Add LRU cache of rendered bitmaps, to improve redraw performance in the absence of graphics HW support for OpenVG
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Real-time timing model.
#include "AknsAlTimingModel.h"
// Timing model UID
const TInt KAknsAlTimingModelRealTimeUID = 0x10207624;
const TInt KAlMaxDurationVal = 65536; // In milliseconds, ~65 seconds
// Constants for parameter names
_LIT( KAknsAlRealTimeDuration, "d" );
_LIT( KAknsAlRealTimeRepeatCount, "rc" );
_LIT( KAknsAlRealTimeRepeatDuration, "rd" );
_LIT( KAknsAlRealTimeWrap, "w" );
Real-time timing model that advances by keeping track on elapsed time between
subsequent updates. The next named parameters are supported:
- "d", duration
- "rc", repeat count
- "rd", repeat duration
- "w", wrap mode
Timing model configuration works as follows:
Duration undefined:
D RC RD Single duration Total duration
0 Inf 0 Inf Inf
0 Inf Def RD RD
0 Inf Inf Inf Inf
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 Def RD RD
0 0 Inf Inf Inf
0 Def 0 0 0
0 Def Def RD RD
0 Def Inf Inf Inf
Duration defined:
D RC RD Single duration Total duration
Def Inf 0 D Inf
Def Inf Def D RD
Def Inf Inf D Inf
Def 0 0 D D
Def 0 Def D RD
Def 0 Inf D Inf
Def Def 0 D D * RC
Def Def Def D MIN(D * RC, RD)
Def Def Inf D D * RC
Duration infinite:
D RC RD Single duration Total duration
Inf Inf 0 Inf Inf
Inf Inf Def RD RD
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf 0 0 Inf Inf
Inf 0 Def RD RD
Inf 0 Inf Inf Inf
Inf Def 0 Inf Inf
Inf Def Def RD RD
Inf Def Inf Inf Inf
The above tables can reduced to:
D RC RD Single duration Total duration
#1 0 * Def RD RD
#2 0 * Inf Inf Inf
#3 0 Inf 0 Inf Inf
#4 0 0 0 0 0
#5 0 Def 0 0 0
#6 Def Inf 0 D Inf
#7 Def Inf Def D RD
#8 Def Inf Inf D Inf
#9 Def 0 0 D D
#10 Def 0 Def D RD
#11 Def 0 Inf D Inf
#12 Def Def 0 D D * RC
#13 Def Def Def D MIN(D * RC, RD)
#14 Def Def Inf D D * RC
#15 Inf * Def RD RD
#16 Inf * Inf Inf Inf
#17 Inf * 0 Inf Inf
Abbreviations used:
D duration
RC repeat count
RD repeat duration
Def defined
0 undefined (zero in resulting durations)
Inf infinite
* any value (defined, undefined, infinite)
Note: Case #3 follows SMIL, it could have been defined to produce the same
result as #4 and #5. Cases #4 and #5 could have been implemented as impossible
case that causes a leave. Current implementation just sets the total duration
to zero which produces an animation that finishes immediately.
Configuration value formats:
- Duration, repeat count and repeat duration are all defined as follows:
< 0, value is infinite
0, value is undefined
> 0, value is defined
- Duration is milliseconds, when defined
- Repeat count is the number of repeated durations, when defined
- Repeat duration is milliseconds, when defined
- Because fixed point calculations are used, durations and repeat durations
larger than KAlMaxDurationVal are clamped to KAlMaxDurationVal. It is
possible to produce longer total durations by using repeat count.
If duration is repeated, wrapping defines how successive durations are mapped
to relative values ranges.
- If ETrue the sequence is wrapped [0,1][1,0][0,1]...
- If EFalse the sequence is tiled [0,1][0,1][0,1]...
- The default wrap mode is tiled. Wrapping is ignored if the duration is not
Relative value format:
- 32-bit unsigned integer, fixed point, 16.16 format.
- Relative value range [0, 65536] maps effectively to real number range [0, 1].
- Relative value is quaranteed to be in range [0, 65536].
- If animation duration is infinite the relative value is always 0.
@since 3.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAknsAlTimingModelRealTime ): public MAknsAlTimingModel
static inline TBool Infinite( TInt aValue )
return ( aValue < 0 ? ETrue: EFalse );
static inline TBool Undefined( TInt aValue )
return ( aValue == 0 ? ETrue: EFalse );
static inline TBool Defined( TInt aValue )
return ( aValue > 0 ? ETrue: EFalse );
static CAknsAlTimingModelRealTime* NewL();
virtual ~CAknsAlTimingModelRealTime();
TInt Duration() const;
TInt TotalDuration() const;
public: // Implementation of MAknsAlTimingModel
* Supported named parameters are:
* - "d", integer, duration
* - "rc", integer, repeat count
* - "rd", integer, repeat duration
* - "w", boolean (0/1), wrap mode
* For documentation see the extensive class comment.
* Default parameter values are:
* - "d" = 0
* - "rc" = 0
* - "rd" = 0
* - "w" = EFalse (0)
void SetParametersL( MAknsRlParameterIterator& aParameters );
* Advances the timing model by the provided delta time.
void Tick( const TInt aDeltaTime );
* Timestamp based ticking is ignored.
void Tick( const TTime& aStamp );
TUint32 RelativeValue() const;
TBool IsFinished() const;
void Begin();
void Configure( TInt aD, TInt aRC, TInt aRD, TBool aWrap );
/// The length of one active duration, in milliseconds
TInt iDuration;
/// The total animation length, in milliseconds
TInt iTotalDuration;
/// Elapsed time since the start of the animation, in milliseconds
TInt iElapsedTime;
/// The current relative value, fixed point 16.16 format.
TUint32 iRelative;
/// Used wrapping mode.
TBool iWrap;
// End of File