Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Misc. utils
// HuiUtil.h functions are not called from this file because we want alfclient.dll
// to not have unnecessary (any) static dependencies to core toolkit hitchcock.dll
// (a.k.a huitk.dll, uiaccel.dll,...). There is no other reason to duplicate
// this code.
#include "alf/alfutil.h"
#include "alf/alftimedvalue.h"
#include <e32math.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
const TReal32 KLengthUnitDivisor = 320.0;
/// Character used for separating tags in a tag descriptor.
const TInt KTagSeparator = ':';
// Calculates the smallest power-of-two that is equal to or greater than
// a value.
EXPORT_C TInt AlfUtil::Power2(TInt aValue)
return 0;
TInt i;
for(i = 1; i < aValue && i < KMaxTInt/2; i *= 2)
return i;
EXPORT_C TInt AlfUtil::Power2RoundDown(TInt aValue)
if(aValue <= 0)
return 0;
TInt i = 1;
for(; (i * 4 <= aValue) && (i < KMaxTInt/4); i *= 4)
for(; (i * 2 <= aValue) && (i < KMaxTInt/2); i *= 2)
return i;
EXPORT_C TReal32 AlfUtil::Interpolate(TReal32 aPos, TReal32 aMin, TReal32 aMax) __SOFTFP
aPos = Max(0.f, aPos);
aPos = Min(aPos, 1.f);
return (1 - aPos) * aMin + aPos * aMax;
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::WrapValue(TReal32& aValue, TReal32 aLow, TReal32 aHigh) __SOFTFP
TReal32 segments = 0;
TReal32 length = aHigh - aLow;
if(length <= 0)
aValue = aLow;
if(aValue < aLow)
// Wrap from below.
segments = (aLow - aValue) / length;
aValue += (TInt(segments) + 1) * length;
else if(aValue >= aHigh)
// Wrap from above.
segments = (aValue - aHigh) / length;
aValue -= (TInt(segments) + 1) * length;
// for PC lint
EXPORT_C TInt AlfUtil::RandomInt(TInt aMin, TInt aMax)
TUint32 random = Math::Random();
TUint range = aMax - aMin;
if(range > 0)
return aMin + (random % (range + 1));
return aMin;
EXPORT_C TReal32 AlfUtil::RandomReal(TReal32 aMin, TReal32 aMax) __SOFTFP
/** @todo Could use Math::FRand(). */
TReal32 random = RandomInt(0, 10000000) / 10000000.0;
return aMin + (aMax - aMin) * random;
EXPORT_C TUint AlfUtil::FreeMemory(TUint* aTotalMemory)
TInt total = 0;
TInt free = 0;
HAL::Get(HALData::EMemoryRAM, total);
HAL::Get(HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, free);
*aTotalMemory = total;
return free;
EXPORT_C TSize AlfUtil::ScreenSize()
TSize screenSize(320, 240);
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsSize(AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screenSize);
return screenSize;
EXPORT_C CFont* AlfUtil::NearestFontInTwipsL(const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
/// @todo Accessing the screen device during a display resizing event may
/// result in a font that is suitable for the display size that
/// was in use prior to the resize. Probably we should use
/// AknLayoutUtils here.
