changeset 0 f58d6ec98e88
child 1 b700e12870ca
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cdlcompilertoolkit/src/CdlTkParser.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:14:18 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "CdlCompilerToolkit/CdlTkProcess.h"
+#include "CdlTkPriv.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+namespace CdlCompilerToolkit {
+// SyntaxErr
+class SyntaxErr : public CdlCompilerToolkitErr
+	{
+	SyntaxErr(const string& aFileName, int aLineNo, string aErr);
+	void Show(ostream& aStream) const;
+	string iFileName;
+	int iLineNo;
+	string iErr;
+	};
+SyntaxErr::SyntaxErr(const string& aFileName, int aLineNo, string aErr)
+: iFileName(aFileName), iLineNo(aLineNo), iErr(aErr)
+	{
+	}
+void SyntaxErr::Show(ostream& aStream) const
+	{
+	aStream << iFileName << "(" << iLineNo << ")" << " : error : " << iErr << endl;
+	}
+// CCdlTkCdlFileParser
+CCdlTkCdlFileParser::CCdlTkCdlFileParser(const string& aFileName) 
+: iFileName(aFileName)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	CloseStream();
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::Process()
+	{
+	throw CdlTkAssert("Sorry, CCdlTkCdlFileParser::Process() does not exist, call LoadAndParse() instead");
+	}
+auto_ptr<CCdlTkInterface> CCdlTkCdlFileParser::LoadAndParse(bool aMergeExtensions)
+	{
+	OpenStream();
+	iState = EHeader;
+	auto_ptr<CCdlTkInterface> cdl(new CCdlTkInterface);
+	cdl->SetFileName(iFileName);
+	ParseStream(*cdl.get());
+	CloseStream();
+	if (aMergeExtensions)
+		cdl->MergeExtensions();
+	return cdl;
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::OpenStream()
+	{
+	CdlTkUtil::OpenInput(iIn, iFileName);
+	iCurrentSourceLineNum = 0;
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::ParseStream(CCdlTkInterface& aCdl)
+	{
+	CCdlTkInterface* cdl = &aCdl;
+	while (!iIn.eof())
+		{
+		string line = GetLine();
+		TParseState newState = iState;
+		if (IsSectionBoundary(line, newState))
+			{
+			iState = newState;
+			if (iState == EHeader && !(cdl->Header() == CCdlTkInterfaceHeader()))
+				{
+				CCdlTkInterface* ext = new CCdlTkInterface;
+				ext->SetBase(cdl);
+				cdl->SetExtension(ext);
+				cdl = ext;
+				}
+			// iApiBuf and iComment have to be cleared over a section boundary
+			iApiBuf = "";
+			iComment = "";
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			switch (iState)
+				{
+				case EHeader: 
+					ParseHeader(*cdl, line); 
+					break;
+				case ECpp: 
+					ParseCpp(*cdl, line); 
+					break;
+				case ETranslation: 
+					ParseTranslationLine(*cdl, line); 
+					break;
+				case EApi: 
+					ParseApi(*cdl, line); 
+					break;
+				default: 
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::CloseStream()
+	{
+	iIn.close();
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::ParseHeader(CCdlTkInterface& aCdl, const string& aLine)
+	{
+	string val;
+	if (MatchLineStart(aLine, "Name:", val))
+		{
+		aCdl.Header().SetName(val);
+		}
+	else if (MatchLineStart(aLine, "Version:", val))
+		{
+		int major, minor;
+		char c;
+		stringstream s(val);
+		s >> major >> c >> minor;
+		if (c != '.' || !s.eof())
+			SyntaxError(string("Invalid version number ") + val);
+		aCdl.Header().SetVersion(CCdlTkInterfaceHeader::CVersion(major, minor));
+		}
+	else  if (MatchLineStart(aLine, "UID:", val))
+		{
+		aCdl.Header().SetUid(CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(val));
+		}
+	else if (MatchLineStart(aLine, "Flag:", val))
+		{
+		aCdl.Header().Flags().SetFlag(val);
+		}
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::ParseCpp(CCdlTkInterface& aCdl, const string& aLine)
+	{
+	aCdl.Cpp().push_back(aLine);
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::ParseTranslationLine(CCdlTkInterface& aCdl, const string& aLine)
+	{
+	string line = aLine;
+	StripComments(line, iComment);
+	CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(line);
+	if (!line.empty())
+		{
+		CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation trans;
+		ParseTranslationText(trans, line);
+		aCdl.DataTypeTranslations().push_back(trans);
+		}
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::ParseApi(CCdlTkInterface& aCdl, const string& aLine)
+	{
+	string line = aLine;
+	StripComments(line, iComment);
+	if (!line.empty())
+		{
+		// add the line to the API buffer
+		CdlTkUtil::AppendString(iApiBuf, line);
+		int pos;
+		// extract API declarations from the API buffer, separated by semi-colons
+		while ((pos = iApiBuf.find_first_of(';')) != string::npos)
+			{
+			// extract API declaration from API buf and create API from it
+			line = iApiBuf.substr(0, pos);
+			CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(line);
+			auto_ptr<CCdlTkApi> api(CreateApi(aCdl, line));
+			aCdl.ApiList().push_back(api.get());
+			api.release();
+			// remove API declaration from API buf
+			iApiBuf = iApiBuf.substr(pos+1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+string CCdlTkCdlFileParser::GetLine()
