epoc_iti.ini - Increased MegabytesOfFreeMemory up to 192 so Tiger app will run and we get less alloc errors.
Precacher tool
Step 1:
Ensure the skins folder has series60skin_MIFList.txt. Compile \s60\mw\uiresources\skins\AknSkinContent to generate if its not present
Step 2:
Run IconId.pl
usage: IconId.pl MIFList-file build-path out-file
Y:\>IconId.pl Y:\s60\mw\uiresources\skins\AknSkinContent\generated\scalableseries60skin\data\series60skin_MIFList.txt y: iconlist.csv
This generates the icon enum, major, minor number, icon id in iconlist.csv
Step 3:
Define the MACRO's for precacher,
Macro PRECACHE2 should be defined to enable the precacher.
Macro PRECACHELOG should be defined to get the traces generated
To define the macro put the below code in AknIcon.mmp(in folder \s60\mw\uiresources\uigraphics\AknIcon\group)
Generate the build, flash the phone
Now start the phone open all the applications whose icons you wish to precache
This creates the trace file logs\AknIconPreCacher\Traces.txt (create the folder AknIconPreCacher if not already present)
Step 4:
Run IconLoads.pl
usage: iconlist iconloads out-file
Y:\>IconLoads.pl iconlist.csv Y:\epoc32\winscw\c\logs\AknIconPreCacher\Traces.txt resources.rss
This generates the resource file in the required format
Step 5:
Copy the contents of the resource file (resources.rss in this case) into AknIconSrv.rss.
it will be in the folder \s60\mw\uiresources\uigraphics\AknIcon\srvsrc.
RESOURCE ARRAY r_precache_list2
items =
// copy the icon list here
Step 6:
Compile the AknIcon code, the macro PRECACHE2 should be defined (if not already done)to enable precaching
uncomment (or remove ) the macro definition for PRECACHELOG.