* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Bump-mapping for effects.
#include <e32math.h>
#include "AknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap.h"
#include "AknsRlEffectUtil.h"
const TReal KPixelScale = 255.9;
// ====================== TEMPLATED IMPL. OF BUMPMAP ===========================
* Template implementation of BumpMap. Type defines the used data type for
* iterating over the bitmap data. X, R, G and B define the used pixel color bit
* layout.
template<class Type,TInt X, TInt R, TInt G, TInt B>
class AknsRlEffectBumpMap
* @return KErrNone if processing was ok, something else on error.
static TInt Process( const CFbsBitmap& aTarget,
const CFbsBitmap& aSource,
const TReal aAzimuth,
const TReal aElevation,
const TInt aDepth,
TAknsRlChannelBlendMode aBlendMode,
const TInt aBlendFactor,
TUint8* aGrayscale )
// CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength returns bytes, determine the scanw when using Type
TInt scanW = CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength( aTarget.SizeInPixels().iWidth,
aTarget.DisplayMode() ) / sizeof(Type);
TInt width = aTarget.SizeInPixels().iWidth;
TInt height = aTarget.SizeInPixels().iHeight;
TInt grayW = width + 2;
TInt grayH = height + 2;
TInt x, y;
// Step 1: Grayscale the image
TInt pitch = scanW - width;
// The grayscale buffer has that one pixel extra border
TUint8* buf = aGrayscale + grayW + 1;
aSource.LockHeap(); // Lock the global bitmap heap
Type* dataS = reinterpret_cast<Type*>( aSource.DataAddress() );
for( y=0; y < height; y++ )
for( x=0; x < width; x++ )
*buf = AknsRlUtil::Grayscale( AknsRlRgb<Type,X,R,G,B>::R8(*dataS),
AknsRlRgb<Type,X,R,G,B>::B8(*dataS) );
// Skip possibly trailing pixels on aSource
dataS = dataS + pitch;
buf = buf + 2;
aSource.UnlockHeap(); // Unlock the global bitmap heap
// Next, fill the grayscale 1 pixel border by copying the neighbouring
// pixel values
// Top row
buf = aGrayscale + 1;
for( x=1; x < grayW - 2; x++ )
*buf = *( buf + grayW );
// Bottom row
buf = aGrayscale + grayW * (grayH - 1) + 1;
for( x=1; x < grayW - 2; x++ )
*buf = *( buf - grayW );
// Left column
buf = aGrayscale + grayW;
for( y=1; y < grayH - 2; y++ )
*buf = *( buf + 1 );
buf = buf + grayW;
// Right column
buf = aGrayscale + 2 * grayW - 1;
for( y=1; y < grayH - 2; y++ )
*buf = *( buf - 1 );
buf = buf + grayW;
// Top left corner
aGrayscale[ 0 ] = aGrayscale[ grayW + 1 ];
// Top right corner
aGrayscale[ grayW - 1 ] = aGrayscale[ 2 * grayW - 2 ];
// Bottom left corner
aGrayscale[ (grayH - 1) * grayW ] = aGrayscale[ ((grayH - 2 ) * grayW) + 1];
// Bottom right corner
aGrayscale[ (grayH * grayW) - 1 ] = aGrayscale[ (grayH - 2) * grayW + grayW - 2 ];
// Step 2: Create the bump map by embossing. The embossing routine
// follows the ANSI C code from the article "Fast Embossing Effects on
// Raster Image Data" by John Schlag, jfs@kerner.com, in "Graphics Gems
// IV", Academic Press, 1994
// Determine the light direction vector
TReal aziRes, eleRes;
TInt err;
err = Math::Cos(aziRes, aAzimuth);
if( KErrNone != err )
return err;
err = Math::Cos(eleRes, aElevation);
if( KErrNone != err )
return err;
TInt lx = TInt( aziRes * eleRes * KPixelScale );
err = Math::Sin(aziRes, aAzimuth);
if( KErrNone != err )
return err;
TInt ly = TInt( aziRes * eleRes * KPixelScale );
err = Math::Sin(eleRes, aElevation);
if( KErrNone != err )
return err;
TInt lz = TInt( eleRes * KPixelScale );
// Determine a constant z of image surface normal
TInt nz = (6 * 255) / aDepth; // Depth always > 0
TInt nz2 = nz * nz;
TInt nzlz = nz * lz;
TInt nx, ny;
TInt NdotL;
TInt shade, root;
TInt r, g, b;
TReal sqrt;
aTarget.LockHeap( ETrue ); // Lock the global bitmap heap
dataS = reinterpret_cast<Type*>( aSource.DataAddress() );
Type* dataT = reinterpret_cast<Type*>( aTarget.DataAddress() );
// The grayscale buffer has that one pixel extra border
buf = aGrayscale + grayW + 1;
// We can process the whole source image directly because the
// grayscale image has 1 pixel extra border (convolution can refer
// outside the source image dimensions).
