epoc_iti.ini - Increased MegabytesOfFreeMemory up to 192 so Tiger app will run and we get less alloc errors.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Animates effect queues.
#include <gdi.h>
#include <hwrmlight.h>
class MAknsAlTimingModel;
class CAknsAlEffectContext;
class CAknsAlEffectParamContainer;
class CAknsAlAnimationValueContainer;
class CAknsAlAnimationCommand;
class CAknsAlSizeBoundParam;
class CAknsAnimationItemData;
class TAknsItemID;
class MAknsEffectAnimObserver;
class RAknsSrvSession;
// Minimum convoluteable bitmap size is 3x3
const TInt KAknsAlAnimMinimumWidth = 3;
const TInt KAknsAlAnimMinimumHeight = 3;
* AnimatorBmp animates RL effect filter queues by allowing time bound
* parametrization with timing models and animation values. AnimatorBmp
* implements the next state machine:
* Starting | | Resulting
* state | Command | state
* -------------------------------
* Stopped Start Running
* Stop Stopped
* Pause Stopped
* Continue Stopped
* Running Start Running
* Stop Stopped
* Pause Paused
* Continue Running
* Paused Start Running
* Stop Stopped
* Pause Paused
* Continue Running
* Finished Start Running
* Stop Stopped
* Pause Finished
* Continue Finished
* @since 3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAknsAlAnimatorBmp ): public CBase, public MHWRMLightObserver
protected: // Protected construction
CAknsAlAnimatorBmp( MAknsEffectAnimObserver* aObserver );
void ConstructL();
public: // Public construction/destruction
* Deleting the animator will stop running animation.
virtual ~CAknsAlAnimatorBmp();
static CAknsAlAnimatorBmp* NewL( MAknsEffectAnimObserver* aObserver );
* Constructs the animation from skin. The animation is not
* automatically updated during a skin change. A newly constructed
* animation is in stopped state.
* @param aItemID Animation bound to this id will be queried from the
* Skin.
* @return ETrue if the animation was found and succesfully constructed.
* EFalse if the animation was not found.
TBool ConstructFromSkinL( const TAknsItemID& aItemID );
* Constructs animation directly from item data. This allows bypassing
* skin data and feeding test cases directly to animation. This method
* exists only for testing purposes.
TBool ConstructFromItemL( const CAknsAnimationItemData& aData,
RAknsSrvSession* aSession);
* Removes all layers and creates the input layer if it is required.
* @param aLayerSize New layer size
* @param aRgbMode New RGB layer mode
void BeginConfigLayersL( const TSize& aLayerSize,
TDisplayMode aRgbMode );
* Updates the animation once so that output layer is available for
* drawing immediately after this method.
void EndConfigLayersL( TBool aAboutToStart );
TInt StartAnimation();
TInt StopAnimation();
TInt PauseAnimation();
TInt ContinueAnimation();
TInt State() const;
CFbsBitmap* OutputRgb() const;
CFbsBitmap* OutputAlpha() const;
CFbsBitGc* InputRgbGc() const;
CFbsBitGc* InputAlphaGc() const;
TInt UpdateOutput();
void SetIdling( TInt aIntervalMs );
TBool IsIdling() const;
TSize LayerSize() const;
TBool NeedsInputLayer() const;
private: // New methods
void CancelIdling();
TBool RenderError() const;
/// Does not change iState
void StartAnimationL( TBool aReset, TBool aStartTimer );
/// Does not change iState
void StopAndRelease( TBool aReleaseInputLayers, TBool aReleasePlugins );
void Tick();
TInt Render( TBool aNotify );
void PreprocessL();
TInt ApplyCommands( RPointerArray<CAknsAlAnimationCommand>& aArray,
TBool aApplyNamedReferences ) const;
MAknsAlTimingModel* FindTimingModelById( TInt aId ) const;
CAknsAlAnimationValueContainer* FindContainerById( TInt aId ) const;
void CreateTimingModelsL( const CAknsAnimationItemData& aSkinData );
void CreateAnimationValueContainersL( const CAknsAnimationItemData& aSkinData );
void CreatePreprocessCommandsL( const CAknsAnimationItemData& aSkinData );
void CreateAnimationCommandsL( const CAknsAnimationItemData& aSkinData );
void CreateSizeBoundParamsL( const CAknsAnimationItemData& aSkinData );
static TInt TimerTimeoutCallback( TAny *aPtr );
// From MHWRMLightObserver.
// Used to pause animation when lights go out, and to resume
// when lights are active again.
void LightStatusChanged( TInt aTarget, CHWRMLight::TLightStatus aStatus );
private: // Data
TInt iState;
// Set if rendering plugins fails
TInt iRenderError;
TBool iSizeKnown;
TBool iIdling;
TInt iIdlingInterval;
TInt iLastFrameTicks;
TInt iMsPerTick; // Milliseconds per tick, queried from HAL
TInt iMinimumInterval;
// Animation's layer configuration
TInt iInputLayerMode;
TInt iInputLayerIndex;
TInt iOutputLayerMode;
TInt iOutputLayerIndex;
CPeriodic* iTimer;
CAknsAlEffectContext* iContext;
RPointerArray<MAknsAlTimingModel> iTimingModels;
RPointerArray<CAknsAlAnimationValueContainer> iValueContainers;
RPointerArray<CAknsAlAnimationCommand> iPreprocessCommands;
RPointerArray<CAknsAlAnimationCommand> iAnimationCommands;
RPointerArray<CAknsAlSizeBoundParam> iSizeBoundParams;
MAknsEffectAnimObserver* iObserver;
TInt iPreprocessInputLayers;
// Light client.
// Own.
CHWRMLight* iLightsClient;
// End of File