changeset 1 ba33815114d6
parent 0 05e9090e2422
child 2 abcbdabaa4c5
--- a/fontsupport/fontprovider/Src/FontProvider.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:14:12 2009 +0200
+++ b/fontsupport/fontprovider/Src/FontProvider.cpp	Thu Jan 07 13:25:09 2010 +0200
@@ -100,6 +100,15 @@
+//browser link fonts start
+//Western Content Linked fonts
+//browser link fonts stop
 // Texts for measuring maximum ascents and descents:
 _LIT(KWesternFontMaxExtentText, "\x00C1\x00C7" );
@@ -126,6 +135,9 @@
 //chinese adaptation
 #define ELanguageSupportChineseFontLinking          0x00400000
+//additional browser fonts
+#define ELanguageAdditionalContentFonts             0x00800000
 #define ELanguageSupportDevanagari                  0x01000000
 #define ELanguageSupportS60PrivateUseArea1          0x10000000
@@ -216,10 +228,22 @@
                                         | ELanguageSupportChineseHiRes \
                                         | ELanguageSupportChineseFontLinking )
+#define EElafLangsBrowserFonts ( EElafLangs \
+                                   |ELanguageAdditionalContentFonts)
 // Wildcard value for langs (font is to be used for all languages)
 #define EAnyLangs           0xffffffff
+const TInt KAknFontStylesSupported(3);
+const TInt KAknAdditionalBrowserFonts(6);
+enum TAknLinkedFontTypes
+    {
+    EAknSystemLinkedFonts,
+    EAknContentLinkedFonts,
+    EAknAllLinkedFonts
+    };
 //chinese adaptation
@@ -472,10 +496,17 @@
 _LIT(KSerif, "serif");
 _LIT(KMonospace, "monospaced");
 _LIT(KCourier, "courier");
+_LIT(KCourierNew, "courier new");
+_LIT(KBaskerville, "Baskerville");
+_LIT(KTrebuchet, "Trebuchet");
 // Group names
 _LIT(KS60Group, "S60Group");
+//new browser fonts start
+_LIT(KArialGroup, "ArialGroup");
+_LIT(KTnrGroup, "TnrGroup");
+_LIT(KCourGroup, "CourGroup");
+//new browser fonts end
 // Default
 _LIT(KDefaultGroupName, "S60Group");
@@ -521,13 +552,16 @@
     { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KSansSerif) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, ETrue  },
     { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KSerif) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, ETrue  },
     { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KMonospace) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, ETrue  },
-    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KArial) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
+    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTrebuchet) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KArialGroup), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
+    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KArial) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KArialGroup), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
     { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KVerdana),LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
     { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KHelvetica),LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
-    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KGeorgia),LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
-    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTimes),LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
-    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTimesNewRoman) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
-    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KCourier) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
+    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KBaskerville),LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTnrGroup), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
+    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KGeorgia),LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTnrGroup), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
+    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTimes),LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTnrGroup), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
+    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTimesNewRoman) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTnrGroup), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
+    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KCourier) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KCourGroup), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
+    { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KCourierNew) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KCourGroup), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse  },
     { LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KNullDesC) ,LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &languagesAndTypefaceTable, EFalse }
@@ -648,7 +682,20 @@
     { EAknFontCategoryPrimarySmall, 0, EAny, EAny, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EChineseLangsTaiwanHKHiResLF, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60TCHKHRSANSSBLF), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &apacVectorFontBaselineArray, NULL, NULL },
     { EAknFontCategoryPrimary,      0, EAny, EAny, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EChineseLangsTaiwanHKHiResLF, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60TCHKHRSANSSBLF), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &apacVectorFontBaselineArray, NULL, NULL },
     { EAknFontCategoryTitle,        0, EAny, EAny, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EChineseLangsTaiwanHKHiResLF, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60TCHKHRSANSTTLSMBLDLF), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &apacVectorFontBaselineArray, NULL, NULL },
-    { EAknFontCategoryAny,          0, EAny, EAny, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EChineseLangsTaiwanHKHiResLF, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60TCHKHRSANSRLF), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &apacVectorFontBaselineArray, NULL, NULL }
