Add LRU cache of rendered bitmaps, to improve redraw performance in the absence of graphics HW support for OpenVG
* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Extension to chunk maintainer.
#include "AknsSrvChunkMaintainer.h"
#include "AknsSrvUtils.h"
#include "AknsSrvDescriptorFileLayout.h"
#include "AknsDebug.h"
// Max of 32 effects per queue and 64 params per effect should be enough
static const TInt KAknsSrvMaxEffectCount = 0x20;
static const TInt KAknsSrvMaxParamGroupCount = 0x20;
static const TInt KAknsSrvMaxEffectParamCount = 0x40;
* A wrapper class for RPointerArray cleanup.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAknsSrvArrayStore ): public CBase
while( iArray.Count() )
delete [] iArray[0];
RPointerArray<TUint8> iArray;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeEffectQueueL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeEffectQueueL(
CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset,
const TAknsItemDefClass /*aClass*/,
const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool /*aAhOverride*/ )
TAknsSrvDef itemDef;
TInt32 major = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueMajor );
TInt32 minor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueMinor );
TInt32 refmajor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueRefMajor );
TInt32 refminor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueRefMinor );
TUint8 inputlayerindex = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueInputLayerIndex);
TUint8 inputlayermode = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueInputLayerMode);
TUint8 outputlayerindex = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueOutputLayerIndex);
TUint8 outputlayermode = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueOutputLayerMode);
TUint16 effectcount = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueEffectCount);
if( inputlayermode > 0x08 ||
outputlayermode > 0x08 ||
effectcount > KAknsSrvMaxEffectCount )
TUint32 size = 0;
if( aExclQuery.IsExcluded( itemDef.iID ) )
CheckAndModifyIID( itemDef.iID, aExclQuery );
itemDef.iType = EAknsITEffectQueue;
if (refmajor && refminor)
TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef eq;
eq.iEffectQueueSize = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef);
eq.iEffectCount = 0;
eq.iRefMajor = refmajor;
eq.iRefMinor = refminor;
CAknsSrvArrayStore* effectArray = new(ELeave) CAknsSrvArrayStore();
CleanupStack::PushL( effectArray );
TUint32 eqBase = EAknsSrvDFOEffectQueueEffects;
TUint32 totalEffectSize = 0;
// process all effect chunks inside
totalEffectSize = DoMergeEffectCommandsL( aFile, aOffset, eqBase, effectArray->iArray, effectcount );
// All effects collected, add them to the queue
TUint8* eqBlock = new (ELeave) TUint8[sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef)+totalEffectSize];
// No leaves after this
TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef* eqDef = (TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef*)eqBlock;
eqDef->iEffectCount = effectcount;
eqDef->iRefMinor = 0;
eqDef->iRefMajor = 0;
eqDef->iInputLayerIndex = inputlayerindex;
eqDef->iInputLayerMode = inputlayermode;
eqDef->iOutputLayerIndex = outputlayerindex;
eqDef->iOutputLayerMode = outputlayermode;
TUint32 base = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef);
for (TInt ecount = 0; ecount < effectcount; ecount++)
TAknsSrvEffectDef* effectDef = (TAknsSrvEffectDef*)(effectArray->iArray[ecount]);
size = effectDef->iEffectSize;
Mem::Copy(eqBlock+base, effectDef, size);
eqDef->iEffectQueueSize = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef)+totalEffectSize;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( effectArray ); // effectArray
UpdateDef( &itemDef, eqDef, sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectQueueDef)+totalEffectSize, -1 );
delete [] eqBlock;
// Leaves ok as eqBlock has been deleted
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeParamL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeParamsL(
CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset, TUint32& aEqBase,
RPointerArray<TUint8>& aParamArray, const TUint16 aParamCount )
TUint32 totalparamsize = 0; // total size of all parameters
for( TInt i = 0; i < aParamCount; i++ )
TUint16 totalparamlen = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset + aEqBase);
TUint32 datasize = totalparamlen-4; //ParamLength(TUint16)-Reserved(TUint8)-ParamType(TUint8)
// lets assume that one effect cannot be larger than 32kb (should be more than enough)
