changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Contains a class that is responsible for sending policy updates 
    15 *                to connected clients
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <s32mem.h>
    24 //======== USER INCLUDES ========
    25 #include "alfpolicyrequesthandler.h"
    26 #include "alfpolicyhandler.h"
    27 //#include "tfxserverdef.h"
    28 #include <alflogger.h>
    31 // ======== HELPER CLASS FUNCTIONS ========
    33 CPolicyEventReq::CPolicyEventReq()
    34     {
    35     }
    37 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 // Destructor for CPolicyEventReq
    39 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40 //
    41 CPolicyEventReq::~CPolicyEventReq()
    42 	{
    43 	iOriginalControlPolicies.ResetAndDestroy();
    44 	iAddedPolicies.ResetAndDestroy();
    45 	iRemovedPolicies.ResetAndDestroy();
    47 	if(!iMessage.IsNull() && iMessage.Handle() != 0)	// We should release a a stored message. 
    48 		{
    49         __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CPolicyEventReq:: Message complete, Disconnected");
    50 		iMessage.Complete( KErrDisconnected );
    51 		}
    52 	}
    54 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 //
    57 TUint CPolicyEventReq::TotalPolicyCount() const
    58     {
    59     TUint count = 0;
    60     for ( TInt i = iOriginalControlPolicies.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
    61         {
    62         count += iOriginalControlPolicies[i]->iControlPolicies.Count();
    63         }
    64     count += iAddedPolicies.Count();
    65     count += iRemovedPolicies.Count();
    66     return count;
    67     }
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 // Constructor for CClientControlPolicy
    71 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 //
    73 CClientControlPolicy::CClientControlPolicy()
    74 	{
    75 	}
    78 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 // Destructor for CClientControlPolicy
    80 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 //
    82 CClientControlPolicy::~CClientControlPolicy()
    83 	{
    85 	for( TInt i =  iControlPolicies.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    86 		{
    87 		iControlPolicies.Remove(i);
    88 		}
    90 	iControlPolicies.Close();
    91 	iResourceDir.Close();
    92 	iFilename.Close();
    93 	}
    96 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 // Constructor. 
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 CPolicyClientRequestHandler::CPolicyClientRequestHandler(CPolicyHandler* aParent) :
   103 		 iParent(aParent)
   104 	{
   105 	}
   107 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 // Destructor
   109 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 //
   111 CPolicyClientRequestHandler::~CPolicyClientRequestHandler()
   112 	{
   113     RemoveDeadClients();
   114 	iControlPolicyClients.ResetAndDestroy();
   115 	}
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 // Iterates over all connected clients and appends a policy to each if necessary.
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   121 //
   122 void CPolicyClientRequestHandler::RegisterControlAction(const TUid aUid, TUint aAction)
   123 	{
   124 	CPolicyEventReq* pPolReq = NULL;
   126 	// Look for existing clients. If none found, all is OK.
   127 	TInt contrCount = iControlPolicyClients.Count();
   128 	// We have some connected clients. Update the new policies for all of these.
   129 	for(TInt i = 0; i < contrCount; i++)
   130 		{
   131 		pPolReq = iControlPolicyClients[i];
   132 		// Checking if we already have stored the policy. Since we only have a copy of the pointer
   133 		// to the original object we need not update it. It has already been done in the policyhandler.
   134 		if(KErrNone == CheckStoredControlPolicy(pPolReq->iOriginalControlPolicies, aUid, aAction))
   135 			{
   136 			return;
   137 			}
   138 		// If it's not in the original list, see if we have it somewhere else. If so, complete
   139 		// the stored away message if possible.
   140 		if(KErrNone == AddControlPolicyAction(pPolReq->iAddedPolicies, pPolReq->iRemovedPolicies, aUid, aAction))
   141 			{
   142 			if(!pPolReq->iMessage.IsNull())
   143 				{
   144                 __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CPolicyEventReq:: Message complete, Register control action");
   145 				pPolReq->iMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   146 				pPolReq->iMessage = RMessagePtr2();
   147 				}
   148 			}
   149 		}
   150 	}
   153 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 //
   155 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 //
   157 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::RemoveControlPolicy(const TUid aUid, TUint aAction )
   158 	{
   160 	TInt clientCount = iControlPolicyClients.Count();
   161 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   162 	// Lint will complain because the tPol pointer is not deleted here.
   163 	// The pointer is stored into a pointerarray and deleted when the array is destroyed.
   164 	// This is the reason why this warning/error is disabled.
