author William Roberts <>
Tue, 23 Mar 2010 16:09:27 +0000
changeset 35 838be9535c06
parent 26 800e0f20cfe9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Start integration branch for Symbian^3 Theme The theme has been built using Carbide.ui on S60 5th Edition using the N97 plugin The source code in sf/mw/uiresources/skins/Symbian/srcdata was used to generate the installable SIS file which lives in the group directory, but the aim here is to build the theme for delivery in the ROM (preferrably as the default theme). Running "sbs -b bld.inf -c winscw" should build cleanly and deliver a matched set of files which then show up in the Settings | Themes | General list. Attempting to install it produces "Theme Corrupted".

// ..\cdl\AknLayoutScalable_Avkon.cdl
// This file was generated by:
// aknlayoutcompiler MLCompData2CDL -nodeletes -allparams ..\xml\av\_all\php_av_qhd_prt_tch\display_eur_compData.xml ..\xml\av\_all\phl_av_qhd_lsc_tch\display_eur_compData.xml ..\cdl\AknLayoutScalable_Avkon.cdl 0x1020384E
// Generated from ..\xml\av\_all\php_av_qhd_prt_tch\display_eur_compData.xml, ..\xml\av\_all\phl_av_qhd_lsc_tch\display_eur_compData.xml, 
// which was generated with timestamp 2010-03-03 15:11:44.128

Name: AknLayoutScalable_Avkon
Version: 1.0
UID: 0x1020384e

%% C++

#include <aknlayout2scalabledef.h>

%% Translation

%% API

// LAF Table : Screen Contents
TAknWindowComponentLayout Screen(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : Screen
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits application_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout application_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout screen_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits area_bottom_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout area_bottom_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits area_top_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout area_top_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout misc_graphics(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits battery_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout battery_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_status_flat_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits context_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout context_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_status_flat_pane
TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_status_flat_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits status_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_list_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_list_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout find_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_app_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_app_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_form_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_gen_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_gen_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_set_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_idle_act_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_idle_trad_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_list_empty_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_midp_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_ai_message_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai_message_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_china_uni_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_uni_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_japan_candidate_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_japan_candidate_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_japan_predictive_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_find_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_grid_graphic_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_grid_graphic_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_large_graphic_colour_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_menu_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_menu_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_image_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_code_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_query_code_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_code_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_query_data_code_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_query_data_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_sat_info_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_query_sat_info_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote_single_text_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_sub_window_general(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_window_general_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_window_general(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout power_save_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits control_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout control_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout control_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits control_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout control_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_small_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_volume_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_icon_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits status_small_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout status_small_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_wait_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_wait_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : signal_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_levels_signal_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_levels_signal(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits signal_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : context_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout context_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout title_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout title_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout title_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits title_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout title_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : battery_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_levels_battery_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_levels_battery(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits battery_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout battery_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits battery_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout battery_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits battery_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits battery_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout battery_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : uni_indicator_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits uni_indicator_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_icon_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_icon_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_midp_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_text_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_small_wait_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_wait_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_wait_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits status_small_wait_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_wait_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_icon_text_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits navi_navi_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_tabs_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_text_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_volume_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_text_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout navi_text_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_icon_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_icon_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_text_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout navi_navi_text_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_volume_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_volume_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_icon_text_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_icon_text_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout navi_navi_icon_text_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_tabs_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_2_long_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_3_long_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_3_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_4_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_active_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_active_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_passive_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_passive_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_3_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_active_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_active_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_passive_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_passive_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_passive_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_passive_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_4_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_active_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_active_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_passive_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_passive_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_passive_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_passive_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_passive_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_passive_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_2_long_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_long_active_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_long_active_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_long_passive_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_long_passive_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_3_long_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_long_active_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_long_active_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_long_passive_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_long_passive_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_long_passive_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_long_passive_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : volume_small_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits volume_small_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_active_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_active_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_3_active_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_passive_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_passive_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_3_passive_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_4_active_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_active_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_4_active_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_4_passive_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_1_passive_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_4_1_passive_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits main_pane_set_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_code_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_text_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_volume_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_volume_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_slider_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits setting_slider_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_slider_graphic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits setting_slider_graphic_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_text_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_text_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_text_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_code_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_code_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_code_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_text_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout set_text_pane_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_set_opt_pane_cp
TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits set_opt_bg_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_set_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits slider_set_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : volume_set_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits volume_set_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_idle_trad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_idle_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_idle_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_idle_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_pane_idle_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits soft_indicator_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout soft_indicator_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits wallpaper_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wallpaper_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wallpaper_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout wallpaper_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : indicator_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_icon_text_pane_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_icon_text_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : soft_indicator_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout soft_indicator_pane_t1(TInt aRow = 0, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : power_save_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_ps_area_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_ps_clock_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_ps_indicator_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_ps_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_ps_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits power_save_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout power_save_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits power_save_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout power_save_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_navinavi_width_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : power_save_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_ps_area_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits power_save_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits power_save_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout power_save_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits power_save_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout power_save_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_ps_clock_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_ps_indicator_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits power_save_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout power_save_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits power_save_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits power_save_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout power_save_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits power_save_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout power_save_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits power_save_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout power_save_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : indicator_ps_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_ps_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_idle_act_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_gene_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_links_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_links_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_idle_g1_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_pane_idle_g1_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai_links_title_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits soft_indicator_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout soft_indicator_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai_links_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_links_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_ai_links_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai_gene_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_ai_links_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai_link_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_link_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai_link_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_link_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_link_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_ai_link_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_link_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_ai_links_title_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_ai_links_title_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai_gene_pane_1
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_gene_pane_1_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_gene_pane_1_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai_gene_pane_1_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_gene_pane_1_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_gene_pane_1_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_ai_soft_ind_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai_gene_pane_2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_gene_pane_2_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_2_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_list_empty_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_empty_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_empty_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_empty_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_empty_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_empty_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_empty_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_empty_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_empty_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_empty_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_empty_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits main_pane_empty_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_empty_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_empty_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_window_general
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits find_popup_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout find_popup_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits heading_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_sub_window_general
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_window_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_heading_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_4_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_passive_pane_cp_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_passive_pane_cp_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_passive_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : heading_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_4_pane_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_passive_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_4_passive_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp3_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp3_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits heading_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout heading_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits heading_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout heading_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits heading_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits heading_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout heading_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_heading_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_popup_heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_sub_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_note_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_note_image_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_image_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_image_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_image_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_image_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note_image_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_image_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_image_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_image_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_image_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_image_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_image_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_image_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_image_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note_image_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_image_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_image_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_note_wait_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note_wait_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note_wait_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits wait_bar_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_bar_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_bar_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_anim_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_anim_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_anim_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_anim_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits wait_anim_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_anim_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_border_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits wait_border_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_data_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp16_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp16(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_popup_pane_cp4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_popup_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_query_data_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_code_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_popup_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_popup_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_code_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_code_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_code_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_code_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_code_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_code_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_query_code_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_code_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_code_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout query_popup_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_data_code_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp15_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp15(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_popup_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_popup_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_popup_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_popup_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_code_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_query_data_code_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_code_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_code_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_code_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_code_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_code_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_code_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_code_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_code_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_query_data_code_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_query_data_code_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_query_data_code_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_graphic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_midp_graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_data_code_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout query_popup_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_sat_info_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp11(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_info_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : query_popup_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout query_popup_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_info_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_popup_info_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_popup_info_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_info_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_popup_info_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_info_list_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_info_list_pane_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_info_list_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_info_list_pane_t2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_info_list_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_info_list_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_info_list_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_find_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp12(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout find_popup_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_grid_graphic_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_graphic_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_large_graphic_colour_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_colour_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_colour_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_large_graphic_colour_none_popup_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_large_graphic_colour_none_popup_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_colour_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_large_graphic_colour_none_popup_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout cell_large_graphic_colour_none_popup_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_large_graphic_colour_popup_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_snote_single_text_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote_single_text_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_text_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_text_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_text_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_text_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_text_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_text_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_text_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_snote_single_graphic_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote_single_graphic_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_graphic_popup_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_graphic_popup_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits listscroll_popup_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_graphic_popup_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic_popup_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_graphic_popup_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_graphic_popup_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_gen_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_gen_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_list_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_list_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_list_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_list_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_list_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_list_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_list_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_list_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_list_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_list_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_list_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_list_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_list_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_list_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_time_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_number_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_number_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_number_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_heading_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_number_heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_large_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_border_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_large_graphic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g4_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_number_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_number_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_number_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_graphic_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_large_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_large_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_heading_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_graphic_heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_time_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_time_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_time_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_setting_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_setting_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_setting_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_value_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_value_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_setting_number_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_setting_number_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_setting_number_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_value_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_value_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_value_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_set_opt_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout set_value_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_form_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_gen_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_popup_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_wide_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_data_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout data_form_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_data_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_data_wide_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout data_form_wide_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_popup_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_popup_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_popup_wide_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_wide_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_slider_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_field_slider_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_cont_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_cont_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_slider_wide_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_cont_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_cont_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : input_focus_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits input_focus_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_border_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane_g3_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : data_form_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout data_form_pane_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_anim_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_anim_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : data_form_wide_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout data_form_wide_pane_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_wide_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_graphic_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_graphic_pane_cp(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_form_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits slider_form_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_graphic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_form_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : find_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout find_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_find_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : input_find_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_find_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_find_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_find_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout input_find_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_find_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout input_find_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits input_find_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_find_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout input_find_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_menu_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_menu_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_menu_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_submenu_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_submenu_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : find_popup_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout find_popup_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_popup_find_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : input_popup_find_pane_cp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_popup_find_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout input_popup_find_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_submenu_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_sub_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_sub_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_submenu_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_submenu_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_submenu_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_popup_submenu_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_popup_submenu_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_popup_submenu_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_popup_submenu_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_active_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_active_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_2_active_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_passive_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_passive_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_2_passive_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_long_active_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_2_long_active_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_long_passive_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_midp_graphic_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_long_active_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_3_long_active_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_long_passive_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_graphic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_midp_graphic_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fast_swap_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp13_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp13(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_fast_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_fast_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_fast_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_popup_fast_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_popup_fast_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_hl_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : query_popup_data_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp20_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp20(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits query_popup_data_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits query_popup_data_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_set_opt_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_set_opt_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : stacon_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_top_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_top_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits stacon_top_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout stacon_top_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : stacon_bottom_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits battery_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout battery_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_bottom_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_bottom_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits stacon_bottom_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout stacon_bottom_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : signal_pane_stacon
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_levels_signal_lsc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_levels_signal_lsc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_stacon_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_stacon_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_stacon_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_stacon_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits signal_pane_stacon_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_stacon_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_stacon_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane_stacon
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_stacon_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout title_pane_stacon_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : uni_indicator_pane_stacon
TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_stacon_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_top_pane_stacon
TAknWindowComponentLayout control_top_pane_stacon_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_top_pane_stacon_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout control_top_pane_stacon_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : battery_pane_stacon
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_levels_battery_lsc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_levels_battery_lsc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits battery_pane_stacon_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout battery_pane_stacon_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits battery_pane_stacon_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout battery_pane_stacon_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits battery_pane_stacon_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits battery_pane_stacon_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout battery_pane_stacon_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_pane_stacon
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_icon_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_text_pane_stacon(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_bottom_pane_stacon
TAknWindowComponentLayout control_bottom_pane_stacon_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_bottom_pane_stacon_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout control_bottom_pane_stacon_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_app_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_app_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_app_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp15_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp15(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_app_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_app_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_app_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_app_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_highlight_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_highlight_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_highlight_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_highlight_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_scroll_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_scroll_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_bg_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_bg_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_bg_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits scroll_bg_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_bg_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_handle_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_handle_focus_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_focus_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits scroll_handle_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_japan_predictive_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp21_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp21(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fep_japan_predictive_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_japan_candidate_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp23(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_japin_cand_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fep_japan_candidate_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_japin_cand_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits candidate_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout candidate_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp30(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : candidate_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_popup_jap_candidate_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_popup_jap_candidate_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_popup_jap_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp30(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_popup_jap_candidate_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : aid_levels_signal
TAknWindowComponentLayout level_1_signal(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_2_signal(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_3_signal(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_4_signal(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_5_signal(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_6_signal(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_7_signal(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : aid_levels_battery
TAknWindowComponentLayout level_1_battery(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_2_battery(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_3_battery(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_4_battery(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_5_battery(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_6_battery(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_7_battery(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_menu_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_menu_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_menu_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp25_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp25(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_menu_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_side_volume_key_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp22(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_china_uni_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp24_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp24(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_china_uni_candidate_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_candidate_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_entry_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_uni_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_china_uni_entry_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_entry_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_entry_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_china_uni_entry_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_entry_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_entry_item_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_china_uni_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_candidate_item_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_candidate_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_candidate_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_candidate_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_candidate_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_china_uni_candidate_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_candidate_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_entry_item_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_entry_item_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_entry_item_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout fep_entry_item_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_candidate_item_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_candidate_item_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout fep_candidate_item_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_candidate_item_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout fep_candidate_item_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_candidate_item_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_candidate_item_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout fep_candidate_item_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp31_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp31(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : aid_levels_signal_lsc
TAknWindowComponentLayout level_1_signal_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_2_signal_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_3_signal_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_4_signal_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_5_signal_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_6_signal_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_7_signal_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : aid_levels_battery_lsc
TAknWindowComponentLayout level_1_battery_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_2_battery_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_3_battery_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_4_battery_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_5_battery_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_6_battery_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout level_7_battery_lsc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_handle_focus_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_focus_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_focus_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_focus_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits scroll_handle_focus_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_handle_focus_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_2graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_large_graphic_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : area_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fast_swap_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fast_swap_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout stacon_top_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : area_bottom_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout stacon_bottom_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_set_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp121(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_content_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp1
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp1
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp2
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp2
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp3
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp3
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp4
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp4
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp5
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp5
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_graphic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_set_graphic_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : volume_small_pane_cp
TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits volume_small_pane_cp_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_large_graphic_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_large_graphic_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g4_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_graphic_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_number_heading_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_t3_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_t3_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_heading_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_graphic_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_number_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_t3_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_t3_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_number_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_pane_cp2
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_cp2_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_large_graphic_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_g4_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_g4_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_large_graphic_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_heading_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g4_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g4_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_g5_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_2graphic_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g4_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g4_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_highlight_pane_cp1
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g10_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g1_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g2_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g3_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g4_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g5_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g6_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g7_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g8_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_g9_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_cont_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_t4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_form_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : misc_graphics
TAknWindowComponentLayout control_abbreviations(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_conventions(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_definitions(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout format_table_attribute(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_preview_window_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : misc_graphics
TAknWindowComponentLayout format_table_data2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout format_table_data3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout format_table_data_example(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_preview_window_pane
TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g_Limits();

