epoc_iti.ini - Increased MegabytesOfFreeMemory up to 192 so Tiger app will run and we get less alloc errors.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: ?Description
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "SDCGlobals.h"
#include "SDCReader.h"
#include "SDCMBMOutput.h"
#include "SDCInlOutput.h"
#include "SDCBinOutput.h"
#include "SDCPkgOutput.h"
#include "SDCIIDConstants.h"
#include "SDCDebugOutput.h"
static char sourceFile[512];
static char skinName[512];
static char mbmPath[512];
static char sknPath[512];
static char dllPath[512];
static char iidFile[512];
static bool forceSystem = false;
static bool forceNormal = false;
static bool drmEnabled = false;
// To ensure skin binary compatibility, 2.6 must NOT support
// scalable skins. Similarly, 2.8 and 3.0 must support scalable skins.
// 2.7 is considered a part of 2.8 branch.
// Do not change these (such a compiler is major compatibility risk).
// Alter your build configuration instead.
#if defined(__SERIES60_26__)
#if defined(RD_ENHANCED_SKINNING) || defined(RD_SCALABLE_UI)
#error S60 release 2.6 detected, but enhanced skinning or scalable UI is enabled! This combination is invalid, and would produce incompatible binaries.
#if defined(__SERIES60_27__) || defined(__SERIES60_28__) || defined(__SERIES60_30__) || defined(__SERIES60_31__)
#if !defined(RD_ENHANCED_SKINNING) || !defined(RD_SCALABLE_UI)
#error S60 release 2.8/3.0 detected, but either enhanced skinning or scalable UI is not enabled! This combination is invalid, and would produce incompatible binaries.
// Functions
void Syntax()
printf("Syntax: AknSkinDescCompiler [options] input skinname\n\n");
printf("Where options [-mpath] [-tpath] [-spath] [-ifile]\n");
printf(" input: Input file in ASCII or UTF-16 format.\n");
printf(" Example: MySkin.txt\n");
printf(" skinname: Skin name used as filename prefix.\n");
printf(" Example: MySkin\n");
printf("Options -mpath: Path for MBM/MIF generation list.\n");
printf(" Example: -m..\\mbmlist\\\n");
printf(" -tpath: Path for SKN (and possible PKG) target.\n");
printf(" Example: -t..\\output\\\n");
printf(" -spath: Path for system skin CPP and MMP.\n");
printf(" Example: -s..\\dllsrc\\\n");
printf(" -ifile: Item ID extension list.\n");
printf(" Example: -iNewPhoneIIDs.txt\n");
printf(" --drm Suppress SKN and sounds from PKG file.\n");
void AppendBackslash( char* aBuf )
if( strlen( aBuf ) > 0 )
if( aBuf[ strlen(aBuf)-1 ] != '\\' ) strcat( aBuf, "\\" );
bool ParseArguments( int argc, char** argv )
strcpy( sourceFile, "" );
strcpy( skinName, "" );
strcpy( mbmPath, "" );
strcpy( sknPath, "" );
strcpy( dllPath, "" );
strcpy( iidFile, "" );
int fileParam = 0;
for( int i=1; i<argc; i++ )
if( stricmp( "--drm", argv[i] ) == 0 )
drmEnabled = true;
else if( stricmp( "--forcesystem", argv[i] ) == 0 )
forceSystem = true;
else if( stricmp( "--forcenormal", argv[i] ) == 0 )
forceNormal = true;
else if( strnicmp( "-m", argv[i], 2 ) == 0 )
strcpy( mbmPath, argv[i]+2 );
AppendBackslash( mbmPath );
else if( strnicmp( "-t", argv[i], 2 ) == 0 )
strcpy( sknPath, argv[i]+2 );
AppendBackslash( sknPath );
else if( strnicmp( "-s", argv[i], 2 ) == 0 )
strcpy( dllPath, argv[i]+2 );
AppendBackslash( dllPath );
else if( strnicmp( "-i", argv[i], 2 ) == 0 )
strcpy( iidFile, argv[i]+2 );
if( fileParam == 0 )
strcpy( sourceFile, argv[i] );
else if( fileParam == 1 )
strcpy( skinName, argv[i] );
if( fileParam != 2 ) return false;
return true;
// GeneratePID
void GeneratePID( CSDCData* data )
GetSystemTime( &sysTime );
FILETIME fileTime;
SystemTimeToFileTime( &sysTime, &fileTime );
currentTime.LowPart = fileTime.dwLowDateTime;
currentTime.HighPart = fileTime.dwHighDateTime;
sysTime.wYear = 2003;
sysTime.wMonth = 1;
sysTime.wDay = 1;
sysTime.wHour = 0;
sysTime.wMinute = 0;
sysTime.wSecond = 0;
sysTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
SystemTimeToFileTime( &sysTime, &fileTime );
epochTime.LowPart = fileTime.dwLowDateTime;
epochTime.HighPart = fileTime.dwHighDateTime;
timeStamp.QuadPart = currentTime.QuadPart - epochTime.QuadPart;
timeStamp.QuadPart = timeStamp.QuadPart >> 20;
srand( gInput.iHash ^ currentTime.HighPart ^ currentTime.LowPart );
// Timestamp
data->iPid.iPID2 = timeStamp.LowPart;
if( data->iPid.iPID2 == 0 ) data->iPid.iPID2 += 1;
// Random number
data->iPid.iPID1 = rand();
data->iPid.iPID1 = data->iPid.iPID1 << 8;
data->iPid.iPID1 ^= rand();
data->iPid.iPID1 = data->iPid.iPID1 << 8;
data->iPid.iPID1 ^= rand();
data->iPid.iPID1 = data->iPid.iPID1 << 8;
data->iPid.iPID1 ^= rand();
// Main function
int main( int argc, char** argv )