   165 	/*lint -e429  -e830 */
   167 	for(TInt i = 0; i < clientCount; i++)
   168 		{
   169 		if( KErrNotFound == RemovePolicyUid(iControlPolicyClients[i]->iOriginalControlPolicies, 
   170 											aAction, aUid) 	&& 
   171 			KErrNotFound == RemovePolicyUid(iControlPolicyClients[i]->iAddedPolicies, aAction, aUid))
   172 			{
   173 			TControlPolicy* tPol = new TControlPolicy;
   174 			if(NULL == tPol)
   175 				{
   176 				return KErrNoMemory;
   177 				}
   178 			tPol->iAction = aAction;
   179 			tPol->iId = aUid;
   180 			tPol->iPolicy = ENotSupported;
   182 			err = iControlPolicyClients[i]->iRemovedPolicies.Append(tPol); //Takes ownership
   183 			if( KErrNone != err)
   184 				{
   185 				delete tPol;
   186 				tPol = NULL;
   187 				return err;
   188 				}
   190 			if(!iControlPolicyClients[i]->iMessage.IsNull())
   191 				{
   192                 __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CPolicyEventReq:: Message complete, Remove control policy");
   193 				iControlPolicyClients[i]->iMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   194 				iControlPolicyClients[i]->iMessage = RMessagePtr2();
   195 				}
   196 			}
   197 		} 
   198 	/*lint +e429  +e830 */
   199 	return KErrNone;
   200 	}
   203 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   204 //
   205 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   206 //
   207 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::RequestPolicy( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   208 	{
   209 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   210 	CPolicyEventReq* req = NULL;
   212 	RThread client;
   213 	err = aMessage.Client( client );
   214 	if( err != KErrNone )
   215 		{
   216 		client.Close();
   217 		return err;
   218 		}
   220 	TThreadId currClient = client.Id();
   221 	client.Close();
   223 	TInt clientCount = iControlPolicyClients.Count();
   224 	for( TInt i = 0; i < clientCount; i++ )
   225 		{
   226 		req = iControlPolicyClients[i];
   227 		if(req->iClientId == currClient)
   228 			{
   229 			if(	req->iAddedPolicies.Count() == 0 && req->iOriginalControlPolicies.Count() == 0
   230 				&& req->iRemovedPolicies.Count() == 0)
   231 				{
   232 				// Check if it's OK to add this request to the list.
   233 				// This is done by just storing the message. 
   234 				if( req->iMessage.IsNull() )
   235 					{
   236 					req->iMessage = aMessage;
   237 					return KErrNone;
   238 					}
   239 				// If message is not null, something is wrong.
   240 				return KErrGeneral;
   241 				}
   242 			// If we have a stored message, complete it. Should not happen!
   243 			if( !req->iMessage.IsNull() )
   244 				{
   245                 __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CPolicyEventReq:: Message complete, stored message, should not happen");
   246 				req->iMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
   247 	    		// NULLify the message pointer after it has been completed.
   248 	    		// If not done, we can't check if the message is valid or not.
   249 				req->iMessage = RMessagePtr2();
   250 				return KErrNone;
   251 				}
   252             // Otherwise complete this message.
   253             __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CPolicyEventReq:: Message complete, return policy count");
   254             aMessage.Complete( req->TotalPolicyCount() );
   255 			return KErrNone;
   256 			}
   257 		}
   258 	// Client not found. Insert it!
   259 	err = InsertClient( aMessage );
   260 	if( err != KErrNotFound )	
   261 		{
   262 		// If failed to insert the client, complete the message so it may try again.