CFont* font = NULL;
CWsScreenDevice* screenDev = CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice();
User::LeaveIfError( screenDev->GetNearestFontInTwips(font, aFontSpec) );
return font;
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::ReleaseFont(CFont* aFont)
EXPORT_C TReal32 AlfUtil::LengthUnit() __SOFTFP
return Max(ScreenSize().iWidth, ScreenSize().iHeight) / KLengthUnitDivisor;
EXPORT_C TReal32 AlfUtil::QuickLength(TAlfRealPoint& aVector) __SOFTFP
TReal32 dx = Abs(aVector.iX);
TReal32 dy = Abs(aVector.iY);
if(dx < dy)
return dx + dy - dx/2;
return dx + dy - dy/2;
EXPORT_C TReal32 AlfUtil::QuickLength(TReal32 aDx, TReal32 aDy) __SOFTFP
TReal32 dx = Abs(aDx);
TReal32 dy = Abs(aDy);
if(dx < dy)
return dx + dy - dx/2;
return dx + dy - dy/2;
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::QuickNormalize(TAlfRealPoint& aNormal)
TReal32 approxLength = QuickLength(aNormal);
if(approxLength > 0)
aNormal.iX /= approxLength;
aNormal.iY /= approxLength;
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::QuickNormalize(TReal32 aVector[3]) __SOFTFP
TReal32 approxLength = QuickLength(QuickLength(aVector[0], aVector[1]), aVector[2]);
if(approxLength > 0)
aVector[0] /= approxLength;
aVector[1] /= approxLength;
aVector[2] /= approxLength;
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::CrossProduct(const TReal32 aA[3], const TReal32 aB[3],
TReal32 aProduct[3]) __SOFTFP
aProduct[0] = aA[1] * aB[2] - aB[1] * aA[2];
aProduct[1] = aA[2] * aB[0] - aB[2] * aA[0];
aProduct[2] = aA[0] * aB[1] - aB[0] * aA[1];
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::NormalFromPoints(const TReal32 aPoints[3][3], TReal32 aNormal[3]) __SOFTFP
TReal32 vectors[2][3];
TInt i;
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
vectors[0][i] = aPoints[0][i] - aPoints[1][i];
vectors[1][i] = aPoints[0][i] - aPoints[2][i];
CrossProduct(vectors[0], vectors[1], aNormal);
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::ShadowMatrix(const TReal32 aPlanePoint[3],
const TReal32 aPlaneNormal[3],
const TReal32 aLightPos[4],
TReal32 aDestMat[16]) __SOFTFP
TReal32 planeCoeff[4];
TReal32 dot;
// Find the plane equation coefficients
// Find the first three coefficients the same way we find a normal.
//NormalFromPoints(aPoints, planeCoeff);
planeCoeff[0] = aPlaneNormal[0];
planeCoeff[1] = aPlaneNormal[1];
planeCoeff[2] = aPlaneNormal[2];
// Find the last coefficient by back substitutions
planeCoeff[3] = - ((planeCoeff[0] * aPlanePoint[0]) + (planeCoeff[1] * aPlanePoint[1]) +
(planeCoeff[2] * aPlanePoint[2]));
// Dot product of plane and light position
dot = planeCoeff[0] * aLightPos[0] + planeCoeff[1] * aLightPos[1] +
planeCoeff[2] * aLightPos[2] + planeCoeff[3] * aLightPos[3];
// Now do the projection
// First column
aDestMat[0] = dot - aLightPos[0] * planeCoeff[0];
aDestMat[4] = 0.0f - aLightPos[0] * planeCoeff[1];
aDestMat[8] = 0.0f - aLightPos[0] * planeCoeff[2];
aDestMat[12] = 0.0f - aLightPos[0] * planeCoeff[3];
// Second column
aDestMat[1] = 0.0f - aLightPos[1] * planeCoeff[0];
aDestMat[5] = dot - aLightPos[1] * planeCoeff[1];
aDestMat[9] = 0.0f - aLightPos[1] * planeCoeff[2];
aDestMat[13] = 0.0f - aLightPos[1] * planeCoeff[3];