// LAF Table : misc_graphics
TAknWindowComponentLayout intro_purpose(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_preview_window_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : misc_graphics
TAknWindowComponentLayout texts_category(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout texts_graphics(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : texts_category
TAknTextComponentLayout text_digital(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout text_primary(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout text_primary_small(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout text_secondary(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout text_title(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp3_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp3_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp3_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp3_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_4_active_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp3_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp3_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_active_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_active_pane_srt_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_4_active_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp3_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp3_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp3_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp3_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_2_long_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_long_active_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_long_active_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_long_passive_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_long_passive_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_long_passive_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp4_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp4_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp4_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp4_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp4_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp4_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_long_active_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp4_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp4_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_long_active_pane_srt_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_2_long_active_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp4_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp4_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp4_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp4_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_3_long_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_long_active_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_long_active_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_long_passive_pane_cp_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_long_passive_pane_cp_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_long_passive_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_long_passive_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_long_passive_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp5_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp5_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp5_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp5_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp5_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp5_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_long_active_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp5_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp5_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_long_active_pane_srt_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_3_long_active_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp5_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp5_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp5_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp5_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_text_pane_srt
TAknTextComponentLayout navi_text_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_icon_pane_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_icon_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_midp_pane_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_editing_number_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_ticker_pane_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_srt_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits midp_ticker_pane_srt_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_srt_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_editing_number_pane_srt
TAknTextComponentLayout midp_editing_number_pane_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_midp_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_midp_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_form_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_info_popup_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_info_popup_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_info_popup_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp50_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp50(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_midp_info_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_midp_info_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_form_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_form_midp_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_form_midp_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_bar_cp050(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_midp_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_midp_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_canvas_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_g2_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_midp_info_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_midp_info_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout listscroll_midp_info_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_midp_info_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout listscroll_midp_info_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_midp_info_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout listscroll_midp_info_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_midp_info_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout listscroll_midp_info_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits listscroll_midp_info_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_midp_info_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout listscroll_midp_info_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp21(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_form_midp_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_field_choice_group_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_field_text_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_field_time_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_slider_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_wait_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_image_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_midp_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_midp_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_midp_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_field_text_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_field_text_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp050(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_midp_form_text_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_field_choice_group_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_field_choice_group_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp051(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_midp_choice_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : area_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout status_idle_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_field_time_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_field_time_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_anim_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_anim_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_field_time_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_field_time_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_midp_field_time_pane_t_Limits();

