--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/skins/AknSkins/srvsrc/AknsSrvChunkMaintainer.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:14:12 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2479 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Chunk maintainer.
+#include "AknsSrvChunkMaintainer.h"
+#include <AknsSrvClient.h>
+#include "AknsSrvUtils.h"
+#include <AknsConstants.h>
+#include "AknsSrvDescriptorFileLayout.h"
+#include "AknsSrvBitmapStore.h"
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include "AknsSrvVariant.hrh"
+#include <versioninfo.h>
+#include <AknsSkinUID.h>
+#include "AknsDebug.h"
+static const TInt KAknsSrvMinMorphingInterval = 60; // in seconds
+static const TInt KAknsSrvSkipMajor = -3;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvSkipMinor = -3;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvRewriteMajor = -4;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvRewriteBase = -256;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvMaxChunkReaders = 127;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvTextColorGroupCount = 63;
+// All of the following constants _MUST_ be divisible by 4
+// This value seems to be most efficient when comparing memory consumption:
+static const TInt KAknsSrvSharedChunkInitialSize = 160*1024;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvSharedChunkMaxSize = 384*1024;
+// This value seems to be most efficient when comparing memory consumption:
+static const TInt KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity = 4*1024;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvSharedChunkHeaderAreaSize = 16*4;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvMaxHashList = 128;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvMaxHashSize = 1024;
+static const TInt32 KAknsSrvIdleWallpaperFilenameID = 0xc0def00d;
+static const TInt KAknsSrvMaxScalableGfxItems =
+ KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity / sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef);
+_LIT(KAknsSrvPathEndSeparator, "\\");
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TAknsSrvCMPostOp::LinearOrder
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt TAknsSrvCMPostOp::LinearOrder(
+ const TAknsSrvCMPostOp& aFirst,
+ const TAknsSrvCMPostOp& aSecond )
+ {
+ return TAknsItemID::LinearOrder( aFirst.iIID, aSecond.iIID );
+ }
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+ CAknsSrvMorphingTimer* CAknsSrvMorphingTimer::NewL(MAknsSrvMorphingListener* aListener, TInt aInterval)
+ {
+ CAknsSrvMorphingTimer* self = new (ELeave)CAknsSrvMorphingTimer(aListener, aInterval);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+void CAknsSrvMorphingTimer::RunL()
+ {
+ iListener->MorhphingEventTimeout();
+ IssueRequest();
+ }
+void CAknsSrvMorphingTimer::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iTimer.Cancel();
+ }
+void CAknsSrvMorphingTimer::IssueRequest()
+ {
+ if ( !IsActive() )
+ {
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ now+=TTimeIntervalSeconds(iInterval);
+ iTimer.At(iStatus, now);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iTimer.Close();
+ }
+void CAknsSrvMorphingTimer::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal());
+ }
+CAknsSrvMorphingTimer::CAknsSrvMorphingTimer(MAknsSrvMorphingListener* aListener,TInt aInterval) :
+ CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard),
+ iListener(aListener),
+ iInterval(aInterval)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ // We should never reach here, but just in case...
+ delete iMorphingTimer;
+ iSharedChunk.Close();
+ iWaitSema.Close();
+ iRenderMutex.Close();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer(CAknsSrvBitmapStore* aBitmapStore)
+ {
+ // Size sanity checks
+ KAknsSrvSharedChunkInitialSize <= KAknsSrvSharedChunkMaxSize,
+ User::Panic(KAknSkinSrvPanicCategory, EAknsSrvInvalidBuildConf ) );
+ KAknsSrvSharedChunkInitialSize, KAknsSrvSharedChunkMaxSize );
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ KAknsSrvMaxChunkReaders);
+ iInternalSemaCount = 0;
+ }
+ if( !err )
+ {
+ err = iRenderMutex.CreateGlobal(KAKNSSRVRENDERMUTEXNAME);
+ }
+ if (err)
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::Constructor CANNOT CREATE SHARED CHUNK!");
+ User::Panic(KAknSkinSrvPanicCategory, EAknsSrvCannotCreateSharedChunk);
+ }
+ VersionInfo::TPlatformVersion platformVersion;
+ TRAP( err,VersionInfo::GetVersion( platformVersion ) );
+ if ( !err )
+ {
+ iPlatformMajor = platformVersion.iMajorVersion;
+ iPlatformMinor = platformVersion.iMinorVersion;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iPlatformMajor = 0;
+ iPlatformMinor = 0;
+ }
+ iCurrentFilenameID = 0;
+ iBitmapStore = aBitmapStore;
+ iMergeS60Skin = EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::MergeSkinDefinitionsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::MergeSkinDefinitionsL( const TPtrC& aFilename,
+ const TAknsItemDefClass aClass, const TBool aClearChunk,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery,
+ const TBool aAhOverride,
+ const TAknsPkgID& aPID )
+ {
+ // Do not merge other than bitmap classes
+ if( aClass != EAknsItemDefClassBitmaps ) return;
+ // Block read access to the shared chunk while writing new values
+ BeginWrite();
+ iMorphingMinInterval = -1;
+ if (iMorphingTimer)
+ {
+ delete iMorphingTimer;
+ iMorphingTimer = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( aPID == KAknsPIDS60DefaultSkin )
+ {
+ iMergeS60Skin = ETrue;
+ }
+ TRAPD( mergeErr, MergeSkinDefinitionsUnprotectedL( aFilename,
+ aClearChunk, aExclQuery, aAhOverride, aPID) );
+ iMergeS60Skin = EFalse;
+ // And allow read access again...
+ EndWrite();
+ User::LeaveIfError( mergeErr );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::SetWallpaper
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::SetWallpaper( const TAknsItemID& aIID,
+ const TDesC& aFilename, TInt /*aIndex*/ )
+ {
+ BeginWrite();
+ TAknsSrvDef wallpaperDef;
+ wallpaperDef.iID.iMajor = EAknsMajorSkin;
+ wallpaperDef.iID.iMinor = EAknsMinorWallpaper;
+ TInt32 filenameid;
+ if( aIID == KAknsIIDWallpaper )
+ {
+ if (aFilename.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ filenameid = KAknsSrvIdleWallpaperFilenameID;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt index = FindDefIndex( wallpaperDef.iID );
+ TAknsSrvDef* trgDef = NULL;
+ if (index >= 0)
+ {
+ trgDef = (TAknsSrvDef*)( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea)
+ + index*sizeof(TAknsSrvDef) );
+ trgDef->iID.iMajor = KAknsSrvSkipMajor;
+ trgDef->iID.iMinor = KAknsSrvSkipMinor;
+ }
+ EndWrite();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EndWrite();
+ return;
+ }
+ UpdateFilename( filenameid, (TUint8*)aFilename.Ptr(),
+ (TUint16)(aFilename.Length()), KNullDesC());
+ wallpaperDef.iType = EAknsITEffectQueue;
+ TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef applyGfxEffectQueue;
+ applyGfxEffectQueue.iEffectQueueSize = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef)
+ + 2*sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef) + 3*sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)
+ + 11*sizeof(TInt32);
+ applyGfxEffectQueue.iInputLayerIndex =0;
+ applyGfxEffectQueue.iInputLayerMode = 2; //RGB
+ applyGfxEffectQueue.iOutputLayerIndex = 2;
+ applyGfxEffectQueue.iOutputLayerMode = 2; //RGB
+ applyGfxEffectQueue.iEffectCount = 2;
+ applyGfxEffectQueue.iRefMajor = 0;
+ applyGfxEffectQueue.iRefMinor = 0;
+ TAknsSrvEffectDef applyGfxEffectDef;
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iEffectUid.iUid = 0x101F8748;
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iInputLayerAIndex = 0;
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iInputLayerAMode = 1;
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iInputLayerBIndex = 0;
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iInputLayerBMode = 1;
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iOutputLayerIndex = 1;
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iOutputLayerMode = 8; // 1/RGBA
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iEffectParameterCount = 2;
+ applyGfxEffectDef.iEffectSize = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef)
+ + 2*sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+4*sizeof(TInt32)+2*sizeof(TInt32);
+ TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef applyGfxParams;
+ applyGfxParams.iParameterLength =
+ sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+4*sizeof(TInt32);
+ applyGfxParams.iParameterType = 2; // graphics file
+ TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef applyGfxParams2;
+ applyGfxParams2.iParameterLength =
+ sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+2*sizeof(TInt32);
+ applyGfxParams2.iParameterType = 0; // int
+ TAknsSrvEffectDef alphaBlendEffectDef;
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iEffectUid.iUid = 0x10204add;
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iInputLayerAIndex = 0;
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iInputLayerAMode = 8; // RGBA
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iInputLayerBIndex = 1;
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iInputLayerBMode = 8; // RGBA
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iOutputLayerIndex = 2;
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iOutputLayerMode = 2; // RGB
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iEffectParameterCount = 1;
+ alphaBlendEffectDef.iEffectSize = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef)
+ + sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+2*sizeof(TInt32);
+ TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef alphaBlendParams;
+ alphaBlendParams.iParameterLength =
+ sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+2*sizeof(TInt32);
+ alphaBlendParams.iParameterType = 0; // int
+ TInt32 bitmapIndex = 0;
+ TInt32 maskindex = 0;
+ TInt32 filenameOffset = GetFilenameOffsetByID(filenameid);// offset replaces the id
+ TUint8* eqblock = NULL;
+ TRAPD( err,
+ eqblock = new (ELeave) TUint8[
+ sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef) + 2*sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef)
+ + 3*sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef) + 2*sizeof(TInt32) + 4*sizeof(TInt32) + 2*sizeof(TInt32) ] );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ EndWrite();
+ delete [] eqblock;
+ return;
+ }
+ TUint8 *ptr = eqblock;
+ Mem::Copy(ptr,&applyGfxEffectQueue, sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef));
+ ptr+=sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef);
+ Mem::Copy(ptr,&applyGfxEffectDef, sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef));
+ ptr+=sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef);
+ Mem::Copy(ptr, &applyGfxParams, sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef));
+ ptr+=sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef);
+ // applygfx params...
