Additional update for Bug 3124 - hw_wsini.ini does not work and should not be used
/** Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: test AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h AknsControlContext.h* AknsDataContext.h AknsDrawUtils.h AknsItemData.h* AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h AknsItemID.h* AknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext.h* AknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext.h* AknsRlEffectContext.h AknsRlParameter.h* AknsSkinInstance.h AknsUtils.h AknsWallpaperUtils.h**/#ifndef C_TESTSDKSKINS_H#define C_TESTSDKSKINS_H// INCLUDES#include <stiflogger.h>#include <testscripterinternal.h>#include <stiftestmodule.h>#include <testclassassert.h>// MACROS#define TEST_CLASS_VERSION_MAJOR 0#define TEST_CLASS_VERSION_MINOR 0#define TEST_CLASS_VERSION_BUILD 0// Logging path_LIT( KtestsdkskinsLogPath, "\\logs\\testframework\\testsdkskins\\" ); // Log file_LIT( KtestsdkskinsLogFile, "testsdkskins.txt" ); _LIT( KtestsdkskinsLogFileWithTitle, "testsdkskins_[%S].txt" );/*** CTestSDKSkins test class for STIF Test Framework TestScripter.* @since S60 5.0*/NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CTestSDKSkins ) : public CScriptBase {public: // Constructors and destructor /** * Two-phased constructor. */ static CTestSDKSkins* NewL( CTestModuleIf& aTestModuleIf ); /** * Destructor. */ virtual ~CTestSDKSkins();public: // Functions from base classes /** * From CScriptBase Runs a script line. * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem Script line containing method name and parameters * @return Symbian OS error code */ virtual TInt RunMethodL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private: /** * C++ default constructor. */ CTestSDKSkins( CTestModuleIf& aTestModuleIf ); /** * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private. */ void ConstructL(); /** * Method used to log version of test class */ void SendTestClassVersion(); /** * Turn off ScreenSaver * @since S60 5.0 * @return Symbian OS error code. */ void TurnOffScreenSaver(); /** * Restore ScreenSaver * @since S60 5.0 * @return Symbian OS error code. */ void RestoreScreenSaver();private: // Test AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h/* class CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext */ /** * TestBBCCNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBBCCNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBBCCSetBitmapL test function for testing the * SetBitmap function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBBCCSetBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBBCCSetRectL test function for testing the * SetRect function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBBCCSetRectL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBBCCSetParentPosL test function for testing the * SetParentPos function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBBCCSetParentPosL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBBCCSetParentContextL test function for testing the * SetParentContext function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBBCCSetParentContextL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private: // Test AknsControlContext.h/* class MAknsControlContext */ /** * TestCCSupplyMopObjectL test function for testing the * SupplyMopObject function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestCCSupplyMopObjectL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private: // Test AknsDataContext.h/* class MAknsDataContext */ /** * TestDCSupplyMopObjectL test function for testing the * SupplyMopObject function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDCSupplyMopObjectL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private: // Test AknsDrawUtils.h/* class AknsDrawUtils */ /** * TestDUControlContextL test function for testing the * ControlContext function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUControlContextL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUControlContextOfParentL test function for testing the * ControlContextOfParent function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUControlContextOfParentL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUBackgroundL test function for testing the * Background function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUBackgroundL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUBackgroundFPL test function for testing the * Background function with five parameters * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUBackgroundFPL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUBackgroundSPL test function for testing the * Background function with six parameters * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUBackgroundSPL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUDrawBackgroundL test function for testing the * DrawBackground function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUDrawBackgroundL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUBackgroundBetweenRectsFPL test function for testing the * BackgroundBetweenRects function with five parameters * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUBackgroundBetweenRectsFPL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUBackgroundBetweenRectsL test function for testing the * BackgroundBetweenRects function with six parameters * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUBackgroundBetweenRectsL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUBackgroundBetweenRectsSPL test function for testing the * BackgroundBetweenRects function with seven parameters * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUBackgroundBetweenRectsSPL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUHasBitmapBackgroundL test function for testing the * HasBitmapBackground function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUHasBitmapBackgroundL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUDrawCachedImageL test function for testing the * DrawCachedImage function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUDrawCachedImageL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUDrawCachedImageFBSL test function for testing the * ControlContext function with fbsbitgc * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUDrawCachedImageFBSL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUDrawFrameL test function for testing the * DrawFrame function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUDrawFrameL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUPrepareFrameL test function for testing the * PrepareFrame function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUPrepareFrameL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUDrawFrameSPL test function for testing the * DrawFrame function with seven parameters * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUDrawFrameSPL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUDrawFrameFBSL test function for testing the * DrawFrame function with fbsbitgc * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUDrawFrameFBSL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUDrawFramePartL test function for testing the * DrawFramePart