// LAF Table : aid_navinavi_width_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_navinavi_width_2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_field_time_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_field_time_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp052(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_gauge_slider_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_input_focus_pane_cp040(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_slider_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_gauge_wait_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_input_focus_pane_cp041_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_input_focus_pane_cp041(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_midp_gauge_wait_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_wait_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_midp_gauge_wait_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_wait_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_midp_gauge_wait_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_midp_gauge_wait_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_gauge_wait_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_midp_wait_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_wait_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_image_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout form_midp_image_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_image_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_image_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_image_pane_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_midp_image_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout form_midp_image_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_midp_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_midp_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_midp_form_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_midp_form_item_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_midp_form_item_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_midp_form_item_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout list_midp_form_item_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_ticker_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits midp_ticker_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_editing_number_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout midp_editing_number_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_midp_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_editing_number_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_ticker_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_ai_message_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp14(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_ai_message_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai_message_heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_message_heading_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_message_heading_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_message_heading_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_message_heading_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai_message_heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_message_heading_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_message_heading_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_message_heading_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai_message_heading_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_message_heading_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai_message_heading_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_heading_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_ai_message_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_ai_message_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_ai_message_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_ai_message_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_ai_message_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_ai_message_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_ai_message_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_ai_message_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_ai_message_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_ai_message_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_ai_message_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_ai_soft_ind_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai_soft_ind_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_soft_ind_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai_soft_ind_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai_soft_ind_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_soft_ind_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits text_secondary_cp56_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout text_secondary_cp56(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : format_table_data_example
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits example_general_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout example_general_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits example_parent_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout example_parent_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits example_parent_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout example_parent_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_text_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_preview_text_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_pane_cp2
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_cp2_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_preview_text_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_preview_window_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_text_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_preview_text_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_text_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_preview_text_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_text_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_preview_text_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_text_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_preview_text_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_preview_text_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_text_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_preview_text_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp11(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_preview_window_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_popup_width_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_data_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits data_form_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_data_wide_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits data_form_wide_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : input_popup_find_pane_cp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_popup_find_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_popup_find_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_pane_stacon
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_navi_side_left_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_navi_side_right_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_midp_note_alarm_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp30_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp30(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits wait_bar_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_bar_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_bar_pane_cp1
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_anim_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : wait_border_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_border_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_popup_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_popup_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_popup_wide_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_wide_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_wide_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_graphic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_graphic_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : data_form_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits data_form_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : data_form_wide_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits data_form_wide_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : aid_levels_signal
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_1_signal_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_2_signal_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_3_signal_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_4_signal_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_5_signal_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_6_signal_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_7_signal_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : aid_levels_battery
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_1_battery_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_2_battery_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_3_battery_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_4_battery_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_5_battery_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_6_battery_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits level_7_battery_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_status_flat_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_status_flat_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_active_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_active_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_passive_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_passive_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_4_active_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_active_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_4_passive_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_1_passive_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_active_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_active_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_passive_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_passive_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_long_active_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_long_active_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_long_passive_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_midp_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_long_active_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_long_active_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_long_passive_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_graphic_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_midp_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_status_flat_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : indicator_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout indicator_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : texts_graphics
TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_graphics_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_within_text_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_preview_text_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_text_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_preview_text_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cursor_graphics_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_digital_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_primary_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_primary_small_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_secondary_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_title_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : link_highlight_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_digital_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_primary_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_primary_small_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_secondary_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_title_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : copy_highlight_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_digital_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_primary_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_primary_small_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_secondary_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_title_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : graphic_within_text_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_digital_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_small_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_secondary_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_title_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cursor_primary_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_primary_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cursor_text_primary_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cursor_primary_small_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_primary_small_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cursor_text_primary_small_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cursor_secondary_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_primary_small_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cursor_text_primary_small_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cursor_title_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout cursor_text_title_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_title_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cursor_digital_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_digital_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cursor_text_digital_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : link_highlight_primary_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_primary_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout link_highlight_primary_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : link_highlight_primary_small_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_primary_small_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout link_highlight_primary_small_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : link_highlight_secondary_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_secondary_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout link_highlight_secondary_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : link_highlight_title_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_title_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout link_highlight_title_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : link_highlight_digital_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout link_highlight_digital_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout link_highlight_digital_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : copy_highlight_primary_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_primary_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout copy_highlight_primary_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : copy_highlight_primary_small_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_primary_small_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout copy_highlight_primary_small_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : copy_highlight_secondary_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_secondary_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout copy_highlight_secondary_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : copy_highlight_title_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_title_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout copy_highlight_title_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : copy_highlight_digital_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout copy_highlight_digital_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout copy_highlight_digital_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : graphic_text_primary_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits graphic_text_primary_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : graphic_text_primary_small_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_small_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_small_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_small_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits graphic_text_primary_small_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_primary_small_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : graphic_text_secondary_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_secondary_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_secondary_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_secondary_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits graphic_text_secondary_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_secondary_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : graphic_text_title_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_title_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_title_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_title_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits graphic_text_title_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_title_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : graphic_text_digital_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic_text_digital_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_digital_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_digital_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits graphic_text_digital_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic_text_digital_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_icon_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_icon_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_midp_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_text_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_text_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_pane_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_icon_text_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_pane_srt_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_pane_srt_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane_srt_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits navi_navi_pane_srt_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_pane_srt_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_pane_srt_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_tabs_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_text_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_volume_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_text_pane_srt
TAknTextComponentLayout navi_navi_text_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_volume_pane_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_volume_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : volume_small_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits volume_small_pane_srt_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_srt_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_data_code_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout query_popup_data_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_icon_text_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_icon_text_pane_srt_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout navi_navi_icon_text_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_tabs_pane_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_2_long_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_2_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_3_long_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_3_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_tabs_4_pane_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_2_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_active_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_active_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_passive_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_passive_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_passive_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp1_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp1_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp1_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp1_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp1_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp1_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_2_active_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp1_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp1_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_2_active_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_2_active_pane_srt_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_2_active_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp1_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp1_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp1_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp1_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_3_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_active_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_active_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_passive_pane_cp_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_passive_pane_cp_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_passive_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_passive_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_passive_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_passive_tab_pane_cp2_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_passive_tab_pane_cp2_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g1_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g2_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_passive_tab_pane_g3_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tabs_3_active_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_active_tab_pane_cp2_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_3_active_pane_srt_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_3_active_pane_srt_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tabs_3_active_pane_srt_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_active_tab_pane_cp2_srt
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g1_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g2_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_active_tab_pane_g3_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_tabs_4_pane_srt
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_active_pane_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_active_pane_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tabs_4_passive_pane_cp2_srt_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tabs_4_passive_pane_cp2_srt(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_toolbar(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_idle_act_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_large_graphic_colour_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_toolbar_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_toolbar_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_app_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_apps_grid_lsc_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_apps_grid_prt_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_field_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_wml_button_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_wml_button_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_midp_field_text_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp050_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_midp_form_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : form_midp_field_choice_group_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp051_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_midp_choice_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_midp_choice_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_cp3(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_midp_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_midp_graphic_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_2heading_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_toolbar_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_toobar_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_toobar_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_toolbar_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_toolbar_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_toolbar_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_toolbar_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_toolbar_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_toolbar_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_highlight_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : toolbar_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits toolbar_button_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_2graphic_pane_cp3
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g1_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g1_cp3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g2_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g2_cp3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g3_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_g4_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g4_cp3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_t1_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_t1_cp3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_midp_graphic_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_midp_graphic_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_zoom_text_primary(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_zoom_text_secondary(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_small_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits title_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_large_graphic_colour_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_colour_1_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_colour_1_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_colour_2_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_colour_2_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_colour_3_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_colour_3_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_colour_4_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_colour_4_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane_stacon
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_stacon_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_stacon_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_note_wait_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_wait_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note_wait_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_feb_china_hwr_fs_writing_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_feb_china_hwr_fs_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_feb_china_hwr_fs_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_feb_china_hwr_fs_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_hwr_fs_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_hwr_fs(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_hwr_fs_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_hwr_fs_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout linegrid_hwr_fs_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_hwr_fs_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_fs_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_fs_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : linegrid_hwr_fs_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout linegrid_hwr_fs_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_hwr_fs_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_fs_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_fs_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_fs_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_fs_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_fs_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_fs_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_fs_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_fs_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_hwr_fs_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_fs_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_fs_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_hwr_fs_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_idle_act2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_sub_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_inside_area_popup_secondary(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_window_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_inside_area_window_primary_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_inside_area_window_primary(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_idle_act2_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_news_ticker_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_ai1_link_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_ai1_link(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_ai2_data_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai2_data_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_ai2_link_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai2_link_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_ai2_link_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_ai2_link_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_ai2_link_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_ai2_link_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai2_link_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_ai2_link_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai2_link_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_ai2_link_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_ai2_link_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai2_link_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_ai2_data_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_mp_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_mp_volume_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits heading_ai2_gene_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_ai2_gene_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_ai2_gene_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_ai2_gene_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_ai2_link_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai2_link_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai2_link_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai2_link_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai2_link_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai2_mp_volume_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_mp_volume_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_mp_volume_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_ai2_gene_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout list_ai2_gene_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai2_mp_volume_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_mp_volume_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai2_mp_volume_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_mp_volume_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai2_mp_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_ai2_button(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_ai2_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_ai2_button_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai2_button_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai2_button_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai2_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai2_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai2_gene_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai2_gene_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai2_gene_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_height_parent_landscape(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_height_set_list(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_parent(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_ai2_data_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_ai2_data_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai2_data_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai2_news_ticker_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_news_ticker_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_news_ticker_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai2_news_ticker_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_news_ticker_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai2_news_ticker_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai2_news_ticker_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai2_news_ticker_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout ai2_news_ticker_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : heading_ai2_gene_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_ai2_gene_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits heading_ai2_gene_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout heading_ai2_gene_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_ai2_gene_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai2_gene_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_gene_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_ai2_gene_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_ai2_gene_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout list_ai2_gene_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai2_gene_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai2_gene_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_gene_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai2_gene_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_gene_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai2_gene_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai2_gene_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai2_gene_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_gen_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp12(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout control_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_small_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_small_pane_g8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_pane_g8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_find_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note_image_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_graphic_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_heading_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_setting_number_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_value_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_value_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_graphic_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_graphic_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_setting_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_setting_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_setting_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_setting_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_value_pane_cp_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_value_pane_cp_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_number_heading_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_number_heading_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double2_large_graphic_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_time_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_time_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_time_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_number_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_number_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_number_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_heading_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_graphic_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_fastswap(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_touch_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_touch(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fast_swap_wide_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fast_swap_wide_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits