Workaround for Bug 26 - don't use the bld.inf which installs the Monotype rasteriser and fonts
// LayoutPack.cdl - this is the master layout interface.
// It acts as a CDL package to load other related layout instances.
Name: LayoutPack
Version: 1.0
UID: 0x101feb1b
%% C++
#include <aknlayoutdef.h>
#include <akndef.hrh>
%% API
// Primary layout identification data
TDesC name; // The name of this layout
TSize size; // Screen size that this layout works in
TAknLayoutId id; // The type of layout, eg ELAF, ABRW, APAC
TCdlArray<TCdlRef> contents; // related layout instances
TAknUiZoom zoom; // The zoom level that is present in this layout
TInt styleHash; // A hash of the screen style name that this layout works in
TInt priority; // the priority of this pack, instances in packs with the lowest priority will be added to the layout stack first
TInt appUid; // if this is non-zero, then this pack will only be loaded into an application whose Secure UID matches this