author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:57:49 +0200
changeset 3 d8a3531bc6b8
parent 0 15bf7259bb7c
child 8 10534483575f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201007

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  A wrapper for the window group list, adding additional functionality required by OOM Monitor v2


#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32hashtab.h>
#include <w32std.h>

class CApaWindowGroupName;

 *  This class holds a snapshot of the window group tree. 
 *  The window group tree is collapsed (see CollapseWindowGroupTree) to remove child windows as we are only 
 *  interested in a single window group Id per application.
 *  @lib goommonitor.lib
 *  @since S60 v5.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CGOomWindowGroupList) : public CBase
    static CGOomWindowGroupList* NewL(RWsSession& aWs);
    // Update the list of window groups
    void RefreshL();
    // Update the list of window groups, non-leaving version
    void Refresh();
    // Return the number of application instances in this list
    inline TUint Count() const;
    TUint AppId(TInt aIndex, TBool aResolveFromThread = EFalse) const;
    TUint AppIdfromWgId(TInt aWgId, TBool aResolveFromThread = EFalse) const;
    inline const RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo& WgId(TInt aIndex) const;
    TTimeIntervalSeconds IdleTime(TInt aIndex) const;
    void SetPriorityBusy(TInt aWgId);
    void SetPriorityNormal(TInt aWgId);
    void SetPriorityHigh(TInt aWgId);
    TBool IsBusy(TInt wgIndex);
    // Returns ETrue if an application has registered itself as high priority at runtime
    TBool IsDynamicHighPriority(TInt wgIndex);
    CApaWindowGroupName* WgName() const;
    // Find the specificed application in the window group list and return the index
    TInt GetIndexFromAppId(TUint aAppId) const;
    TInt GetIndexFromWgId(TInt aWgId) const;
    // Find all the windowgroups in the list that matches application id for this window group
    void GetAllWgIdsMatchingAppId(TInt aWgId, RArray<TInt> & WgIdList) const;

    void CollapseWindowGroupTree();
    void RemovePropertiesForClosedWindowsL();

    TInt FindParentIdL(TInt aWgId);

    CGOomWindowGroupList(RWsSession& aWs);
    void ConstructL();
    RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo> iWgIds;
    RArray<RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo> iUncollapsedWgIds;
    enum TGOomPriority
    class TGOomWindowGroupProperties
        TUint32 iIdleTickTime;
        TGOomPriority iDynamicPriority;
    RHashMap<TInt, TGOomWindowGroupProperties> iWgToPropertiesMapping; // A mapping between window group IDs and the properties such as idle time and the high-priority flag
    RHashSet<TInt> iExistingWindowIds; // Used locally in RemoveIdleTimesForClosedWindows(), declared globally because we need to reserve space    
    RWsSession& iWs;    
    CApaWindowGroupName* iWgName;
    HBufC* iWgNameBuf;              // owned by iWgName

#include "goomwindowgrouplist.inl"