touch_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout touch_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_gen_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_scroll_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_handle_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_sc2_down_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_sc2_down_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_sc2_up_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_sc2_up_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_wheel_folder_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_wheel_folder_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_wheel_folder_pane_g1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : stacon_bottom_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits clock_nsta_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_midp_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_midp_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_canvas_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout nsta_clock_indic_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_form_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_set_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_set_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_toolbar_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits find_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout find_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_toobar_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_form_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_gen_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_gen_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp8_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp8_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_data_wide_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits data_form_wide_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout data_form_wide_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp6_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp6_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_midp_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_midp_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp16_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp16(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_code_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits button_value_adjust_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits button_value_adjust_pane_cp6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits settings_code_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout settings_code_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_touch_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_touch_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_touch_1_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_touch_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : grid_touch_2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_touch_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : scroll_sc2_down_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_sc2_down_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_sc2_up_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_sc2_up_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_graphic_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp4_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_vc_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_vc_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_set_graphic_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_vc_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits text_primary_small_cp13_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout text_primary_small_cp13_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_code_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp2_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_code_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_code_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_text_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_text_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout set_text_pane_vc_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_text_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp1_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_text_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_text_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_slider_graphic_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp2_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits setting_slider_graphic_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_cp_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_set_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits slider_set_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_set_opt_pane_cp_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g3_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g4_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g5_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g6_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g7_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g8_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g9_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_slider_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits setting_slider_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : volume_set_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits volume_set_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_volume_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp1_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp2_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_vc_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_vc_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_vc_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_vc_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits main_pane_set_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits setting_code_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_code_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_text_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_volume_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_set_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp121_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_content_pane_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : button_value_adjust_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits button_value_adjust_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp10_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp10_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_cont_pane_cp1_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_cont_pane_cp1_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_form_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_cont_pane_vc
TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_vc_t4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_form_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_slider_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_field_slider_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp9_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp9_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_cont_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_cont_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_wide_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_graphic_pane_cp_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_graphic_pane_cp_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp8_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp8_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_wide_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_wide_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_graphic_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_graphic_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_graphic_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_form_graphic_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp5_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp5_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_graphic_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_graphic_pane_vc(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_popup_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_popup_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_popup_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp7_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp7_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_form_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : data_form_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits data_form_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout data_form_pane_vc_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : input_focus_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits input_focus_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_data_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits data_form_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout data_form_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_pane_vc_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_data_pane_vc_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form_gen_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp3_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp5_vc(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_pane_vc_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_popup_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_slider_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : touch_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_touch_1_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_touch_1_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_touch_2_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_touch_2_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits touch_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout touch_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_popup_fast_wide_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_cp_wide_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane_cp_wide(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_fast_wide_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_popup_fast_wide_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_popup_fast_wide_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp19_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp19(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fast_swap_wide_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp20(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_popup_fast_wide_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : indicator_nsta_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_indicator_nsta_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : clock_nsta_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_indicator_nsta_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_indicator_nsta_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_indicator_nsta_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_indicator_nsta_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : nsta_clock_indic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout nsta_clock_indic_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : indicator_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_indicator_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_japan_predictive_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp29(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : stacon_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_nsta_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_apps_wheel_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_form_midp_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_midp_field_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_form_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_bar_cp050_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_indicator_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_indicator_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_indicator_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_indicator_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_indicator_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_apps_wheel_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_wheel_folder_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_wheel_folder_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_wheel_apps_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_wheel_apps_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_apps_wheel_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_apps_wheel_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_apps_wheel_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_apps_wheel_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits main_apps_wheel_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_apps_wheel_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_apps_wheel_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_apps_wheel_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_apps_wheel_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_wheel_apps_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_wheel_apps_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_wheel_apps_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_wheel_apps_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_wheel_apps_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_wheel_apps_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_wheel_apps_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_wheel_apps_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_icon_text_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_fill_nsta(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_icon_text_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_icon_text_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout navi_icon_text_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_midp_note_alarm_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t11_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_midp_note_alarm_window_t11(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp17_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp17(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : volume_small_pane_cp
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small_pane_cp_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_ticker_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_ticker_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_ticker_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_ticker_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_ticker_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_fill_nsta_2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_form_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_form2_midp_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_midp_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_editing_number_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_ticker_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form2_midp_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_field_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp51(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_field_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_button_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_button_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_content_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_content_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_field_choice_group_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_field_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_field_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_field_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_field_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form2_midp_field_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_field_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_wait_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_image_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_image_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_label_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_label_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_label_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_label_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_string_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_string_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_text_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_time_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits input_focus_pane_cp51_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp51(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_label_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_label_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_label_pane_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_mdip_text_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form2_mdip_text_pane_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_time_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_time_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_slider_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_gauge_wait_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_wait_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_wait_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_wait_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_field_choice_group_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_pane_cp4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_cp4(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_midp_graphic_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_midp_graphic_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_2graphic_pane_cp4
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp20(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g1_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_g2_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_pane_t1_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_graphic_pane_cp
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp21(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_midp_graphic_pane_g4_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_midp_graphic_pane_t1_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_string_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_mdip_string_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout form2_mdip_string_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_wml_button_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_image_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_image_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_large_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_large_graphic_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_large_graphic_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_midp_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_form_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_apps_wheel_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_preview_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_touch_info_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_touch_info_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_touch_menu_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_touch_menu_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_touch_menu_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_touch_menu_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_touch_menu_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_touch_menu_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_touch_menu_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_touch_menu_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_touch_menu_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_touch_info_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_sub_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_touch_info_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_touch_info_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_touch_info_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_touch_info_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_touch_info_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_touch_info_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_touch_info_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_touch_info_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_touch_info_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_touch_info_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : heading_sub_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout heading_sub_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_preview_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_preview_window_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_preview_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_preview_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_preview_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_preview_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_preview_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_preview_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_preview_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_preview_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_preview_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_preview_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_preview_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_preview_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_preview_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : heading_preview_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_heading_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_heading_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_preview_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits heading_preview_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout heading_preview_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : soft_indicator_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits soft_indicator_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_sc2_left_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_sc2_right_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_scroll_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_bg_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_bg_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_bg_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_bg_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_handle_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_handle_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_handle_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_handle_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_handle_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_choice_list_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_choice_list_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_toolbar_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout choice_list_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_toolbar_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout cell_toolbar_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits toolbar_button_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : ai_gene_pane_1
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_gene_pane_1_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai_gene_pane_1_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai_gene_pane_1_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_sc2_left_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_sc2_left_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_sc2_right_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_sc2_right_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_choice_list_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_choice_list_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_choice_list_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_choice_list_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_choice_list_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_choice_list_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_choice_list_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_choice_list_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_choice_list_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : choice_list_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout choice_list_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout choice_list_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp11(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane_stacon
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_stacon_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_stacon_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits title_pane_stacon_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_stacon_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_stacon_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : texts_graphics
TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_press_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_hwr_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_hwr_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_vkb_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_vkb_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cursor_press_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cursor_press_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_vkb_side_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_side_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_hwr_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_side_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_side_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_top_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_top_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_write_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_side_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_side_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_top_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_top_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_top_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_hwr_top_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_top_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_top_text_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_top_text_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_top_text_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout fep_hwr_top_text_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_keypad_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_keypad_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_keypad_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_keypad_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_bottom_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_bottom_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_bottom_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_vkb_bottom_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_bottom_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_bottom_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_side_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_side_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_vkb_side_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_side_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_vkb_side_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_vkb_side_pane_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_fep_vkb_candidate_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_candidate_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_vkb_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_vkb(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_candidate_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_bottom_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_bottom_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_side_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_side_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_vkb_top_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_text_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_side_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_side_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_vkb_side_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_vkb_side_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_vkb_keypad_number_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_vkb_keypad_number_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_vkb_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_vkb_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_bottom_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_bottom_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_bottom_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_vkb_keypad_bottom_left_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_vkb_keypad_bottom_left_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_vkb_keypad_bottom_right_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_vkb_keypad_bottom_right_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_top_text_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_text_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_text_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_vkb_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_side_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_side_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_side_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_side_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_vkb_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_keypad_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane
TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_hwr_side_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_side_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_side_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_keypad_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_vkb_keypad_bottom_left_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_keypad_bottom_left_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_bottom_left_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_vkb_keypad_bottom_right_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_keypad_bottom_right_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_bottom_right_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_keypad_bottom_left_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_bottom_left_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_keypad_bottom_right_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_bottom_right_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_vkb_keypad_number_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_vkb_keypad_number_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_hwr_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_hwr_side_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_side_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_hwr_side_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_hwr_side_pane_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_hwr_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_hwr_candidate_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_candidate_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_vkb_candidate_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_hwr_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_fep_hwr_top_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_hwr_side_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_hwr_side_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_side_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_side_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aRow, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_write_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_write_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_write_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_write_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_write_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_write_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_candidate_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_candidate_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_candidate_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_side_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_side_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_setting_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_setting_number_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_setting_number_pane_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_setting_number_pane_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_menu_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_heading_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_t1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_t1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_heading_pane_t2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_heading_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : Screen
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_value_unit2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_preview_fixed_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_preview_fixed_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_preview_fixed_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_preview_fixed_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_empty_pane_fp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_empty_pane_fp(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_fp(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_fp(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_fp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_fp(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_pane_fp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_fp_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_fp_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_fp_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_fp_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_fp_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_fp_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_fp_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_fp_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_pane_fp_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_fp_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_pane_fp_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_pane_fp_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_pane_fp_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_pane_fp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_fp_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_pane_fp_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_pane_fp_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_heading_pane_fp_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_cale_day_pane_fp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_cale_day_pane_fp_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_empty_pane_fp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_empty_pane_fp_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_empty_pane_fp_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_empty_pane_fp_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_empty_pane_fp_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_empty_pane_fp_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout list_empty_pane_fp_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_heading_pane_fp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_fp_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_fp_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_fp_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_fp_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_fp_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_fp_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_heading_pane_fp_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_heading_pane_fp_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fast_swap_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_fast(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : soft_indicator_pane_cp1
