run in preference to application closures
   437 	if ((aPos1.Type() != TActionRef::EAppClose)
   438 			&& ((aPos2.Type() == TActionRef::EAppClose)))
   439 		{
   440 		return -1;
   441 		}
   442 	if ((aPos1.Type() == TActionRef::EAppClose)
   443 			&& ((aPos2.Type() != TActionRef::EAppClose)))
   444 		{
   445 		return 1;
   446 		}
   447 	// If both actions are application closures then the Z order is used to determine which one to run (furthest back application will be closed first)
   448 	if ((aPos1.Type() == TActionRef::EAppClose)
   449 			&& ((aPos2.Type() == TActionRef::EAppClose)))
   450 		{
   451 		if (aPos1.WgIndex() < aPos2.WgIndex())
   452 			{
   453 			return 1;
   454 			}
   455 		else
   456 			{
   457 			return -1;
   458 			}
   459 		//Two Apps should not have equal window group indexes, we panic below if this is the case.
   460 		}
   462 	// Application plugins will be run in preference to system plugins
   463 	if ((aPos1.Type() == TActionRef::EAppPlugin)
   464 			&& ((aPos2.Type() == TActionRef::ESystemPlugin)))
   465 		{
   466 		return -1;
   467 		}
   468 	if ((aPos1.Type() == TActionRef::ESystemPlugin)
   469 			&& ((aPos2.Type() == TActionRef::EAppPlugin)))
   470 		{
   471 		return 1;
   472 		}
   474 	// If both actions are application plugins then the Z order of the target app is used to determine which one to run (the one with the furthest back target app will be closed first)
   475 	// If the target app is not running then the plugin is run in preference to target apps where the target app is running
   476 	if ((aPos1.Type() == TActionRef::EAppPlugin)
   477 			&& ((aPos2.Type() == TActionRef::EAppPlugin)))
   478 		{
   479 		// When the target app is not running then the plugin will be run ahead of plugins where the target app is running
   480 		if ((aPos1.WgIndex() == KAppNotInWindowGroupList) && (aPos2.WgIndex() != KAppNotInWindowGroupList))
   481 			{
   482 			return -1;
   483 			}
   484 		if ((aPos1.WgIndex() != KAppNotInWindowGroupList) && (aPos2.WgIndex() == KAppNotInWindowGroupList))
   485 			{
   486 			return 1;
   487 			}
   488 		// If the target apps for both plugins are running then compare the Z order
   489 		if ((aPos1.WgIndex() != KAppNotInWindowGroupList) && (aPos2.WgIndex() != KAppNotInWindowGroupList))
   490 			{
   491 			if (aPos1.WgIndex() < aPos2.WgIndex())
   492 				{
   493 				return 1;
   494 				}
   495 			else
   496 				{
   497 				return -1;
   498 				}
   499 			}
   500 		// If the target app for neither plugin is running then they are of equal priority
   501 		}
   502     //App Close Actions must have a unique priority.
   503     __ASSERT_DEBUG((aPos1.Type() != TActionRef::EAppClose) && (aPos2.Type() != TActionRef::EAppClose), GOomMonitorPanic(KAppCloseActionEqualPriorities));
   504     return 0;
   505     }
   507 void CGOomActionList::AppNotExiting(TInt aWgId)
   508     {
   509     FUNC_LOG;
   511     TInt index = iCloseAppActions.Count();
   512     while (index--)
   513         {
   514         CGOomCloseApp* action = iCloseAppActions[index];
   515         if ( (action->WgId() == aWgId) && (action->IsRunning()) )
   516             {
   517             TRACES1("CGOomCloseApp::AppNotExiting: App with window group id %d has not responded to the close event", aWgId);
   518             action->CloseAppEvent();
   519             }
   520         }
   521     }
   523 // From MGOomActionObserver
   524 // An action has changed state (possibly it has completed freeing memory)
   525 void CGOomActionList::StateChanged()
   526     {
   527     FUNC_LOG;
   529     TBool allActionsComplete = ETrue;
   531     // Note that the actions themselves are responsible for timing out if necessary.
