changeset 0 05e9090e2422
child 1 ba33815114d6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:05e9090e2422
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Wallpaper setting utility class.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // INCLUDES
    20 #include <AknsWallpaperUtils.h>
    21 #include <AknsSrvClient.h>
    22 #include <AknSkinsInternalCRKeys.h>
    23 #include <centralrepository.h>
    24 #include <DRMHelper.h>
    25 #include <DRMRights.h>
    26 #include <caf/manager.h>
    27 #include <coemain.h>
    28 #include <StringLoader.h>
    29 #include <AknWaitDialog.h>
    30 #include <AknWaitNoteWrapper.h>
    31 #include <babitflags.h>
    33 // CONSTANTS
    34 #if defined(RD_SLIDESHOW_WALLPAPER)
    35 // No wallpaper defined.
    36 const TInt KAknsWpNone = 0;
    37 // Image type wallpaper defined.
    38 const TInt KAknsWpImage = 1;
    42 _LIT( KAknsSkinSrvSvgFileExt, ".svg" );
    45 // Background process class.
    46 class CAknsWPUTask : public CBase, public MAknBackgroundProcess
    47     {
    48     public: // Construction
    49         CAknsWPUTask(RAknsSrvSession* aSkinSrvSession,
    50                      CRepository* aSkinsRepository,
    51                      const TDesC& aFilename)
    52             : iSkinSrvSession(aSkinSrvSession),
    53             iSkinsRepository(aSkinsRepository),
    54             iWPUErr( KErrNone )
    55             {
    56             iInternalState.ClearAll();
    57             iFilename = aFilename;
    58             }
    60     public: // From MAknBackgroundProcess
    61         TBool IsProcessDone() const
    62             {
    63             if ( iInternalState.IsSet( EAknsWpuSetWallpaper ) &&
    64                  iInternalState.IsSet( EAknsWpuTestDecode ) )
    65                 {
    66                 return ETrue;
    67                 }
    68             return EFalse;
    69             }
    71         void StepL()
    72             {
    73             if( IsProcessDone() )
    74                 {
    75                 iInternalState.ClearAll();
    76                 return;
    77                 }
    78             if ( iInternalState.IsClear( EAknsWpuTestDecode ) )
    79                 {
    80                 DecodeWallpaperImageL( iFilename, *iSkinSrvSession );
    81                 iInternalState.Set( EAknsWpuTestDecode );
    82                 }
    83             else if ( iInternalState.IsClear( EAknsWpuSetWallpaper ) )
    84                 {
    85                 iWPUErr = iSkinSrvSession->SetIdleWallpaper(iFilename);
    86                 if (!iWPUErr)
    87                     {
    88                     iWPUErr = iSkinsRepository->Set(KPslnIdleBackgroundImagePath, iFilename);
    89 #if defined(RD_SLIDESHOW_WALLPAPER)
    90                     if (iFilename.Length() > 0)
    91                         {
    92                         iWPUErr = iSkinsRepository->Set(KPslnWallpaperType, KAknsWpImage );
    93                         }
    94                     else
    95                         {
    96                         iWPUErr = iSkinsRepository->Set(KPslnWallpaperType, KAknsWpNone );
    97                         }
    99                     }
   100                 iInternalState.Set( EAknsWpuSetWallpaper );
   101                 }
   102             }
   103         void DialogDismissedL(TInt aButtonId )
   104             {
   105             if ( aButtonId == KErrNotFound )
   106                 {
   107                 // operation was cancelled
   108                 }
   109             aButtonId++;
   110             }
   111     private:
   112             // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113             // Decodes selected image.
   114             // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115             //
   116             void DecodeWallpaperImageL( const TDesC& aFilename, RAknsSrvSession& aSkinSrvSession )
   117                 {
   118                 if (aFilename.Length() > 0)
   119                     {
   120                     // check if the image is corrupted
   121                     CFbsBitmap* bmp = NULL;
   122                     CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
   123                     // no way currently of checking corrupted svg:s
   124                     if ((aFilename.Right(4)).CompareF( KAknsSkinSrvSvgFileExt ))
   125                         {
   126                         aSkinSrvSession.DecodeWallpaperImageL(aFilename, TSize(-1,-1), bmp, mask);
   127                         }
   128                     }
   129                 }
   132     private: // Data
   133         /*
   134         * Internal state of the class.
   135         */
   136         enum TPslnModelState
   137             {
   138             // initial state
   139             EAknsWpuModelStateInitial = 0x00000000,
   140             // do test decode for the image
   141             EAknsWpuTestDecode = 0x00000001,
   142             // set wallpaper
   143             EAknsWpuSetWallpaper = 0x00000002 };
   144         TBitFlags iInternalState;
   146         // Filename for wallpaper.
   147         TFileName iFilename;
   149         // Skin server session.