+ *((TUint16*)(ptr)) = 1;
+ ptr+=2; // sizeof TUint16
+ *((TUint16*)(ptr)) = 'f';
+ ptr+=2; // sizeof TUint16
+ *((TUint32*)(ptr)) = bitmapIndex;
+ ptr+=4;
+ *((TUint32*)(ptr)) = maskindex;
+ ptr+=4;
+ *((TUint32*)(ptr)) = filenameOffset;
+ ptr+=4;
+ // generic image
+ Mem::Copy(ptr, &applyGfxParams2, sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef));
+ ptr+=sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef);
+ *((TUint16*)(ptr)) = 1;
+ ptr+=2; // sizeof TUint16
+ *((TUint16*)(ptr)) = 'g';
+ ptr+=2;
+ *((TUint32*)(ptr)) = 1;
+ ptr+=4;
+ //alphablend
+ Mem::Copy(ptr, &alphaBlendEffectDef, sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef));
+ ptr+=sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef);
+ Mem::Copy(ptr, &alphaBlendParams,sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef));
+ ptr+=sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef);
+ *((TUint16*)(ptr)) = 1;
+ ptr+=2;
+ *((TUint16*)(ptr)) = 'm';
+ ptr+=2;
+ *((TUint32*)(ptr)) = 1;
+ ptr+=4;
+ TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef* eqDef = (TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef*)eqblock;
+ UpdateDef( &wallpaperDef, eqDef, applyGfxEffectQueue.iEffectQueueSize, -1 );
+ delete [] eqblock;
+ EndWrite();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::BeginWrite
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::BeginWrite()
+ {
+ iInternalSemaCount++;
+ if( iInternalSemaCount > 1 )
+ {
+ // Chunk already locked
+ return;
+ }
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ if( iInternalSemaCount < 1 )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::BeginWrite Internal error, internal counter underflow!");
+ AKNS_DEBUG_PANIC(EAknsDPanicBadState);
+ }
+ // Wait if there is a read in progress...
+ for (TInt count = 0;count < KAknsSrvMaxChunkReaders;count++)
+ {
+ iWaitSema.Wait();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::EndWrite
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::EndWrite()
+ {
+ iInternalSemaCount--;
+ if( iInternalSemaCount > 0 )
+ {
+ // Chunk must be left locked
+ return;
+ }
+ iWaitSema.Signal(KAknsSrvMaxChunkReaders);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ if( iInternalSemaCount < 0 )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::EndWrite Internal error, internal counter underflow!");
+ AKNS_DEBUG_PANIC(EAknsDPanicBadState);
+ }
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total SharedChunk size at EndWrite operation %d bytes", iSharedChunk.Size());
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total ItemDefArea size at EndWrite operation %d bytes", GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea));
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total DataArea size at EndWrite operation %d bytes", GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvDataArea));
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total FilenameArea size after EndWrite operation %d bytes", GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea));
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total ScalableGfxArea(STATIC) size after EndWrite operation %d bytes", GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea));
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total unused space in ItemDefArea %d bytes", (GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea)-GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea)));
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total unused space in DataArea %d bytes", (GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvDataArea)-GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total unused space in FilenameArea %d bytes", (GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea)-GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea)));
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("AknSkinSrv: Total unused space in ScalableGfxArea %d bytes", (GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea)-GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea)));
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO("------------------------------------------------------------------");
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ResetLevel
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ResetLevel()
+ {
+ iMergingLevel = 0;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::NextLevel
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::NextLevel()
+ {
+ iMergingLevel++;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::CheckAndModifyIID
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::CheckAndModifyIID( TAknsItemID& aIID,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery )
+ {
+ if( aIID.iMajor == KAknsSrvRewriteMajor )
+ {
+ aIID.iMajor = KAknsSrvRewriteBase - iMergingLevel;
+ }
+ aExclQuery.MapIID( aIID );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ProcessChunksL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ProcessChunksL( CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile,
+ TUint32 aFileOffset, TUint32 aChunkCount, const TDesC& aFilename,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool aMirrored )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO1("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ProcessChunksL Starting count=%i", aChunkCount );
+ TInt offset = aFileOffset;
+ TUint16 prevChunktype = 65535;
+ TUint16 chunktype = 65535;
+ for (TUint32 count = 0; count < aChunkCount; count++)
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ProcessChunksL Step %i/%i", count, aChunkCount );
+ prevChunktype = chunktype;
+ if( AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, offset ) == 0xf5 )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR1("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ProcessChunksL Suspicious EOC at BOC, prev=%i", prevChunktype);
+ }
+ TInt32 chunksize = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(
+ aFile, offset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength );
+ chunktype = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L(
+ aFile, offset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonType );
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ProcessChunksL This chunk size=%i type=%i", chunksize, chunktype );
+ if (chunktype == EAknsSkinDescFilename) // filename chunk
+ {
+ offset+=HandleFilenameChunkL(aFile, offset, aFilename);
+ }
+ else if (chunktype == EAknsSkinDescInformation) // information chunk
+ {
+ offset+=HandleInformationChunkL(aFile, offset, aFilename);
+ }
+ else if (chunktype == EAknsSkinDescSkinDescClass) // class chunk
+ {
+ offset+=HandleClassChunkL(aFile, offset, aExclQuery);
+ }
+ else if (chunktype == EAknsSkinDescSkinDescImgLangOverride) // language override chunk
+ {
+ offset+=HandleLangOverrideChunkL(aFile, offset);
+ }
+ else if (chunktype == EAknsSkinDescWallpaper) // wallpaper chunk
+ {
+ offset+=HandleWallpaperChunkL(aFile, offset);
+ }
+ // release restriction chunk (2.6)
+ else if( chunktype == EAknsSkinDescRelease26 )
+ {
+ offset+=Handle26RelRestrictionChunkL(
+ aFile, offset, aFilename, aExclQuery, aMirrored);
+ }
+ // release restriction chunk (generic)
+ else if( chunktype == EAknsSkinDescReleaseGeneric )
+ {
+ offset+=HandleGenericRelRestrictionChunkL(
+ aFile, offset, aFilename, aExclQuery, aMirrored);
+ }
+ else if (chunktype == EAknsSkinDescLanguage) // language restriction chunk
+ {
+ offset+=HandleLangRestrictionChunkL(aFile, offset, aFilename, aExclQuery, aMirrored);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // chunk not supported/not used, proceed....
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR3("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ProcessChunksL Unsupported chunk, type=%i prev=%i count=%i", chunktype, prevChunktype, count);
+ offset+=chunksize;
+ }
+ if( AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile,offset-1) != 0xf5 )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR2("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ProcessChunksL No EOC, type=%i count=%i!", chunktype, count);
+ }
+ }
+ return offset;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleInformationChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleInformationChunkL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, TUint32 aFileOffset, const TDesC& /*aFilename*/)
+ {
+ TUint32 size = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength+aFileOffset);
+ TUint32 version = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOInformationCompilerVer+aFileOffset);
+ TUint32 authorlen = 2*(AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOInformationAuthorLen+aFileOffset));
+ TUint32 copyrightlen = 2*(AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOInformationAuthorStr+authorlen+aFileOffset));
+ TUint16 verMajor = (version >> 16);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ TUint16 verMinor = (version &0xffff);
+ TUint8 platMajor= AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOInformationAuthorStr+2+copyrightlen+authorlen+aFileOffset);
+ TUint8 platMinor= AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOInformationAuthorStr+2+1+copyrightlen+authorlen+aFileOffset);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ RDebug::Print(_L("Skin compiler information:"));
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" SCVer: %d.%d"), verMajor, verMinor);
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" Platf: %d.%d"), platMajor, platMinor);
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" Compl: %d.%d.%d"), platMajor, platMinor,verMinor);
+ if (verMajor < 2 && platMajor < 3)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleFilenameChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleFilenameChunkL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, TUint32 aFileOffset, const TDesC& aFilename)
+ {
+ TUint32 size = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength+aFileOffset);
+ TUint8* filenamechunk = AknsSrvUtils::ReadSkinDescL(aFile, aFileOffset, size);
+ TInt32 filenameid = *((TInt32*)(filenamechunk+EAknsSrvDFOFilenameFilenameID))+iCurrentFilenameID;
+ TUint16 filenamelen = *((TUint16*)(filenamechunk+EAknsSrvDFOFilenameLen));
+ if (iBitmapPath)
+ {
+ UpdateFilename( filenameid, filenamechunk+EAknsSrvDFOFilenameFilename, filenamelen, *iBitmapPath );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UpdateFilename( filenameid, filenamechunk+EAknsSrvDFOFilenameFilename, filenamelen, aFilename );
+ }
+ iFilenameCount++;
+ delete [] filenamechunk;
+ return size;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleClassChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleClassChunkL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, TUint32 aFileOffset,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery )
+ {
+ TUint32 size = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(
+ aFile, aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength);
+ DoMergeSkinDefinitionsL(
+ aFile, aFileOffset, EAknsItemDefClassBitmaps, aExclQuery, EFalse);
+ return size;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleLangOverrideChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleLangOverrideChunkL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, TUint32 aFileOffset)
+ {
+ TUint32 size = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength+aFileOffset);
+ return size;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleWallpaperChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleWallpaperChunkL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, TUint32 aFileOffset)
+ {
+ TUint32 size = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength+aFileOffset);
+ TUint8 wallpapertype = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile, EAknsSrvDFOWallpaperWallpaperType+aFileOffset);
+ TUint16 filenamelen = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L(aFile,EAknsSrvDFOWallpaperFilenameLen+aFileOffset);
+ TUint8 fileindex = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile,aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFOWallpaperFilename+filenamelen*2);
+ TAknsItemID iid;
+ if (wallpapertype == 0x00)
+ {
+ iid = KAknsIIDWallpaper;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // ignore all other values....