for(y=0; y < height; y++)
for(x=0; x < width; x++)
// Do embossing
nx = *(buf - grayW - 1) + *(buf - 1) + *(buf + grayW - 1) -
*(buf - grayW + 1) - *(buf + 1) - *(buf + grayW + 1);
ny = *(buf + grayW - 1) + *(buf + grayW) + *(buf + grayW + 1) -
*(buf - grayW - 1) - *(buf - grayW) - *(buf - grayW + 1);
if( nx == 0 && ny == 0 )
shade = lz;
else if( (NdotL = nx*lx + ny*ly + nzlz) < 0 )
shade = 0;
// Note that the error value is ignored because
// nx*nx + ny*ny + nz2 >= 0 always.
Math::Sqrt( sqrt, nx*nx + ny*ny + nz2 );
root = TInt( sqrt );
if( root )
shade = NdotL / root;
else // Square root was rounded to zero
// ( nx * nx + ny * ny ) is always >= 0. If aDepth is
// large enough nz2 will be small enough so that sqrt(
// nx*nx + ny*ny + nz2 ) returns < 1.0 and the result
// rounds to zero.
shade = 255;
if(shade < 0)
shade = 0;
else if(shade > 255)
shade = 255;
// Step 3: Do Channel blending
r = AknsRlChannelBlend::Blend( aBlendMode,
TUint8( shade ));
g = AknsRlChannelBlend::Blend( aBlendMode,
TUint8( shade ));
b = AknsRlChannelBlend::Blend( aBlendMode,
TUint8( shade ));
AknsRlRgb<Type,X,R,G,B>::SetRgb8(dataT, TUint8(r), TUint8(g), TUint8(b));
buf = buf + 2;
dataS = dataS + pitch;
dataT = dataT + pitch;
aTarget.UnlockHeap( ETrue );
return KErrNone;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The user of this plugin should call deactivate eventually...but we
// delete grayscale buffer here too (just in case)
delete [] iGrayscale;
iContext = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::EffectUid
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUid CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::EffectUid() const
return TUid::Uid( KAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMapUID );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::Effect
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MAknsRlEffect* CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::Effect( const TInt aInterface )
if( aInterface == KAknsRlEffectPluginInterfaceEffect )
return this;
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::InitializeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::InitializeL()
iContext = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::Release
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::Release()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::ActivateL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::ActivateL( MAknsRlEffectContext* aContext )
if( !aContext ) // We absolutely need the context
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
iContext = aContext;
iAzimuth = 0.0;
iElevation = 0.59; // ~34 in degrees
iDepth = 10;
iBlendMode = EAknsRlChannelBlendNormal;
iBlendFactor = 255;
// Because the grayscale image is convoluted we need to create grayscale
// image that has extra one pixel border.
