Workaround for Bug 26 - don't use the bld.inf which installs the Monotype rasteriser and fonts
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "CCdlEngine.h"
const TInt KCdlGranularity = 4;
// CCdlUids
EXPORT_C CCdlUids* CCdlUids::NewLC()
CCdlUids* self = new(ELeave) CCdlUids;
return self;
EXPORT_C CCdlUids::CCdlUids()
: CArrayFixFlat<TUid>(KCdlGranularity)
EXPORT_C void CCdlUids::AddL(TUid aUid)
if (FindIndex(aUid) == KErrNotFound)
EXPORT_C void CCdlUids::AddL(const CCdlUids& aArray)
TInt count = aArray.Count();
for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
TUid uid = aArray[ii];
EXPORT_C void CCdlUids::Remove(const CCdlUids& aArray)
TInt count = aArray.Count();
for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
EXPORT_C void CCdlUids::Remove(TUid aUid)
TInt index = FindIndex(aUid);
if (index != KErrNotFound)
EXPORT_C TInt CCdlUids::FindIndex(TUid aUid) const
TInt count = Count();
for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
if (At(ii) == aUid)
return ii;
return KErrNotFound;
EXPORT_C CCdlUids* CCdlUids::IntersectionLC(const CCdlUids& aArray) const
CCdlUids* array = CCdlUids::NewLC();
TInt count = aArray.Count();
for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
TUid uid = aArray[ii];
if (FindIndex(uid) != KErrNotFound)
return array;
EXPORT_C void CCdlUids::ImportL(const TDesC8& aDes)
TInt size = aDes.Size();
if (size)
Mem::Copy(&At(0), aDes.Ptr(), size);
EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CCdlUids::Export() const
TInt count = Count();
const TUid* uids = count ? &At(0) : NULL;
TPtrC8 ptr(reinterpret_cast<const TText8*>(uids), count*sizeof(TUid));
return ptr;
// CCdlNames
EXPORT_C CCdlNames* CCdlNames::NewLC()
CCdlNames* self = new(ELeave) CCdlNames;
return self;
EXPORT_C CCdlNames::CCdlNames()
: CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>(KCdlGranularity)
EXPORT_C CCdlNames::~CCdlNames()
EXPORT_C TInt CCdlNames::FindIndex(const TDesC& aName) const
TInt count = Count();
for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
HBufC* name = At(ii);
if (CdlEngine::CompareNames(*name, aName) == 0)
return ii;
return KErrNotFound;
EXPORT_C HBufC* CCdlNames::AddL(const TDesC& aName)
TInt pos = FindIndex(aName);
if (pos != KErrNotFound)
return At(pos);
HBufC* name = aName.AllocLC();
return name;
EXPORT_C void CCdlNames::ImportL(const TDesC8& aDes)
TPtrC8 buf(aDes);
TInt newCount=0;
CdlUtils::Extract(buf, newCount);
TInt arrayCount = Count();
ResizeL(arrayCount + newCount, 0);
CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupImport, this));
for (TInt ii=0; ii<newCount; ii++)
TInt size=0;
CdlUtils::Extract(buf, size);
TPtrC name((TText*)buf.Ptr(), size/2);
if (FindIndex(name) == KErrNotFound)
At(arrayCount++) = name.AllocL();
CleanupStack::Pop(); // cleanup import
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CCdlNames::ExportL() const
HBufC8* buf = ExportLC();
return buf;
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CCdlNames::ExportLC() const
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC(sizeof(TInt));
// names count is first in the export descriptor
TInt count = Count();
CdlUtils::AppendLDC(buf, TPckgC<TInt>(count));
for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
// for each name, place the size of the name, then the name in the export descriptor
const TDesC& name = *At(ii);
TInt size = name.Size();
CdlUtils::AppendLDC(buf, TPckgC<TInt>(size));
TPtrC8 name8((TText8*)name.Ptr(), size);
CdlUtils::AppendLDC(buf, name8);
return buf;
void CCdlNames::CleanupImport(TAny* aThis)
void CCdlNames::DoCleanupImport()
// count the number of used HBufCs and resize to that size.
TInt count = Count();
TInt used;
for (used=0; used<count; used++)
if (!At(used))
if (used<count)
ResizeL(used); // will not leave because array is shrinking