+ return size;
+ }
+ HBufC16* filename = HBufC16::NewL(KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(filename);
+ TUint8* filenameptr = AknsSrvUtils::ReadSkinDescL( aFile, EAknsSrvDFOWallpaperFilename+aFileOffset, filenamelen*2);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(filenameptr);
+ TPtr16 ptr = filename->Des();
+ ptr.SetLength(filenamelen);
+ Mem::Copy((TUint16*)ptr.Ptr(), filenameptr, filenamelen*2);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filenameptr );
+ SetWallpaper(iid, *filename, fileindex);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( filename );
+ return size;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::Handle26RelRestrictionChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::Handle26RelRestrictionChunkL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, TUint32 aFileOffset, const TDesC& aFilename,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool aMirrored )
+ {
+ TUint32 size = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFORelease26Length);
+ TInt32 numberofchunks = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFORelease26ChunksN );
+ // Process always (we are guaranteed to be at lease 2.8>2.6)
+ ProcessChunksL( aFile, aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFORelease26Content,
+ numberofchunks, aFilename, aExclQuery, aMirrored);
+ return size;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleGenericRelRestrictionChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleGenericRelRestrictionChunkL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, TUint32 aFileOffset, const TDesC& aFilename,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool aMirrored )
+ {
+ TUint32 size = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFOReleaseGenericLength);
+ TInt32 numberofchunks = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFOReleaseGenericChunksN );
+ TInt platformMajor = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile,
+ aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFOReleaseGenericPlatformMajor );
+ TInt platformMinor = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile,
+ aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFOReleaseGenericPlatformMinor );
+ // Process the chunk only if restriction is met
+ if( (platformMajor<iPlatformMajor) ||
+ ((platformMajor==iPlatformMajor)&&
+ (platformMinor<=iPlatformMinor)) )
+ {
+ ProcessChunksL( aFile, aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFOReleaseGenericContent,
+ numberofchunks, aFilename, aExclQuery, aMirrored);
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleLangRestrictionChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::HandleLangRestrictionChunkL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, TUint32 aFileOffset, const TDesC& aFilename,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool aMirrored )
+ {
+ TUint32 size = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength+aFileOffset);
+ TUint16 generalRestr = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L( aFile,
+ EAknsSrvDFOLanguageGenRestr+aFileOffset);
+ TUint16 langRestr = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L( aFile,
+ EAknsSrvDFOLanguageLangRestr+aFileOffset);
+ TInt32 numberofchunks = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ EAknsSrvDFOLanguageLanguageN+aFileOffset);
+ if( (generalRestr == 0) ||
+ (generalRestr == 1 && !aMirrored) ||
+ (generalRestr == 2 && aMirrored) )
+ {
+ if ((langRestr == 0) ||
+ (langRestr && langRestr == User::Language()))
+ {
+ // Set the restriction parameters before processing
+ // the chunks inside it
+ TAknsSrvExclusionQuery* query = const_cast<TAknsSrvExclusionQuery*>(&aExclQuery);
+ query->SetParameters(
+ (User::Language()==ELangArabic)?ETrue:EFalse,
+ (User::Language()==ELangHebrew)?ETrue:EFalse );
+ ProcessChunksL( aFile, aFileOffset+EAknsSrvDFOLanguageContent,
+ numberofchunks, aFilename, aExclQuery, aMirrored );
+ // Disable exclusions after processing language restriction chunks
+ query->SetParameters(EFalse,EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::EnqueuePostOperationL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::EnqueuePostOperationL(
+ const TAknsSrvCMPostOpType aType, const TAknsItemID aIID )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::EnqPO Adding PO for %x %x", aIID.iMajor, aIID.iMinor );
+ TAknsSrvCMPostOp op;
+ op.iType = aType;
+ op.iIID = aIID;
+ User::LeaveIfError( iPostOpArray.InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(
+ op, TAknsSrvCMPostOp::LinearOrder ) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ExecutePostOperations
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ExecutePostOperations()
+ {
+ TAknsSrvDef* itemtable = (TAknsSrvDef*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea);
+ TInt defcount = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea) / sizeof(TAknsSrvDef);
+ for( TInt index = 0; index<defcount; index++ )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvCMPostOp key;
+ key.iIID = itemtable[index].iID;
+ TInt opIndex = KErrNotFound;
+ while( (opIndex=iPostOpArray.FindInOrder(
+ key, TAknsSrvCMPostOp::LinearOrder ))!=KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvCMPostOp op;
+ op = iPostOpArray[ opIndex ];
+ iPostOpArray.Remove( opIndex );
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO2("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ExePO Executing PO for %x %x", op.iIID.iMajor, op.iIID.iMinor );
+ if( itemtable[index].iDef.iPtrType == EAknsSrvMPPtrAbsoluteROM )
+ {
+ // Not modifiable
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ExePO SKIPPED, ROM def");
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch( op.iType )
+ {
+ case EAknsSrvCMPOTTileX:
+ case EAknsSrvCMPOTTileY:
+ case EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch:
+ PostOpTile( op, &itemtable[index] );
+ break;
+ default:
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ExePO SKIPPED, unsupported type");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::PostOpTile
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::PostOpTile( TAknsSrvCMPostOp& op,
+ TAknsSrvDef* itemDef )
+ {
+ // Read attributes
+ TInt imageAttributes = 0;
+ if( itemDef->iType == EAknsITBitmap )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvBitmapDef* bmpDef =
+ static_cast<TAknsSrvBitmapDef*>(const_cast<TAny*>(
+ itemDef->iDef.Address(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea))));
+ imageAttributes = bmpDef->iImageAttributes;
+ }
+ else if( itemDef->iType == EAknsITMaskedBitmap )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvMaskedBitmapDef* bmpDef =
+ static_cast<TAknsSrvMaskedBitmapDef*>(const_cast<TAny*>(
+ itemDef->iDef.Address(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea))));
+ imageAttributes = bmpDef->iImageAttributes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Never reached, but play for sure
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::POT Unsupported def type.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Modify
+ if( !(imageAttributes&EAknsImageAttributeNBC) &&
+ (imageAttributes&EAknsImageAttributeTile) )
+ {
+ if( op.iType==EAknsSrvCMPOTTileX )
+ {
+ imageAttributes ^= EAknsImageAttributeTile;
+ imageAttributes |= EAknsImageAttributeTileX;
+ imageAttributes |= EAknsImageAttributeNBC;
+ }
+ else if( op.iType==EAknsSrvCMPOTTileY )
+ {
+ imageAttributes ^= EAknsImageAttributeTile;
+ imageAttributes |= EAknsImageAttributeTileY;
+ imageAttributes |= EAknsImageAttributeNBC;
+ }
+ else if( op.iType==EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch )
+ {
+ imageAttributes ^= EAknsImageAttributeTile;
+ imageAttributes |= EAknsImageAttributeStretch;
+ imageAttributes |= EAknsImageAttributeNBC;
+ }
+ }
+ // Write attributes
+ if( itemDef->iType == EAknsITBitmap )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvBitmapDef* bmpDef =
+ static_cast<TAknsSrvBitmapDef*>(const_cast<TAny*>(
+ itemDef->iDef.Address(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea))));
+ bmpDef->iImageAttributes = imageAttributes;
+ }
+ else if( itemDef->iType == EAknsITMaskedBitmap )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvMaskedBitmapDef* bmpDef =
+ static_cast<TAknsSrvMaskedBitmapDef*>(const_cast<TAny*>(
+ itemDef->iDef.Address(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea))));
+ bmpDef->iImageAttributes = imageAttributes;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::MergeSkinDefinitionsUnprotectedL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::MergeSkinDefinitionsUnprotectedL(
+ const TDesC& aFilename, const TBool aClearChunk,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, TBool aAhOverride,
+ const TAknsPkgID& aPID )
+ {
+ iFilenameCount = 0;
+ if (aClearChunk)
+ {
+ InitializeChunk();
+ }
+ RFs fs;
+ User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+ // Check if image files exist in resource\skins\<skinuid>
+ delete iBitmapPath;
+ TInt pathsize = KAknsSrvScalableRomBmpLocation().Length()+8+2; //2 for the driveletter and end separator
+ if (!aPID.IsUid())
+ {
+ pathsize+=8;
+ }
+ iBitmapPath = HBufC16::NewL(pathsize);
+ iBitmapPath->Des().Append(aFilename[0]);
+ iBitmapPath->Des().Append(KAknsSrvScalableRomBmpLocation);
+ iBitmapPath->Des().AppendNumFixedWidthUC( aPID.iNumber, EHex, 8 );
+ if( !aPID.IsUid() )
+ {
+ iBitmapPath->Des().AppendNumFixedWidthUC( aPID.iTimestamp, EHex, 8 );
+ }
+ iBitmapPath->Des().Append(KAknsSrvPathEndSeparator);
+ TBool exists = BaflUtils::FolderExists(fs, *iBitmapPath);
+ if (!exists)
+ {
+ delete iBitmapPath;
+ iBitmapPath = NULL;
+ }
