changeset 0 05e9090e2422
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pictographs/AknPictograph/group/AknPictographConfig.pl	Thu Dec 17 09:14:12 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+#    Configures the pictograph building environment during the build process.
+use strict;
+use File::Path;
+my ($myname, $mydir);
+#  Determine where this program is
+  ($myname = $0) =~ s@.*(\\|/)@@;
+  ($mydir = $0)  =~ s@(\\|/)[^(\\|/)]*$@@;
+  $mydir =~ s@\\@/@g; #replace \ with /
+  $mydir = "." if ($mydir eq $myname); 
+#constants for directory paths
+use constant CONFIG_ROOT_DIR					 			=> "$mydir/../config";
+use constant CONFIG_FILE_NAME					 			=> "config.ini";
+use constant PICTOGRAPH_BITMAPS_ROOT	 			=> "$mydir/../../aknpictographbitmaps";
+use constant GENERATED_FILES_DIR     	 			=> "$mydir/../generated";
+# supported keys in config.ini
+use constant PICT_HEIGHTS  						 			=> "PICTOGRAPH_HEIGHTS";
+# supported display modes for pictograph bitmaps/masks
+use constant ECOLOR256  										=> "EColor256";
+use constant ECOLOR64K  										=> "EColor64K";
+use constant EGRAY2        									=> "EGray2";
+use constant EGRAY256      									=> "EGray256";
+#heade file template related
+use constant CONF_HEADER_FILE_NAME					=> "aknpictographconfig.h";
+use constant CONF_HEADER_FILE_TEMPLATE			=>
+				"// This file is generated by AknPictographConfig.pl. Do not edit!!\n\n\n\n\n".
+				"#ifndef @{[CONF_HEADER_FILE_NAME_DEF]}\n".
+				"#define @{[CONF_HEADER_FILE_NAME_DEF]}\n\n".
+				"#include <gdi.h>\n\n".
+				"// Color mode tags for BMCONV tool\n".
+				"_LIT8( KBitmapTag, @{[COLORMODE_BITMAP_TAG_VALUE]} );\n".
+				"_LIT8( KMaskTag, @{[COLORMODE_MASK_TAG_VALUE]} );\n\n".
+				"// Display modes for pictograph bitmap/mask creation\n".
+				"const TDisplayMode KBitmapDisplayMode = @{[DISPLAY_MODE_BITMAP_VALUE]};\n".
+				"const TDisplayMode KMaskDisplayMode   = @{[DISPLAY_MODE_MASK_VALUE]};\n\n".
+				"#endif // @{[CONF_HEADER_FILE_NAME_DEF]}\n\n".
+				"// End of file\n";
+# hash for supported display modes for pictograph bitmaps
+my %supported_bitmap_display_modes = 
+						(
+						uc (ECOLOR256) => +ECOLOR256,
+						uc (ECOLOR64K) => +ECOLOR64K
+						);			
+# hash for supported display modes for pictograph masks
+my %supported_bitmap_mask_display_modes = 
+						(
+						uc (EGRAY2)   => +EGRAY2,
+						uc (EGRAY256) => +EGRAY256
+						);																
+# hash for supported bitmap/mask color mode tags for BMCONV tool
+my %supported_color_mode_tags = 
+						(
+						@{[ECOLOR256]}   => qq("/c8"),
+						@{[ECOLOR64K]}   => qq("/c16"),
+						@{[EGRAY2]}      => qq("/1"),
+						@{[EGRAY256]}    => qq("/8")						
+						);																
+my $usage = "Usage:\n".
+				    "   perl AknPictographConfig.pl <config_dir_name>\n\n".
+				    "   <config_dir_name> = directory below directory '<location of AknPictographConfig.pl>/../config'\n\n";
+# main code
+my $config_dir_name = shift || die $usage;
+$config_dir_name = lc $config_dir_name;
+my $values_ref = ParseConfigFile($config_dir_name);
+# subroutines
+# Subroutine for parsing pictograph configuration file 
+# parameters 
+# $_[0] - name of the configuration directory under CONFIG_ROOT_DIR
+# return: reference to a hash of key value pairs 
+sub ParseConfigFile{
+	my $config_dir_name = shift || die "ParseConfigFile: argument error!";
+	my $filename = CONFIG_ROOT_DIR."/$config_dir_name/".CONFIG_FILE_NAME;
+	my $content;
+	my %values;
+	open(FILE, $filename) || die "Unable to open file $filename: $!";
+	{                                                         
+	  local $/ ;                                            
+	  undef $/ ;  # reads the whole file on the next line   
+	  $content = <FILE> ;                                         
+	}             
+	close FILE;
+	#remove comments from $content
+	#Note: comments start with // and ends with line end
+	$content =~ s@//.*?$@@mg;
+	# Regular expression for matching a token after '=' in $1.