   263 		// Also, if there are control policies, we report the number of them
   264 		// If error is KErrNotFound, we have stored the message, and it will be completed
   265 		// later (as soon as there are policies)
   266         __ALFFXLOGSTRING1("CPolicyEventReq:: insert client returned %d", err);
   267 		aMessage.Complete( err );
   268 		}
   269 	return KErrNone;
   270 	}
   272 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 //
   274 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 //
   276 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::GetPolicyL( TThreadId aClientId, TInt aPolicyCount, TPtr8& aOutBuf )
   277     {
   278     CPolicyEventReq* 		req 	= NULL;
   279     TControlPolicy* 		tAddPol	= NULL;
   280     CActionPolicy*			tPol 	= NULL;
   281     CClientControlPolicy*	tOUid 	= NULL;	
   282     TControlPolicy* 		tRemPol = NULL;
   284     TThreadId id = aClientId;
   285     TInt count = 0;
   286     RDesWriteStream outstream( aOutBuf );
   287     CleanupClosePushL( outstream );
   289     for( TInt i = iControlPolicyClients.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
   290         {
   291         req = iControlPolicyClients[i];
   293         if ( req->iClientId == id )
   294             {
   295             int added = 0;
   297             count = req->TotalPolicyCount();
   298             if ( count > aPolicyCount )
   299                 {
   300                 count = aPolicyCount;
   301                 }
   302             outstream.WriteUint32L( count );
   304             TInt addedPolicyCount       = req->iAddedPolicies.Count();
   305             TInt origPolicyCount        = req->iOriginalControlPolicies.Count();
   306             TInt removedPoliciesCount   = req->iRemovedPolicies.Count();
   308             for ( TInt q = origPolicyCount - 1; q >= 0 && added < count; --q )
   309                 {
   310                 tOUid = req->iOriginalControlPolicies[q];
   311                 TInt origPolicyInfoCount = tOUid->iControlPolicies.Count();
   312                 for ( TInt qi = origPolicyInfoCount - 1; qi >= 0 && added < count; --qi )
   313                     {
   314                     tPol = tOUid->iControlPolicies[qi];
   315                     outstream.WriteInt32L( tOUid->iUid.iUid );
   316                     outstream.WriteInt32L( tPol->iAction );
   317                     outstream.WriteUint8L( tPol->iPolicy );
   318                     added++;
   320                     // Here we only remove the policy from the local list of original policies.
   321                     // we don't delete it since it's a copy of the pointer to the
   322                     // original object and we don't want to remove it permanently!
   323                     tOUid->iControlPolicies.Remove( qi );
   324                     }
   325                 if ( tOUid->iControlPolicies.Count() == 0 )
   326                     {
   327                     // It's OK to delete tOUid. It doesn't destroy anything except itself!
   328                     req->iOriginalControlPolicies.Remove(q);
   329                     delete tOUid;
   330                     }
   331                 }
   333             for ( TInt z = addedPolicyCount - 1; z >= 0 && added < count; --z )
   334                 {
   335                 tAddPol = req->iAddedPolicies[z];
   336                 outstream.WriteInt32L( tAddPol->iId.iUid );
   337                 outstream.WriteInt32L( tAddPol->iAction );
   338                 outstream.WriteUint8L( tAddPol->iPolicy );
   339                   added++;
   341                 // Here we delete the actual object. This is possible since
   342                 // it has been created specifically for this client.
   343                 delete tAddPol;
   344                 req->iAddedPolicies.Remove( z );
   345                 }
   346             for(TInt s = removedPoliciesCount - 1; s >= 0 && added < count; s--)
   347                 {
   348                 tRemPol = req->iRemovedPolicies[s];
   349                 outstream.WriteInt32L( tRemPol->iId.iUid );
   350                 outstream.WriteInt32L( tRemPol->iAction );
   351                 outstream.WriteUint8L( tRemPol->iPolicy );
   352                    added++;
   353                 // Here we delete the actual object. This is possible since
   354                 // it has been created specifically for this client.
   355                 delete tRemPol;
   356                 req->iRemovedPolicies.Remove(s);
   357                 }
   358             outstream.CommitL();
   359             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // outstream
   361             return KErrNone;
   362             }
   363         }
   365     outstream.WriteUint32L( 0 );
   366     outstream.CommitL();
   367     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // outstream
   368     return KErrNotFound;
   369     }
   371 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 //
   373 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   374 //
   375 void CPolicyClientRequestHandler::RemoveClient( TThreadId aClientId )
   376 	{
   377 	for( TInt i = iControlPolicyClients.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
   378 		{
   379 		if( iControlPolicyClients[i]->iClientId == aClientId )
   380 			{
   381 			if(!iControlPolicyClients[i]->iMessage.IsNull())
   382 			    {
   383                 __ALFFXLOGSTRING("CPolicyEventReq:: Message complete, remove client");
   384     			iControlPolicyClients[i]->iMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
   385                 iControlPolicyClients[i]->iMessage = RMessage2(); //Null message so destructor wont try to complete.
   386 			    }
   387    			delete iControlPolicyClients[i];
   388 			iControlPolicyClients.Remove(i);
   389 			}
   390 		}
   391 	}
   393 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   394 // Removes all requests belonging to a terminated client.
   395 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 //
   397 void CPolicyClientRequestHandler::RemoveDeadClients()
   398 	{
   399 	// Lint seems to have some trouble identifying the TThreadId class.
   400 	// Due to this, Lint will report several errors here that are incorrect.