// Third Column
aDestMat[2] = 0.0f - aLightPos[2] * planeCoeff[0];
aDestMat[6] = 0.0f - aLightPos[2] * planeCoeff[1];
aDestMat[10] = dot - aLightPos[2] * planeCoeff[2];
aDestMat[14] = 0.0f - aLightPos[2] * planeCoeff[3];
// Fourth Column
aDestMat[3] = 0.0f - aLightPos[3] * planeCoeff[0];
aDestMat[7] = 0.0f - aLightPos[3] * planeCoeff[1];
aDestMat[11] = 0.0f - aLightPos[3] * planeCoeff[2];
aDestMat[15] = dot - aLightPos[3] * planeCoeff[3];
EXPORT_C TReal32 AlfUtil::ColorLightness(const TRgb& aColor) __SOFTFP
TReal32 red = aColor.Red() / 255.0f;
TReal32 green = aColor.Red() / 255.0f;
TReal32 blue = aColor.Red() / 255.0f;
return (red*2 + green*3 + blue) / 6.f;
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::ScaleFbsBitmapL(const CFbsBitmap & aSrcBitmap,
CFbsBitmap & aScaledBitmap)
CFbsDevice* targetdevice = NULL;
CFbsBitGc* gc = NULL;
// create device for drawing onto the target cropped bitmap area
targetdevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(&aScaledBitmap);
// create graphics context for drawing
// Perform downscale using DrawBitmap
gc->DrawBitmap(TRect(TPoint(0,0), aScaledBitmap.SizeInPixels()),
(const CFbsBitmap *)&aSrcBitmap);
delete gc;
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::CombineMaskFbsBitmapL(const CFbsBitmap & aSrcBitmap,
const CFbsBitmap & aSrcMaskBitmap,
CFbsBitmap & aCombinedBitmap)
ASSERT(aCombinedBitmap.DisplayMode() == EColor16MA);
ASSERT(aSrcMaskBitmap.DisplayMode() == EGray2 || aSrcMaskBitmap.DisplayMode() == EGray256 || aSrcMaskBitmap.DisplayMode() == EGray16 || aSrcMaskBitmap.DisplayMode() == EGray4);
// Resize the target bitmap if needed
if (aSrcBitmap.SizeInPixels() != aCombinedBitmap.SizeInPixels())
// Alternative method to blend manually (SLOW!!):
// Apply the alpha mask.
TBitmapUtil color((CFbsBitmap*)&aSrcBitmap);
TBitmapUtil alpha((CFbsBitmap*)&aSrcMaskBitmap);
TBitmapUtil target((CFbsBitmap*)&aCombinedBitmap);
color.Begin(TPoint(0, 0));
alpha.Begin(TPoint(0, 0));
target.Begin(TPoint(0, 0));
TSize size(aCombinedBitmap.SizeInPixels());
for(TInt y = 0; y < size.iHeight; ++y)
alpha.SetPos(TPoint(0, y));
color.SetPos(TPoint(0, y));
target.SetPos(TPoint(0, y));
for(TInt x = 0; x < size.iWidth; ++x)
target.SetPixel((color.GetPixel() & 0xffffff)
| ((alpha.GetPixel() & 0xff) << 24));
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::CropFbsBitmapL(const CFbsBitmap & aSrcBitmap,
CFbsBitmap & aCroppedBitmap,
TPoint aCropPosition)
CFbsDevice* targetdevice;
CFbsBitGc* gc;
// create device for drawing onto the target cropped bitmap area
targetdevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(&aCroppedBitmap);
// create graphics context for drawing
// Perform cropping bitblit
gc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), &aSrcBitmap,
TRect(aCropPosition, aCroppedBitmap.SizeInPixels()));
delete gc;
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::ScaleImage(TInt aComponents,
const TSize& aSrcSize,
const TUint8* aSrcBuffer,
const TSize& aDestSize,
TUint8* aDestBuffer)
// TODO: if there is actual use for this routine,
// there might be better minification filters than bilinear...
// anyway, now this routine produced acceptable results
// when magnifying also...
