Workaround for Bug 26 - don't use the bld.inf which installs the Monotype rasteriser and fonts
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include "AknIconPanic.h"
#include "AknIconSrvDef.h"
class CAknIconServer;
class CAknIconSrvIconItem;
* This class represents a session in the server.
* Functions are provided to respond appropriately to client messages.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknIconSrvSession) : public CSession2
public: // Constructors and destructor
* C++ default constructor.
* Destructor.
virtual ~CAknIconSrvSession();
public: // New functions
public: // From CSharableSession
void ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
RFile& AdoptedFileHandle();
* @fn SetClientPanicCode
* sets the panic code, which will be used in panicing the client
* @param aPanicCode This panic code to set
* @see TAknIconPanic
void SetClientPanicCode(TAknIconPanic aPanicCode);
private: // New Functions
* Handles a client request; tests the opcode and gives
* service according to that.
* @param aMessage service request message from client
* Leaves if:
* - a service routine leaves
TInt DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Below are handlers for different services.
* They get the parameters from client message and
* call the desired service routine.
* They also do the necessary inter-thread data transfers.
* Leave if:
* - a service routine leaves
* Leaves are trapped by ServiceL() which returns the
* errorcode to the client.
* Server down-cast.
inline CAknIconServer* Server();
* Panics the client thread
* @param aPanic panic reason
void PanicClient( const RMessage2& aMessage, TAknIconPanic aPanic ) const;
void ModifyUserCount(
const CAknIconSrvIconItem* aItem,
TInt aCount );
void ModifyUserCount(
const CAknIconDataItem* aItem,
TInt aCount );
private: // Data
// Information of which icons this session is referring to.
// Needed for cleanup purposes in e.g. client thread panic case.
RArray<TAknIconSrvSessionIconItem> iIconItems;
// Information of which icon data this session has preserved.
// Needed for cleanup purposes in e.g. client thread panic case.
RArray<TAknIconSrvSessionPreservedItem> iPreservedItems;
// File handle adopted from the client side.
// It is adopted in the beginning of the service request
// and always closed after the service request.
RFile iAdoptedFile;
//! Code to use while panicking the client
TAknIconPanic iClientPanicCode;
#ifdef _DEBUG
TInt iDbgHeapFailNextCount; // for heap testing
#endif // _DEBUG
#include "AknIconSrvSession.inl"
// End of File