if (datasize >= 0x8000)
TUint8 ptype = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile,aOffset+aEqBase+3);
TUint8* paramBlock = NULL;
TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef* paramDef = NULL;
TUint8* data = AknsSrvUtils::ReadSkinDescL(aFile, aOffset+aEqBase+4, datasize);
if (ptype == 2) // graphics param
TUint32 filenameid = *((TUint32*)(data+datasize-4)) + iCurrentFilenameID;
TInt filenameoffset = GetFilenameOffsetByID(filenameid);
paramBlock = new (ELeave) TUint8[sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+datasize-4+KAknsSrvMaxFileNameLen-4];
CleanupStack::PushL( paramBlock );
paramDef = (TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef*)paramBlock;
Mem::Copy(paramBlock+sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef), data, datasize-4);
// Convert filenameid to offset and replace the id with offset
Mem::Copy(paramBlock+sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+datasize-4,&filenameoffset, sizeof(TInt));
paramDef->iParameterType = ptype;
paramDef->iParameterLength = AlignToFour(sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+datasize);
else // string or int param or namedref (similar to int, used in animations)
paramBlock = new (ELeave) TUint8[sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+datasize];
CleanupStack::PushL( paramBlock );
paramDef = (TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef*)paramBlock;
paramDef->iParameterType = ptype;
paramDef->iParameterLength = AlignToFour(sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef)+datasize);
Mem::Copy(paramBlock+sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef), data, datasize);
totalparamsize += paramDef->iParameterLength;
User::LeaveIfError( aParamArray.Append(paramBlock) );
CleanupStack::Pop( paramBlock ); // paramBlock
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data ); // data
aEqBase += totalparamlen;
return totalparamsize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeParamGroupL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeParamGroupsL(
CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset, TUint32& aBase,
RPointerArray<TUint8>& aGroupArray, const TUint16 aGroupCount )
TUint32 totalGroupsSize = 0;
for( TInt i = 0; i < aGroupCount; i++ )
// Fetch param group header
TUint32 valueA = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile, aOffset + aBase + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationParamGroupValueA );
TUint32 valueB = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile, aOffset + aBase + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationParamGroupValueB );
TUint16 pcount = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset + aBase + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationParamGroupParameterCount );
if( pcount > KAknsSrvMaxEffectParamCount )
// Fetch parameters
aBase = aBase + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationParamGroupParameters;
CAknsSrvArrayStore* paramArray = new(ELeave) CAknsSrvArrayStore();
CleanupStack::PushL( paramArray );
TUint32 totalParamSize = DoMergeParamsL( aFile, aOffset, aBase, paramArray->iArray, pcount );
// Construct group array block
TUint8* block = new(ELeave) TUint8[sizeof(TAknsSrvParamGroupDef) + totalParamSize];
CleanupStack::PushL( block );
TAknsSrvParamGroupDef* def = (TAknsSrvParamGroupDef*)block;
def->iValueA = valueA;
def->iValueB = valueB;
// Copy all parameters to the param group
TUint32 base = sizeof(TAknsSrvParamGroupDef);
for (TInt j = 0; j < pcount; j++)
TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef* paramDef = (TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef*)(paramArray->iArray[j]);
TUint32 size = paramDef->iParameterLength;
Mem::Copy(block + base, paramDef, size);
def->iGroupSize = base;
def->iParameterCount = pcount;
User::LeaveIfError( aGroupArray.Append(block) );
CleanupStack::Pop( block );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramArray );
aBase+=1; // GODDAMN END
return totalGroupsSize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeEffectCommandL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeEffectCommandsL(
CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset, TUint32& aBase,
RPointerArray<TUint8>& aEffectArray, const TUint16 aEffectCount )
TUint32 totalSize = 0;
for( TInt i = 0; i < aEffectCount; i++)
TInt32 effectuid = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L( aFile, aOffset+aBase + 8 );
