Another skin generation 'fix'. Exporting the scalables60skin content like the other skins (changeset 80be58896cab Bug 1410 ). Hopefully this means that We don't get the problem with $(EXTENSION_ROOT) which we have been. This really needs a proper fix by someone more experienced with FLMs.
TableLimits__32AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupportPCUi @ 1 NONAME R3UNUSED ; AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupport::TableLimits(unsigned int const *)
TextTable__32AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupportR18TAknTextLineLayoutPCUiiRC5TRectiiiii @ 2 NONAME ; AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupport::TextTable(TAknTextLineLayout &, unsigned int const *, int, TRect const &, int, int, int, int, int)
TextTable__32AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupportR18TAknTextLineLayoutPCUiiiiiii @ 3 NONAME ; AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupport::TextTable(TAknTextLineLayout &, unsigned int const *, int, int, int, int, int, int)
WindowTable__32AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupportR20TAknWindowLineLayoutPCUiiRC5TRectiiiii @ 4 NONAME ; AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupport::WindowTable(TAknWindowLineLayout &, unsigned int const *, int, TRect const &, int, int, int, int, int)
WindowTable__32AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupportR20TAknWindowLineLayoutPCUiiiiiii @ 5 NONAME ; AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupport::WindowTable(TAknWindowLineLayout &, unsigned int const *, int, int, int, int, int, int)
MultiLineTextLine__32AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupportR18TAknTextLineLayoutPCUiiiiii @ 6 NONAME ; AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupport::MultiLineTextLine(TAknTextLineLayout &, unsigned int const *, int, int, int, int, int)
MultiLineTextLine__32AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupportR18TAknTextLineLayoutPCUiRC5TRectiiiii @ 7 NONAME ; AknLayoutAdaptationDecodeSupport::MultiLineTextLine(TAknTextLineLayout &, unsigned int const *, TRect const &, int, int, int, int, int)