* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <AknIconUtils.h>
// needed for creating server thread in WINS.
const TInt KAknIconSrvMinHeapSize = 0x10000;
const TInt KAknIconSrvMaxHeapSize = 0x4000000;
// opcodes used in message passing between client and server
enum TAknIconServRequest
// For debug
// return codes to client side (not actual errors)
const TInt KAknIconSrvCodeAnimated = -100;
const TInt KAknIconSrvCodePanicClient = -101; // The AknIconSrv client has been panicked
_LIT( KAknIconSrvName, "!AknIconServer" );
_LIT( KAknIconSrvExe, "AknIconSrv.exe" );
_LIT( KAknIconLibName, "AknIcon.dll" );
// function to start the server thread/process
GLREF_C TInt StartServer();
// function to signal server startup semaphore
GLREF_C void SignalClient();
class CAknIconSrvIconItem;
struct TAknIconParams;
class CAknIconLoader;
struct TAknIconSrvSessionIconItem;
struct TAknIconSrvSessionPreservedItem;
class CAknIconSrvCache;
class CAknIconSrvPrecacheItem;
class CAknIconSrvRequest;
class CAknIconSrvPrecacher;
struct TAknIconSrvReturnData;
struct TAknIconInitData;
class CAknIconDataPreserver;
class MAknIconFormatHandler;
class CAknIconDataItem;
class CAknIconFileNameCache;
* The server class, an active object.
* Contains an instance of RServer, a handle to the kernel server
* representation which is used to receive messages.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknIconServer) : public CServer2
public: // Constructors and destructor
* constructs and starts the server.
static CAknIconServer* NewL();
virtual ~CAknIconServer();
* Opens a new session to the server.
* @param aVersion required version of the server.
* @return pointer to a new session
* Leaves if:
* - Out of memory (KErrNoMemory)
CSession2* NewSessionL( const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
* Server bootstrap code.
IMPORT_C static TInt ThreadStart();
const CAknIconSrvIconItem* RetrieveOrCreateSharedIconL();
const CAknIconSrvIconItem* FreeBitmapL();
const CAknIconDataItem* PreserveIconDataL();
const CAknIconDataItem* UnpreserveIconDataL();
void GetContentDimensionsL();
void CleanupSessionIconItem(
const TAknIconSrvSessionIconItem& aItem );
void CleanupSessionPreservedItem(
const TAknIconSrvSessionPreservedItem& aItem );
void RemoveCachedItem( const CAknIconSrvIconItem& aItem );
inline RFs& FsSession();
inline TRequestStatus& ThreadLaunchStatus();
inline CAknIconSrvPrecacher& Precacher();
inline TDisplayMode IconDepth() const;
/* Clears "permanently cached" flag from the items that are premanently cached
* according to the currently active skin. Deletes them from the icon item array,
* if no-one is using them.
void InvalidateItemsCachedFromSkin();
* For debug only.
void ResetDynamicallyChangingAllocations();
void SetPreferredIconDisplayMode( TDisplayMode aMode );
* Gets information of handles to an empty bitmap used in error cases
* and the configuration data from the resource file.
void GetInitData( TAknIconInitData& aData ) const;
CAknIconLoader* InitIconLoaderL( const TDesC& aFileName, RFile* aFile );
* Releases the icon loader if a backup/restore operation is going on.
void IconLoaderUsed();
* Cleanup item function for making sure that the used icon file is properly
* closed after use to avoid problems with e.g. uninstallations or backup/restore.
static void CleanupIconLoader( TAny* aServer );
* Returns the file handle that is transferred from the client side
* and adopted by the current session object.
* If a file handle is not supplied by the client, this returns
* a closed file handle.
* Caller of this method does not need to close this file handle.
RFile& RetrieveFileHandleL();
inline CAknIconFileNameCache& IconFileNameCache();
* Enable or disable the cache.
void EnableCache(TBool aEnable);
* Loads icon data and initializes icon format handler.
* The returned icon format handler is owned by the
* CAknIconServer object.
TPtrC8 InitIconDataAndHandlerLC(
const TAknIconParams& aParams,
CAknIconLoader*& aLoader,
MAknIconFormatHandler*& aHandler );
private: // New methods
TInt RetrieveIcon( const TAknIconParams& aInfo );
CAknIconSrvIconItem* CreateIconL( const TAknIconParams& aInfo );
CAknIconSrvIconItem* CreateMbmIconL(
const TAknIconParams& aInfo,
const TAknIconSrvReturnData& aHandles );
static void ApplyIconColorL( CAknIconSrvIconItem* aItem, const TRgb aColor );
* Returns ETrue if aItem is deleted otherwise EFalse.
TBool DeleteOrCacheUnusedIcon(CAknIconSrvIconItem* aItem);
void ReCreateSvgL( TAknIconParams& aInfo, CAknIconSrvIconItem *& aItem);
void ConstructL();
private: // data
// Configuration data from the resource file.
TInt iCompression;
TDisplayMode iIconMode;
TDisplayMode iIconMaskMode;
TDisplayMode iPhotoMode;
TDisplayMode iVideoMode;
TDisplayMode iOffscreenMode;
TDisplayMode iOffscreenMaskMode;
// ---
RFs iFsSession;
RPointerArray<CAknIconSrvIconItem> iIconItems;
// List of Icon Format Handlers
// Shared with other classes must be deleted at last.
RPointerArray<MAknIconFormatHandler> iHandlerList;
// Always icon loader for avkon icon file.
CAknIconLoader* iAvkonIconLoader;
// Icon loader for previously accessed other icon file.
CAknIconLoader* iOtherIconLoader;
HBufC* iCurrentIconFile;
TInt iCurrentIndex; // Helper to keep array index valid.
CAknIconDataPreserver* iIconDataPreserver;
// Cache configuration
CAknIconSrvCache* iCache;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Precache thread writes to the following member variables.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
TRequestStatus iThreadLaunchStatus;
// Cached information of icon file names
CAknIconFileNameCache* iFileNameCache;
#ifdef PRECACHE2
// All precached items are copied to this array
RPointerArray<CAknIconSrvIconItem> iNewPrecachedItems;
// This list of bitmaps is used to keep track of bitmaps which are valid in precache
RPointerArray<CFbsBitmap> iFreePrecacheBitmapHandles;
//Used to indicate if all the items in the resource file have been parsed
TBool iPrecacheComplete;
//Thread in which the precaching occurs
RThread iPreCacheThread;
friend class CAknIconSrvPrecacher;
friend class CAknIconSrvCache;
void LoadConfigurationL(RFs& aFs);
TInt32 iConfigIconType;
TFileName iNGADirectory;
#include "AknIconSrv.inl"
// Enf of File