TSize size = aContext->LayerSize();
size.iWidth = size.iWidth + 2;
size.iHeight = size.iHeight + 2;
// Calling activate multiple times in row in unlikely but we delete the
// grayscale buffer just in case.
delete [] iGrayscale;
iGrayscale = NULL;
iGrayscale = new(ELeave) TUint8[ size.iWidth * size.iHeight ]; //lint !e119 Enough arguments
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::Deactivate
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::Deactivate()
delete [] iGrayscale;
iGrayscale = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::SetParametersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::SetParametersL( MAknsRlParameterIterator& aParameters )
while( aParameters.HasNext() )
const TAknsRlParameterData* param = aParameters.NextL();
// Fetch azimuth value
if( param->iName->Compare( KAknsRlEffectBumpMapAzimuth ) == 0 )
if( param->iType != EAknsRlParameterTypeNumber )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
if( param->iNumber < 0 || param->iNumber > 360 )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// Convert from degrees to radians: [0, 360] -> [0, 2 * KPi]
iAzimuth = (TReal( param->iNumber ) / 360.0) * 2 * KPi;
// Fetch elevation value
else if( param->iName->Compare( KAknsRlEffectBumpMapElevation ) == 0 )
if( param->iType != EAknsRlParameterTypeNumber )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
if( param->iNumber < 0 || param->iNumber > 180 )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// Convert from degrees to radians: [0, 180] -> [0, KPi]
iElevation = (TReal( param->iNumber ) / 180.0) * KPi;
// Fetch depth value
else if( param->iName->Compare( KAknsRlEffectBumpMapDepth ) == 0 )
if( param->iType != EAknsRlParameterTypeNumber )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
if( param->iNumber <= 0 )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
iDepth = param->iNumber;
// Fetch blend mode value
else if( param->iName->Compare( KAknsRlEffectBumpMapBlendMode ) == 0 )
if( param->iType != EAknsRlParameterTypeNumber )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
if( param->iNumber < EAknsRlChannelBlendNormal ||
param->iNumber > EAknsRlChannelBlendBurn )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
iBlendMode = param->iNumber;
// Fetch blend factor value
else if( param->iName->Compare( KAknsRlEffectBumpMapBlendFactor ) == 0 )
if( param->iType != EAknsRlParameterTypeNumber )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
iBlendFactor = param->iNumber;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::GetCapabilities
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::GetCapabilities( TAknsRlEffectCaps& aCaps )
aCaps.iOutputLayerSupport = KAknsRlLayerRGBOnly;
aCaps.iInputLayerASupport = KAknsRlLayerRGBOnly;
aCaps.iInputLayerBSupport = KAknsRlLayerNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::Render
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknsRlEffectPluginBumpMap::Render( const TAknsRlRenderOpParam& aParam )
if( !iContext ) // We absolutely need the context
return KErrBadHandle;
// To do anything we need both, the output layer and input layer
if( ( aParam.iOutputLayerStatus & KAknsRlLayerRGBOnly ) &&
( aParam.iInputLayerAStatus & KAknsRlLayerRGBOnly ) )
// Query the layers, uninitialized because we process the whole image
TAknsRlLayerData dataTarget;
TRAPD( err, iContext->GetLayerDataL( dataTarget, aParam.iOutputLayerIndex,
aParam.iOutputLayerStatus, EFalse ) );
if( KErrNone != err )
return KErrArgument;
TAknsRlLayerData dataSource;
TRAP( err, iContext->GetLayerDataL( dataSource, aParam.iInputLayerAIndex,
aParam.iInputLayerAStatus, EFalse ) );
if( KErrNone != err )
return KErrArgument;
if( !dataTarget.iRGBBitmap ) // We need the target bitmap
return KErrBadHandle;
if( !dataSource.iRGBBitmap ) // We need the source bitmap
return KErrBadHandle;
TDisplayMode modeT = dataTarget.iRGBBitmap->DisplayMode();
TDisplayMode modeS = dataSource.iRGBBitmap->DisplayMode();
// Rgb -> Rgb modes
if( EColor64K == modeS && EColor64K == modeT )
return AknsRlEffectBumpMap<TUint16,0,5,6,5>::Process(
TAknsRlChannelBlendMode( iBlendMode ),
iGrayscale );
else if( EColor16MU == modeS && EColor16MU == modeT )
return AknsRlEffectBumpMap<TUint32,8,8,8,8>::Process(
TAknsRlChannelBlendMode( iBlendMode ),
iGrayscale );
// Provided layers have illegal display mode combination
return KErrArgument;
// The else part, required layers were not provided
return KErrArgument;
// End of File