Workaround for Bug 26 - don't use the bld.inf which installs the Monotype rasteriser and fonts
* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Package output.
#include "SDCGlobals.h"
#include "SDCPkgOutput.h"
#include "SDCException.h"
#include "SDCInput.h"
#include "AknsConstants.hrh"
// Construction/Destruction
// Other methods
void CSDCPkgOutput::Output( CSDCData* aData, const char* aSkinName,
const char* aPkgFilename, const char* aDrmDefFilename )
bool drm = false;
if( aDrmDefFilename && (strlen(aDrmDefFilename)>0) )
drm = true;
TSDCPID storagePid = aData->iParentPid;
if( (storagePid.iPID1==0) && (storagePid.iPID2==0) )
storagePid = aData->iPid;
FILE* file = fopen( aPkgFilename, "wt" );
if( !file ) throw CSDCException( ESDCFileOpenError, "Can not open PKG output file for writing" );
FILE* drmFile = NULL;
if( drm )
drmFile = fopen( aDrmDefFilename, "wt" );
if( !drmFile ) throw CSDCException( ESDCFileOpenError, "Can not open DRM def output file for writing" );
fprintf( drmFile, "skin\n");
fprintf( file, "; File created with SkinCompiler v%i.%i.%i\n;\n", gPlatformMajor, gPlatformMinor, gVersionMinor );
fprintf( file, ";\n; Installation file for %s skin\n;\n", aSkinName );
fprintf( file, "&EN\n" );
fprintf( file, ";\n; Package header\n;\n" );
// real uid is given, assume signed package generation
if( aData->iPid.iPID2 == 0 )
fprintf( file, "#{\"%s\"},(%#010x),1,0,0\n", aSkinName, aData->iPid.iPID1 );
fprintf( file, "#{\"%s\"},(0xA00000EB),1,0,0,TYPE=SP\n", aSkinName );
fprintf( file, ";\n; Supports Series 60 v3.x\n; This line indicates that this installation is for the Series 60 platform v3.x\n; This line must appear _exactly_ as shown below in the sis file\n; If this line is missing or incorrect, the sis file will not be able\n; to be installed on Series 60 v3.x platforms\n;\n" );
fprintf( file, "[0x101f7961], 0, 0, 0, {\"Series60v3.0\"}\n" );
fprintf( file, ";\n; Supports Series 60 v5.x\n; This line indicates that this installation is for the Series 60 platform v5.x\n; This line must appear _exactly_ as shown below in the sis file\n; If this line is missing or incorrect, the sis file will not be able\n; to be installed on Series 60 v5.x platforms\n;\n" );
fprintf( file, "[0x1028315F], 0, 0, 0, {\"Series60v5.0\"}\n" );
fprintf( file, ";\n; Requires Series 60 Skins Support\n;\n" );
fprintf( file, "(0xA00000EB), 0, 0, 0, {\"Series60SkinsSupport\"}\n");
if( aData->IsScalable() )
fprintf( file, ";\n; Requires Series 60 Scalable Skins Support\n;\n" );
fprintf( file, "(0x10207113), 0, 0, 0, {\"Series60ScalableSkinsSupport\"}\n");
fprintf( file, ";\n; Non-localised vendor name\n;\n" );
if (wcslen(aData->iAuthor) == 0)
fprintf( file, ":\"Unknown Vendor\"\n" );
char vendorBuf[512];
CSDCInput::ConvertToAscii( vendorBuf, aData->iAuthor );
fprintf( file, ":\"%s\"\n", vendorBuf );
fprintf( file, ";\n; Localised vendor name\n;\n" );
fprintf( file, "%%{\"Vendor-EN\"}\n" );
fprintf( file, ";\n; Files to install\n;\n");
char trgPath[256];
fprintf( file, "IF package(0x102032be) ; Check for S60 3.1 stub sis\n");
//-------- New 3.1 compatible install directory
if( storagePid.iPID2 == 0 )
sprintf( trgPath, "!:\\resource\\skins\\%08x", storagePid.iPID1 );
sprintf( trgPath, "!:\\resource\\skins\\%08x%08x", storagePid.iPID1, storagePid.iPID2 );
fprintf( file, "\"%s.mbm\" - \"%s\\%s.mbm\"\n", aSkinName, trgPath, aSkinName );
if( aData->IsScalable() )
fprintf( file, "\"%s.mif\" - \"%s\\%s.mif\"\n", aSkinName, trgPath, aSkinName );
fprintf( file, "ELSE\n");
//-------- 3.0 compatible install directory
if( storagePid.iPID2 == 0 )
sprintf( trgPath, "!:\\private\\10207114\\import\\%08x", storagePid.iPID1 );
sprintf( trgPath, "!:\\private\\10207114\\import\\%08x%08x", storagePid.iPID1, storagePid.iPID2 );
fprintf( file, "\"%s.mbm\" - \"%s\\%s.mbm\"\n", aSkinName, trgPath, aSkinName );
if( aData->IsScalable() )
fprintf( file, "\"%s.mif\" - \"%s\\%s.mif\"\n", aSkinName, trgPath, aSkinName );
fprintf( file, "ENDIF\n") ;
// ------- ENDIF
if( drm )
fprintf( file, ";SKN file %s.skn moved to DRM definition file\n", aSkinName );
fprintf( drmFile, "%s.skn\n", aSkinName );
fprintf( file, "\"%s.skn\" - \"%s\\%s.skn\"\n", aSkinName, trgPath, aSkinName );
// Append a dummy ini file
if( storagePid.iPID2 == 0 )
fprintf( file, ";Dummy entry for the possible skin .ini file, so that it gets removed on uninstall\n");
fprintf( file, "\"\" - \"!:\\private\\10207114\\import\\%08x\\%08x.ini\",FN\n",storagePid.iPID1,storagePid.iPID1 );
fprintf( file, ";Dummy entry for the possible skin .ini file, so that it gets removed on uninstall\n");
fprintf( file, "\"\" - \"!:\\private\\10207114\\import\\%08x%08x\\%08x%08x.ini\",FN\n",storagePid.iPID1,storagePid.iPID2,storagePid.iPID1,storagePid.iPID2 );
vector<wchar_t*> soundFiles;
int i;
for( i=0; i<aData->iStringDefVector.size(); i++ )
TSDCStringDef* entry = aData->iStringDefVector[i];
if( entry->iIID.iMajor == EAknsMajorSound )
bool alreadyAppended = false;
for( int a=0; a<soundFiles.size(); a++ )
if( !wcsicmp( entry->iString, soundFiles[a] ) )
alreadyAppended = true;
if( !alreadyAppended )
soundFiles.push_back( entry->iString );
char buffer[512];
for( i=0; i<soundFiles.size(); i++ )
if( i==0 )
fprintf( file, ";\n; Sound files\n;\n");
CSDCInput::ConvertToAscii( buffer, soundFiles[i] );
if( drm )
fprintf( file, ";Sound file %s moved to DRM definition file\n", buffer );
fprintf( drmFile, "%s\n", buffer );
fprintf( file, "\"%s\" - \"%s\\%s\"\n", buffer, trgPath, buffer );
fprintf( file, ";\n; End of file\n;\n" );
fclose( file );
if( drmFile ) fclose( drmFile );
// End of file