Merge in NVGRenderStage component, plus fixes for Bug 1410 and Bug 26, plus "theme generation" changes
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
my $KAknsConstants_h = "\\epoc32\\include\\middleware\\AknsConstants.h";
my $KAknsConstants_hrh = "\\epoc32\\include\\middleware\\AknsConstants.hrh";
if ($#ARGV != 2)
die "usage: MIFList-file build-path out-file\n";
my @mifList = ReadMifList($ARGV[0]);
my $path = $ARGV[1];
open (OUTFILE, ">$ARGV[2]") || die "Couldn't open $ARGV[2] for output\n";
print OUTFILE "Icon ID,file name,SVG name,Skin ID major,Skin ID minor\n";
(my $mifName,my $mifPath) = SplitPath($ARGV[0]);
my %skins = ReadAknsConstants_h($path.$KAknsConstants_h);
my %skinIDVals = ReadAknsConstants_hrh($path.$KAknsConstants_hrh);
for my $k (0 .. $#mifList)
(my $name,my $path) = SplitPath($mifList[$k]);
my $iconId = 2* $k + 16384;
$name =~ s/_//g;
if ($name =~ m/(\S+)\.(\S+)/) #remove extension
$name =$1;
#print "$k,$name,$path\n";
if (exists $skins{$name})
my $major = $skins{$name}[0];
my $minor = $skins{$name}[1];
my $majorVal = -1;
if (exists $skinIDVals{$major})
$majorVal = $skinIDVals{$major};
print "not found major $major\n";
my $minorVal = -1;
if (exists $skinIDVals{$minor})
$minorVal = $skinIDVals{$minor};
print "not found minor $minor\n";
printf(OUTFILE "%d,%s,%s,0x%x,0x%x\n",$iconId,$mifName,$mifList[$k],$majorVal,$minorVal);
#print "found,$majorVal,$minorVal\n";
#print "not found $name\n";
my $incPath = $path . "\\epoc32\\include";
opendir DIR,$incPath;
my @files = readdir DIR;
foreach my $f (@files)
if ($f =~ /(\S+)\.mbg\z/i)
my $fName = lc(embm . $1);
my %list = ReadMbg($incPath . "\\" . $f);
foreach my $k (keys %list)
my $svgName = lc($k);
my $iconId = $list{$k};
my $ind = index($svgName,$fName);
if ($ind >= 0)
$ind += length($fName);
my $svg = substr($svgName,$ind);
$svg =~ s/_//g;
if (exists $skins{$svg})
my $major = $skins{$svg}[0];
my $minor = $skins{$svg}[1];
my $majorVal = -1;
if (exists $skinIDVals{$major})
$majorVal = $skinIDVals{$major};
print "not found major $major\n";
my $minorVal = -1;
if (exists $skinIDVals{$minor})
$minorVal = $skinIDVals{$minor};
print "not found minor $minor\n";
printf(OUTFILE "%d,%s,%s,0x%x,0x%x\n",$iconId,$f,$k,$majorVal,$minorVal);
#print "found,$majorVal,$minorVal\n";
#print "not found $svg\n";
print "not found,$svgName,$fName\n";
close DIR;
close OUTFILE;
sub ReadMifList
my $file = shift;
my @mifList;
open (INFILE, "<$file") || die "Couldn't open $file for input\n";
while (my $line=<INFILE>)
#if ($line =~ m/\S+\s+(\S+)(\.svg)/)
if ($line =~ m/\S+\s+(\S+)/)
# {
# print "$line\n";
# }
close INFILE;
return @mifList;
sub ReadMbg
my $file = shift;
my %mifList;
open (INFILE, "<$file") || die "Couldn't open $file for input\n";
while (my $line=<INFILE>)
if ($line =~ m/(\S+)\s*=\s*(\d+),/)
# {
# print "$line\n";
# }
close INFILE;
return %mifList;
sub ReadAknsConstants_h
my $file = shift;
my %list;
my $state = 0;
my $name;
open (INFILE, "<$file") || die "Couldn't open $file for input\n";
while (my $line=<INFILE>)
if ($line =~ m/TAknsItemID\s+KAknsIID(\S+)\s*=/)
$state = 1;
$name = lc($1);
if ($state == 1)
if ($line =~ m/\{\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*\}/)
$list{$name}[0] = $1;
$list{$name}[1] = $2;
$state = 0;
close INFILE;
return %list;
sub ReadAknsConstants_hrh
my $file = shift;
my %list;
my $state = 0;
my $name;
open (INFILE, "<$file") || die "Couldn't open $file for input\n";
while (my $line=<INFILE>)
if ($line =~ m/\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)(,|\s+)/)
my $n = $1;
my $val = hex($2);
$list{$n} = $val;
#print "$n,$val\n";
close INFILE;
return %list;
# take a full path name as input, return name and path
sub SplitPath {
if ($_[0] =~ m/\\((\w|[.]|[-])+)(\z)/)
return $1,$`;
return $_[0];