   401 	// These errors are disabled.
   402 	/*lint -e10 -e1013 -e1055 -e746 -e747 */
   403 	RThread client;
   404 	for( TInt i = iControlPolicyClients.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
   405 		{
   406 		TInt err = client.Open(iControlPolicyClients[i]->iClientId.Id());
   407 		if(err == KErrNone)
   408 			{
   409 			if(client.ExitType() != EExitPending)
   410 				{
   411 				//Client is dead, remove from list.
   412 				iControlPolicyClients[i]->iMessage = RMessage2(); //Null message so destructor wont try to complete.
   413 				delete iControlPolicyClients[i];
   414 				iControlPolicyClients.Remove(i);
   415 				}
   416 		    client.Close();
   417 			}
   418 		else
   419 			{
   420 			//Could not open client, client handle was invalid.
   421 			//So clean it up from list too.
   422 			iControlPolicyClients[i]->iMessage = RMessage2(); //Null message so destructor wont try to complete.
   423 			delete iControlPolicyClients[i];
   424 			iControlPolicyClients.Remove(i);
   425 			}
   426 		}
   427 	/*lint +e10 +e1013 +e1055 +e746 +e747 */
   428 	}
   430 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   432 //
   433 void CPolicyClientRequestHandler::DumpClientsL(RFileWriteStream& aFile)
   434 	{
   435 	// Lint seems to have some trouble identifying the TThreadId class.
   436 	// Due to this, Lint will report several errors here that are incorrect.
   437 	// These errors are disabled.
   438 	/*lint -e10 -e1013 -e1055 -e746 -e747 */
   439 	for(TInt i = iControlPolicyClients.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
   440 		{
   441 		TPckgC<TThreadId> clientid(iControlPolicyClients[i]->iClientId.Id());
   442 		aFile.WriteL(clientid);
   443 		}
   444 	/*lint +e10 +e1013 +e1055 +e746 +e747 */
   445 	}
   448 // =================== PRIVATE METHODS ==============
   450 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   451 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   452 //
   453 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::InsertClient(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   454 	{
   456 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   458 	CPolicyEventReq* req = new CPolicyEventReq();
   459 	if (!req)
   460 		{
   461 		return KErrNoMemory;
   462 		}
   464 	// Getting the client ID and storing it.	
   465 	RThread client;
   466 	err = aMessage.Client(client);
   467 	if( err != KErrNone )
   468 		{
   469 		delete req;
   470 		return err;
   471 		}
   472 	req->iClientId = client.Id();
   473 	client.Close();
   475     err = iControlPolicyClients.Append(req);
   476     if( err == KErrNone )
   477     	{
   478 		// Requesting all policies from the policy handler.
   479         err = iParent->GetAllControlPolicies( req->iOriginalControlPolicies );
   480 		if( err == KErrNotFound )
   481 			{
   482 			// If no polices found, store message for later.
   483 			req->iMessage = aMessage;
   484 			return err;
   485 			} 
   486         err = req->TotalPolicyCount();
   487     	}
   488     else
   489         {
   490         delete req;
   491         }
   492     return err;
   493 	}
   495 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 //
   497 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 //
   499 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::AddControlPolicyAction(	RPointerArray<TControlPolicy>& aAddedPolicies,
   500 															RPointerArray<TControlPolicy>& aRemovedPolicies,
   501 															const TUid aUid, TUint aAction)
   502 	{
   505 	// Lint will complain because the tPol pointer is not deleted here.
   506 	// The pointer is stored into a pointerarray and deleted when the array is destroyed.
   507 	// This is the reason why this warning/error is disabled.
   508 	/*lint -e429 -e830 */
   510 	TControlPolicy* tPol = NULL;
   511 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   513 	// Checking if we have any newly added policies.
   514 	TInt polUidCount = aAddedPolicies.Count();
   515 	for(TInt i = 0; i < polUidCount; i++)
   516 		{
   517 		tPol = aAddedPolicies[i];
   518 		if(tPol->iId == aUid && tPol->iAction == aAction)
   519 			{
   520 			return KErrNone;
   521 			}
   522 		}
   523 	// Checking if this policy has been set to be removed.
   524 	polUidCount = aRemovedPolicies.Count();
   525 	for(TInt i = 0; i < polUidCount; i++)
   526 		{
   527 		tPol = aRemovedPolicies[i];
   528 		if(tPol->iId == aUid && tPol->iAction == aAction)
   529 			{
   530 			aRemovedPolicies.Remove(i);
   531 			delete tPol;
   532 			tPol = NULL;
   533 			return KErrNone;
   534 			}
   535 		}
   537 	// No policy found. Adding a new one.
