author hgs
Fri, 23 Jul 2010 17:22:50 +0800
changeset 93 b705c392b9a4
parent 53 8f0f421d3d0f
child 65 38e4cecf6e95
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 


//  Include Files  

#include <kernel/ls_std.h>
#include "locl_language.h"

const TLanguage LanguageAspect::Language = ELangPolish;
const TLanguage LanguageAspect::LanguageDowngrade[3] = {ELangNone, ELangNone, ELangNone};
const TDigitType LanguageAspect::DigitType = EDigitTypeWestern;
const TFatUtilityFunctions* const LanguageAspect::FatUtilityFunctions = NULL;

const TText * const LanguageAspect::MsgTable[ELocaleMessages_LastMsg] =
// Fileserver
    _S("Ponów prób\x0119"),								// Button 1
    _S("Stop"),								// Button 2
    _S("W\x0142ó\x017C" L" dysk z powrotem"),						// Put the card back - line1
    _S("lub dane zostan\x0105" L" utracone"),						// Put the card back - line2
    _S("Bateria jest zbyt s\x0142" L"aba"),						// Low power - line1
        _S("Nie mo\x017Cna doko\x0144" L"czy\x0107" L" zapisywania na dysku"),	       // Low power - line2
    _S("B\x0142\x0105" L"d dysku - nie mo\x017C" L"na doko\x0144" L"czy\x0107" L" zapisywania"),	   // escape sequences cut with "" to prevent next character
                                                                                               // to be interpreted as part of the escape (a,b,c,d,e,f are also hex)
                                                                                               // pragma used to surpress compiler warnings for these
    _S("Ponów prób\x0119" L", inaczej utracisz dane"),		                        // Disk error - line2
// SoundDriver
    _S("Kuranty"),								// Chimes
    _S("Dzwonki"),								// Rings
    _S("Sygna\x0142"),								// Signal
// MediaDriver diskname (max 16 chars)
    _S("Internal"),								// Internal
    _S("External(01)"),							// External(01)
    _S("External(02)"),							// External(02)
    _S("External(03)"),							// External(03)
    _S("External(04)"),							// External(04)
    _S("External(05)"),							// External(05)
    _S("External(06)"),							// External(06)
    _S("External(07)"),							// External(07)
    _S("External(08)"),							// External(08)
// MediaDriver socketname (max 16 chars)
    _S("Socket(01)"),							// Socket(01)
    _S("Socket(02)"),							// Socket(02)
    _S("Socket(03)"),							// Socket(03)
    _S("Socket(04)")							// Socket(04)

// The suffix table
const TText * const LanguageAspect::DateSuffixTable[KMaxSuffixes] =
// The day names
const TText * const LanguageAspect::DayTable[KMaxDays] =
    _S("\x015A" L"roda"),
    _S("Pi\x0105" L"tek"),
// The abbreviated day names
const TText * const LanguageAspect::DayAbbTable[KMaxDays] =
    _S("\x015A" L"r"),
// The month names
const TText * const LanguageAspect::MonthTable[KMaxMonths] =
// The abbreviated month names
const TText * const LanguageAspect::MonthAbbTable[KMaxMonths] =
// The am/pm strings
const TText * const LanguageAspect::AmPmTable[KMaxAmPms] = {_S("AM"),_S("PM")};

//  End of File