   150         RAknsSrvSession* iSkinSrvSession;
   152         // Repository where to store wallpaper settings.
   153         CRepository* iSkinsRepository;
   155     public: // Public data
   157         // Error code, if any.
   158         TInt iWPUErr;
   159     };
   162 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   163 // Checks if given file is DRM protected.
   164 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 //
   166 TBool IsDRMProtectedL(const TDesC& aFilename)
   167     {
   168     TBool isProtected(EFalse);
   169     TInt value = KErrNone;
   171     ContentAccess::CContent* content = ContentAccess::CContent::NewLC( aFilename );
   172     User::LeaveIfError( content->GetAttribute( ContentAccess::EIsProtected, value ) );
   173     if ( value )
   174         {
   175         isProtected = ETrue;
   176         }
   177     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( content );
   178     return isProtected;
   179     }
   181 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // Checks if given file can be set DRM automated content.
   183 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 //
   185 TBool QueryAndSetAutomatedL(const TDesC& aFileName, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv)
   186     {
   187     TBool set(ETrue);
   189     CDRMHelper* helper = NULL;
   190     if (!aCoeEnv)
   191         {
   192         helper = CDRMHelper::NewLC();
   193         }
   194     else
   195         {
   196         helper = CDRMHelper::NewLC(*aCoeEnv);
   197         }
   198     TBool cansetautomated(EFalse);
   200     TInt result = helper->CanSetAutomated(aFileName, cansetautomated);
   201     if (!cansetautomated && result == KErrCANoRights)
   202         {
   203         if (aCoeEnv)
   204             {
   205             User::LeaveIfError(helper->HandleErrorL( result,
   206             aFileName ) );
   207             }
   209         User::Leave(result);
   210         }
   211     if (!cansetautomated)
   212         {
   213         User::Leave(KAknsWpuErrorPreviewOnly);
   214         }
   216     CDRMHelperRightsConstraints* playconst = NULL;
   217     CDRMHelperRightsConstraints* dispconst = NULL;
   218     CDRMHelperRightsConstraints* execconst = NULL;
   219     CDRMHelperRightsConstraints* printconst = NULL;
   220     TBool expired(EFalse);
   221     TBool sendingallowed(EFalse);
   222     helper->GetRightsDetailsL( aFileName,
   223         CDRMRights::EDisplay, expired, sendingallowed,
   224         playconst, dispconst, execconst, printconst);
   225     delete playconst;
   226     delete execconst;
   227     delete printconst;
   228     CleanupStack::PushL(dispconst);
   230     if (dispconst->FullRights())
   231         {
   232         set = ETrue;
   233         // Set the Fullrights content as automated also
   234         // and ignore the result...
   235         helper->SetAutomatedType(CDRMHelper::EAutomatedTypeWallpaper);
   236         if (!aCoeEnv)
   237             {
   238             helper->SetAutomatedSilent(aFileName, ETrue);
   239             }
   240         else
   241             {
   242             helper->SetAutomated( aFileName );
   243             }
   244         }
   245     else
   246         {
   247         TInt res = KErrNone;
   248         helper->SetAutomatedType(CDRMHelper::EAutomatedTypeWallpaper);
   249         if (!aCoeEnv)
   250             {
   251             res = helper->SetAutomatedSilent( aFileName, ETrue );
   252             }
   253         else
   254             {
   255             res = helper->SetAutomated( aFileName );
   256             }
   258         if (res == KErrCancel)
   259             {
   260             set = EFalse;
   261             }
   262         else
   263             {
   264             User::LeaveIfError( res );
   265             User::LeaveIfError( helper->ConsumeFile2(aFileName, CDRMRights::EDisplay, CDRMHelper::EStart) );
   266             User::LeaveIfError( helper->ConsumeFile2(aFileName, CDRMRights::EDisplay, CDRMHelper::EFinish) );
   268             set = ETrue;
   269             }
   270         }
   272     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //helper, dispconst
   273     return set;
   274     }
   276 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277 // Sets image file as still image wallpaper.