+ TChar driveLetter = aFilename[0];
+ TInt driveNumber;
+ User::LeaveIfError(fs.CharToDrive(driveLetter, driveNumber));
+ User::LeaveIfError(fs.ShareProtected());
+ TInt err = fs.CreatePrivatePath(driveNumber);
+ if (err!=KErrNone && err!=KErrAlreadyExists)
+ User::Leave(err);
+ User::LeaveIfError(fs.SetSessionToPrivate(driveNumber));
+ RFile file;
+ User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(fs,aFilename, EFileRead | EFileShareReadersOnly));
+ CleanupClosePushL(file);
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer* fileBuf = CAknsSrvFileBuffer::NewL( file );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( fileBuf );
+ TUint masterChunkSize = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(
+ *fileBuf, EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength );
+ TUint masterChunkType = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L(
+ *fileBuf, EAknsSrvDFOCommonType );
+ TInt32 numberofchunks = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(
+ *fileBuf, EAknsSrvDFOSkinChunksN );
+ if( masterChunkType != EAknsSkinDescSkinDesc )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::MSDUL CORRUPTED FILE (bad master type)!");
+ User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+ }
+ ProcessChunksL(*fileBuf, EAknsSrvDFOSkinContent , numberofchunks, aFilename, aExclQuery, aAhOverride );
+ if( AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(*fileBuf,masterChunkSize-1) != 0xf5 )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::MSDUL CORRUPTED FILE (no master eoc)!");
+ User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+ iCurrentFilenameID += iFilenameCount;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //fileBuf
+ // Add generic post operations
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch,
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupCenterMenu );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch,
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupCenterSubmenu );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch,
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupCenterNote );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch,
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupCenterQuery );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch,
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupCenterFind );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch,
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupCenterSnote );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch,
+ KAknsIIDQsnFrPopupCenterFswap );
+ // Execute any pending post operations
+ ExecutePostOperations();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeSkinDefinitionsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeSkinDefinitionsL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& file, const TUint aOffset,
+ const TAknsItemDefClass aClass, const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery,
+ const TBool aAhOverride )
+ {
+ TInt fileoffset = aOffset;
+ TInt32 chunklen = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( file,
+ fileoffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength );
+ TInt16 chunktype = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( file,
+ fileoffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonType );
+ TInt32 chunkcount = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( file,
+ fileoffset+EAknsSrvDFOClassChunksN );
+ fileoffset += EAknsSrvDFOClassContent;
+ for (TInt count = 0;count < chunkcount;count++)
+ {
+ if( AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( file, fileoffset ) == 0xf5 )
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR1("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DMSDL Suspicious EOC at BOC, prev=%i", chunktype);
+ }
+ chunklen = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( file,
+ fileoffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonLength );
+ chunktype = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( file,
+ fileoffset+EAknsSrvDFOCommonType );
+ switch(chunktype)
+ {
+ case EAknsSkinDescSkinDescBmpItemDef:
+ DoMergeBitmapDefinitionL( file, fileoffset, aClass, aExclQuery, aAhOverride );
+ break;
+ case EAknsSkinDescSkinDescColorTblItemDef:
+ DoMergeColorTableDefinitionL( file, fileoffset, aClass, aExclQuery, aAhOverride );
+ break;
+ case EAknsSkinDescSkinDescImgTblItemDef:
+ DoMergeImageTableDefinitionL( file, fileoffset, aClass, aExclQuery, aAhOverride );
+ break;
+ case EAknsSkinDescSkinDescImgBmpAnim:
+ DoMergeBmpAnimDefinitionL( file, fileoffset, aClass, aExclQuery, aAhOverride );
+ break;
+ case EAknsSkinDescSkinDescStringItemDef:
+ DoMergeStringDefinitionL( file, fileoffset, aClass, aExclQuery, aAhOverride );
+ break;
+ case EAknsSkinDescEffectQueue:
+ DoMergeEffectQueueL(file, fileoffset, aClass, aExclQuery, aAhOverride);
+ break;
+ case EAknsSkinDescAnimation:
+ DoMergeAnimationL( file, fileoffset, aClass, aExclQuery, aAhOverride );
+ break;
+ default:
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR1("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DMSL SKIPPED CHUNK %i", chunktype );
+ break;
+ }
+ fileoffset+=chunklen;
+ if( AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( file, fileoffset-1 ) != 0xf5 )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::StoreScalableGraphicsL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::StoreScalableGraphicsL( const TAknsItemID& aIID,
+ const TInt aType, const TSize& aLayoutSize, TInt aBmpHandle, TInt aMskHandle, TBool aIsMorphing )
+ {
+ CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
+ CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
+ bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+ User::LeaveIfError( bitmap->Duplicate(aBmpHandle) );
+ if (aMskHandle)
+ {
+ mask = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(mask);
+ User::LeaveIfError( mask->Duplicate(aMskHandle) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( mask );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop(bitmap);
+ iBitmapStore->StoreBitmap( bitmap );
+ if (mask)
+ {
+ iBitmapStore->StoreBitmap( mask );
+ }
+ TAknsSrvScalableItemDef def;
+ def.iID = aIID;
+ def.iLayoutType = aType;
+ def.iLayoutSize = aLayoutSize;
+ def.iBitmapHandle = bitmap->Handle();
+ if (aMskHandle)
+ {
+ def.iMaskHandle = mask->Handle();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ def.iMaskHandle = 0;
+ }
+ TTime currenttime;
+ currenttime.HomeTime();
+ def.isMorphing = aIsMorphing;
+ def.iTimeStamp = currenttime;
+ BeginWrite();
+ TAknsSrvScalableItemDef* table = (TAknsSrvScalableItemDef*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ TInt defcount = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea) / sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef);
+ TInt bodycount = 0;
+ for (bodycount = 0; bodycount < defcount; bodycount++)
+ {
+ if (table[bodycount].iID == aIID &&
+ table[bodycount].iLayoutType == aType &&
+ table[bodycount].iLayoutSize == aLayoutSize)
+ {
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[bodycount].iBitmapHandle);
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[bodycount].iMaskHandle);
+ // Replace existing item, no count increase
+ Mem::Copy((TUint8*)(&table[bodycount]), &def, sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef));
+ EndWrite();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if( defcount >= KAknsSrvMaxScalableGfxItems )
+ {
+ TTime oldeststamp = table[0].iTimeStamp;
+ TUint32 oldestindex = 0;
+ for (bodycount = 0; bodycount < defcount; bodycount++)
+ {
+ if (table[bodycount].iTimeStamp < oldeststamp)
+ {
+ oldestindex = bodycount;
+ oldeststamp = table[bodycount].iTimeStamp;
+ }
+ }
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[oldestindex].iBitmapHandle);
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[oldestindex].iMaskHandle);
+ // Replace existing item, no count increase
+ Mem::Copy((TUint8*)(&table[oldestindex]), &def, sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt8* target = GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea) + GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ SetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea,GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea)+sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef));
+ Mem::Copy(target, &def, sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef));
+ }
+ EndWrite();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ClearScalableGraphics
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ClearScalableGraphics(TAknsSrcScreenMode aMode)
+ {
+ BeginWrite();
+ if (aMode == EAknsSrvScrModeLandscape || aMode == EAknsSrvScrModePortrait)
+ {
+ TAknsSrvScalableItemDef* table = (TAknsSrvScalableItemDef*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ TInt defcount = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea) / sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef);
+ TInt bodycount = 0;
+ for (bodycount = 0; bodycount < defcount; bodycount++)
+ {
+ TTime currentTime;
+ currentTime.HomeTime();
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes minutes;
+ currentTime.MinutesFrom(table[bodycount].iTimeStamp, minutes);
+ TBool layoutNotInUse = EFalse;
+ if (aMode == EAknsSrvScrModeLandscape)
+ {
+ if (table[bodycount].iLayoutSize.iWidth < table[bodycount].iLayoutSize.iHeight)
+ {
+ // dump portrait bitmaps...
+ layoutNotInUse = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aMode == EAknsSrvScrModePortrait)
+ {
+ if (table[bodycount].iLayoutSize.iWidth > table[bodycount].iLayoutSize.iHeight)
+ {
+ // dump landscape bitmaps...
