* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// disable "identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information" warning
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
#include "MLCompData2Cdl.h"
#include "MLCompDataParse.h"
#include "MLAttributesParse.h"
#include "LayoutCompilerErr.h"
#include <CdlCompilerToolkit/CdlTkProcess.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "CppWriter.h"
#include "CodeGenConsts.h"
using namespace std;
typedef LayoutProcessArgsErr<MLCompDataToCdl> MLCompDataToCdlArgsErr;
// constants
const int KGeneratedInterfaceMajorVer = 1;
const int KGeneratedInterfaceMinorVer = 0;
const string KCompDataFileNameSuffix("compdata");
const string KAttributesFileNameSuffix("attributes");
// MLCompDataToCdl
MLCompDataToCdl::CApiNamesUsed MLCompDataToCdl::iInterfaceNamesUsed;
string MLCompDataToCdl::InterfaceName(const string& aFileName)
return aFileName.substr(0,aFileName.find_last_of('.'));
int MLCompDataToCdl::Process(const vector<string>& args)
unsigned int numExpectedArgs = 4;
if(args.size() < numExpectedArgs)
throw MLCompDataToCdlArgsErr();
int arg = 2;
bool deletesAllowed = true;
if (args[arg] == "-nodeletes")
deletesAllowed = false;
bool allParams = false;
if (args[arg] == "-allparams")
allParams = true;
bool romOnly = false;
if (args[arg] == "-romonly")
romOnly = true;
int numLayouts = args.size() - numExpectedArgs;
if (numLayouts < 1)
throw MLCompDataToCdlArgsErr();
TMLCompData* mergedLayout = NULL;
TMLAttributes* mergedAttribs = NULL;
for(int ii = 0; ii < numLayouts; ii++)
string layoutName = args[arg++];
string attribsName = CdlTkUtil::Replace(KCompDataFileNameSuffix, KAttributesFileNameSuffix, layoutName);
auto_ptr<TMLCompDataParseLayout> layoutParse = TMLCompDataParseLayout::Parse(layoutName);
auto_ptr<TMLCompData> layout(layoutParse.get());
auto_ptr<TMLAttributesParse> attribsParse = TMLAttributesParse::Parse(attribsName);
auto_ptr<TMLAttributes> attribs(attribsParse.get());
if (mergedLayout || mergedAttribs)
// first we merge the components and the attributes
// first time around
mergedLayout = layout.get();
mergedAttribs = attribs.get();
mergedLayout->iAttributes = mergedAttribs; // transfer ownership
// once merged, we can compile the tables
string cdlName = args[arg++];
int uid = CdlTkUtil::ParseInt(args[arg++]);
auto_ptr<CCdlTkInterface> iface(new CCdlTkInterface);
CCdlTkCdlFileParser parser(cdlName);
iface = parser.LoadAndParse(true);
catch (const CdlTkFileOpenErr& aErr)
// there was no file, so presume that we are creating a new interface.
cout << "Creating new CDL API from scratch." << endl;
LayoutToInterface(*iface, *mergedLayout, deletesAllowed, allParams);
stringstream comment;
comment << "// Generated from ";
// ignore the args up to and including the app name, the mode name, and the optional flags,
arg = numExpectedArgs-2;
// so that we get a list of processed files to output to the comment
for(int ii = 0; ii < numLayouts; ii++)
comment << args[arg++] << ", ";
comment << endl;
comment << "// which was generated with timestamp " << mergedLayout->iTimestamp << endl;
SetHeaders(*iface, cdlName, comment.str(), uid, romOnly);
CCdlTkWriteCdlFile writer(*iface);
cout << "writing CDL file " << cdlName << endl;
return 0;
void MLCompDataToCdl::ShowHelp(ostream& stream)
stream << "MLCompData2Cdl [-nodeletes] [-allparams] [-romonly] (<MLCompDataName>)+ <cdlName> <UID>" << endl;
stream << " If the CDL file does not exist, writes out the API in the order of the MLCompData." << endl;
stream << " If the CDL file does exist, and -nodeletes is not used, fills holes and appends new APIs to the end, to preseve API compatibility." << endl;
stream << " If the CDL file does exist, and -nodeletes is used, processing will halt and report an error if any of the existing APIs are missing." << endl;
stream << " If the CDL file does exist, existing APIs that do not have required params will be updated, appending missing params with default values." << endl;
stream << " If -allparams is used, all processed APIs will have all available params added, otherwise only needed params are added." << endl;
stream << " If -romonly is used, and if there is a previous CDL API it did not include the KCdlFlagRomOnly flag, then the flag will be added to the updated API." << endl;
