changeset 106 e4e3998ddda2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locales/loce32/language/src/language_zh_cn.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:13:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+//  Include Files  
+#include <kernel/ls_std.h>
+#include "locl_language.h"
+#include "complocl.h"
+#include "unicodeconv.h"
+class Gbk
+    {
+    static void ConvertFromUnicodeL(TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters, TFatUtilityFunctions::TOverflowAction aOverflowAction);
+    static void ConvertToUnicodeL(TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aForeign, TFatUtilityFunctions::TOverflowAction aOverflowAction);
+    static TBool IsLegalShortNameCharacter(TUint aCharacter);			
+    };
+void Gbk::ConvertFromUnicodeL(TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& /*aReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters*/, TFatUtilityFunctions::TOverflowAction aOverflowAction)
+    {		
+    TInt err = KErrNone;	
+    aForeign.Zero();
+    TRAP(err, UnicodeConv::ConvertFromUnicodeL(aForeign, aUnicode));
+    // Ignore overflow errors if you're allowed to truncate the string
+    if (aOverflowAction == TFatUtilityFunctions::EOverflowActionTruncate && err == KErrOverflow)
+        {
+        err = KErrNone;
+        }
+    User::LeaveIfError(err);	
+    }
+void Gbk::ConvertToUnicodeL(TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aForeign, TFatUtilityFunctions::TOverflowAction aOverflowAction)
+    {	
+    TInt err = KErrNone;	
+    aUnicode.Zero();
+    TRAP(err, UnicodeConv::ConvertToUnicodeL(aUnicode, aForeign));
+    // Ignore overflow errors if you're allowed to truncate the string
+    if (aOverflowAction == TFatUtilityFunctions::EOverflowActionTruncate && err == KErrOverflow)
+        {
+        err = KErrNone;
+        }
+    User::LeaveIfError(err);	
+    }
+TBool Gbk::IsLegalShortNameCharacter (TUint aCharacter)
+    {	
+    return UnicodeConv::IsLegalShortNameCharacter(aCharacter);	 
+    }
+const TFatUtilityFunctions gbkFatUtilityFunctions=
+    {
+    Gbk::ConvertFromUnicodeL,
+    Gbk::ConvertToUnicodeL,
+    Gbk::IsLegalShortNameCharacter
+    };
+const TLanguage LanguageAspect::Language = ELangPrcChinese;
+const TLanguage LanguageAspect::LanguageDowngrade[3] = {ELangNone, ELangNone, ELangNone};
+const TDigitType LanguageAspect::DigitType = EDigitTypeWestern;
+const TFatUtilityFunctions* const LanguageAspect::FatUtilityFunctions = &gbkFatUtilityFunctions;    
+const TText * const LanguageAspect::MsgTable[ELocaleMessages_LastMsg] =
+        {
+// Fileserver
+            _S("\x91CD\x8BD5"),								// Button 1
+    _S("\x505C\x6B62"),								// Button 2
+    _S("\x653E\x56DE\x5B58\x50A8\x5361"),						// Put the card back - line1		
+    _S("\x6216\x6570\x636E\x5C06\x4E22\x5931"),						// Put the card back - line2		
+    _S("\x7535\x6C60\x7535\x91CF\x592A\x4F4E"),						// Low power - line1		
+    _S("\x65E0\x6CD5\x5B8C\x6210\x5199\x5165\x5B58\x50A8\x5361"),					// Low power - line2			
+    _S("\x5B58\x50A8\x5361\x9519\x8BEF\x002C\x65E0\x6CD5\x5B8C\x6210\x5199\x5165"),				// Disk error - line1				
+    _S("\x91CD\x8BD5\x6216\x6570\x636E\x5C06\x4E22\x5931"),		                        // Disk error - line2						
+// SoundDriver									
+    _S("\x4E50\x58F0"),								// Chimes
+    _S("\x94C3\x58F0"),								// Rings
+    _S("\x4FE1\x53F7"),								// Signal
+// MediaDriver diskname (max 16 chars)
+    _S("Internal"),								// Internal
+    _S("External(01)"),							// External(01)
+    _S("External(02)"),							// External(02)
+    _S("External(03)"),							// External(03)
+    _S("External(04)"),							// External(04)
+    _S("External(05)"),							// External(05)
+    _S("External(06)"),							// External(06)
+    _S("External(07)"),							// External(07)
+    _S("External(08)"),							// External(08)
+// MediaDriver socketname (max 16 chars)
+    _S("Socket(01)"),							// Socket(01)
+    _S("Socket(02)"),							// Socket(02)
+    _S("Socket(03)"),							// Socket(03)
+    _S("Socket(04)")							// Socket(04)
+    };
+// The suffix table
+const TText * const LanguageAspect::DateSuffixTable[KMaxSuffixes] =
+    {
+    _S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),
+    _S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),
+    _S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),
+    _S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),
+    _S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),
+    _S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),_S(""),
+    _S("")
+    };
+// The day names
+const TText * const LanguageAspect::DayTable[KMaxDays] =
+    {
+    _S("\x661f\x671f\x4e00"),
+    _S("\x661f\x671f\x4e8c"),
+    _S("\x661f\x671f\x4e09"),
+    _S("\x661f\x671f\x56db"),
+    _S("\x661f\x671f\x4e94"),
+    _S("\x661f\x671f\x516d"),
+    _S("\x661f\x671f\x65e5")
+    };
+// The abbreviated day names
+const TText * const LanguageAspect::DayAbbTable[KMaxDays] =
+    {
+    _S("\x4e00"),
+    _S("\x4e8c"),
+    _S("\x4e09"),
+    _S("\x56db"),
+    _S("\x4e94"),
+    _S("\x516d"),
+    _S("\x65e5")
+    };
+// The month names
+const TText * const LanguageAspect::MonthTable[KMaxMonths] =
+    {
+    _S("\x0031\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0032\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0033\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0034\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0035\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0036\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0037\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0038\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0039\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0031\x0030\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0031\x0031\x6708"),
+    _S("\x0031\x0032\x6708")
+    };
+// The abbreviated month names
+const TText * const LanguageAspect::MonthAbbTable[KMaxMonths] =
+    {
+    _S("1"),
+    _S("2"),
+    _S("3"),
+    _S("4"),
+    _S("5"),
+    _S("6"),
+    _S("7"),
+    _S("8"),
+    _S("9"),
+    _S("10"),
+    _S("11"),
+    _S("12")
+    };
+// The am/pm strings
+const TText * const LanguageAspect::AmPmTable[KMaxAmPms] = {_S("am"),_S("pm")};
+//  End of File