TAknTextComponentLayout soft_indicator_pane_cp1_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_popup_fast_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane_cp2(TInt aRow = 0, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_hwr_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_candidate_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_candidate_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_vkb_candidate_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_hwr_candidate_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_candidate_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb_candidate_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_candidate_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_candidate_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_candidate_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_candidate_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_app_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_cp2_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane_cp2_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_cp2_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane_cp2_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_app_pane_cp2_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_cp2_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_app_pane_cp2_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_app_pane_cp2_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_app_pane_cp2_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_highlight_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_candidate_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_candidate_pane_cp1(TInt aCol, TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb_candidate_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb_candidate_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_candidate_drop_down_list_scroll_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_clock_analogue_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_call2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_call_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_analogue_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_analogue_window_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_analogue_window_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_analogue_window_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_analogue_window_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_clock_analogue_window_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_analogue_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_clock_analogue_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_clock_digital_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits clock_digital_number_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits clock_digital_number_pane_cp02_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits clock_digital_number_pane_cp03_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp03(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits clock_digital_number_pane_cp04_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp04(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits clock_digital_separator_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_separator_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_clock_digital_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : clock_digital_number_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits clock_digital_number_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : clock_digital_separator_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_separator_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_separator_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits clock_digital_separator_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_separator_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_fill_nsta_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_nsta_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_analogue_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : indicator_nsta_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_indicator_nsta_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : clock_nsta_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits clock_nsta_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : scroll_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_max_handle(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_min_handle(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : texts_graphics
TAknWindowComponentLayout editor_scroll_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : editor_scroll_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ex_editor_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp13(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_gen_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp14(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_menu_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp36(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_menu_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_cp2(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_hl_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_min_hl_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp34_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp34(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_hl_pane_cp2
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_min_hl_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp34_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp34_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g1_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g2_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g3_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g4_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g4_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g5_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_hl_pane_g5_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_choice_list_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_choice_list_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp23(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_preview_fixed_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_preview_window_pane_cp02_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_preview_fixed_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_preview_fixed_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_preview_fixed_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_fixed_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_preview_fixed_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_fixed_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_preview_fixed_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_preview_fixed_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_fixed_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_preview_fixed_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_pane_stacon
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_navi_side_left_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_navi_side_right_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_icon_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_text_pane_stacon_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_text_info_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_text_info_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_text_info_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_text_info_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_text_info_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_text_info_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp24_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp24(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_text_info_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_text_info_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_text_info_pane_t1(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fast_swap2_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fast_swap2_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fast_swap2_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_fast2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp17(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_fast2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_fast2_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_fast2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_fast2_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_fast2_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits listscroll_fast2_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_fast2_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp26(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_fast2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fast2_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fast2_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_fast2_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fast2_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fast2_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fast2_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_fast2_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fast2_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_eswt_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_eswt_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_text_info_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_text_info_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_eswt_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_canvas_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_combo_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_default_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_label_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_wait_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_shell_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_eswt_app_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_eswt_tasktip_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_eswt_tasktip_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_shell_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp18(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : common_borders_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits eswt_control_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_ctrl_button_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits common_borders_pane_copy2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout common_borders_pane_copy2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_button_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_button_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_button_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_button_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_button_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits control_button_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_button_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_button_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout control_button_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout control_button_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits control_button_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout control_button_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_button_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_ctrl_default_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits common_borders_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout common_borders_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : common_borders_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g1_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g2_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g3_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g3_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g4_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g4_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_ctrl_canvas_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_eswt_ctrl_canvas_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits common_borders_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout common_borders_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_ctrl_label_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits common_borders_pane_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout common_borders_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_horizontal_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_vertical_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : common_borders_pane_cp3
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g1_copy2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g1_copy2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g2_copy2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g2_copy2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g3_copy2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g3_copy2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g4_copy2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g4_copy2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : separator_horizontal_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout common_borders_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_horizontal_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_horizontal_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_horizontal_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits separator_horizontal_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_horizontal_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : common_borders_pane_cp4
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g1_copy3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g1_copy3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g2_copy3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g2_copy3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g3_copy3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g3_copy3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g4_copy3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g4_copy3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : separator_vertical_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout common_borders_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_vertical_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_vertical_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_vertical_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits separator_vertical_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout separator_vertical_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : common_borders_pane_cp5
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g1_copy4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g1_copy4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g2_copy4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g2_copy4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g3_copy4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g3_copy4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_control_pane_g4_copy4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_control_pane_g4_copy4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_ctrl_combo_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_combo_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_input_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_choice_list_window_cp70(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_ctrl_input_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_input_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp70(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_ctrl_combo_button_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_cp70_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp70(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout eswt_ctrl_combo_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_ctrl_wait_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_bar_pane_cp70(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_eswt_tasktip_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp70_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp70(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_eswt_tasktip_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits wait_bar_pane_cp71_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_bar_pane_cp71(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_eswt_app_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_eswt_app_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp70(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_eswt_app_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_eswt_app_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_eswt_app_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_eswt_app_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_eswt_app_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_eswt_app_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_eswt_app_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_eswt_app_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_eswt_app_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_eswt_app_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_eswt_app_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_eswt_app_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_eswt_app_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_highlight_pane_cp70_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp70(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout set_content_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_small_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_volume_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_small_volume_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout status_small_volume_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : volume_small2_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits volume_small2_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_small2_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_top_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_text_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_text_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_preview_fixed_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_preview_fixed_window_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_preview_fixed_window_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_toolbar_trans_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_height_set_list_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_parent_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_content_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_image_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_image_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_image_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_image_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_image(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_single_image_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_single_image_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_image_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_image_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_image_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_image_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_image_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_image_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_image_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_image_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_image_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_single_image_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_image_list_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_image_list_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_image_list_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_image_list_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_image_list_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_image_list_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_image_list_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_toolbar_trans_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_tb_trans_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_tb_trans_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_tb_trans_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_tb_trans_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_tb_trans_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_toolbar_trans_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar_trans_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_toolbar_trans_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar_trans_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_form2_midp_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout list_form2_midp_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_form2_midp_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_form2_midp_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout list_form2_midp_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp51_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_wait_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_wait_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_wait_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_wait_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form2_midp_wait_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_wait_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_midp_graphic_pane_cp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp21_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_midp_graphic_pane_g4_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_midp_graphic_pane_t1_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_im_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_im_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_2graphic_im_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_im_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_im_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_preview_fixed_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_graphic_2heading_pane_fp_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_write_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_write_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_write_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_write_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_eswt_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits eswt_shell_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : eswt_shell_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp18_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane_cp70(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_eswt_tasktip_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_eswt_tasktip_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_tab_arrow_left(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_tab_arrow_right(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_value_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout set_value_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_toolbar_trans_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_toolbar_trans_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_tb_trans_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_tb_trans_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_tb_trans_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_note_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cont_note_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cont_note_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_snote_single_text_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cont_snote2_single_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cont_snote2_single_text_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_snote_single_graphic_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cont_snote2_single_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cont_snote2_single_graphic_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_note_wait_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cont_note_wait_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cont_note_wait_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_note_image_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cont_note_image_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cont_note_image_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cont_note_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note2_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cont_note_image_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_image_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_image_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_image_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_image_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note2_image_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_image_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_image_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_image_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_image_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_image_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_image_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_image_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_image_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note2_image_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_image_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_image_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cont_note_wait_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note2_wait_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note2_wait_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_wait_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_note2_wait_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits wait_bar2_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_bar2_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cont_snote2_single_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_text_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_text_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_text_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_text_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_text_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_text_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_text_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_text_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_text_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_text_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_text_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_text_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_snote2_single_text_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_text_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_text_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cont_snote2_single_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_snote2_single_graphic_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : clock_nsta_pane_cp2
TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp2_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp2_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits clock_nsta_pane_cp2_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp2_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_data_wide_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : touch_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_touch_3_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_touch_3_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_touch_3_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_touch_3_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_3_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_touch_3_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_3_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_3_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_touch_3_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_touch_3_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_data_code_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout cont_query_data_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cont_query_data_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cont_query_data_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout query_popup_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_side_volume_key_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp22_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_navi_volume_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_side_volume_key_window_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_side_volume_key_window_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : area_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_side_volume_key_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : list_double_graphic_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_graphic_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_graphic_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_gen_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_2heading_msg_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_2heading_msg_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : title_pane_stacon
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits title_pane_stacon_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout title_pane_stacon_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_2graphic_im_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_2graphic_im_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai_gene_pane_1
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_side_volume_key_window_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_idle_act2_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout main_idle_act2_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : toolbar_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar_button_pane_g10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_gen_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_toolbar_window_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : clock_nsta_pane_cp
TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits clock_nsta_pane_cp_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_side_volume_key_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_navi_volume_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_side_volume_key_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_side_volume_key_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_side_volume_key_window_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_side_volume_key_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_hwr_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_aid_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_fep_hwr_top_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_top_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_top_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_top_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_top_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_top_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : navi_navi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_tab_arrow_arrow_2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_tab_arrow_left_2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_hwr_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_prediction_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_prediction_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_side_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_side_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_candidate_drop_down_list_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_prediction_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_prediction_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_prediction_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_prediction_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_prediction_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_hwr_prediction_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_hwr_prediction_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_prediction_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_prediction_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_prediction_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_prediction_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_prediction_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_vkb_prediction_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_prediction_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_set_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_form_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_set_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_vc_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_form_pane_vc
TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_vc_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_vc_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_vc_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_vc_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_vc_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits slider_form_pane_vc_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_form_pane_vc_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_idle_act3_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_idle_act3_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai3_links_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_ai3_data_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai3_data_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai3_links_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_ai3_links_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_ai3_links_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai3_links_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai3_links_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai3_links_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp11(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai3_links_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_ai3_data_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp12(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_ai3_data_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_ai3_gene_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_ai3_data_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : heading_ai3_data_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_ai3_data_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout heading_ai3_data_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_ai3_gene_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_ai3_gene_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_ai3_gene_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_ai3_gene_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_ai3_gene_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_ai3_gene_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_a13_gene_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_a13_gene_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_ai3_gene_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_ai3_gene_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_ai3_gene_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_ai3_gene_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_double_ai3_gene_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_ai3_gene_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_double_ai3_gene_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_double_ai3_gene_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// Generic API
TAknLayoutScalableComponentType GetComponentTypeById(TInt aComponentId);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits GetParamLimitsById(TInt aComponentId, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout GetWindowComponentById(TInt aComponentId, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