+    { EAknFontCategoryAny,          0, EAny, EAny, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EChineseLangsTaiwanHKHiResLF, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60TCHKHRSANSRLF), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60Group), &apacVectorFontBaselineArray, NULL, NULL },
+    //new browser fonts start
+    //western tnr
+    { EAknFontCategoryAny,          0, EAny, EStrokeWeightBold, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EElafLangsBrowserFonts, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60LATTHOBLD), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTnrGroup), NULL, &latinHeightRequestArray, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KWesternFontMaxExtentText) },
+    { EAknFontCategoryAny,          0, EAny, EAny, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EElafLangsBrowserFonts, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60LATTHOREG), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KTnrGroup), NULL, &latinHeightRequestArray, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KWesternFontMaxExtentText) },
+    //western arial
+    { EAknFontCategoryAny,          0, EAny, EStrokeWeightBold, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EElafLangsBrowserFonts, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60LATAMTBLD), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KArialGroup), NULL, &latinHeightRequestArray, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KWesternFontMaxExtentText) },
+    { EAknFontCategoryAny,          0, EAny, EAny, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EElafLangsBrowserFonts, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60LATAMTREG), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KArialGroup), NULL, &latinHeightRequestArray, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KWesternFontMaxExtentText) },
+    //western courier
+    { EAknFontCategoryAny,          0, EAny, EStrokeWeightBold, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EElafLangsBrowserFonts, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60LATCUMBLD), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KCourGroup), NULL, &latinHeightRequestArray, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KWesternFontMaxExtentText)},
+    { EAknFontCategoryAny,          0, EAny, EAny, EAny, EAny, ENotBold, EAntialiase, EElafLangsBrowserFonts, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KS60LATCUMREG), LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KCourGroup), NULL, &latinHeightRequestArray, LIT_AS_DESC_PTR(KWesternFontMaxExtentText) }, 
+    //new browser fonts end
 // ============================ GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ========================================
@@ -670,7 +717,7 @@
 TInt CreateLinkFontsL(RPointerArray<SLinkedFontDetails>& fontfiles);
 TBool ChineseLinkedFontPresent(const TDesC& newFaceName);
 TInt DoPopulateAndCreateLinkFontsL(TFileText atfile,  TDesC& astartTok, TDesC& astopTok);
-TBool LinkTypefacesInstalled();
+TBool LinkTypefacesInstalled(TAknLinkedFontTypes aFonttype = EAknAllLinkedFonts);
 LOCAL_C void Panic(TAknFontProviderPanicCodes aPanic)
@@ -719,7 +766,7 @@
     //fontlinking unsuccessful, handle with normal font files as earlier
-      if(!LinkTypefacesInstalled())
+      if(!LinkTypefacesInstalled(EAknSystemLinkedFonts))
         fChLinkedFonts = EFalse;
         fChLinkedFonts = ETrue;
@@ -1086,14 +1133,15 @@
 LOCAL_C TBool TypefaceAvailableL( 
     CGraphicsDevice& aDevice, 
-    const TTypeface& aTypeface )
+    const TTypeface& aTypeface,
+    TInt aTypefaceType =EGulNoSymbolFonts )
     TBool found(EFalse);
     CDesCArray* array = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( 6 );
     CleanupStack::PushL( array );
-    FontUtils::GetAvailableFontsL(aDevice, *array, EGulNoSymbolFonts);
+    FontUtils::GetAvailableFontsL(aDevice, *array, aTypefaceType);
     for ( TInt i = 0; i < array->Count(); i++ )
         TPtrC fontName((*array)[i]);
@@ -1190,6 +1238,23 @@
     // Ensure proportionality flag is set. Assumes all S60 fonts are proportional
+    TInt reqLangs = FontProviderRequiredLangs();
+    if((reqLangs == EChineseLangsPRC) || (reqLangs ==EChineseLangsTaiwanHK)|| 
+       (reqLangs ==EChineseLangsPRCLF) ||(reqLangs ==EChineseLangsTaiwanHKLF))
+        {
+        if((aFontSpec.iHeight > 21) && ( EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap != aFontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType()))
+            aFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetBitmapType(EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap);
+        //stroke font files used, not to use bold
+        aFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightNormal );
+        }
+    else if(reqLangs == EKoreanLangs)
+        {
+        if((aFontSpec.iHeight > 17) && ( EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap != aFontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType()))
+            aFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetBitmapType(EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap);        
+        }
+    else if((aFontSpec.iHeight > 16) && ( EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap != aFontSpec.iFontStyle.BitmapType()))
+        aFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetBitmapType(EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap);
 LOCAL_C TBool HasRequiredLanguages( 
@@ -1340,8 +1405,20 @@
     TBool specIsSetUp(EFalse);
-    if ( aFoundIndex == KErrNotFound)
+	//new browser fonts start
+    //checking whether the typeface is installed
+    TInt numberOfRows = sizeof( productFontTable )/ sizeof( SAknProductFontTableLine );
+    SAknProductFontTableLine line = productFontTable[aFoundIndex];
+    TTypeface pftTypeface;
+    TBool available(ETrue);
+    if(aFoundIndex>=0 && aFoundIndex<numberOfRows)
+        {
+    pftTypeface.iName = line.iTypefaceName->Left((KMaxTypefaceNameLength));
+    TRAP_IGNORE( available = TypefaceAvailableL( *aDevice, pftTypeface,EGulAllFonts ) );    
+        }
+    //end
+    if ( (aFoundIndex == KErrNotFound) || ((TInt)EFalse == available))
         // Note that because the alias table has language matching, the direct typeface name should be 
         // appropriate at least for language.