stream << " If more than one layout is supplied, they are merged together, and then the interface of the merged data is generated. " << endl;
stream << " e.g. from \\S60\\AknLayout2\\group run " << endl;
stream << " aknlayoutcompiler MLCompData2CDL -nodeletes ..\\xml\\pdp_av_dbl_prt\\display_eur_compData.xml ..\\xml\\pdl_av_dbl_lsc\\display_eur_compData.xml ..\\cdl\\AknLayoutScalable_Avkon.cdl 0x1020384E" << endl;
stream << " aknlayoutcompiler MLCompData2CDL -nodeletes ..\\xml\\pdp_apps_dbl_prt\\display_eur_compData.xml ..\\xml\\pdl_apps_dbl_lsc\\display_eur_compData.xml ..\\cdl\\AknLayoutScalable_Apps.cdl 0x1020384F" << endl;
void MLCompDataToCdl::LayoutToInterface(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, const TMLCompData& aLayout, bool aDeletesAllowed, bool aAllParams)
const bool needsOptions = true;
const bool needsColsRows = true;
const bool doesntNeedOptions = false;
const bool doesntNeedColsRows = false;
AddGenericApiToInterface(aInterface, KTypeLayoutScalableComponentType, KFuncGetComponentTypeById, doesntNeedOptions, doesntNeedColsRows);
AddGenericApiToInterface(aInterface, KTypeLayoutScalableParameterLimits, KFuncGetParamLimitsById, needsOptions, doesntNeedColsRows);
AddGenericApiToInterface(aInterface, KTypeWindowComponentLayout, KFuncGetWindowComponentById, needsOptions, needsColsRows);
AddGenericApiToInterface(aInterface, KTypeTextComponentLayout, KFuncGetTextComponentById, needsOptions, needsColsRows);
for (TMLCompData::const_iterator pTab = aLayout.begin(); pTab != aLayout.end(); ++pTab)
AddTableToInterface(aInterface, **pTab, aAllParams);
ReplaceRemovedAPIs(aInterface, aLayout, aDeletesAllowed);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddGenericApiToInterface(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, const string& aReturnType, const string& aName, bool aNeedsOptions, bool aRequiresColsRows)
bool isNew = false;
const bool needsComponentId = true;
const bool doesntNeedAllParams = false;
CCdlTkFunctionApi* funcApi = ProcessFunctionApi(aInterface, aReturnType, aName, isNew);
CCdlTkApiParams& params = funcApi->Params();
CCdlTkApiParams oldParams = params;
UpdateParams(oldParams, params, aName, doesntNeedAllParams, aRequiresColsRows, isNew, needsComponentId, aNeedsOptions, aRequiresColsRows, aRequiresColsRows);
funcApi->SetComment(string("// Generic API\n"));
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddTableToInterface(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, TMLCompDataTable& aTable, bool aAllParams)
int line = 0;
for (TMLCompDataTable::iterator pLine = aTable.begin(); pLine != aTable.end(); ++pLine)
// only add parameter limits if the line is not simple
bool needsParamLimits = (*pLine)->NeedsOptions() || (*pLine)->NeedsCols() || (*pLine)->NeedsRows();
AddParamLimitsToInterface(aInterface, **pLine, aAllParams);
AddLineToInterface(aInterface, **pLine, aAllParams);
for (TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTables::const_iterator pSub = aTable.iSubTables.begin(); pSub != aTable.iSubTables.end(); ++pSub)
TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTable& sub = **pSub;
int last = *(sub.rbegin());
if(line == last)
AddSubTableLimitsToInterface(aInterface, aTable, sub);
AddSubTableParamLimitsToInterface(aInterface, aTable, sub, aAllParams);
AddSubTableToInterface(aInterface, aTable, sub, aAllParams);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddTableCommentToApi(TMLCompDataTable& aTable, CCdlTkApi& aApi)
aApi.SetComment(string("// LAF Table : ") + aTable.Name() + "\n");
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddTableCommentToApi(TMLCompDataLine& aLine, CCdlTkApi& aApi)
TMLCompDataTable& table = *(aLine.iParentTable);
AddTableCommentToApi(table, aApi);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddLineToInterface(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, TMLCompDataLine& aLine, bool aAllParams)
bool isNew = false;
const bool requiresColsRows = true;
CCdlTkFunctionApi* funcApi = ProcessFunctionApi(aInterface, ReturnType(aLine), LineApiName(aLine), isNew);
AddParamsToFunc(aLine, *funcApi, aAllParams, isNew, requiresColsRows);
AddTableCommentToApi(aLine, *funcApi);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddParamLimitsToInterface(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, TMLCompDataLine& aLine, bool aAllParams)