+ layoutNotInUse = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ // dump bitmap if the layout is different than current, or the item has been in the cache more than 5
+ // minutes
+ if (layoutNotInUse ||
+ minutes.Int() >= 5)
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer: Dumped bitmap, timediff: %d, mode:%d, layouttype %d"), minutes.Int(), aMode,table[bodycount].iLayoutType );
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[bodycount].iBitmapHandle);
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[bodycount].iMaskHandle);
+ // clear item from the chunk &
+ // move the rest of the chunk upwards
+ TInt8* target = (TInt8*)(&(table[bodycount]));
+ TInt8* source = (TInt8*)(&(table[bodycount+1]));
+ TUint32 size = sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef)*(defcount-(bodycount+1));
+ if (size > 0)
+ {
+ Mem::Copy(target, source, size);
+ }
+ SetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea,GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea)-sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef));
+ defcount--;
+ bodycount--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetAreaCurrentSize( EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea, 0 );
+ iBitmapStore->DestroyBitmaps();
+ }
+ EndWrite();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ClearMorphedGraphics
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ClearMorphedGraphics()
+ {
+ BeginWrite();
+ TAknsSrvScalableItemDef* table = (TAknsSrvScalableItemDef*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ TInt defcount = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea) / sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef);
+ TInt bodycount = 0;
+ for (bodycount = 0; bodycount < defcount; bodycount++)
+ {
+ if (table[bodycount].isMorphing)
+ {
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[bodycount].iBitmapHandle);
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[bodycount].iMaskHandle);
+ // clear item from the chunk &
+ // move the rest of the chunk upwards
+ TInt8* target = (TInt8*)(&(table[bodycount]));
+ TInt8* source = (TInt8*)(&(table[bodycount+1]));
+ TUint32 size = sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef)*(defcount-(bodycount+1));
+ if (size > 0)
+ {
+ Mem::Copy(target, source, size);
+ }
+ SetAreaCurrentSize(
+ EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea,
+ GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea)-sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef));
+ defcount--;
+ bodycount--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ EndWrite();
+ }
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::RemoveSingleScalableItem(const TAknsItemID& aIID )
+ {
+ BeginWrite();
+ TAknsSrvScalableItemDef* table = (TAknsSrvScalableItemDef*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ TInt defcount = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea) / sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef);
+ TInt bodycount = 0;
+ for (bodycount = 0; bodycount < defcount; bodycount++)
+ {
+ if (table[bodycount].iID == aIID )
+ {
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[bodycount].iBitmapHandle);
+ iBitmapStore->RemoveStoredBitmap(table[bodycount].iMaskHandle);
+ // clear item from the chunk &
+ // move the rest of the chunk upwards
+ TInt8* target = (TInt8*)(&(table[bodycount]));
+ TInt8* source = (TInt8*)(&(table[bodycount+1]));
+ TUint32 size = sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef)*(defcount-(bodycount+1));
+ if (size > 0)
+ {
+ Mem::Copy(target, source, size);
+ }
+ SetAreaCurrentSize(
+ EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea,
+ GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea)-sizeof(TAknsSrvScalableItemDef));
+ defcount--;
+ bodycount--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ EndWrite();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::CreateMorphingTimerL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::CreateMorphingTimerL(MAknsSrvMorphingListener* aListener)
+ {
+ if (iMorphingMinInterval > 0)
+ {
+ if (iMorphingMinInterval < KAknsSrvMinMorphingInterval)
+ {
+ iMorphingMinInterval = KAknsSrvMinMorphingInterval;
+ }
+ iMorphingTimer = CAknsSrvMorphingTimer::NewL(aListener, iMorphingMinInterval);
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::Created timer for morphing items");
+ iMorphingTimer->IssueRequest();
+ AKNS_TRACE_INFO("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::Activated morphing timer timer");
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateMorphingTime
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateMorphingTime()
+ {
+ TTime now;
+ now.HomeTime();
+ TAknsSrvDef itemDef;
+ // Perform any ID mappings
+ itemDef.iID.Set( EAknsMajorProperty, EAknsMinorPropertyMorphingTime );
+ // Initialize item def type
+ itemDef.iType = EAknsITString;
+ TAknsSrvStringDef stringDef;
+ // TText16 and TPtrC16 must be used here, since the data is copied
+ // verbatim from the skin file
+ TUint32 timestamp[2];
+ timestamp[0] = I64HIGH(now.Int64());
+ timestamp[1] = I64LOW(now.Int64());
+ TText16* oldData = 0;
+ TInt oldDataSize = 0;
+ TAknsSrvDef* itemtable = (TAknsSrvDef*)(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea));
+ TInt oldIndex = FindDefIndex( itemDef.iID );
+ if( (oldIndex>0) && (itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM) )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvStringDef* oldDef = (TAknsSrvStringDef*)
+ itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea));
+ if( oldDef->iString.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM )
+ {
+ // We already have string data in the chunk
+ // Const cast is safe (always in RAM)
+ oldData = const_cast<TText16*>(
+ oldDef->iString.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ // Size is the length of string
+ oldDataSize = 8;
+ }
+ }
+ stringDef.iString.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ stringDef.iString.iAddressOrOffset =
+ reinterpret_cast< TText16* >(
+ UpdateData( ×tamp, 8,
+ oldData, oldDataSize ) );
+ // Const cast is safe (always in RAM)
+ TText* stringBuf = const_cast< TText16* >(
+ stringDef.iString.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ UpdateDef( &itemDef, &stringDef, sizeof(stringDef), sizeof(stringDef) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeBitmapDefinitionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeBitmapDefinitionL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset,
+ const TAknsItemDefClass aClass,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool /*aAhOverride*/)
+ {
+ // Only bitmap and application icon classes are effective
+ if( (aClass != EAknsItemDefClassBitmaps) &&
+ (aClass != EAknsItemDefClassAppIcons) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TAknsSrvDef itemDef;
+ TInt32 major = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBitmapMajor );
+ TInt32 minor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBitmapMinor );
+ TInt32 filenameid = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBitmapFilenameID) + iCurrentFilenameID;
+ TInt32 bmpIndex = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBitmapBitmapIndex );
+ TInt32 maskBmpIndex = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBitmapMaskIndex );
+ itemDef.iID.Set(major, minor);
+ // Exclude e.g. question mark in A&H override skin
+ if( aExclQuery.IsExcluded( itemDef.iID ) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ CheckAndModifyIID( itemDef.iID, aExclQuery );
+ if( maskBmpIndex == -1 )
+ {
+ itemDef.iType = EAknsITBitmap;
+ // aFilename and MBM index
+ TAknsSrvBitmapDef bmpDef;
+ bmpDef.iFilename.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ bmpDef.iFilename.iAddressOrOffset = reinterpret_cast<
+ const TUint16*>(
+ GetFilenameOffsetByID( filenameid ) );
+ bmpDef.iIndex = bmpIndex;
+ // Image attributes
+ ReadAttributeChunkL( aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBitmapAttributes,
+ bmpDef.iImageAttributes, bmpDef.iImageAlignment,
+ bmpDef.iImageCoordX, bmpDef.iImageCoordY,
+ bmpDef.iImageSizeW, bmpDef.iImageSizeH );
+ UpdateDef( &itemDef, &bmpDef, sizeof(bmpDef), sizeof(bmpDef) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ itemDef.iType = EAknsITMaskedBitmap;
+ // aFilename and MBM index
+ TAknsSrvMaskedBitmapDef bmpDef;
+ bmpDef.iFilename.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ bmpDef.iFilename.iAddressOrOffset = reinterpret_cast<
+ const TUint16*>(
+ GetFilenameOffsetByID( filenameid ) );
+ bmpDef.iIndex = bmpIndex;
+ bmpDef.iMaskIndex = maskBmpIndex;
+ // Image attributes
+ ReadAttributeChunkL( aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBitmapAttributes,
+ bmpDef.iImageAttributes, bmpDef.iImageAlignment,
+ bmpDef.iImageCoordX, bmpDef.iImageCoordY,
+ bmpDef.iImageSizeW, bmpDef.iImageSizeH );
+ UpdateDef( &itemDef, &bmpDef, sizeof(bmpDef), sizeof(bmpDef) );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Local method - PostProcessColorTable.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void PostProcessColorTable(const TAknsItemID aID, TAknsColorTableEntry* aDef,
+ TInt aOldColorCount, TInt aNewColorCount)
+ {
+ if (aOldColorCount > aNewColorCount )
+ {
+ if ( aNewColorCount < KAknsSrvTextColorGroupCount &&
+ aID == KAknsIIDQsnTextColors)
+ {
+ // patch MSK colors
+ aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG56].iIndex = aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG13].iIndex;
+ aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG56].iRgb = aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG13].iRgb;
+ aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG57].iIndex = aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG15].iIndex;
+ aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG57].iRgb = aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG15].iRgb;
+ aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG58].iIndex = aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG17].iIndex;
+ aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG58].iRgb = aDef[EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG17].iRgb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeColorTableDefinitionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeColorTableDefinitionL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset,
+ const TAknsItemDefClass aClass, const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery,
+ const TBool /*aAhOverride*/ )
+ {
+ // Only bitmap class is effective
+ if (aClass != EAknsItemDefClassBitmaps )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TAknsSrvDef itemDef;
+ TInt32 major = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOColorTableMajor );
+ TInt32 minor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOColorTableMinor );
+ TInt colorCount = (AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOColorTableColorsN))&0xff;
