author William Roberts <>
Tue, 23 Mar 2010 16:09:27 +0000
changeset 35 838be9535c06
permissions -rw-r--r--
Start integration branch for Symbian^3 Theme The theme has been built using Carbide.ui on S60 5th Edition using the N97 plugin The source code in sf/mw/uiresources/skins/Symbian/srcdata was used to generate the installable SIS file which lives in the group directory, but the aim here is to build the theme for delivery in the ROM (preferrably as the default theme). Running "sbs -b bld.inf -c winscw" should build cleanly and deliver a matched set of files which then show up in the Settings | Themes | General list. Attempting to install it produces "Theme Corrupted".

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