   278 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   279 //
   280 void DoSetIdleWallpaperL(const TDesC& aFilename, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv, TInt aWaitNoteTextResourceID, TInt aWaitNoteResourceID)
   281     {
   282     if (aFilename.Length() > 0)
   283         {
   284         RFs fs;
   285         TEntry fileentry;
   286         User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
   287         CleanupClosePushL(fs);
   288         User::LeaveIfError(fs.Entry(aFilename, fileentry));
   289         if (fileentry.iSize == 0)
   290             {
   291             User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   292             }
   293         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fs
   294         }
   297     RAknsSrvSession skinsrv;
   298     User::LeaveIfError(skinsrv.Connect());
   299     CleanupClosePushL(skinsrv);
   300     CRepository* skinsrep = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidPersonalisation);
   301     CleanupStack::PushL(skinsrep);
   302     if (aFilename.Length()>0 && IsDRMProtectedL(aFilename))
   303         {
   304         if (!QueryAndSetAutomatedL(aFilename, aCoeEnv))
   305             {
   306             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
   307             User::Leave(KErrCancel);
   308             }
   309         }
   310     if (aCoeEnv && (aWaitNoteTextResourceID && aWaitNoteResourceID))
   311         {
   312         HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( aWaitNoteTextResourceID);
   313         CAknsWPUTask* wputask = new (ELeave) CAknsWPUTask(&skinsrv, skinsrep, aFilename);
   314         CleanupStack::PushL(wputask);
   315         CAknWaitNoteWrapper* wrapper = CAknWaitNoteWrapper::NewL();
   316         CleanupDeletePushL(wrapper);
   318         TRAPD( executeErr,
   319         wrapper->ExecuteL(
   320             aWaitNoteResourceID, *wputask, *noteText, ETrue ) );
   322         User::LeaveIfError(wputask->iWPUErr);
   324         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // wrapper, wputask, noteText
   325         User::LeaveIfError( executeErr );
   326         }
   327     else
   328         {
   329         // no "opening" note as no coeenv is given
   330         User::LeaveIfError(skinsrv.SetIdleWallpaper(aFilename));
   331         User::LeaveIfError(skinsrep->Set(KPslnIdleBackgroundImagePath, aFilename));
   332 #if defined(RD_SLIDESHOW_WALLPAPER)
   333         if (aFilename.Length() > 0)
   334             {
   335             User::LeaveIfError(skinsrep->Set(KPslnWallpaperType, KAknsWpImage));
   336             }
   337         else
   338             {
   339             User::LeaveIfError(skinsrep->Set(KPslnWallpaperType, KAknsWpNone));
   340             }
   342         }
   344     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // skinsrv, skinsrep
   345     }
   347 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 // Public API for setting image as wallpaper.
   349 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 //
   351 EXPORT_C TInt AknsWallpaperUtils::SetIdleWallpaper(const TDesC& aFilename, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv, TInt aWaitNoteTextResourceID, TInt aWaitNoteResourceID)
   352     {
   353     TInt err(KErrNone);
   354     TRAP(err, DoSetIdleWallpaperL(aFilename, aCoeEnv, aWaitNoteTextResourceID, aWaitNoteResourceID));
   355     return err;
   356     }
   358 #if defined(RD_SLIDESHOW_WALLPAPER)
   359 void ValidateEntriesL( CDesCArray& /*aSelectedFiles*/ , CCoeEnv* /*aCoeEnv*/ )
   360     {
   361     }
   363 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   364 // Sets set of images as slideset wallpaper.
   365 // If there is only one image, it is set as normal wallpaper.
   366 // If there are no images in the slideset, then set as None.
   367 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 //
   369 void DoSetSlidesetWallpaperL(CDesCArray& aSelectedFiles, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv, TInt aWaitNoteTextResourceID, TInt aWaitNoteResourceID)
   370     {
   371     TInt count = aSelectedFiles.MdcaCount();
   372     if (!count)
   373         {
   374         DoSetIdleWallpaperL(KNullDesC, aCoeEnv, aWaitNoteTextResourceID, aWaitNoteResourceID);
   375         return;
   376         }
   377     // only one file, set it as normal wp.
   378     if (count == 1)
   379         {
   380         DoSetIdleWallpaperL(aSelectedFiles.MdcaPoint(0), aCoeEnv, aWaitNoteTextResourceID, aWaitNoteResourceID);
   381         }
   382     ValidateEntriesL( aSelectedFiles , aCoeEnv );
   384     RAknsSrvSession skinsrv;
   385     User::LeaveIfError(skinsrv.Connect());
   386     CleanupClosePushL(skinsrv);
   387     CRepository* skinsrep = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidPersonalisation);
   388     CleanupStack::PushL(skinsrep);
   389     User::LeaveIfError(skinsrv.SetSlideSetWallpaper(aSelectedFiles));
   390     if (count != 1)
   391         {
   392         User::LeaveIfError(skinsrep->Set(KPslnWallpaperType, 2));
   393         }
   394     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // skinsrep, skinsrv
   396     }
   399 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   400 // Public API for setting slide set wallpaper.
   401 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   402 //
   403 EXPORT_C TInt AknsWallpaperUtils::SetSlidesetWallpaper(CDesCArray& /*aSelectedFiles*/, CCoeEnv* /*aCoeEnv*/, TInt /*aWaitNoteTextResourceID*/, TInt /*aWaitNoteResourceID*/)
   404     {
   405     //deprecated for 9.2 page specific wallpaper
   406     return KErrNotSupported;
   407     }
   409 // End of file