+ itemDef.iID.Set( major, minor );
+ CheckAndModifyIID( itemDef.iID, aExclQuery );
+ itemDef.iType = EAknsITColorTable;
+ TAknsSrvColorTableDef colorTableDef;
+ colorTableDef.iNumberOfColors = colorCount;
+ // Image attributes
+ TInt attributeBaseOffset =
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOColorTableColorIndex0+
+ colorCount*EAknsSrvDFOColorTableColorSize;
+ ReadAttributeChunkL( aFile, attributeBaseOffset,
+ colorTableDef.iImageAttributes, colorTableDef.iImageAlignment,
+ colorTableDef.iImageCoordX, colorTableDef.iImageCoordY,
+ colorTableDef.iImageSizeW, colorTableDef.iImageSizeH );
+ TAny* oldData = 0;
+ TInt oldDataSize = 0;
+ TAknsSrvDef* itemtable = (TAknsSrvDef*)(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea));
+ TInt oldIndex = FindDefIndex( itemDef.iID );
+ if( (oldIndex>0) && (itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM) )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvColorTableDef* oldDef = (TAknsSrvColorTableDef*)
+ itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea) );
+ if( oldDef->iColors.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM )
+ {
+ // We already have color table data in the chunk
+ oldData = const_cast<TAknsColorTableEntry*>(
+ oldDef->iColors.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ oldDataSize = oldDef->iNumberOfColors *
+ sizeof(TAknsColorTableEntry);
+ if (oldDef->iNumberOfColors > colorTableDef.iNumberOfColors)
+ {
+ // keep the entrycount as same as in the old table,
+ // if the new table has less colors that the old one
+ // ie. inherit the colors from the default skin
+ colorTableDef.iNumberOfColors = oldDef->iNumberOfColors;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ colorTableDef.iColors.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ colorTableDef.iColors.iAddressOrOffset =
+ reinterpret_cast< TAknsColorTableEntry* >(
+ UpdateData( NULL, colorCount*sizeof(TAknsColorTableEntry),
+ oldData, oldDataSize ) );
+ TAknsColorTableEntry* colorEntries =
+ const_cast< TAknsColorTableEntry* >(
+ colorTableDef.iColors.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ for( TInt i=0; i<colorCount; i++ )
+ {
+ TInt16 index = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOColorTableColorIndex0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOColorTableColorSize) );
+ TInt32 rgb = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOColorTableColorRgb0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOColorTableColorSize) );
+ colorEntries[i].iIndex = index;
+ colorEntries[i].iRgb = rgb;
+ }
+ PostProcessColorTable(itemDef.iID,colorEntries,colorTableDef.iNumberOfColors, colorCount);
+ UpdateDef( &itemDef, &colorTableDef, sizeof(colorTableDef), sizeof(colorTableDef) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeImageTableDefinitionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeImageTableDefinitionL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset,
+ const TAknsItemDefClass aClass,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool /*aAhOverride*/ )
+ {
+ // Only bitmap and application icon classes are effective
+ if( (aClass != EAknsItemDefClassBitmaps) &&
+ (aClass != EAknsItemDefClassAppIcons) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TAknsSrvDef itemDef;
+ TInt32 major = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOImageTableMajor );
+ TInt32 minor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOImageTableMinor );
+ TInt imageCount = (AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOImageTableImagesN))&0xff;
+ itemDef.iID.Set( major, minor );
+ CheckAndModifyIID( itemDef.iID, aExclQuery );
+ // Exclude e.g. ROP icon
+ if( aExclQuery.IsExcluded( itemDef.iID ) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ itemDef.iType = EAknsITImageTable;
+ TAknsSrvImageTableDef imageTableDef;
+ imageTableDef.iNumberOfImages = imageCount;
+ // Image attributes
+ TInt attributeBaseOffset =
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOImageTableImageMajor0+
+ imageCount*EAknsSrvDFOImageTableImageSize;
+ ReadAttributeChunkL( aFile, attributeBaseOffset,
+ imageTableDef.iImageAttributes, imageTableDef.iImageAlignment,
+ imageTableDef.iImageCoordX, imageTableDef.iImageCoordY,
+ imageTableDef.iImageSizeW, imageTableDef.iImageSizeH );
+ TAny* oldData = 0;
+ TInt oldDataSize = 0;
+ TAknsSrvDef* itemtable = (TAknsSrvDef*)(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea));
+ TInt oldIndex = FindDefIndex( itemDef.iID );
+ if( (oldIndex>0) && (itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM) )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvImageTableDef* oldDef = (TAknsSrvImageTableDef*)
+ itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea));
+ if( oldDef->iImages.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM )
+ {
+ // We already have image table data in the chunk
+ oldData = const_cast<TAknsItemID*>(
+ oldDef->iImages.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ oldDataSize = oldDef->iNumberOfImages *
+ sizeof(TAknsItemID);
+ }
+ }
+ imageTableDef.iImages.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ imageTableDef.iImages.iAddressOrOffset =
+ reinterpret_cast< TAknsItemID* >(
+ UpdateData( NULL, imageCount*sizeof(TAknsItemID),
+ oldData, oldDataSize ) );
+ TAknsItemID* imageEntries =
+ const_cast< TAknsItemID* >(
+ imageTableDef.iImages.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ for( TInt i=0; i<imageCount; i++ )
+ {
+ TInt32 imgMajor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOImageTableImageMajor0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOImageTableImageSize) );
+ TInt32 imgMinor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOImageTableImageMinor0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOImageTableImageSize) );
+ imageEntries[i].iMajor = imgMajor;
+ imageEntries[i].iMinor = imgMinor;
+ CheckAndModifyIID( imageEntries[i], aExclQuery );
+ }
+ if( imageCount == 9 ) // Frame
+ {
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch, imageEntries[4] );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch, imageEntries[5] );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch, imageEntries[6] );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch, imageEntries[7] );
+ EnqueuePostOperationL( EAknsSrvCMPOTTileToStretch, imageEntries[8] );
+ }
+ UpdateDef( &itemDef, &imageTableDef,
+ sizeof(imageTableDef), sizeof(imageTableDef) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeBmpAnimDefinitionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeBmpAnimDefinitionL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset,
+ const TAknsItemDefClass aClass,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool /*aAhOverride*/ )
+ {
+ // Only bitmap class are effective
+ if( aClass != EAknsItemDefClassBitmaps )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TAknsSrvDef itemDef;
+ TInt32 major = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimMajor );
+ TInt32 minor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimMinor );
+ TInt frameCount = (AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFramesN))&0xff;
+ TInt16 interval = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimInterval );
+ TInt16 playMode = static_cast< TInt16 >(
+ AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimPlayMode) );
+ TBool flash = EFalse;
+ if( ((AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimPlayMode))&0xff) != 0 )
+ {
+ flash = ETrue;
+ }
+ itemDef.iID.Set( major, minor );
+ // Exclude e.g. question mark in A&H override skin
+ if( aExclQuery.IsExcluded( itemDef.iID ) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ CheckAndModifyIID( itemDef.iID, aExclQuery );
+ itemDef.iType = EAknsITBmpAnim;
+ TAknsSrvBmpAnimDef bmpAnimDef;
+ bmpAnimDef.iNumberOfImages = frameCount;
+ bmpAnimDef.iFrameInterval = interval;
+ bmpAnimDef.iPlayMode = playMode;
+ bmpAnimDef.iFlash = flash;
+ bmpAnimDef.iLastFrameBackground = EFalse;
+ // Image attributes
+ TInt attributeBaseOffset =
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameMajor0+
+ frameCount*EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameSize;
+ ReadAttributeChunkL( aFile, attributeBaseOffset,
+ bmpAnimDef.iImageAttributes, bmpAnimDef.iImageAlignment,
+ bmpAnimDef.iImageCoordX, bmpAnimDef.iImageCoordY,
+ bmpAnimDef.iImageSizeW, bmpAnimDef.iImageSizeH );
+ TAny* oldImageData = 0;
+ TInt oldImageDataSize = 0;
+ TAny* oldFrameData = 0;
+ TInt oldFrameDataSize = 0;
+ TAknsSrvDef* itemtable = (TAknsSrvDef*)(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea));
+ TInt oldIndex = FindDefIndex( itemDef.iID );
+ if( (oldIndex>0) && (itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM) )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvBmpAnimDef* oldDef = (TAknsSrvBmpAnimDef*)
+ itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.Address(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea));
+ if( oldDef->iImages.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM )
+ {
+ // We already have image table data in the chunk
+ oldImageData = const_cast<TAknsItemID*>(
+ oldDef->iImages.Address(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ oldImageDataSize = oldDef->iNumberOfImages *
+ sizeof(TAknsItemID);
+ }
+ if( oldDef->iFrameInfos.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM )
+ {
+ // We already have frame infos in the chunk
+ oldFrameData = const_cast<TAknsBmpAnimFrameInfo*>(
+ oldDef->iFrameInfos.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ oldFrameDataSize = oldDef->iNumberOfImages *
+ sizeof(TAknsBmpAnimFrameInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ bmpAnimDef.iImages.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ bmpAnimDef.iImages.iAddressOrOffset =
+ reinterpret_cast< TAknsItemID* >(
+ UpdateData( NULL, frameCount*sizeof(TAknsItemID),
+ oldImageData, oldImageDataSize ) );
+ bmpAnimDef.iFrameInfos.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ bmpAnimDef.iFrameInfos.iAddressOrOffset =
+ reinterpret_cast< TAknsBmpAnimFrameInfo* >(
+ UpdateData( NULL, frameCount*sizeof(TAknsBmpAnimFrameInfo),
+ oldFrameData, oldFrameDataSize ) );
+ TAknsItemID* imageEntries =
+ const_cast< TAknsItemID* >(
+ bmpAnimDef.iImages.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ TAknsBmpAnimFrameInfo* frameEntries =
+ const_cast< TAknsBmpAnimFrameInfo* >(
+ bmpAnimDef.iFrameInfos.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ for( TInt i=0; i<frameCount; i++ )
+ {
+ TInt32 imgMajor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameMajor0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameSize) );
+ TInt32 imgMinor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameMinor0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameSize) );
+ imageEntries[i].iMajor = imgMajor;
+ imageEntries[i].iMinor = imgMinor;
+ CheckAndModifyIID( imageEntries[i], aExclQuery );