TAknTextComponentLayout GetTextComponentById(TInt aComponentId, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : list_single_2heading_msg_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_min_col_2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_min_msg_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_min_msg(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_top_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_text_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_text_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fep_vkb_top_text_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_top_text_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_top_text_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_hc_apps_shell_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_hc_apps_shell_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_hc_apps_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_hc_apps_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_hc_apps_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp37_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp37(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_hc_apps_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hc_apps_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hc_apps_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_hc_apps_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hc_apps_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hc_apps_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hc_apps_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hc_apps_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hc_apps_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hc_apps_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_hc_apps_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hc_apps_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hc_apps_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hc_apps_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_hc_apps_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_highlight_pane_cp10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_hc_apps_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_hc_apps_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_hc_apps_pane(TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_hc_apps_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_hc_apps_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_hc_apps_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_hc_apps_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_hc_apps_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_hc_apps_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_hc_apps_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_slider_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_set_opt_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits setting_slider_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits setting_slider_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits setting_slider_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits setting_slider_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : control_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_set_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : navi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_icon_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_fill_nsta_2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_tab_arrow_left_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_tab_arrow_right_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits clock_nsta_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : navi_icon_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_icon_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : navi_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_text_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : navi_icon_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_icon_text_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits navi_icon_text_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : list_single_hc_apps_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_hc_apps_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_hc_apps_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_hc_apps_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_hc_apps_pane_g2_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_hc_apps_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_toolbar2_fixed_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_toolbar2_fixed_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_toolbar2_float_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_toolbar2_float_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp27(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_toolbar2_float_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_toolbar2_fixed_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp26(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_toolbar2_fixed_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_toolbar2_fixed_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_toolbar2_fixed_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar2_fixed_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_toolbar2_fixed_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar2_fixed_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : toolbar2_fixed_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_toolbar2_float_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_toolbar2_float_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar2_float_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_toolbar2_float_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_toolbar2_float_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout toolbar2_fixed_button_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_vkb_accented_list_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_vkb_accented_list_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_vkb_accented_list_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_cp3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_accented_list_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_accented_list_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_accented_list_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_accented_list_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aRow, TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_accented_list_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_accented_list_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_slider_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_2heading_msg_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_indentation_list_msg(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_slider_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp19(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_slider_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_slider_window_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_slider_window_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_slider_window_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_slider_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_slider_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout small_volume_slider_vertical_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : small_volume_slider_vertical_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout small_volume_slider_vertical_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout small_volume_slider_vertical_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout small_volume_slider_vertical_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits small_volume_slider_vertical_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout small_volume_slider_vertical_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits area_side_right_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout area_side_right_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : area_side_right_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_side_button_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_side_button(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_sctrl_middle_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_sctrl_middle_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout sctrl_sk_bottom_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout sctrl_sk_top_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : sctrl_sk_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_sctrl_top(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_sctrl_sk_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout sctrl_sk_top_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout sctrl_sk_top_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : sctrl_sk_bottom_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_sctrl_bottom(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_sctrl_sk_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout sctrl_sk_bottom_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout sctrl_sk_bottom_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_sctrl_middle_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_sctrl_middle_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_sctrl_middle_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_sctrl_middle_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_sctrl_middle_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_sctrl_middle(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_sctrl_middle_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_sctrl_middle_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_sctrl_middle_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_sctrl_middle_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_sctrl_middle_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_sctrl_middle_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_sctrl_middle_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_sctrl_middle_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_sctrl_middle_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_middle_pane_g8_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_sctrl_sk_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_gen_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_touch_scroll_bar(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_sctrl_sk_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : sctrl_sk_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout sctrl_sk_top_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits sctrl_sk_top_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout sctrl_sk_top_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_fep_china_hwr2_fs_cell_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_fep_china_hwr2_fs_cell(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_cp4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_cp4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_bar_grid_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_bar_grid(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_funtion_grid(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candi_cell(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_shadow_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_funtion_grid
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_funtion_grid_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_funtion_grid_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_bar_grid
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_bar_grid_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_bar_grid_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_bar_grid_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_bar_grid_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_control_bar_grid_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid_g20(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid_g21(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_fep_china_hwr2_fs_candidate_grid_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits clock_nsta_pane_cp_24_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_nsta_pane_cp_24(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits indicator_nsta_pane_cp_24_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp_24(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : heading_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits heading_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout heading_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_popup_graphic_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_sct_catagory_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_field_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits button_value_adjust_pane_cp5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_time_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : grid_sct_catagory_button_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_sct_catagory_button_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_sct_catagory_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_sct_catagory_button_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_sct_catagory_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_tb_extension_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_tb_extension_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_ext_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_ext(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_tb_trans_pane_cp1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_tb_trans_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_tb_ext_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_tb_ext_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_tb_ext_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_tb_ext_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_tb_ext_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_tb_ext_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_tb_ext_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_tb_ext_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_tb_ext_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp11_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp11(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_uni_indicator_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_uni_indicator_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_uni_indicator_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp14(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_uniindi_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uniindi_top_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : uniindi_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_uniindi_top_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uniindi_top_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uniindi_top_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits uniindi_top_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout uniindi_top_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout uniindi_top_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_uniindi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_uniindi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_uniindi_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_uniindi_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_uniindi_top_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_uniindi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_uniindi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_uniindi_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout control_bg_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_bg_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_sctrl_sk_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_bg_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_bg_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits control_bg_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_bg_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_indicator_nsta_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_indicator_nsta_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_time_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_time_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_idle_act4_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_idle_act4_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_tb_extension_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_tb_extension_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tb_ext_find_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tb_ext_find_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_idle_act4_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_2_cp1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_calendar_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_notification_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_idle_act4_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_idle_act4_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits main_idle_act4_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout main_idle_act4_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout middle_sk_idle_act4_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout shortcut_wheel_idle_act4_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : middle_sk_idle_act4_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout middle_sk_idle_act4_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_ai_shortcut_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_ai_shortcut_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp16_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp16(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_shortcut_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_ai_shortcut_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai_shortcut_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_shortcut_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_ai_shortcut_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai_shortcut_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_shortcut_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_idle_plugin_calendar_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_1_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai_gene_pane_2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp15(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_calendar_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp17(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_calendar_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_t4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_player_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout wait_bar_pane_cp15(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_idle_plugin_notification_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_ai_notification_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_idle_plugin_notification_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_ai_notification_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai_notification_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_notification_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai_notification_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai_notification_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai_notification_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tb_ext_find_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout tb_ext_find_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tb_ext_find_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tb_ext_find_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tb_ext_find_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout tb_ext_find_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tb_ext_find_button_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits tb_ext_find_button_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout tb_ext_find_button_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_idle_act4_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_idle_act4_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_idle_act4_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_idle_act4_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout sat_plugin_idle_act4_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_battery_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_battery_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_battery_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp25_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp25(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_battery_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_battery_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_battery_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_battery_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_battery_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_battery_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_battery_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_battery_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_battery_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_midp_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_canvas_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_midp_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : midp_canvas_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_g2_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : midp_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_midp_keypad_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_midp_keypad(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_keyp_game_grid_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_keyp_game_grid_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_keyp_rocker_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_keyp_rocker_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_keyp_sk_left_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_keyp_sk_left_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits midp_keyp_sk_right_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_keyp_sk_right_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_keyp_sk_left_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp03(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_keyp_sk_left_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_keyp_sk_right_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp04(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_keyp_sk_right_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_keyp_rocker_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout midp_keyp_rocker_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : midp_keyp_game_grid_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits keyp_game_cell_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout keyp_game_cell_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : keyp_game_cell_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout keyp_game_cell_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_vkb2_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_vkb2_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb2_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_vkb2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_vkb2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_vkb2_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_vkb2_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_top_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_top_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_entry_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_entry_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_grid_left_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_grid_left_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_grid_right_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_bottom_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_grid_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_grid_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_grid_left_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_cell_left_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_cell_left_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_entry_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_entry_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_entry_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_entry_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout vkb2_top_entry_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_entry_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout vkb2_top_entry_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_entry_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout vkb2_top_entry_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits vkb2_top_entry_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_entry_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout vkb2_top_entry_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_grid_right_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_grid_right_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_cell_left_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_cell_left_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_cell_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_keypad_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_keypad_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_keypad_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout vkb2_cell_keypad_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_bottom_grid_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_bottom_grid_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_bottom_grid_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_cell_bottom_grid_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_bottom_grid_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_call2_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_call_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp11(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp12(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp13(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_separator_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_clock_digital_analogue_window_cp2_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : clock_digital_number_pane_cp10
TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp10_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp10_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits clock_digital_number_pane_cp10_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_number_pane_cp10_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : clock_digital_separator_pane_cp10
TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_separator_pane_cp10_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_separator_pane_cp10_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits clock_digital_separator_pane_cp10_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout clock_digital_separator_pane_cp10_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : uniindi_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout uniindi_top_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uniindi_top_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_row_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_row_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_row_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp08_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp08(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp09_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp09(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp02_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp03_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp03(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp04_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp04(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp05_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp05(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp06_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp06(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp07_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp07(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_grid_graphic2_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_grid_graphic2_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_graphic2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_graphic2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp21_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp21(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits graphic2_pages_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic2_pages_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_graphic2_control_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_graphic2_control_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_graphic2_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_graphic2_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_graphic2_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_comp_mode_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_ai3_data_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_ai3_gene_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_slider_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp19_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_touch_area_indi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_touch_area_indi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_touch_area_indi_pane_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_touch_area_indi_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_touch_area_indi_pane_cp02_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_touch_area_indi_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_touch_area_indi_pane_cp03_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_touch_area_indi_pane_cp03(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits small_volume_slider_vertical_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : grid_graphic2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : graphic2_pages_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_cp10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_cp11_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp11(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits graphic2_pages_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic2_pages_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits graphic2_pages_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic2_pages_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits graphic2_pages_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits graphic2_pages_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout graphic2_pages_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits graphic2_pages_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout graphic2_pages_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_graphic2_control_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_control_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_control_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_graphic2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_graphic2_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_highlight_pane_cp11_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp11(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_graphic2_control_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp05(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_control_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_touch_area_indi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_touch_area_indi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_comp_mode_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_cmod_rocker_key_size(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_cmode_itu_key_size(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_cmode_video_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_comp_mode_itu_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_comp_mode_rocker_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_comp_mode_rocker_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_cmode_rocker_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_rocker_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_comp_mode_itu_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_cmode_itu_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_cmode_rocker_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_cp06_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp06(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_cmode_itu_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp07(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_cmode_itu_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_bg_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_ctrl_left(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_ctrl_right(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : Screen
TAknWindowComponentLayout compa_mode_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : compa_mode_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_cmod_rocker_key_size_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_cmode_itu_key_size_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout compa_mode_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout compa_mode_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout compa_mode_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits compa_mode_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout compa_mode_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_comp_mode_itu_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout main_comp_mode_rocker_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_comp_mode_itu_pane_cp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_cmode_itu_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_comp_mode_rocker_pane_cp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_cmode_rocker_pane_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_rocker_pane_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_cmode_rocker_pane_cp
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_cp06_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp06_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g1_cp_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g1_cp(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_rocker_pane_g2_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_cmode_itu_pane_cp
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp07_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane_g1_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane_t1_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_cmode_itu_pane_t2_cp(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout settings_code_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_grid_graphic_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits heading_pane_cp3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_popup_graphic_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_hwr_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_hwr_aid_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : sctrl_sk_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_sctrl_top_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sctrl_sk_top_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sctrl_sk_top_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sctrl_sk_top_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sctrl_sk_top_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : sctrl_sk_bottom_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_sctrl_bottom_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sctrl_sk_bottom_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : uniindi_top_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_area_touch_clock(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_vkb2_area_top_pane_cell_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_vkb2_area_top_pane_cell(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_bottom_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_vkb2_area_bottom_pane_cell_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_vkb2_area_bottom_pane_cell(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_entry_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_char_count_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_char_count_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_char_count_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_char_count_window_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_char_count_window_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_char_count_window_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_char_count_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_char_count_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb2_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_char_preview_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_char_preview_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_candi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_candi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_candi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_char_preview_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_char_preview_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fep_char_preview_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_set_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_touch_slider_mark_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_touch_slider_mark(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_grid_graphic2_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_graphic2_catg_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_graphic2_catg_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_grid_graphic2_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_grid_graphic2_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_grid_graphic2_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_grid_graphic2_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_grid_graphic2_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_grid_graphic2_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_grid_graphic2_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_graphic2_control_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_button_pane_cp05_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_control_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : grid_graphic2_catg_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_catg_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_catg_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_graphic2_catg_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp12(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic2_catg_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_tb_ext_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_tb_ext_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_grid_right_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_cell_right_narrow_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_cell_right_narrow_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_cell_right_wide_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_cell_right_wide_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_cell_left_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_vkb2_func_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_cell_left_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : vkb2_cell_bottom_grid_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_vkb2_fuc_pane_cp03_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_fuc_pane_cp03(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_bottom_grid_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : bg_vkb2_func_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g8(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g9(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_vkb2_func_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_cell_right_wide_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_vkb2_fuc_pane_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_fuc_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_cell_right_wide_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_cell_right_wide_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_top_cell_right_narrow_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_vkb2_fuc_pane_cp02_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_fuc_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_top_cell_right_narrow_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_top_cell_right_narrow_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_slider_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_area_decrease_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_area_decrease(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_area_increase_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_area_increase(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_area_mute_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_area_mute(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_area_slider_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_area_slider(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_slider_window_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_slider_window_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_slider_window_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_slider_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_slider_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_slider_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_slider_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits slider_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_tb_float_extension_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_tb_float_extension_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_tb_float_extension_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_tb_float_ext(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_window_cp28(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_tb_float_ext_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_tb_float_ext_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_tb_float_ext_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_tb_float_ext_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_tb_float_ext_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_tb_float_ext_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp12(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_last_hwr_side_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_last_hwr_side_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_last_hwr_side_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_last_hwr_side_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_last_hwr_side_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_last_hwr_side_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_last_hwr_side_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_bottom_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_cell_t_keypad_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkb2_top_candi_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cel_fep_hwr_func_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cel_fep_hwr_func_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_hwr_side_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_side_button_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_side_button_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : uniindi_top_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_area_touch_clock_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_uniindi_top_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uniindi_top_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uniindi_top_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uniindi_top_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uniindi_top_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uniindi_top_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uniindi_top_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : cel_fep_hwr_func_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_vkb2_func_pane_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cel_fep_hwr_func_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cel_fep_hwr_func_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_hwr_side_button_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_vkb2_func_pane_cp02_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_vkb2_func_pane_cp02(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_side_button_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_hwr_side_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout status_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_slider_cont_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_slider_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb2_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_func_vkb2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_func_vkb2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_gauge_slider_cont_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t2_cp01(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t3_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout form2_midp_gauge_slider_pane_t3_cp01(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_slider_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_smil_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_smil_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout navi_smil_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout navi_smil_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form2_midp_slider_pane_cp01
TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_slider_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_slider_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_slider_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_slider_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_slider_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form2_midp_slider_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout form2_midp_slider_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vkb2_area_bottom_space_btn_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits lc0_navi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_navi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits lc0_stat_indi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_stat_indi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ls0_title_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ls0_title_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_uni_indicator_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp14_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_uniindi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uniindi_top_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : list_single_uniindi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_uniindi_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_uniindi_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : lc0_stat_indi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits lc0_stat_clock_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_stat_clock_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits lc0_stat_indi_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_stat_indi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits lc0_stat_indi_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_stat_indi_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits lc0_stat_indi_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits lc0_stat_indi_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_stat_indi_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits lc0_uni_indicator_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_uni_indicator_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ls0_title_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ls0_title_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ls0_title_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ls0_title_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout ls0_title_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : lc0_uni_indicator_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits lc0_uni_indicator_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_uni_indicator_pane_g1(TInt aCol, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : lc0_stat_clock_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout lc0_stat_clock_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_ai5_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_ai5_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ai5_sk_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_cell_widget_grid(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits highlight_cell_ai5_widget_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout highlight_cell_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai5_sk_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_left_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_right_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_ai5_widget_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_ai5_widget_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_ai5_widget_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_ai5_widget_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_shortcut_ai5_widget_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_shortcut_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0, TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_shortcut_ai5_widget_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_cell_shortcut_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_grid_ai5_widget_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout highlight_cell_shortcut_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai5_sk_left_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_left_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_left_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_left_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_left_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai5_sk_left_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_left_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai5_sk_left_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai5_sk_right_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_right_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_right_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_right_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_right_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai5_sk_right_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_right_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ai5_sk_right_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ai5_sk_middle_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane_g7(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ai5_sk_middle_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout ai5_sk_middle_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_area_size_lc0_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_area_size_lc0(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_hwr_candidate_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_hwr_candidate_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_navi_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_dt_navi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_dt_navi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_dt_sta_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_dt_sta_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_dt_sta_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_controll_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_indi_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_title_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : dt_sta_indi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_dt_sta_indi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_indi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_battery_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_indi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_indi_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_indi_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits dt_sta_indi_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_indi_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_signal_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : dt_sta_title_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_dt_sta_title_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_title_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_title_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits dt_sta_title_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout dt_sta_title_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : dt_sta_controll_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_control_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_controll_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_dt_sta_title_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_title_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_title_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_title_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits bg_dt_sta_title_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_title_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_dt_sta_indi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_indi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : dt_sta_signal_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_signal_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_signal_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits dt_sta_signal_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_signal_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : dt_sta_battery_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout dt_sta_battery_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout dt_sta_battery_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_dt_sta_control_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_dt_sta_control_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_china_uni_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_eep_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fep_china_uni_entry_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_china_uni_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_china_uni_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_uni_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_fep_china_uni_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_china_uni_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_china_uni_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fep_china_uni_eep_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fep_china_uni_eep_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout fep_china_uni_eep_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : navi_smil_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_touch_area_size_smil_player(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout lc0_clock_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits status_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout status_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_keymap_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout status_icon_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_icon_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout status_icon_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_keymap_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp13(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_keymap_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : control_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g7(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits control_pane_g8_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout control_pane_g8(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_dt_sta_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits dt_sta_controll_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits dt_sta_indi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits dt_sta_title_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : listscroll_gen_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_touch_scroll_bar_cale(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_discreet_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_discreet_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_sk_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_discreet_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp28_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_sub_pane_cp28(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_discreet_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_discreet_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_discreet_window_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_discreet_window_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_discreet_window_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_discreet_window_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_discreet_window_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_discreet_window_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_discreet_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_sk_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_sk_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_sk_window_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_sk_window_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_sk_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_sk_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_sk_window_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t9_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t9(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_fep_fshwr2_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_fep_fshwr2_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_fshwr2_btn_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_fshwr2_syb_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_fshwr2_txt_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_hwr_syb_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_icf_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_icf_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_icf_bg_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_icf_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout fshwr2_icf_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_func_candi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_func_candi_row_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_row_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_hwr_syb_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_fshwr2_syb_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fshwr2_syb_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_hwr_syb_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_hwr_syb_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_icf_bg_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_call_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_func_candi_row_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_func_candi_cell_bg_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_cell_bg_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_func_candi_cell_bg_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp08(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_fshwr2_syb_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fshwr2_syb_bg_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_fshwr2_syb_bg_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_fshwr2_syb_bg_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_tmo_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : uni_indicator_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_g5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_g5(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout uni_indicator_pane_g6(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits uni_indicator_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : main_tmo_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_tmo_note_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_tmo_note_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_fep_fshwr2_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_bg_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout fshwr2_func_candi_cell_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : fshwr2_bg_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_g1_cp01(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_tmo_note_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_window_pane_cp22_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp22(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listscroll_tmo_link_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_tmo_link_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_tmo_note_window_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_tmo_note_window_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tmo_note_info_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout tmo_note_info_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tmo_note_info_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_tmo_note_info_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_tmo_note_info_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_tmo_note_info_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_tmo_note_info_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits list_tmo_note_info_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_tmo_note_info_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_tmo_note_info_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_tmo_note_info_text_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_tmo_note_info_text_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_tmo_link_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_tmo_link_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp20(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_tmo_link_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_single_tmo_link_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_single_tmo_link_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_tmo_link_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout list_single_tmo_link_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_tmo_note_info_text_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_tmo_note_info_text_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_tmo_note_info_text_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_menu_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_touch_scroll_bar_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_touch_scroll_bar_cp01(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_slider_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_touch_slider_marker(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_settings_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_settings_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_candi_list_indi_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : status_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_touch_navi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : area_side_right_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout rs_clock_indi_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sctrl_sk_bottom_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits sctrl_sk_top_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb2_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_tooltip_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_widget_grid_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g6_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g7_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_pane_t10_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_pane_t10(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_ai5_widget_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : grid_ai5_widget_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_discreet_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_discreet_window_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_discreet_window_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_fep_fshwr2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fshwr2_char_preview_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fshwr2_char_preview_window(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tmo_note_info_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout tmo_note_info_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tmo_note_info_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tmo_note_info_pane_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tmo_note_info_pane_t4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout tmo_note_info_pane_t5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits tmo_note_info_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout tmo_note_info_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_tmo_link_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_tmo_link_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits scroll_pane_cp20_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_fshwr2_char_preview_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_cp01(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fshwr2_char_preview_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_candi_list_indi_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_candi_list_indi_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout highlight_cell_shortcut_ai5_widget_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_settings_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout settings_container_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : settings_container_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout listscroll_set_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_set_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout scroll_pane_cp121_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_content_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane_copy1
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_height_set_list_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_height_set_list_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_parent_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_parent_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits button_value_adjust_pane_cp6_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout button_value_adjust_pane_cp6_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_highlight_pane_cp2_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_highlight_pane_cp2_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_pane_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_settings_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_t1_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_pane_set_t2_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t2_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane_copy1
TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t3_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout main_pane_set_t4_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_settings_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_content_pane_g1_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_content_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : set_content_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_code_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_text_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_volume_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout settings_code_pane_cp2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits settings_code_pane_cp_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout settings_code_pane_cp_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_volume_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : volume_set_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g10_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g3_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g4_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g5_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g6_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g7_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g8_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout volume_set_pane_g9_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_slider_pane_copy1
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_set_opt_pane_cp_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits setting_slider_pane_t1_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits setting_slider_pane_t2_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_t2_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits setting_slider_pane_t3_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_pane_t3_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : bg_set_opt_pane_cp_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g1_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g2_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g3_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g4_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g5_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g6_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g7_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g8_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout set_opt_bg_pane_g9_copy2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : slider_set_pane_copy1
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_touch_slider_mark_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_size_touch_slider_mark_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g3_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g3_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g4_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g4_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g5_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g5_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g6_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g6_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits slider_set_pane_g7_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_g7_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_slider_graphic_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_slider_graphic_pane_t2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout slider_set_pane_cp_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_text_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_text_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_text_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_text_pane_copy1
TAknTextComponentLayout set_text_pane_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_code_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout input_focus_pane_cp2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout setting_code_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout setting_code_pane_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_graphic_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_set_opt_pane_cp4_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_g1_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_g1_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_g2_copy1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_t1_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_set_graphic_pane_t1_copy1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : rs_clock_indi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout rs_clock_indi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout rs_clock_indi_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout rs_indi_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : rs_indi_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout rs_indi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout rs_indi_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout rs_indi_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits rs_indi_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout rs_indi_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_tooltip_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_preview_window_pane_cp03(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fep_tooltip_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cont_note_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_window_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_note2_window_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_note2_window_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_note2_window_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai3_links_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_popup_sub_pane_cp11_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai3_links_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai3_links_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_text_pane_copy1
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits set_text_pane_t1_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : list_single_pane_cp2
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic_popup_pane_cp2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_graphic_popup_pane_cp2
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_g1_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_g2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_g3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_graphic_popup_pane_t2_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_highlight_pane_cp3_cp2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : listscroll_app_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_size_cell_apps_grid_lsc_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : main_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits main_tmo_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : main_tmo_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_tmo_big_image_note_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_list_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_lrg_icon_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : tmo_note_info_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tmo_note_info_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tmo_note_info_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tmo_note_info_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tmo_note_info_pane_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tmo_note_info_pane_t5_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits tmo_note_info_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_settings_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits settings_container_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : setting_text_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_popup_pane_cp5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : setting_code_pane_copy1
TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_popup_pane_cp6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_set_pane_copy1
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_set_graphic_pane_copy1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_tmo_big_image_note_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_window_pane_cp23(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_tmo_big_image_note_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_tmo_big_image_note_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_tmo_big_image_note_window_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_tmo_big_image_note_window_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits popup_tmo_big_image_note_window_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_tmo_big_image_note_window_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_lrg_icon_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_lrg_icon_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_lrg_icon_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_list_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : application_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_fep_vtchi_ss_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_fep_vtchi_ss_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_char_pre_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_ituss_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_vkbss_window(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkbss_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits grid_vkbss_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout grid_vkbss_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_ituss_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout ituss_keypad_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : grid_vkbss_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_vkbss_key_offset_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout aid_vkbss_key_offset(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkbss_key_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkbss_key_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkbss_key_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_cell_vkbss_key_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_cell_vkbss_key_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkbss_key_3p_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkbss_key_3p_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkbss_key_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkbss_key_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_vkbss_key_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_vkbss_key_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ituss_keypad_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ituss_key_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_cell_ituss_key_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_cell_ituss_key_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_ituss_key_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_t4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_t4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_ituss_key_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_vkbss_key_3p_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkbss_key_3p_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkbss_key_3p_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkbss_key_3p_pane_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_vkbss_key_3p_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout cell_vkbss_key_3p_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_char_pre_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_popup_fep_char_preview_window_cp02(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout popup_fep_char_pre_window_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_ai5_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_ai5_sk_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_contacts_ai5_widget_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits highlight_cell_shortcut_ai5_widget_pane_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : main_ai5_sk_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout main_ai5_sk_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_query_code_window
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_query_code_window_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_fep_vtchi_ss_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_vkb_icf_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout popup_fep_vtchi_icf_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_icf_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_icf_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout list_vkb_icf_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vtchi_icf_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_icf_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vtchi_icf_list_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : list_vkb_icf_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_vkb_icf_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout list_vkb_icf_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vtchi_icf_list_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits vtchi_icf_list_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout vtchi_icf_list_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_fep_vtchi_ss_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_ituss_window_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits popup_fep_vtchi_icf_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_ituss_window
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits ituss_keypad_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ituss_sks_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_icf_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_icf_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : main_fep_vtchi_ss_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits icf_edit_indi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout icf_edit_indi_pane(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vkb_icf_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits list_vkb_icf_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vtchi_icf_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits bg_icf_pane_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