function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUDrawFramePartL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUIsListSeperatorLines test function for testing the * IsListSeperatorLines function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUIsListSeperatorLines( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestDUSlidingMode test function for testing the * SlidingMode function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestDUSlidingMode( CStifItemParser& aItem );private: // Test AknsDrawUtils.h/* class AknsDrawUtils */ /** * TestFBCCNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestFBCCNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestFBCCSetFrameL test function for testing the * SetFrame function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestFBCCSetFrameL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestFBCCSetFrameRectsL test function for testing the * SetFrameRects function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestFBCCSetFrameRectsL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestFBCCSetCenterL test function for testing the * SetCenter function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestFBCCSetCenterL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestFBCCSetFramePartRectL test function for testing the * SetFramePartRect function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestFBCCSetFramePartRectL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private: // Test AknsItemData.h/* class CAknsItemData */ /** * TestIDTypeL test function for testing the * Type function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestIDTypeL( CStifItemParser& aItem );/* class CAknsImageItemData */ /** * TestIIDSetAttributesL test function for testing the * SetAttributesL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestIIDSetAttributesL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestIIDAttributesL test function for testing the * Attributes function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestIIDAttributesL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestIIDSetParentIIDL test function for testing the * SetParentIID function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestIIDSetParentIIDL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestIIDSetDrawRectL test function for testing the * SetDrawRect function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestIIDSetDrawRectL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestIIDParentIIDL test function for testing the * ParentIID function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestIIDParentIIDL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestIIDDrawRectL test function for testing the * DrawRect function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestIIDDrawRectL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private://AknsItemData.h/* class CAknsBitmapItemData */ /** * TestBIDNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBIDNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBIDSetBitmapL test function for testing the * SetBitmap function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBIDSetBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBIDDestroyAndSetBitmapL test function for testing the * DestroyAndSetBitmap function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBIDDestroyAndSetBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBIDBitmapL test function for testing the * Bitmap function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBIDBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem );/* class CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData */ /** * TestMBIDNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestMBIDNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestMBIDSetMaskL test function for testing the * SetMask function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestMBIDSetMaskL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestMBIDDestroyAndSetMaskL test function for testing the * DestroyAndSetMask function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestMBIDDestroyAndSetMaskL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestMBIDMaskL test function for testing the * Mask function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestMBIDMaskL( CStifItemParser& aItem );/* class CAknsColorTableItemData */ /** * TestCTIDNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestCTIDNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestCTIDSetColorsL test function for testing the * SetColorsL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestCTIDSetColorsL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestCTIDColorIndexedL test function for testing the * ColorIndexed function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestCTIDColorIndexedL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestCTIDColorRgbL test function for testing the * ColorRgb function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestCTIDColorRgbL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestCTIDGetColorL test function for testing the * GetColorL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestCTIDGetColorL( CStifItemParser& aItem );/* class CAknsImageTableItemData */ /** * TestITIDNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestITIDNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestITIDSetImagesL test function for testing the * SetImagesL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestITIDSetImagesL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestITIDImageIIDL test function for testing the * ImageIID function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestITIDImageIIDL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestITIDImagesL test function for testing the * Images function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestITIDImagesL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestITIDNumberOfImagesL test function for testing the * NumberOfImages function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestITIDNumberOfImagesL( CStifItemParser& aItem );/* class CAknsBmpAnimItemData */ /** * TestBAIDNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDSetFrameInfosL test function for testing the * SetFrameInfosL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDSetFrameInfosL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDFrameInfosL test function for testing the * FrameInfos function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDFrameInfosL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDSetLastFrameBackgroundL test function for testing the * SetLastFrameBackground function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDSetLastFrameBackgroundL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDLastFrameBackgroundL test function for testing the * LastFrameBackground function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDLastFrameBackgroundL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDSetFrameIntervalL test function for testing the * SetFrameInterval function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDSetFrameIntervalL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDFrameIntervalL test function for testing the * FrameInterval function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDFrameIntervalL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDSetPlayModeL test function for testing the * SetPlayMode function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDSetPlayModeL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDPlayModeL test function for testing the * PlayMode function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDPlayModeL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDSetFlashL test function for testing the * SetFlash function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDSetFlashL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestBAIDFlashL test function for testing the * Flash function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestBAIDFlashL( CStifItemParser& aItem );/* class CAknsStringItemData */ /** * TestSIDNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestSIDNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestSIDSetStringL test function for testing the * SetStringL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestSIDSetStringL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestSIDStringL test function for testing the * String function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestSIDStringL( CStifItemParser& aItem );/* class CAknsEffectCommand */ /** * TestECNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestECNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestECSetEffectUidL test function for testing the * SetEffectUid function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestECSetEffectUidL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestECEffectUidL test function for testing the * EffectUid function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestECEffectUidL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestECSetLayerConfL test function for testing the * SetLayerConf function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestECSetLayerConfL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestECLayerConfL test function for testing the * LayerConf function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestECLayerConfL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestECAppendParameterL test function for testing the * AppendParameterL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestECAppendParameterL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestECCreateParameterIteratorL test function for testing the * CreateParameterIteratorL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestECCreateParameterIteratorL( CStifItemParser& aItem );/* class CAknsEffectQueueItemData */ /** * TestEQIDNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDSetRefItemL test function for testing the * SetRefItem function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDSetRefItemL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDRefItemL test function for testing the * RefItem function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDRefItemL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDSetInputLayerL test function for testing the * SetInputLayer function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDSetInputLayerL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDInputLayerL test function for testing the * InputLayer function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDInputLayerL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDSetInputLayerModeL test function for testing the * SetInputLayerMode function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDSetInputLayerModeL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDInputLayerModeL test function for testing the * InputLayerMode function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDInputLayerModeL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDSetOutputLayerL test function for testing the * SetOutputLayer function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDSetOutputLayerL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDOutputLayerL test function for testing the * OutputLayer function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDOutputLayerL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDSetOutputLayerModeL test function for testing the * SetOutputLayerMode function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDSetOutputLayerModeL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDOutputLayerModeL test function for testing the * OutputLayerMode function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDOutputLayerModeL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDAppendCommandL test function for testing the * AppendCommandL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDAppendCommandL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestEQIDCreateCommandIteratorL test function for testing the * CreateCommandIteratorL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestEQIDCreateCommandIteratorL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private://AknsItemID.h/* class TAknsItemID */ /** * TestIILinearOrder test function for testing the * LinearOrder function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestIILinearOrder( CStifItemParser& aItem );private://AknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext.h/* class CAknsLayeredBackgroundControlContext */ /** * TestLBCCNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestLBCCNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestLBCCSetLayerImageL test function for testing the * SetLayerImage function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestLBCCSetLayerImageL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestLBCCSetLayerRectL test function for testing the * SetLayerRect function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestLBCCSetLayerRectL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private://AknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext.h/* class CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext */ /** * TestLBBCCNewL test function for testing the * NewL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestLBBCCNewL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestLBBCCSetTiledBitmapL test function for testing the * SetTiledBitmap function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestLBBCCSetTiledBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestLBBCCSetTiledRectL test function for testing the * SetTiledRect function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestLBBCCSetTiledRectL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestLBBCCSetBottomBitmapL test function for testing the * SetBottomBitmap function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestLBBCCSetBottomBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestLBBCCSetBottomRectL test function for testing the * SetBottomRect function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestLBBCCSetBottomRectL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private://AknsWallpaperUtils.h/* class AknsWallpaperUtils */ /** * TestWUSetIdleWallpaper test function for testing the * SetIdleWallpaper