TUint8 inAindex = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset+ aBase+ 12);
TUint8 inAmode = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset+ aBase+ 13);
TUint8 inBindex = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset+ aBase+ 14);
TUint8 inBmode = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset+ aBase+ 15);
TUint8 outIndex = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset+ aBase+ 16);
TUint8 outMode = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L( aFile, aOffset+ aBase+ 17);
// Check that at least some values are meaningful
if (inAmode > 0x08 || inBmode > 0x08 || outMode > 0x08 )
TUint16 paramcount = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset+ aBase+ 18);
if (paramcount > KAknsSrvMaxEffectParamCount)
// process all parameters inside single effect
CAknsSrvArrayStore* paramArray = new(ELeave) CAknsSrvArrayStore();
CleanupStack::PushL( paramArray );
TUint32 totalparamsize = DoMergeParamsL( aFile, aOffset, aBase, paramArray->iArray, paramcount );
// All data collected
TUint8* effectBlock= new (ELeave) TUint8[sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef)+totalparamsize];
CleanupStack::PushL( effectBlock );
TAknsSrvEffectDef* effectdef = (TAknsSrvEffectDef*)effectBlock;
effectdef->iEffectUid.iUid = effectuid;
effectdef->iEffectParameterCount = paramcount;
effectdef->iInputLayerAIndex = inAindex;
effectdef->iInputLayerAMode = inAmode;
effectdef->iInputLayerBIndex = inBindex;
effectdef->iInputLayerBMode = inBmode;
effectdef->iOutputLayerIndex = outIndex;
effectdef->iOutputLayerMode = outMode;
TUint32 base = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectDef);
TInt pcount;
// copy all parameters to the effect
for (pcount = 0; pcount < paramArray->iArray.Count(); pcount++)
TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef* paramDef = (TAknsSrvEffectParameterDef*)(paramArray->iArray[pcount]);
TUint32 size = paramDef->iParameterLength;
Mem::Copy(effectBlock+base, paramDef, size);
effectdef->iEffectSize = base;
User::LeaveIfError( aEffectArray.Append(effectBlock) );
CleanupStack::Pop( effectBlock );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramArray );
aBase+=1;// End of commands.
return totalSize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeAnimationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAknsSrvChunkMaintainer::DoMergeAnimationL(
CAknsSrvFileBuffer& aFile, const TUint aOffset,
const TAknsItemDefClass /*aClass*/,
const TAknsSrvExclusionQuery& aExclQuery, const TBool /*aAhOverride*/ )
TAknsSrvDef itemDef;
TUint32 size = 0;
TUint32 totalSize = 0;
// Step 1: Process animation header information
// Fetch animation header
TInt32 major = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOAnimationMajor);
TInt32 minor = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOAnimationMinor);
TUint8 type = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOAnimationType);
// Reserved0 and Reserved1 skipped
TUint8 inIndex = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationInputLayerIndex);
TUint8 inMode = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationInputLayerMode);
TUint8 outIndex = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationOutputLayerIndex);
TUint8 outMode = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt8L(aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationOutputLayerMode);
TInt32 minInterval = AknsSrvUtils::GetInt32L(aFile, aOffset+EAknsSrvDFOAnimationMinInterval);
if( inMode > 0x08 || outMode > 0x08 )
if( aExclQuery.IsExcluded( itemDef.iID ) )
CheckAndModifyIID( itemDef.iID, aExclQuery );
itemDef.iType = EAknsITAnimation;
// Morphing interval is MIN(all intervals)
TBool isMorphing(EFalse);
isMorphing = (TBool)type;
if (isMorphing)
if (iMorphingMinInterval < 0)
if (minInterval > 0)
iMorphingMinInterval = minInterval;
else if (iMorphingMinInterval > minInterval)
iMorphingMinInterval = minInterval;
else // The definition is for highlight animation
// If product variant has disabled highlight animation we simply skip
// non-morphing animation definitions.
if( !aExclQuery.IsHighlightAnimEnabled() )
// Step 2: Process animation content
// Because named reference is stored as parameter, effect commands and
// animation commands can be processed with the same function. When parsing
// animation data and creating animation definition ChunkLookup will
// convert named reference parameters to named reference structures ->
// named references as parameters are not visible to animation framework.