+ TInt16 frameTime = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameTime0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameSize) );
+ TInt16 framePosX = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFramePosX0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameSize) );
+ TInt16 framePosY = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFramePosY0 +
+ (i*EAknsSrvDFOBmpAnimFrameSize) );
+ frameEntries[i].iTime = frameTime;
+ frameEntries[i].iPosX = framePosX;
+ frameEntries[i].iPosY = framePosY;
+ }
+ UpdateDef( &itemDef, &bmpAnimDef, sizeof(bmpAnimDef), sizeof(bmpAnimDef) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeStringDefinitionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeStringDefinitionL(
+ CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset,
+ const TAknsItemDefClass aClass,
+ const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool /*aAhOverride*/ )
+ {
+ // Only bitmap and application icon classes are effective
+ if( (aClass != EAknsItemDefClassBitmaps) &&
+ (aClass != EAknsItemDefClassAppIcons) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TAknsSrvDef itemDef;
+ // First fetch the scalar values
+ TInt32 major = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOStringMajor );
+ TInt32 minor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOStringMinor );
+ TInt stringLen = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOStringStringLen );
+ // Perform any ID mappings
+ itemDef.iID.Set( major, minor );
+ CheckAndModifyIID( itemDef.iID, aExclQuery );
+ // Exclude e.g. ROP icon
+ if( aExclQuery.IsExcluded( itemDef.iID ) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Initialize item def type
+ itemDef.iType = EAknsITString;
+ TAknsSrvStringDef stringDef;
+ // TText16 and TPtrC16 must be used here, since the data is copied
+ // verbatim from the skin file
+ TText16* oldData = 0;
+ TInt oldDataSize = 0;
+ // Find old item, if any
+ TAknsSrvDef* itemtable = (TAknsSrvDef*)(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea));
+ TInt oldIndex = FindDefIndex( itemDef.iID );
+ if( (oldIndex>0) && (itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM) )
+ {
+ TAknsSrvStringDef* oldDef = (TAknsSrvStringDef*)
+ itemtable[oldIndex].iDef.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea));
+ if( oldDef->iString.iPtrType ==
+ EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM )
+ {
+ // We already have string data in the chunk
+ // Const cast is safe (always in RAM)
+ oldData = const_cast<TText16*>(
+ oldDef->iString.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ // Size is the length of string + zero terminator
+ oldDataSize = TPtrC16( oldData ).Size() + 2;
+ }
+ }
+ stringDef.iString.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ stringDef.iString.iAddressOrOffset =
+ reinterpret_cast< TText16* >(
+ UpdateData( NULL, (stringLen+1)*2,
+ oldData, oldDataSize ) );
+ // Const cast is safe (always in RAM)
+ TText* stringBuf = const_cast< TText16* >(
+ stringDef.iString.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea)));
+ for( TInt i=0; i<stringLen; i++ )
+ {
+ stringBuf[i] = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOStringString+2*i );
+ }
+ // Append zero terminator
+ stringBuf[stringLen] = 0;
+ UpdateDef( &itemDef, &stringDef, sizeof(stringDef), sizeof(stringDef) );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ReadAttributeChunkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::ReadAttributeChunkL( CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile,
+ const TUint aOffset, TInt& aAttributes, TInt& aAlignment,
+ TInt& aCoordX, TInt& aCoordY, TInt& aSizeW, TInt& aSizeH )
+ {
+ TUint16 version = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOCommonVersion );
+ TUint16 alignAttr = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAttributesAttributeFlags );
+ TInt16 imageCoordX = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAttributesCoordX );
+ TInt16 imageCoordY = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAttributesCoordY );
+ TInt16 imageSizeW = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAttributesSizeW );
+ TInt16 imageSizeH = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAttributesSizeH );
+ aAttributes = alignAttr&0xff;
+ aAlignment = (alignAttr&0xff00)>>8;
+ aCoordX = imageCoordX;
+ aCoordY = imageCoordY;
+ aSizeW = imageSizeW;
+ aSizeH = imageSizeH;
+ if( version >= 2 )
+ {
+ TInt extAttr = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile,
+ aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAttributesExtAttributeFlags );
+ extAttr = extAttr << 8;
+ aAttributes |= extAttr;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::FindDefIndex
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::FindDefIndex( const TAknsItemID& aIID )
+ {
+ if ( iMergeS60Skin )
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ TAknsSrvHashTable* hashtable = (TAknsSrvHashTable*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefHash);
+ TAknsSrvDef* itemtable = (TAknsSrvDef*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea);
+ TInt defcount = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea) / sizeof(TAknsSrvDef);
+ TUint hashindex = (TUint)(aIID.iMajor + aIID.iMinor) % KAknsSrvMaxHashList;
+ if ( hashtable[hashindex].iHead >= 0 )
+ {
+ TInt def = hashtable[hashindex].iHead;
+ while ( def >= 0)
+ {
+ if (TAknsItemID::LinearOrder( aIID, itemtable[def].iID) == 0 )
+ {
+ return def;
+ }
+ def = itemtable[def].iHashNext;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateDef
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateDef( const TAknsSrvDef* aDef,
+ const TAny* aData, const TInt aDataSize, const TInt aOldDataSize )
+ {
+ TAny* oldData = NULL;
+ TInt oldDataSize = 0;
+ TAknsSrvDef* trgDef = NULL;
+ TInt index = FindDefIndex( aDef->iID );
+ if( index >= 0 )
+ {
+ trgDef = (TAknsSrvDef*)( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea) + index*sizeof(TAknsSrvDef) );
+ if( (trgDef->iType == aDef->iType) &&
+ (trgDef->iDef.iPtrType == EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM ) )
+ {
+ oldData = const_cast<TAny*>(
+ trgDef->iDef.Address( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea) ) );
+ if (aOldDataSize == -1)
+ {
+ // if a olddatasize -1 was passed to this function the first value
+ // in the data is the size of the data (in bytes)
+ TInt size = *(reinterpret_cast<TInt*>(oldData));
+ oldDataSize = size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oldDataSize = aOldDataSize;
+ }
+ }
+ TInt next = trgDef->iHashNext;
+ Mem::Copy( trgDef, aDef, sizeof(TAknsSrvDef) );
+ trgDef->iHashNext = next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trgDef = (TAknsSrvDef*)( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefArea)
+ + GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea));
+ SetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea,
+ GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea)+sizeof(TAknsSrvDef));
+ Mem::Copy( trgDef, aDef, sizeof(TAknsSrvDef) );
+ UpdateDefHash( trgDef );
+ }
+ trgDef->iDef.iPtrType = EAknsSrvMPPtrBaseRelativeRAM;
+ trgDef->iDef.iAddressOrOffset = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(
+ UpdateData( aData, aDataSize, oldData, oldDataSize ) );
+ }
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateDefHash( TAknsSrvDef* aDef )
+ {
+ //Calculate the hash number
+ TUint num = (TUint)( aDef->iID.iMajor + aDef->iID.iMinor ) % 128;
+ TAknsSrvHashTable* hashtable = (TAknsSrvHashTable*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefHash);
+ TInt defcount = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea) / sizeof(TAknsSrvDef);
+ aDef->iHashNext = (hashtable[num].iHead >= 0) ? hashtable[num].iHead: -1;
+ hashtable[num].iHead = defcount-1;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateData
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateData( const TAny* aData,
+ const TInt aDataSize, TAny* aOldData, const TInt aOldDataSize )
+ {
+ TInt offset = 0;
+ if( aOldData && (aOldDataSize>=aDataSize) )
+ {
+ // New data fits in place of the old data
+ if( aData )
+ {
+ Mem::Copy( aOldData, aData, aDataSize );
+ }
+ offset = (TInt)aOldData - (TInt)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvDataArea);
+ SetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvDataArea, offset+aDataSize);
+ if( aData )
+ {
+ Mem::Copy( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea) + offset, aData,
+ aDataSize );
+ }
+ }
+ return offset;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::GetFilenameOffsetByID
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::GetFilenameOffsetByID( TInt32 aID )
+ {
+ TInt32* chunkptr = (TInt32*)(GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvFilenameArea));
+ TInt count = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea)
+ / KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen;
+ TInt index = 0;
+ for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
+ {
+ if (chunkptr[0] == aID)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ chunkptr+=KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen/4;
+ }
+ return index*KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen+4;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateFilename
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::UpdateFilename(
+ TInt32 aFilenameID, TUint8* aFilenamePtr, TUint16 aFilenameLen,
+ const TDesC& aBaseFilename )
+ {
+ TInt pathindex = aBaseFilename.LocateReverse(TChar('\\'))+1;
+ TInt filenamecount = GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea)
+ / KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen;
+ TInt* chunkptr = (TInt*)GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvFilenameArea);
+ TInt index = 0;
+ TBool found = EFalse;
+ // Check if the filename is already inserted and update it
+ for (index = 0; index < filenamecount; index++)
+ {
+ if (chunkptr[0] == aFilenameID)
+ {
+ found = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ chunkptr+=KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen/4;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ SetAreaCurrentSize( EAknsSrvFilenameArea,
+ GetAreaCurrentSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea)+KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen);
+ }
+ TUint8* filenameptr = (TUint8*)chunkptr;
+ Mem::FillZ(filenameptr, KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen);
+ chunkptr[0] = aFilenameID;
+ filenameptr+=4;
+ Mem::Copy(filenameptr, aBaseFilename.Ptr(), pathindex*2);
+ Mem::Copy(filenameptr+pathindex*2,
+ aFilenamePtr,
+ aFilenameLen*2);
+ Mem::FillZ(filenameptr+pathindex*2+aFilenameLen*2, 2);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::GetAreaBasePtr
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt8* CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::GetAreaBasePtr( TAknsSrvBaseAreaName aAreaname )
+ {
+ TInt* chunkbase = (TInt*)(iSharedChunk.Base());
+ TInt offset = 0;
