Add LRU cache of rendered bitmaps, to improve redraw performance in the absence of graphics HW support for OpenVG
* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Utility methods for skin server.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <AknsPkgID.h>
#include <AknsSrvSkinInformationPkg.h>
#include "AknsSrvFileBuffer.h"
#include "AknsDriveMaster.h"
struct TAknsSrvDef;
class CDRMHelper;
class CDRMRights;
* Internal utility classfor skin server containing various utility functions.
* @since 2.0
class AknsSrvUtils
public: // New methods
* Checks if supplied skin file is a A&H override variant.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFile File buffer to read.
* @return ETrue if the skin is A&H override variant, EFalse otherwise
* @par Exceptions:
* If check failed, function leaves with an error code.
static TBool CheckAHOverrideFlagL( CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile );
* Looks for .skn files from specified directory.
* @since 2.0
* @param aBasePath The base path of the skin directory
* @param aDirName The directory name of the skin directory.
* @param aSkinFiles Array containing the actual skin filenames
* after a succesfull call.
* @par Exceptions:
* If function fails, leaves with an error code.
static void SearchSkinsL(
RFs& aRfs, const TDesC& aBasePath, const TDesC& aDirName,
CDesCArray* aSkinFiles );
* Looks after skin directories under specified path
* @since 2.0
* @param aSkinfiles An array containing skin file directory names
* after a succesfull call.
* @par Exceptions:
* If the function fails, leaves with an error code.
static void SearchDirectoriesL( RFs& aRfs, const TDesC& aPath,
CDesCArray* aSkinFiles );
* Build skin information array containing skin information.
* @since 2.0
* @param aSkinInfo The array where skin information is stored.
* @param aSkinArray Array containing skin file names.
* @par Exceptions:
* if function fails, leaves with an error code.
static void BuildSkinInfoPackagesL(
CArrayPtr<TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg>* aSkinInfo,
CDesCArray* aSkinArray, RFs& aFileSession,
CDRMHelper& aDrmHelper );
* Builds a single skin information package.
static TAknsSrvSkinInfoPkg* BuildSkinInfoPackageL(
const TDesC& aFilename, CDRMHelper& aDrmHelper, RFs& aFileSession );
* Gets the package ID of the skin.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFile Opened skin file.
* @return The package ID of the skin.
* @par Exceptions:
* If function failed, function leaves with an error code.
static TAknsPkgID GetSkinPIDL( CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile );
* Gets the filename of the skin file, or A&H variant skin file
* @since 2.0
* @param aPath Skin file directory.
* @param aPID Packge ID of the skin
* @param aAHFlag ETrue if A&H skin filename is wanted, EFalse otherwise.
* @return The skin file name or NULL of no skin file was found
* in the specified directory
* @par Exceptions:
* If skin filename could not be fetched, leaves with an error code.
static HBufC* GetSkinFileNameL( const TDesC& aPath,
const TAknsPkgID aPID, RFs& aFileSession );
* Reads skin data to a buffer
* @since 2.0
* @param aFile File buffer to read.
* @param aOffset The file offset to read from.
* @param aCount The number of bytes to read.
* @return A buffer containing skin data which was read.
* @par Exceptions:
* If reading fails, leaves with an error code.
static TUint8* ReadSkinDescL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile,
const TUint aOffset, const TUint aCount );
* Gets a 32-bit integer value from a skin file.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFile File buffer to read.
* @param aOffset The offset to read from.
* @return An integer value which was read from the file
* @par Exceptions:
* If value couldn't be read, leaves with an error code.
static TInt32 GetInt32L(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset);
* Gets a 16-bit unsigned integer value from a skin file.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFile File buffer to read.
* @param aOffset The offset to read from.
* @return An integer value which was read from the file.
* @par Exceptions:
* If value couldn't be read, leaves with an error code
static TUint16 GetUInt16L(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset);
* Gets a 16-bit integer value from a skin file.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFile File buffer to read.
* @param aOffset The offset to read from.
* @return An integer value which was read from the file.
* @par Exceptions:
* If value couldn't be read, leaves with an error code
static TInt16 GetInt16L(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset);
* Gets a 8-bit unsigned integer value from a skin file.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFile File buffer to read.
* @param aOffset The offset to read from.
* @return An integer value which was read from the file.
* @par Exceptions:
* If value couldn't be read, leaves with an error code
static TUint8 GetUInt8L(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset);
* Get the skin name.
* @since 2.0
* @param aFile File buffer to read from.
* @return The name of the skin.
* @par Exceptions:
* If name couldn't be read leaves with an error code.
static HBufC* GetSkinNameL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile);
* Checks whether the given file exists. Same as above, but
* takes RFs as a parameter.
* @since 3.1
* @param aFileSession RFs reference.
* @param aFilename Filename with full path.
* @return ETrue if the file exists, EFalse otherwise.
static TBool IsFile( RFs& aFileSession, const TDesC& aFilename );
* Checks whether the given file is Drm-protected or not
* @since 2.6
* @param aFilename Filename with full path.
* @return ETrue if the file is protected, EFalse otherwise.
static TBool IsDrmProtectedL(const TDesC& aFilename);
static TBool IsDrmProtectedL(RFile& aFileHandle);
* Like above (@see SearchSkinsL), but searches for given extension.
* @since 3.1
* @param aBasePath The base path of the skin directory
* @param aDirName The directory name of the skin directory.
* @param sExtension The extension to look for.
* @param aSkinFiles Array containing the actual skin filenames
* after a succesfull call.
* @par Exceptions:
* If function fails, leaves with an error code.
static void SearchSkinsL(
RFs& aRfs, const TDesC& aBasePath, const TDesC& aDirName,
const TDesC& aExtension, CDesCArray* aSkinFiles );
* Looks after skin directories under specified path
* @since 2.0
* @param aSkinfiles An array containing skin file directory names
* after a succesfull call.
* @param aExtension extension to look for.
* @par Exceptions:
* If the function fails, leaves with an error code.
static void SearchDirectoriesL( RFs& aRfs, const TDesC& aPath,
const TDesC& aExtension, CDesCArray* aSkinFiles );
* Returns skin file name from a given drive.
* @since 5.0
* @param aDriveMaster reference to drive master.
* @param aPID PID of a skin to look for.
* @param aFileSession file server session.
* @param aDriveType what type of drives to look from.
* @return filename of requested skin.
static HBufC* GetSkinFileNameL(
CAknsSrvDriveMaster& aDriveMaster,
const TAknsPkgID aPID,
RFs& aFileSession,
CAknsSrvDriveMaster::TAknsSrvSkinDriveList aDriveType );
* Gets content URI from a given file.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aFilename Filename with full path.
* @return file's content URI.
static HBufC8* GetContentUriFromFileL( const TDesC& aFilename );
* Gets protection type of the URI.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aManager DRM Rights manager.
* @param aProtectionType protection type of the URI.
static void GetProtectionTypeL(
const TDesC& aFilename,
TAknsSkinSrvSkinProtectionType& aProtectionType );
* Checks if a skin has mif file.
* @since S60 3.2
* @param aHasMifFile ETrue if mif file exists, otherwise EFalse.
* @param aFileSession file server session.
* @param aFilename Filename with full path.
static void SkinHasMifFileL( TBool& aHasMifFile,
RFs& aFileSession, const TDesC& aFilename );
* Get the skin anim background support.
* @since 9.2
* @param aFile File buffer to read from.
* @return ETrue:Support EFalse: Not support.
* @par Exceptions:
* If name couldn't be read leaves with an error code.
static TBool AnimBackgroundSupportL(CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile);
// End of File