+	{
+	string line;
+	getline(iIn, line);
+	iCurrentSourceLineNum++;
+	return line;
+	}
+bool CCdlTkCdlFileParser::IsSectionBoundary(const string& aLine, TParseState& aState)
+	{
+	string section;
+	bool isBoundary = MatchLineStart(aLine, KSectionBoundary, section);
+	if (!isBoundary)
+		return false;
+	section = CdlTkUtil::ToLower(section);
+	char* sections[] = {"header", "c++", "translation", "api", "end"};
+	TParseState s;
+	for (s = EHeader; s < EParseStateCount; s = TParseState(s+1))
+		if (section == sections[s])
+			break;
+	if (s < EParseStateCount)
+		aState = s;
+	else 
+		SyntaxError("Unrecognised section type : " + section);
+	return true;
+	}
+bool CCdlTkCdlFileParser::MatchLineStart(const string& aLine, const string& aHeader, string& aVal)
+	{
+	if (aLine.size() < aHeader.size() || aLine.substr(0, aHeader.size()) != aHeader)
+		return false;
+	aVal = aLine.substr(aHeader.size());
+	StripComments(aVal, iComment);
+	CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(aVal);
+	return true;
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::StripComments(string& aStr, string& aComment)
+	{
+	int pos = aStr.find(KCommentStart);
+	if (pos != string::npos)
+		{
+		aComment += aStr.substr(pos) + "\n";
+		}
+	aStr = aStr.substr(0, pos);
+	}
+auto_ptr<CCdlTkApi> CCdlTkCdlFileParser::CreateApi(CCdlTkInterface& aCdl, string& aLine)
+	{
+	auto_ptr<CCdlTkApi> pApi;
+	bool isFunc = (aLine[aLine.size()-1] == ')');	// function APIs end with ')', data APIs don't
+	if (isFunc)
+		{
+		auto_ptr<CCdlTkFunctionApi> pFuncApi(new CCdlTkFunctionApi(aCdl));
+		int paramStart = aLine.find('(');
+		if (paramStart == string::npos)
+			SyntaxError("function has missing '('");
+		string params = aLine.substr(paramStart);
+		aLine = aLine.substr(0, paramStart);
+		params = params.substr(1, params.size()-2);		// -2 for opening and closing brackets
+		CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(params);
+		ParseApiParams(pFuncApi->Params(), params);
+		pApi = auto_ptr<CCdlTkApi>(pFuncApi.release());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		pApi = auto_ptr<CCdlTkApi>(new CCdlTkDataApi(aCdl));
+		}
+	string name, type, defaultValue;
+	ParseNameTypeAndDefaultValue(aLine, name, type, defaultValue);
+	pApi->SetName(name);
+	pApi->SetReturnType(type);
+	pApi->SetSourceFileLineNum(iCurrentSourceLineNum);
+	pApi->SetComment(iComment);
+	iComment = "";
+	return pApi;
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::ParseApiParams(CCdlTkApiParams& aParams, string& aList)
+	{
+	while (aList.size())
+		{
+		int pos = aList.find(',');
+		string param = aList.substr(0, pos);
+		aList = aList.substr(param.size() + (pos == string::npos ? 0 : 1));
+		CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(aList);
+		string name, type, defaultValue;
+		ParseNameTypeAndDefaultValue(param, name, type, defaultValue);
+		aParams.push_back(CCdlTkApiParam(type, name, defaultValue));
+		}
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::ParseNameTypeAndDefaultValue(string& aStr, string& aName, string& aType, string& aDefaultValue)
+	{
+	CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(aStr);
+	int eq = aStr.find_last_of(KEqualsSign);
+	if(eq != string::npos)
+		{
+		aDefaultValue = aStr.substr(eq + 1);
+		CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(aDefaultValue);
+		aStr = aStr.substr(0, eq);
+		CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(aStr);
+		}
+	int pos = aStr.find_last_not_of(KCpp);
+	aName = aStr.substr(pos + 1);
+	aStr = aStr.substr(0, pos);
+	CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(aStr);
+	aType = aStr;
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::ParseTranslationText(CCdlTkDataTypeTranslation& aTrans, string& aLine)
+	{
+	int pos1 = aLine.find('#');
+	if (pos1 == string::npos)
+		SyntaxError("First # not found");
+	int pos2 = aLine.find('#', pos1+1);
+	if (pos2 == string::npos)
+		SyntaxError("Second # not found");
+	if (aLine.find('#', pos2+1) != string::npos)
+		SyntaxError("Third # found");
+	string type = aLine.substr(0, pos1++);
+	CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(type);
+	string defn = aLine.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
+	CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(defn);
+	if (defn.find("aName") == string::npos)
+		SyntaxError("\"aName\" not found in definition");
+	string ptrRef = aLine.substr(pos2+1);
+	CdlTkUtil::StripLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace(ptrRef);
+	if (ptrRef.find("aName") == string::npos)
+		SyntaxError("\"aName\" not found in pointer reference");
+	aTrans.SetType(type);
+	aTrans.SetDefinition(defn);
+	aTrans.SetPointerReference(ptrRef);
+	}
+void CCdlTkCdlFileParser::SyntaxError(const string& aErr)
+	{
+	throw SyntaxErr(iFileName, iCurrentSourceLineNum, aErr);
+	}
+}	// end of namespace CdlCompilerToolkit