+	# The token is trimmed from left and right
+	my $match_token = '[^\S\n]*=[^\S\n]*(\w.*?)[^\S\n]*$';
+	#match PICT_HEIGHTS key value pair
+	#value is list of heights
+	my $tmp = PICT_HEIGHTS;
+	$content =~ /$tmp$match_token/mi || die "$tmp or value is not specified in $filename !\n";
+	$_=$1;
+	@{$values{$tmp}} = split;
+	die "At least a single pictograph height must be specified for $tmp in $filename\n" if @{$values{$tmp}}==0;
+	#match PICTOGRAPH_BITMAPS_SOURCE_DIR key value pair
+	$values{$tmp} = $config_dir_name; #default value
+	$values{$tmp} = $1 if ($content =~ /$tmp$match_token/mi);
+	#match PICT_BITMAP_DISPLAY_MODE key value pair
+	$values{$tmp} = ECOLOR256; #default value
+	if ($content =~ /$tmp$match_token/mi){
+		$_ = $supported_bitmap_display_modes{uc $1} || die "Value \'$1\' is not supported for $tmp!\n";
+		$values{$tmp} = $_;
+	}
+	#match PICT_BITMAP_MASK_DISPLAY_MODE key value pair
+	$values{$tmp} = EGRAY2; #default value
+	if ($content =~ /$tmp$match_token/mi){
+		$_ = $supported_bitmap_mask_display_modes{uc $1} || die "Value \'$1\' is not supported for $tmp!\n";
+		$values{$tmp} = $_;
+	}
+	return \%values;
+# Subroutine for preparing build environment for building pictographs
+# bitmaps.
+# parameters 
+# $_[0] - reference to a hash of key value pairs
+# $_[1] - name of the configuration directory under CONFIG_ROOT_DIR
+sub PrepareBuildEnvironment{
+	die "PrepareBuildEnvironment: argument error!" if @_!=2;
+	my ($values_ref,$config_dir_name) = @_;		
+	my $bitmap_target = PICTOGRAPH_BITMAPS_DATA;
+	$bitmap_target =~ s@/@\\@g; #replace '/' with '\\' for Xcopy, del
+	my $config_source = CONFIG_ROOT_DIR;
+	$config_source =~ s@/@\\@g; #replace '/' with '\\' for Xcopy, del
+	print "Cleanup...\n";
+	system("del /q /f $bitmap_target\\*.* > nul 2>&1");
+	system("del /q /f $config_source\\*.* > nul 2>&1");
+	my @pict_height_list = @{$values_ref->{+PICT_HEIGHTS}};
+	print "Extracting pictographs for $config_dir_name with heights: @pict_height_list in progress...\n";
+	my $command = "unzip -o -qq @{[PICTOGRAPH_BITMAPS_ROOT]}/$values_ref->{+PICTOGRAPH_BITMAPS_SOURCE_DIR}/*.zip -d @{[PICTOGRAPH_BITMAPS_DATA]}";
+	system("$command > nul 2>&1") == 0 or	die qq(Command "$command" has failed: $?\n);
+	foreach (@pict_height_list){
+		my $command = "xcopy $config_source\\$config_dir_name\\picto"."$_".".ini $config_source\\";
+		system("$command > nul 2>&1") == 0 or	die qq(Command "$command" has failed: $?\n);	
+	}	
+	print "Configuring build environment is successful.\n";
+# Subroutine for generating configuration header file
+# parameters 
+# $_[0] - reference to a hash of key value pairs
+sub GenerateConfigHeader{
+	my $values_ref = shift || die "GenerateConfigHeader: argument error!";
+	my $conf_header_content = CONF_HEADER_FILE_TEMPLATE;
+	my $tmp = $values_ref->{+PICT_BITMAP_DISPLAY_MODE};
+	$conf_header_content =~ s/@{[DISPLAY_MODE_BITMAP_VALUE]}/$tmp/si; #insert bitmap display mode
+  $conf_header_content =~ s/@{[COLORMODE_BITMAP_TAG_VALUE]}/$supported_color_mode_tags{$tmp}/si; #insert bitmap color mode tag
+	$tmp = $values_ref->{+PICT_BITMAP_MASK_DISPLAY_MODE};
+	$conf_header_content =~ s/@{[DISPLAY_MODE_MASK_VALUE]}/$tmp/si; #insert mask display mode
+  $conf_header_content =~ s/@{[COLORMODE_MASK_TAG_VALUE]}/$supported_color_mode_tags{$tmp}/si; #insert mask color mode tag
+  open(OUTFILE, ">$tmp") || die "Unable to create file $tmp: $!";
+	print OUTFILE $conf_header_content;
+	close OUTFILE;                                                    	
+# Subroutine for printing info to stdout about the current 
+# pictograph build configuration
+# parameters 
+# $_[0] - reference to a hash of key value pairs
+# $_[1] - name of the configuration directory under CONFIG_ROOT_DIR
+sub PrintConfigInfo{
+	die "PrintConfigInfo: argument error!" if @_!=2;
+	my ($values_ref,$config_dir_name) = @_;		
+	print "Pictograph configuration dir:       $config_dir_name\n";
+	print "Pictographs heights:                @{$values_ref->{+PICT_HEIGHTS}}\n";
+	print "Pictograph bitmaps color mode:      $values_ref->{+PICT_BITMAP_DISPLAY_MODE}\n";
+	print "Pictograph bitmap masks color mode: $values_ref->{+PICT_BITMAP_MASK_DISPLAY_MODE}\n";	
\ No newline at end of file