   538 	// For some reason Lint doesn't like this if() clause. Perhaps Lint doesn't
   539 	// understand that new can return NULL. Disabling the "if always evaluates to False"
   540 	// error message.
   541 	/*lint -e774 -e831 */
   542 	tPol = NULL;
   543 	tPol = new TControlPolicy;
   544 	if(NULL == tPol)
   545 		{
   546 		return KErrNoMemory;
   547 		}
   548 	/*lint +e774 +e831 */
   550 	tPol->iAction = aAction;
   551 	tPol->iId = aUid;
   552 	tPol->iPolicy = ESupported;
   554 	err = aAddedPolicies.Append(tPol);
   555 	if(KErrNone == err)
   556 		{
   557 		return err;
   558 		}
   560 	// Clenup on failure
   561 	delete tPol;
   562 	tPol = NULL;
   563 	return err;			
   565 	/*lint +e429 +e830 */	
   566 	}
   568 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   569 //
   570 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   571 //
   572 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::CheckStoredControlPolicy(	RPointerArray<CClientControlPolicy>& aPtr, 
   573 															TUid aUid, TUint aAction)
   574 	{
   576 	TInt polUidCount = aPtr.Count();
   577 	for(TInt i = 0; i < polUidCount; i++)
   578 		{
   579 		if(aPtr[i]->iUid == aUid)
   580 			{
   581 			TInt actionCount = aPtr[i]->iControlPolicies.Count();
   582 			for(TInt j = 0; j < actionCount; j++)
   583 				{
   584 				if(aPtr[i]->iControlPolicies[j]->iAction == aAction)
   585 					{
   586 					return KErrNone;
   587 					}
   588 				}
   589 			}
   590 		}
   591 	return KErrNotFound;
   592 	}
   594 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   595 //
   596 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   597 // 
   599 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::RemovePolicyUid(RPointerArray<TControlPolicy>& aAddedPolicies, TUint aAction, const TUid aUid)
   600 	{
   601 	TControlPolicy* tUid = NULL;
   603 	TInt policyCount = aAddedPolicies.Count();
   604 	for(TInt i = 0; i < policyCount; i++)
   605 		{
   606 		tUid = aAddedPolicies[i];
   607 		if(tUid->iId == aUid && tUid->iAction == aAction)
   608 			{
   609 			delete tUid;
   610 			tUid = NULL;
   611 			aAddedPolicies.Remove(i);
   612 			return KErrNone;
   613 			}
   614 		} 
   615 	return KErrNotFound;
   616 	}
   618 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   619 //
   620 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   621 //
   622 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::RemovePolicyUid(RPointerArray<CClientControlPolicy>& aPolUid, TUint aAction, const TUid aUid)
   623 	{
   624 	CClientControlPolicy* tUid = NULL;
   626 	TInt policyCount = aPolUid.Count();
   627 	for(TInt i = 0; i < policyCount; i++)
   628 		{
   629 		tUid = aPolUid[i];
   630 		if(tUid->iUid == aUid)
   631 			{
   632 			TInt err = RemovePolicyInfo(tUid->iControlPolicies, aAction, EFalse);
   633 			if ( err == KErrNone)
   634 				{
   635 				if(tUid->iControlPolicies.Count() == 0)
   636 					{
   637 					delete tUid;
   638 					tUid = NULL;
   639 					aPolUid.Remove(i);
   640 					}
   641 				return err;
   642 				}
   643 			}
   644 		}
   645 	return KErrNotFound;
   646 	}
   648 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   649 //
   650 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   651 //
   652 TInt CPolicyClientRequestHandler::RemovePolicyInfo(RPointerArray<CActionPolicy>& aPolInfo, TUint aAction, TBool aDelete)
   653 	{
   654 	CActionPolicy* tPol = NULL;
   655 	TInt polInfoCount = aPolInfo.Count();
   657 	for(TInt i = 0; i < polInfoCount; i++)
   658 		{
   659 		tPol = aPolInfo[i];
   660 		if(tPol->iAction == aAction)
   661 			{
   662 			if(aDelete)
   663 				{
   664 				delete tPol;
   665 				tPol = NULL;
   666 				}
   667 			aPolInfo.Remove(i);
   668 			return KErrNone;
   669 			}
   670 		}
   671 	return KErrNotFound;
   672 	}
   676 // --- EOF ---