// LAF Table : main_fep_vtchi_ss_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits icf_edit_indi_pane_cp01_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout icf_edit_indi_pane_cp01(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : popup_fep_vtchi_icf_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout vtchi_query_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : icf_edit_indi_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits icf_edit_indi_pane_g1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout icf_edit_indi_pane_g1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits icf_edit_indi_pane_g2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout icf_edit_indi_pane_g2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits icf_edit_indi_pane_g_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits icf_edit_indi_pane_g_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout icf_edit_indi_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout icf_edit_indi_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vtchi_query_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_input_focus_pane_cp042(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vtchi_button_pane(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout vtchi_query_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout vtchi_query_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout vtchi_query_pane_t3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits vtchi_query_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout vtchi_query_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : vtchi_button_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout bg_button_pane_cp13(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout vtchi_button_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : ituss_sks_pane
TAknWindowComponentLayout ituss_sks_pane_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout ituss_sks_pane_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ituss_sks_pane_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout ituss_sks_pane_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ituss_sks_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknTextComponentLayout ituss_sks_pane_t2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits ituss_sks_pane_t_Limits();

TAknTextComponentLayout ituss_sks_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : indicator_nsta_pane_cp
TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g2(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g3(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g4(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g5(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g6(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g_Limits();

TAknWindowComponentLayout indicator_nsta_pane_cp_g(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_graphic2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits cell_graphic2_pane_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_graphic2_pane_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_graphic2_pane_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_graphic2_control_pane
TAknTextComponentLayout cell_graphic2_control_pane_t1(TInt aVariety = 0, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : signal_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_g3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_g3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits signal_pane_g4_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknWindowComponentLayout signal_pane_g4(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ai5_widget_list_row_pane_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : cell_ituss_key_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits cell_ituss_key_pane_t1_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout cell_ituss_key_pane_t1(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_data_wide_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_data_wide_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_slider_wide_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t2_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t2(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t3_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t3(TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

TAknLayoutScalableTableLimits form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t_Limits();

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t_ParamLimits(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety);

TAknTextComponentLayout form_field_popup_wide_pane_vc_t(TInt aLineIndex, TInt aVariety, TInt aCol = 0, TInt aRow = 0);

// LAF Table : main_fep_fshwr2_pane
TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_fshwr2_btn_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_fshwr2_syb_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits aid_fshwr2_txt_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_bg_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_func_candi_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_hwr_syb_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);

TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits fshwr2_icf_pane_ParamLimits(TInt aVariety);