+ switch (aAreaname)
+ {
+ case EAknsSrvItemDefArea:
+ offset = chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaBaseOffset];
+ return ((TInt8*)(chunkbase))+offset;
+ case EAknsSrvDataArea:
+ offset = chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaBaseOffset];
+ return ((TInt8*)(chunkbase))+offset;
+ case EAknsSrvFilenameArea:
+ offset = chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaBaseOffset];
+ return ((TInt8*)(chunkbase))+offset;
+ case EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea:
+ offset = chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaBaseOffset];
+ return ((TInt8*)(chunkbase))+offset;
+ case EAknsSrvItemDefHash:
+ offset = chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefHashBaseOffset];
+ return ((TInt8*)(chunkbase))+offset;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::GetAreaAllocatedSize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::GetAreaAllocatedSize(
+ TAknsSrvBaseAreaName aAreaname )
+ {
+ TInt* chunkbase = (TInt*)(iSharedChunk.Base());
+ TInt size = 0;
+ switch (aAreaname)
+ {
+ case EAknsSrvItemDefArea:
+ size = chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaAllocatedSizeOffset];
+ return size;
+ case EAknsSrvDataArea:
+ size = chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaAllocatedSizeOffset];
+ return size;
+ case EAknsSrvFilenameArea:
+ size = chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaAllocatedSizeOffset];
+ return size;
+ case EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea:
+ size = chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaAllocatedSizeOffset];
+ return size;
+ case EAknsSrvItemDefHash:
+ size = chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefHashAllocatedSizeOffset];
+ return size;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::GetAreaCurrentSize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::GetAreaCurrentSize(
+ TAknsSrvBaseAreaName aAreaname )
+ {
+ TInt* chunkbase = (TInt*)(iSharedChunk.Base());
+ TInt count = 0;
+ switch (aAreaname)
+ {
+ case EAknsSrvItemDefArea:
+ count = chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaCurrentSizeOffset];
+ return count;
+ case EAknsSrvDataArea:
+ count = chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaCurrentSizeOffset];
+ return count;
+ case EAknsSrvFilenameArea:
+ count = chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaCurrentSizeOffset];
+ return count;
+ case EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea:
+ count = chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaCurrentSizeOffset];
+ return count;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::AdjustAreaAllocatedSize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::AdjustAreaAllocatedSize(
+ TAknsSrvBaseAreaName aAreaname, TInt aNewSize )
+ {
+ TInt* chunkbase = (TInt*)(iSharedChunk.Base());
+ TInt areaallocatedsize = GetAreaAllocatedSize(aAreaname);
+ TInt totalallocatedareasize = GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvItemDefArea)
+ + GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvDataArea)
+ + GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea)
+ + GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea)
+ + GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvItemDefHash)
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkHeaderAreaSize;
+ if (areaallocatedsize <= aNewSize)
+ {
+ TInt chunksize = iSharedChunk.Size();
+ if ( totalallocatedareasize
+ > KAknsSrvSharedChunkMaxSize - KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity )
+ {
+ // Tough luck, we cannot adjust the chunk size past
+ // KAknsSrvSharedChunkMaxSize, just cross our fingers and
+ // hope that everything fits in the chunk...
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( (totalallocatedareasize+KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity)
+ >= chunksize )
+ {
+ TInt err = iSharedChunk.Adjust( chunksize +
+ KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity );
+ if (err)
+ {
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::AdjustAreaAllocatedSize CANNOT ADJUST!");
+ User::Panic(KAknSkinSrvPanicCategory, EAknsSrvCannotAdjustChunk );
+ }
+ }
+ TInt len = 0;
+ TInt8* source = 0;
+ TInt8* target = 0;
+ switch (aAreaname)
+ {
+ case EAknsSrvItemDefArea:
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaAllocatedSizeOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaAllocatedSizeOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ // move dataarea, filenamearea and scalablegfxarea
+ // KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity bytes down...
+ source = GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvDataArea);
+ target = source+KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ len = GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvDataArea)
+ + GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea)
+ + GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ Mem::Move(target, source, len);
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaBaseOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaBaseOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaBaseOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaBaseOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaBaseOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaBaseOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ break;
+ case EAknsSrvDataArea:
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaAllocatedSizeOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaAllocatedSizeOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ // move filenamearea and scalablegfxarea
+ // KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity bytes down
+ source = GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvFilenameArea);
+ target = source+KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ len = GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvFilenameArea)
+ + GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ Mem::Move(target, source, len);
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaBaseOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaBaseOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaBaseOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaBaseOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ break;
+ case EAknsSrvFilenameArea:
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaAllocatedSizeOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaAllocatedSizeOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ // move scalablegfxarea KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity bytes down
+ source = GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ target = source+KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ len = GetAreaAllocatedSize(EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea);
+ Mem::Move(target,source,len);
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaBaseOffset] =
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaBaseOffset]
+ + KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ break;
+ case EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea:
+ // the size of this area is static, no need to adjust it
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::SetAreaCurrentSize
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::SetAreaCurrentSize(
+ TAknsSrvBaseAreaName aAreaname, TInt aNewSize )
+ {
+ TUint misalign = aNewSize&3;
+ TUint newValue = aNewSize;
+ if( misalign )
+ {
+ newValue += (4-misalign);
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( newValue%4==0,
+ User::Panic( KAknSkinSrvPanicCategory, EAknsSrvBadAlignment ) );
+ AdjustAreaAllocatedSize( aAreaname, newValue );
+ TInt* chunkbase = (TInt*)(iSharedChunk.Base());
+ switch (aAreaname)
+ {
+ case EAknsSrvItemDefArea:
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaCurrentSizeOffset] = newValue;
+ break;
+ case EAknsSrvDataArea:
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaCurrentSizeOffset] = newValue;
+ break;
+ case EAknsSrvFilenameArea:
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaCurrentSizeOffset] = newValue;
+ break;
+ case EAknsSrvScalableGfxArea:
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaCurrentSizeOffset] = newValue;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::InitializeChunk
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::InitializeChunk()
+ {
+ iCurrentFilenameID = 0;
+ Mem::FillZ(iSharedChunk.Base(), iSharedChunk.Size());
+ TInt* chunkbase = (TInt*)iSharedChunk.Base();
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefHashBaseOffset] =
+ KAknsSrvSharedChunkHeaderAreaSize;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefHashAllocatedSizeOffset] =
+ KAknsSrvMaxHashSize-KAknsSrvSharedChunkHeaderAreaSize;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefHashCurrentSizeOffset] = 0;
+ Mem::Fill( GetAreaBasePtr(EAknsSrvItemDefHash),
+ (KAknsSrvMaxHashSize-KAknsSrvSharedChunkHeaderAreaSize), 0xFF );
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaBaseOffset] =
+ KAknsSrvMaxHashSize;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaAllocatedSizeOffset] =
+ 12*KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity - KAknsSrvMaxHashSize; //48k -1k
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvItemDefAreaCurrentSizeOffset] = 0;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaBaseOffset] = 12*KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaAllocatedSizeOffset] =
+ 20*KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity; //80k
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvDataAreaCurrentSizeOffset] = 0;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaBaseOffset] =
+ 32*KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaAllocatedSizeOffset] =
+ KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvFilenameAreaCurrentSizeOffset] = 0;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaBaseOffset] =
+ 33*KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaAllocatedSizeOffset] =
+ KAknsSrvSharedChunkGranularity;
+ chunkbase[EAknsSrvScalableGfxAreaCurrentSizeOffset] = 0;
+ TInt committed = iSharedChunk.Size();
+ if (committed > KAknsSrvSharedChunkInitialSize)
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ TInt err =
+ iSharedChunk.Adjust( KAknsSrvSharedChunkInitialSize );
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ AKNS_TRACE_ERROR("AknSkinSrv could not reduce shared memory chunk size");
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::AlignToFour
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::AlignToFour(const TInt aValue)
+ {
+ TInt misalign = aValue&3;
+ TInt newValue = aValue;
+ if( misalign )
+ {
+ newValue += (4-misalign);
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( newValue%4==0,
+ User::Panic( KAknSkinSrvPanicCategory, EAknsSrvBadAlignment ) );
+ return newValue;
+ }
+// End of file