CAknsSrvArrayStore* preprocessArray = new(ELeave) CAknsSrvArrayStore();
CleanupStack::PushL( preprocessArray );
CAknsSrvArrayStore* commandArray = new(ELeave) CAknsSrvArrayStore();
CleanupStack::PushL( commandArray );
CAknsSrvArrayStore* valueArray = new(ELeave) CAknsSrvArrayStore();
CleanupStack::PushL( valueArray );
CAknsSrvArrayStore* timingArray = new(ELeave) CAknsSrvArrayStore();
CleanupStack::PushL( timingArray );
CAknsSrvArrayStore* sizeBoundArray = new(ELeave) CAknsSrvArrayStore();
CleanupStack::PushL( sizeBoundArray );
TUint16 preprocessCount = 0;
TUint16 commandCount = 0;
TUint16 valueCount = 0;
TUint16 timingCount = 0;
TUint16 sizeBoundCount = 0;
// Process preprocess chunks
preprocessCount = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset + EAknsSrvDFOAnimationPreprocessCount );
if( preprocessCount > KAknsSrvMaxEffectCount )
TUint32 animBase = EAknsSrvDFOAnimationContentBegin; // Skip header data
totalSize += DoMergeEffectCommandsL( aFile, aOffset, animBase, preprocessArray->iArray, preprocessCount );
// Process animation command chunks
commandCount = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset + animBase );
if( commandCount > KAknsSrvMaxEffectCount )
animBase += sizeof(TUint16); // Skip commandCount
totalSize += DoMergeEffectCommandsL( aFile, aOffset, animBase, commandArray->iArray, commandCount );
// Animation values, timing models and size bound parameters are stored in
// similar data structure -> process with the same function.
// Process animation value chunks
valueCount = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset + animBase );
if( valueCount > KAknsSrvMaxParamGroupCount )
animBase += sizeof(TUint16); // Skip valueCount
totalSize += DoMergeParamGroupsL( aFile, aOffset, animBase, valueArray->iArray, valueCount );
// Process timing model chunks
timingCount = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset + animBase );
if( timingCount > KAknsSrvMaxParamGroupCount )
animBase += sizeof(TUint16); // Skip timingCount
totalSize += DoMergeParamGroupsL( aFile, aOffset, animBase, timingArray->iArray, timingCount );
// Process size bound parameter chunks
sizeBoundCount = AknsSrvUtils::GetUInt16L( aFile, aOffset + animBase );
if( sizeBoundCount > KAknsSrvMaxParamGroupCount )
animBase += sizeof(TUint16); // Skip sizeBoundCount
totalSize += DoMergeParamGroupsL( aFile, aOffset, animBase, sizeBoundArray->iArray, sizeBoundCount );
// Step 3: All items collected, add them to the animation
TUint8* block = new(ELeave) TUint8[sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectAnimDef)+totalSize];
// No leaves after this
TAknsSrvEffectAnimDef* eqDef = (TAknsSrvEffectAnimDef*)block;
eqDef->iPreprocessCount = preprocessCount;
eqDef->iAnimCommandCount = commandCount;
eqDef->iAnimValueCount = valueCount;
eqDef->iTimingModelCount = timingCount;
eqDef->iSizeBoundCount = sizeBoundCount;
eqDef->iInputLayerIndex = inIndex;
eqDef->iInputLayerMode = inMode;
eqDef->iOutputLayerIndex = outIndex;
eqDef->iOutputLayerMode = outMode;
eqDef->iMinInterval = minInterval;
eqDef->iAnimType = isMorphing;
TUint32 base = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectAnimDef);
// Add preprocess commands
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < preprocessCount; i++)
TAknsSrvEffectDef* def = (TAknsSrvEffectDef*)(preprocessArray->iArray[i]);
size = def->iEffectSize;
Mem::Copy( block + base, def, size);
base += size;
// Add animation commands
for (i = 0; i < commandCount; i++)
TAknsSrvEffectDef* def = (TAknsSrvEffectDef*)(commandArray->iArray[i]);
size = def->iEffectSize;
Mem::Copy( block + base, def, size);
base += size;
// Add animation values
for (i = 0; i < valueCount; i++)
TAknsSrvParamGroupDef* def = (TAknsSrvParamGroupDef*)(valueArray->iArray[i]);
size = def->iGroupSize;
Mem::Copy( block + base, def, size);
base += size;
// Add timing models
for (i = 0; i < timingCount; i++)
TAknsSrvParamGroupDef* def = (TAknsSrvParamGroupDef*)(timingArray->iArray[i]);
size = def->iGroupSize;
Mem::Copy( block + base, def, size);
base += size;
// Add size bound parameters
for (i = 0; i < sizeBoundCount; i++)
TAknsSrvParamGroupDef* def = (TAknsSrvParamGroupDef*)(sizeBoundArray->iArray[i]);
size = def->iGroupSize;
Mem::Copy( block + base, def, size);
base += size;
eqDef->iEffectAnimSize = sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectAnimDef)+totalSize;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 5 ); // All arrays
UpdateDef( &itemDef, eqDef, sizeof(TAknsSrvEffectAnimDef)+totalSize, -1 );
delete [] block;
// Leaves ok after this, block deleted
// End of file.