ASSERT (aDestBuffer && aSrcBuffer);
ASSERT (aSrcSize.iWidth > 0 && aSrcSize.iHeight > 0);
ASSERT (aDestSize.iWidth > 0 && aDestSize.iHeight > 0);
ASSERT (aComponents > 0 && aComponents < 5);
TUint32 xScale = ((aSrcSize.iWidth-1) << 16) / aDestSize.iWidth;
TUint32 yScale = ((aSrcSize.iHeight-1) << 16) / aDestSize.iHeight;
TUint32 height = aDestSize.iHeight;
TUint8* srcptr = const_cast<TUint8*>(aSrcBuffer);
TUint8* destPtrLimit = aDestBuffer+(aDestSize.iWidth*aComponents);
TUint32 y = yScale&0xffff;
TUint32 fV = y&0xffff;
TUint32 x = xScale&0xffff;
while(aDestBuffer < destPtrLimit)
TUint32 fU = x&0xffff;
for (TInt components = 0; components < aComponents; components++)
TUint32 componenta = srcptr[((x>>16)*aComponents)+components];
TUint32 componentb = srcptr[((x>>16)*aComponents)+aComponents+components];
TUint32 componentc = srcptr[((x>>16)*aComponents)+(aSrcSize.iWidth*aComponents)+components];
TUint32 componentd = srcptr[((x>>16)*aComponents)+(aSrcSize.iWidth*aComponents)+aComponents+components];
TUint32 componentf1 = (componenta+(((fU*((componentb-componenta)))>>16))) & 0xff;
TUint32 componentf2 = (componentc+(((fU*((componentd-componentc)))>>16))) & 0xff;
TUint32 finalcomponent = (componentf1+(((fV*((componentf2-componentf1)))>>16))) & 0xff;
*aDestBuffer++ = (TUint8)finalcomponent;
srcptr = const_cast<TUint8*>(aSrcBuffer)+((y>>16)*(aSrcSize.iWidth*aComponents));
while (--height);
EXPORT_C void AlfUtil::CropImage(TInt aComponents,
const TSize& aSrcBufferSize,
const TUint8* aSrcBuffer,
const TPoint& aCropOffset,
const TSize& aCroppedSize,
TUint8* aDestBuffer)
ASSERT (aDestBuffer && aSrcBuffer);
ASSERT (aSrcBufferSize.iWidth > 0 && aSrcBufferSize.iHeight > 0);
ASSERT (aCroppedSize.iWidth > 0 && aCroppedSize.iHeight > 0);
ASSERT (aCropOffset.iX < aSrcBufferSize.iWidth);
ASSERT (aCropOffset.iY < aSrcBufferSize.iHeight);
ASSERT (aComponents > 0 && aComponents < 5);
TInt targetlinesize = aCroppedSize.iWidth*aComponents;
TInt sourcelinesize = aSrcBufferSize.iWidth*aComponents;
for (TInt y=0; y<aCroppedSize.iHeight; y++)
// copy line at a time..
TAny * source = (TAny*)((const TUint8*)aSrcBuffer
+ ((y+aCropOffset.iY)*sourcelinesize)
+ (aCropOffset.iX * aComponents));
TAny * target = (TAny*)((const TUint8*)aDestBuffer + (y*targetlinesize));
memcpy(target, source, targetlinesize);
EXPORT_C CFbsBitmap* AlfUtil::ConvertBitmapToDisplayModeLC( const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TDisplayMode& aDisplaymode )
// Create target bitmap
CFbsBitmap* targetBitmap = new CFbsBitmap();
CleanupStack::PushL( targetBitmap );
targetBitmap->Create( aBitmap.SizeInPixels(), aDisplaymode );
// Create bitmap device for target rendering
CFbsBitmapDevice* targetDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( targetBitmap );
CleanupStack::PushL( targetDevice );
// Create bitmap graphics context
CFbsBitGc* bitgc = CFbsBitGc::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( bitgc );
bitgc->Activate( targetDevice );
// BitBlt the given bitmap to target device.
bitgc->BitBlt( TPoint( 0, 0 ), &aBitmap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bitgc );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( targetDevice );
return targetBitmap;
EXPORT_C TBool AlfUtil::TagMatches(const TDesC8& aTagsColonSeparated, const TDesC8& aTag)
TPtrC8 region = aTagsColonSeparated;
TPtrC8 tag;
TInt index = 0;
// No tag specified; doesn't match anything.
return EFalse;
while(region.Length() > 0)
// Is there a colon in the region?
index = region.Locate(TChar(KTagSeparator));
if(index != KErrNotFound)
// A separator exists in the region.
region.Set(region.Right(region.Length() - index - 1));
// Matches.
return ETrue;
// No match could be found.
return EFalse;
void AlfUtil::Assert(TBool aCondition)
// Assert that the passed condition is true.
if (aCondition == EFalse)
// You can breakpoint here to trap asserts.
TInt AlfUtil::RoundFloatToInt(TReal32 aVal)
return (aVal < 0 ? (TInt)(aVal - 0.5f) : (TInt)(aVal + 0.5f));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DEPRECATED: Gets the Avkon Skin TAknsItemID based on string version
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TAknsItemID AlfUtil::ThemeItemIdL( CAlfEnv& /*aEnv*/, const TDesC& /*aSkinId*/)
return KAknsIIDNone;