Workaround for Bug 26 - don't use the bld.inf which installs the Monotype rasteriser and fonts
* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Skin server settings.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <babackup.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <AknsPkgID.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
#include "AknsDriveMaster.h"
#include "aknssrvwallpapertimer.h"
enum TAknsSrvSettingsProperty
EAknsSrvSPLayoutId = 1,
EAknsSrvSPActiveSkin = 2,
EAknsSrvSPIdleBackground = 3,
EAknsSrvSPPinboardBackground = 4,
EAknsSrvSPDRMHelperNotification = 5,
EAknsSrcSpLayoutSwitch = 6,
EAknsSrvSPUSBAttached = 7,
EAknsSrvSPWallpaperType = 8,
EAknsSrvSPSlidesetWPTimeout = 9,
EAknsSrvSPSlidesetWPType = 10,
EAknsSrvSPTransitionFx = 11,
EAknsSrvSPScreensaverActivation = 12,
EAknsSrvSPAnimBackground = 13
class CRepository;
class CAknsPropertySubscriber;
class CAknsRepositoryWatcher;
class CAknsSrvDriveMaster;
class MAknsSrvSettingObserver
virtual void NotifyBackupOperationEnd() =0;
virtual void NotifyLayoutChange(TBool aClearScalable = EFalse) =0;
virtual void NofifySkinChange() =0;
virtual void NotifyIdleBackgroundChange() =0;
virtual void NotifyDRMChange() =0;
virtual void NotifyUSBAttach() = 0;
virtual void NotifyUSBRemoval() = 0;
virtual void NotifySlideSetTimeoutChange() = 0;
virtual void NotifySlideSetTypeChange() = 0;
virtual void NotifyWallpaperTypeChange() = 0;
// Observer interface for screensaver state changes.
virtual void NotifyScreenSaverChange() = 0;
virtual void NotifyTransitionFxChange() = 0;
virtual void NotifyDriveChange( const TInt& aDrive, const TBool& aMediaNotPresent ) =0;
virtual void NotifyBackupOperationBegin() =0;
virtual void NotifyAnimBackgroundChange() = 0;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknsSrvSettings) : public CBase,
public MBackupOperationObserver,
public MAknsSrvDriveObserver
virtual ~CAknsSrvSettings();
static CAknsSrvSettings* NewL(
MAknsSrvSettingObserver* aObserver,
RFs& aFileSystemSession );
public: // CenRep callbacks
static TInt LayoutCallBack(TAny* aPtr);
static TInt SkinsRepositoryCallBack(TAny* aPtr);
static TInt DRMRepositoryCallBack(TAny* aPtr);
static TInt LayoutSwitchCallBack(TAny* aPtr);
static TInt USBCallBack(TAny* aPtr);
static TInt ThemesRepositoryCallBack(TAny* aPtr);
// Callback for screensaver state changes.
static TInt SSCallBack( TAny* aPtr );
public: // From MBackupOperationObserver
void HandleBackupOperationEventL(
const TBackupOperationAttributes& aBackupOperationAttributes);
public: //From MAknsSrvDriveObserver
void NotifyDriveStatusChange( const TInt& aDrive, const TBool& aMediaNotPresent );
public: // New methods
void InstallAdditionalWatchersL();
void SetCachedSkinPID( const TAknsPkgID aPid );
TBool CachedAHMirroringActive();
TAknsPkgID CachedSkinPID();
TBool CachedBackupOperationInProgress();
TBool HighlightAnimEnabled() const;
void WriteAllToDefault(TBool aExcludeWP);
void WriteSkinToDefault();
void WriteIdleBackgroundToDefault();
void WriteSkinSettings(const TAknsPkgID aPid, TBool aMMC);
TInt ReadAHMirroringActive();
TInt ReadActiveSkinPID();
TInt ReadIdleBackgroundFile( TPath& aPath );
TInt ReadDRMHelperServerNotification( TDes& aString );
void ReadHighlightAnimEnabled();
* Returns default skin PID.
* @return default skin PID.
* @since 3.1
TAknsPkgID DefaultSkinPID();
TInt SlideSetWPTimeout();
TInt WallpaperType();
TInt SlideSetWPType();
// Starts to listen for screensaver changes in PS.
void StartScreenSaverListen();
// Stops to listen for screensaver changes in PS.
void StopScreenSaverListen();
// Return screensaver state as defined in the PS key.
TInt ScreensaverState() const;
TInt TransitionFxState();
// Get Animation Background state.
TInt AnimBackgroundState();
// Set Animation Background state.
void SetAnimBackgroundState( TInt aValue );
// Get a reference to drive master.
CAknsSrvDriveMaster* GetDriveMaster();
protected: // New methods
void HandlePropertyChange( const TAknsSrvSettingsProperty aProperty );
* Reads default skin ID from repository and sets it to iDefaultSkinPID.
void ReadDefaultSkinID();
* Called when wallpaper needs to advance in slideset and
* device is idle.
static TInt DoHandleIdleTimeL( TAny* aAny );
void HandleIdleTime();
private: // Private constructors
CAknsSrvSettings( MAknsSrvSettingObserver* aObserver, RFs& aFileSystemSession );
void ConstructL();
private: // Data
MAknsSrvSettingObserver* iObserver;
TBool iAHMirroringActive;
TAknsPkgID iActiveSkinPID;
TBool iBackupOperationInProgress;
TBool iHighlightAnimEnabled;
RProperty iEnableUSBWatchProperty;
CAknsPropertySubscriber* iUSBWatchSubscriber;
CRepository* iAvkonRepository;
CAknsRepositoryWatcher* iAvkonRepositoryWatcher;
CRepository* iSkinsRepository;
CAknsRepositoryWatcher* iSkinsRepositoryWatcher;
CRepository* iDRMRepository;
CAknsRepositoryWatcher* iDRMRepositoryWatcher;
CRepository* iThemesRepository;
CAknsRepositoryWatcher* iThemesRepositoryWatcher;
* Set to ETrue if screensaver is active and wallpaper notification
* is needed to be broadcast.
TBool iDelayedNotification;
* Previous value of screensaver. Value zero means off.
TInt iPreviousScreenSaverValue;
* Property access variable for screensaver.
RProperty iScreensaverActivationProperty;
* Listener for screensaver state in PS.
* Own.
CAknsPropertySubscriber* iScreensaverActivationSubscriber;
* Default skin PID. Skin PID is set only once and cannot be changed.
TAknsPkgID iDefaultSkinPID;
/* Handles drive information.
* Own.
CAknsSrvDriveMaster* iDriveMaster;
* Own RFs session.
RFs iFsSession;
* This CIdle is used to change the wallpaper image in slideset,
* when device is idle, in order to avoid CPU load in critical phase.
* Own.
CIdle* iIdleTime;
// End of File