@@ -1800,14 +1877,13 @@
     //chinese adaptation
     TBool fChLinkedFonts = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdFfLinkedFontsChinese);
     TBool fChinese = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdChinese);
-    if(fChinese && fChLinkedFonts)
+    TBool fAdditionalFonts = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdFfAdditionalFonts);
+    if((fChinese && fChLinkedFonts) || fAdditionalFonts)
       //attempt to create linked font only once
-	     //TRAP call necessary
-	     //not need to handle return value, hanled by LinkTypefacesInstalled()
-	     TRAPD(errRet,IntializeLinkedFontL());
+	     TRAP_IGNORE(IntializeLinkedFontL());
@@ -2112,6 +2188,8 @@
     TInt ret = KErrNone;
     RPointerArray<SLinkedFontDetails> fontfiles;
@@ -2134,6 +2212,10 @@
     TBool fHiResFonts = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+    TBool fAdditionalFonts = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+            KFeatureIdFfAdditionalFonts);
+    TBool fChinese = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+            KFeatureIdChinese);
     if (fChLinkedFonts)
@@ -2169,6 +2251,16 @@
+    if(fAdditionalFonts)
+        {
+        if((!fChinese) && (!fSCFonts) && (!fTCHKFonts) && (!fHiResFonts))//must be western variant
+            {
+            startTok.Copy(KWESTBROWStart);
+            stopTok.Copy(KWESTBROWStop);
+            tfile.Seek(ESeekStart);
+            ret = DoPopulateAndCreateLinkFontsL(tfile, startTok, stopTok);            
+            }
+        }
@@ -2193,7 +2285,7 @@
     return ret;
-TBool LinkTypefacesInstalled()
+TBool LinkTypefacesInstalled(TAknLinkedFontTypes aFonttype)
     CWsScreenDevice * screenDevice = CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice();
     TInt noOfTypefaces = screenDevice->NumTypefaces();
@@ -2203,18 +2295,33 @@
     TBool fHiResFonts = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+    TBool fAdditionalFonts = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+            KFeatureIdFfAdditionalFonts);
     TBool ret = EFalse;
     TInt files = 0, ref = 0;
-    if(fSCFonts)
-        ref +=3;
-    if(fTCHKFonts)
-        ref +=3;
+    if( (EAknAllLinkedFonts == aFonttype) || (EAknSystemLinkedFonts == aFonttype))
+        {
+        if(fSCFonts)
+           ref +=KAknFontStylesSupported;
+        if(fTCHKFonts)
+           ref +=KAknFontStylesSupported;
+        }
+    if( (EAknAllLinkedFonts == aFonttype) || (EAknContentLinkedFonts == aFonttype))
+        {
+        if(fAdditionalFonts)
+            {
+            if((!fSCFonts) && (!fTCHKFonts) &&(!fHiResFonts))
+                ref +=KAknAdditionalBrowserFonts;
+            }
+        }
     for (TInt i = 0; i < noOfTypefaces; i++)
         TTypefaceSupport typefaceInfo;
         screenDevice->TypefaceSupport(typefaceInfo, i);
+        if( (EAknAllLinkedFonts == aFonttype) || (EAknSystemLinkedFonts == aFonttype))
+            {
         if (fSCFonts && fHiResFonts)
             if (typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KS60SCHRSANSRLF)==0||
@@ -2256,6 +2363,27 @@
+        if( (EAknAllLinkedFonts == aFonttype) || (EAknContentLinkedFonts == aFonttype))
+            {
+           if(fAdditionalFonts)
+               {
+               if( (!fSCFonts) && (!fTCHKFonts) && (!fHiResFonts))
+                   {
+                   if (typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KS60LATAMTREG)==0||
+                       typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KS60LATAMTBLD)==0||
+                       typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KS60LATTHOREG)==0||
+                       typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KS60LATTHOBLD)==0||
+                       typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KS60LATCUMREG)==0||
+                       typefaceInfo.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KS60LATCUMBLD)==0)
+                       {
+                       files++;
+                       }
+                   }
+               }
+            }
+        }
     if (ref == files)
         ret = ETrue;
     return ret;