   532     TInt index = iCloseAppActions.Count();
   533     while ((index--) && (allActionsComplete))
   534         {
   535         if (iCloseAppActions[index]->IsRunning())
   536             {
   537             TRACES1("CGOomActionList::StateChanged. CloseAppAction %d STILL RUNNING. PROBLEM !!! YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE THIS", index);
   538             allActionsComplete = EFalse;
   539             }
   540         }
   542     index = iRunPluginActions.Count();
   543     while ((index--) && (allActionsComplete))
   544         {
   545         if (iRunPluginActions[index]->IsRunning())
   546             {
   547             TRACES1("CGOomActionList::StateChanged. PluginAction %d STILL RUNNING. PROBLEM !!! YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE THIS", index);
   548             allActionsComplete = EFalse;
   549             }
   550         }
   552     TRACES1("CGOomActionList::StateChanged. Current Target = %d", iCurrentTarget);
   554     if (allActionsComplete)
   555         {
   556         iFreeingMemory = EFalse;
   557         // If all of the actions are complete then check memory and run more if necessary
   558         TInt freeMemory;
   559         TBool freeMemoryAboveTarget = FreeMemoryAboveTarget(freeMemory);
   560         TRACES1("CGOomActionList::StateChanged. Free Memory = %d", freeMemory);
   561         if (!freeMemoryAboveTarget)
   562             // If we are still below the good-memory-threshold then continue running actions
   563             {            
   564             TRACES2("CGOomActionList::StateChanged: Finished Action %d out of %d",iCurrentActionIndex, iActionRefs.Count());
   566             iCurrentActionIndex++;
   568             if (iCurrentActionIndex >= iActionRefs.Count())
   569                 {
   570                 if(iRunningKillAppActions)
   571                     {
   572                     iRunningKillAppActions = EFalse;
   573                     // There are no more actions to try, so we give up
   574                     TRACES1("CGOomActionList::StateChanged: All current actions complete, below good threshold with no more actions available. freeMemory=%d", freeMemory);
   575                     iMonitor.ResetTargets();
   576                     /* Do not call memory good immidiately after freeing memory for some app
   577                     if (freeMemory >= iCurrentTarget && !iMonitor.NeedToPostponeMemGood())
   578                     {                    
   579                     MemoryGood();
   580                     }
   581                      */
   582                     iServer.CloseAppsFinished(freeMemory, EFalse);
   583                     }
   584                 else
   585                     {
   586                     TRACES1("CGOomActionList::StateChanged: All current Plugin actions complete, below good threshold, Time to kill bad guys. freeMemory=%d", freeMemory);
   587                     iRunningKillAppActions = ETrue;
   588                     iMonitor.RunCloseAppActions(iMaxPriority);
   589                     }
   590                 }
   591             else
   592                 {
   593                 // There are still more actions to try, so we continue
   594                 TRACES1("CGOomActionList::StateChanged: All current actions complete, running more actions. freeMemory=%d", freeMemory);
   595                 FreeMemory(iMaxPriority);
   596                 }
   597             }
   598         else
   599             {
   600             TRACES1("CGOomActionList::StateChanged: All current actions complete, memory good. freeMemory=%d", freeMemory);
   601             /* Do not call memory good immidiately after freeing memory for some app
   602 			if(freeMemory > iMonitor.GetGoodThreshold() && !iMonitor.NeedToPostponeMemGood())
   603                 {
   604                 MemoryGood();
   605                 }
   606             */
   607             iRunningKillAppActions = EFalse;
   608             iMonitor.ResetTargets();
   609             iServer.CloseAppsFinished(freeMemory, ETrue);
   610             }
   611         }
   613     // If some actions are not yet in the idle state then we must continue to wait for them (they will notify us of a state change via a callback)
   614     }
   616 CGOomActionList::CGOomActionList(CMemoryMonitor& aMonitor, CMemoryMonitorServer& aServer, RWsSession& aWs)
   617     : iWs(aWs), iMonitor(aMonitor), iServer(aServer)
   618     {
   619     FUNC_LOG;
   620     }
   622 void CGOomActionList::ConstructL(CGOomConfig& aConfig)
   623     {
   624     FUNC_LOG;
   626     iCurrentActionIndex = 0;
   627     iFreeingMemory = EFalse;
   629     // Get the list of plugins available to the system
   631     iPluginList = CGOomPluginList<CGOomMonitorPlugin>::NewL(KGOomPluginInterfaceUidValue);
   632     // Go through each plugin in the plugin list, create a run-plugin action for each one
   633     TInt pluginIndex = iPluginList->Count();
   634     while (pluginIndex--)
   635         {
   636         // Get the config for this plugin
   637         CGOomRunPluginConfig& pluginConfig = aConfig.GetPluginConfig(iPluginList->Uid(pluginIndex));
   639         // Create an action acording to the config
   640         CGOomRunPlugin* action = CGOomRunPlugin::NewL(iPluginList->Uid(pluginIndex), pluginConfig, *this, iPluginList->Implementation(pluginIndex));
   642         iRunPluginActions.AppendL(action);
   643         }
   645 	//references to v2 plugin types removed as these are not yet used by GOOM
   647     //allocate empty CGOomCloseApp objects
   648     TInt appCloseIndex = aConfig.GlobalConfig().iMaxCloseAppBatch;
   649     while (appCloseIndex--)
   650         {
   651         CGOomCloseApp* action = CGOomCloseApp::NewL(*this, iWs);
   652         iCloseAppActions.AppendL(action);
   653         }
   654     }
   656 void CGOomActionList::SetPriority(TInt aWgIndex, TInt aPriority)
   657     {
   658     FUNC_LOG;
   660     TInt idx = iActionRefs.Count()-1;
   661     while(idx >= 0)
   662         {
   663         if(iActionRefs[idx].WgIndex() == aWgIndex)
   664             {
   665             break;
   666             }
   667         idx--;
   668         }
   670     if(idx >= 0)
   671         {
   672         TRACES2("CGOomActionList::SetPriority Setting app wgindex %d, index %d as busy", aWgIndex, idx);
   673         iActionRefs[idx].SetPriority(aPriority);
   674         if (!iFreeingMemory)
   675             {
   676             iActionRefs.Sort(ComparePriorities);
   677             }
   678         }
   679     else
   680         {
   681         TRACES1("CGOomActionList::SetPriority wgindex %d not in the hitlist", aWgIndex);
   682         }
   683     }