printf("Skin Compiler v%i.%i.%i ("__DATE__") for S60 Platform.\nCopyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.\n", gPlatformMajor, gPlatformMinor, gVersionMinor );
if( !ParseArguments( argc, argv ) )
return 1;
SDCIIDConstants::Initialize( iidFile );
catch( CSDCException e )
printf("\nItem ID extension list is invalid, INITIALIZATION FAILED!\n");
return 3;
printf("Phase 0: Parameter summary.\n");
printf(" Source file: %s\n", sourceFile );
printf(" Skin name: %s\n", skinName );
if( strlen(mbmPath)>0 ) printf(" MBM/MIF list path: %s\n", mbmPath );
if( strlen(sknPath)>0 ) printf(" SKN output path: %s\n", sknPath );
if( strlen(dllPath)>0 ) printf(" System skin output path: %s\n", dllPath );
if( forceSystem ) printf(" Forcing skin type to be SYSTEM\n");
if( forceNormal ) printf(" Forcing skin type to be NORMAL\n");
if( drmEnabled ) printf(" DRM compatibility mode, PKG generation will be altered\n");
CSDCData* data = NULL;
bool error = false;
data = new CSDCData();
printf("\nPhase 1: Input parsing.\n");
printf(" Opening source file %s ...\n", sourceFile );
gInput.Open( sourceFile );
printf(" Parsing file ...\n");
data->SetBmpPath( L".\\" );
CSDCReader reader( data );
printf(" Completed.\n");
gInput.iLineNumber = -1;
if( forceSystem )
if( data->IsScalable() )
printf("WARNING: Scalable skin, force parameter has no effect.\n");
data->iSkinType |= 0x1;
if( forceNormal )
if( data->IsScalable() )
printf("WARNING: Scalable skin, force parameter has no effect.\n");
if( (data->iSkinType&0x1) != 0 ) data->iSkinType^=0x1;
bool systemSkin = false;
printf("NOTE: Skintype: " );
if( data->IsScalable() )
printf("Scalable ");
else if( (data->iSkinType & 0x1) != 0 )
printf("System ");
systemSkin = true;
printf("Normal ");
if( (data->iSkinType & 0x2) != 0 )
switch( data->iSkinType & 0xff00 )
case 0x100: printf("AH "); break;
default: printf("Unknown "); break;
printf("Parent=0x%08x 0x%08x", data->iParentPid.iPID2, data->iParentPid.iPID1 );
if( systemSkin )
throw new CSDCException( ESDCContentError, "System skins are no longer supported, please use scalable skin type instead" );
if( (data->iAHOverridePid.iPID1!=0) || (data->iAHOverridePid.iPID1!=0) )
printf("NOTE: Associated A&H override is: 0x%08x 0x%08x", data->iAHOverridePid.iPID2, data->iAHOverridePid.iPID1 );
if( (data->iPid.iPID1==0) && (data->iPid.iPID2==0) )
GeneratePID( data );
printf("NOTE: Generated package ID for this skin is 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", data->iPid.iPID2, data->iPid.iPID1 );
printf("\nPhase 2: Output for MBM/MIF generation.\n");
char namebuf[512];
strcpy( namebuf, skinName );
char namebuf2[512];
strcpy( namebuf2, mbmPath );
strcat( namebuf2, skinName );
if( data->IsScalable() )
strcat( namebuf2, "_MIFList.txt" );
strcat( namebuf2, "_MBMList.txt" );
printf(" Writing MBM/MIF list for %s to %s ...\n", namebuf, namebuf2 );
CSDCMBMOutput mbmOutput;
mbmOutput.Output( data, namebuf, namebuf2 );
printf(" Completed.\n");
printf("\nPhase 3: Output for skin content.\n");
if( systemSkin )
strcpy( namebuf, dllPath );
strcat( namebuf, skinName );
strcat( namebuf, "_ContentDLL.cpp" );
strcpy( namebuf2, dllPath );
strcat( namebuf2, skinName );
strcat( namebuf2, "_ContentDLL.mmp" );
printf(" Writing CPP and MMP files for %s to %s and %s ...\n", skinName, namebuf, namebuf2 );
CSDCInlOutput inlOutput;
inlOutput.Output( data, skinName, namebuf, namebuf2 );
printf(" Completed.\n");
if( strlen(dllPath)>0 )
printf("WARNING: System skin CPP/MMP path not used.\n");
printf(" Skipping CPP and MMP file creation (non-system skin).\n");
strcpy( namebuf, sknPath );
strcat( namebuf, skinName );
strcat( namebuf, ".skn" );
strcpy( namebuf2, skinName );
printf(" Writing SKN file (that uses MBM/MIF %s) to %s ...\n", namebuf2, namebuf );
CSDCBinOutput binOutput;
binOutput.Output( data, namebuf2, namebuf, systemSkin );
printf(" Completed.\n");
if( !systemSkin )
strcpy( namebuf, sknPath );
strcat( namebuf, skinName );
strcat( namebuf, ".pkg" );
if( drmEnabled )
strcpy( namebuf2, sknPath );
strcat( namebuf2, "datafiles.def" );
strcpy( namebuf2, "" );
printf(" Writing PKG file for %s to %s ", skinName, namebuf );
if( drmEnabled ) printf("\n and DRM definition file to %s ", namebuf2 );
printf("...\n" );
CSDCPkgOutput pkgOutput;
pkgOutput.Output( data, skinName, namebuf, namebuf2 );
printf(" Completed.\n");
printf(" Skipping PKG file creation (system skin).\n");
catch( CSDCException e )
error = true;
delete data;
if( error )
printf("\nAborted, ERRORS ENCOUNTERED!\n");
return 2;
printf("\nCompleted successfully.\n");
return 0;
// End of file