function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestWUSetIdleWallpaper( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestWUSetSlidesetWallpaperL test function for testing the * SetSlidesetWallpaper function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestWUSetSlidesetWallpaperL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private://AknsUtils.h/* class AknsUtils */ /** * TestUInitSkinSupportL test function for testing the * InitSkinSupportL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUInitSkinSupportL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateDataContextForContainerL test function for testing the * CreateDataContextForContainerL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateDataContextForContainerL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateBitmapItemDefL test function for testing the * CreateBitmapItemDefL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateBitmapItemDefL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateMaskedBitmapItemDefL test function for testing the * CreateMaskedBitmapItemDefL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateMaskedBitmapItemDefL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUSkinInstanceL test function for testing the * SkinInstance function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUSkinInstanceL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUDataContextL test function for testing the * DataContext function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUDataContextL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateIconML test function for testing the * CreateIconL function with mask * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateIconML( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateIconMLC test function for testing the * CreateIconLC function with mask * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateIconMLC( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateIconL test function for testing the * CreateIconL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateIconL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateIconLC test function for testing the * CreateIconLC function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateIconLC( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateMaskedBitmapL test function for testing the * CreateMaskedBitmapL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateMaskedBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateGulIconL test function for testing the * CreateGulIconL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateGulIconL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateAppIconLC test function for testing the * CreateAppIconLC function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateAppIconLC( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUOpenAppIconFileL test function for testing the * OpenAppIconFile function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUOpenAppIconFileL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateColorIconL test function for testing the * CreateColorIconL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateColorIconL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateColorIconLC test function for testing the * CreateColorIconLC function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateColorIconLC( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateColorIconML test function for testing the * InitSkinSupportL function with mode * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateColorIconML( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateColorIconMLC test function for testing the * CreateColorIconLC function with mode * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateColorIconMLC( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUGetAppIconL test function for testing the * GetAppIcon function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUGetAppIconL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateBitmapL test function for testing the * CreateBitmapL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateMaskedBitmapIL test function for testing the * CreateMaskedBitmapL function with instance * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateMaskedBitmapIL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUCreateGulIconIL test function for testing the * CreateGulIconL function with instance * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUCreateGulIconIL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUGetCachedBitmapL test function for testing the * GetCachedBitmap function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUGetCachedBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUGetCachedMaskedBitmapL test function for testing the * GetCachedMaskedBitmap function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUGetCachedMaskedBitmapL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUGetCachedColorL test function for testing the * GetCachedColor function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUGetCachedColorL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUBooleanPropertyL test function for testing the * BooleanPropertyL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUBooleanPropertyL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUSetAvkonSkinEnabledL test function for testing the * SetAvkonSkinEnabledL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUSetAvkonSkinEnabledL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUAvkonSkinEnabledL test function for testing the * AvkonSkinEnabled function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUAvkonSkinEnabledL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUSetAvkonHighlightAnimationEnabledL test function for testing the * SetAvkonHighlightAnimationEnabledL function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUSetAvkonHighlightAnimationEnabledL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUAvkonHighlightAnimationEnabledL test function for testing the * AvkonHighlightAnimationEnabled function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUAvkonHighlightAnimationEnabledL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestURegisterControlPositionL test function for testing the * RegisterControlPosition function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestURegisterControlPositionL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestURegisterControlPositionPL test function for testing the * RegisterControlPosition function with point * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestURegisterControlPositionPL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUDeregisterControlPositionL test function for testing the * DeregisterControlPosition function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUDeregisterControlPositionL( CStifItemParser& aItem ); /** * TestUGetControlPositionL test function for testing the * GetControlPosition function * @since S60 5.0 * @param aItem never used * @return Symbian OS error code. */ virtual TInt TestUGetControlPositionL( CStifItemParser& aItem );private: // Data /** * ScreenSaver Property */ TInt iOldScreenSaverProperty; };#endif // C_TESTSDKSKINS_H// End of File