bool isNew = false;
const bool doesntRequireColsRows = false;
CCdlTkFunctionApi* funcApi = ProcessFunctionApi(aInterface, KTypeLayoutScalableParameterLimits, LineParamLimitsApiName(aLine), isNew);
AddParamsToFunc(aLine, *funcApi, aAllParams, isNew, doesntRequireColsRows);
AddTableCommentToApi(aLine, *funcApi);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddSubTableToInterface(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, TMLCompDataTable& aTable, TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTable& aSubTable, bool aAllParams)
bool isNew = false;
const bool requiresColsRows = true;
TMLCompDataLine& line = *aTable[aSubTable[0]];
CCdlTkFunctionApi* funcApi = ProcessFunctionApi(aInterface, ReturnType(line), SubTableApiName(aSubTable), isNew);
AddParamsToFunc(aTable, aSubTable, *funcApi, aAllParams, isNew, requiresColsRows);
AddTableCommentToApi(aTable, *funcApi);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddSubTableLimitsToInterface(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, TMLCompDataTable& aTable, TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTable& aSubTable)
bool isNew = false;
CCdlTkFunctionApi* funcApi = ProcessFunctionApi(aInterface, KTypeLayoutScalableTableLimits, SubTableLimitsApiName(aSubTable), isNew);
AddTableCommentToApi(aTable, *funcApi);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddSubTableParamLimitsToInterface(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, TMLCompDataTable& aTable, TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTable& aSubTable, bool aAllParams)
bool isNew = false;
const bool doesntRequireColsRows = false;
CCdlTkFunctionApi* funcApi = ProcessFunctionApi(aInterface, KTypeLayoutScalableParameterLimits, SubTableParamLimtsApiName(aSubTable), isNew);
AddParamsToFunc(aTable, aSubTable, *funcApi, aAllParams, isNew, doesntRequireColsRows);
AddTableCommentToApi(aTable, *funcApi);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddParamsToFunc(TMLCompDataLine& aLine, CCdlTkFunctionApi& aFunc, bool aAllParams, bool aIsNew, bool aColsRowsRequired)
CCdlTkApiParams& params = aFunc.Params();
CCdlTkApiParams oldParams = params;
const bool doesntNeedComponentId = false;
bool options = aLine.NeedsOptions();
bool cols = aLine.NeedsCols();
bool rows = aLine.NeedsRows();
UpdateParams(oldParams, params, LineApiName(aLine), aAllParams, aColsRowsRequired, aIsNew, doesntNeedComponentId, options, cols, rows);
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddParamsToFunc(TMLCompDataTable& aTable, TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTable& aSubTable, CCdlTkFunctionApi& aFunc, bool aAllParams, bool aIsNew, bool aColsRowsRequired)
CCdlTkApiParams& params = aFunc.Params();
CCdlTkApiParams oldParams = params;
if(aIsNew || params.FindByName(KParamLineIndex) == params.end())
params.insert(params.begin(), CCdlTkApiParam(KTypeInt, KParamLineIndex));
const bool doesntNeedComponentId = false;
bool options = aSubTable.iNeedsOption;
bool cols = aSubTable.iNeedsCol;
bool rows = aSubTable.iNeedsRow;
UpdateParams(oldParams, params, SubTableApiName(aSubTable), aAllParams, aColsRowsRequired, aIsNew, doesntNeedComponentId, options, cols, rows);
void MLCompDataToCdl::SetHeaders(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, const string& aCdlName, const string& aComment, int aUid, bool aRomOnly)
// Note that if the rom only flag was already set in the existing API, then it will remain on
// even if -romonly was not supplied as a command line argument. To remove the flag,
// the CDL file must be manually edited.
string ifName(InterfaceName(CdlTkUtil::StripPath(aCdlName)));
aInterface.Header().SetVersion(CCdlTkInterfaceHeader::CVersion(KGeneratedInterfaceMajorVer, KGeneratedInterfaceMinorVer));
CCdlTkCpp& cpp = aInterface.Cpp();
// int size = cpp.size();
if(!find(cpp.begin(), cpp.end(), KIncludeLayoutInstanceHeaderScalableDef))
string MLCompDataToCdl::SubTableApiName(TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTable& aSubTable)
return CdlTkUtil::ToCpp(aSubTable.iName);
string MLCompDataToCdl::SubTableLimitsApiName(TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTable& aSubTable)
return CdlTkUtil::ToCpp(aSubTable.iName + KFuncLimitsSuffix);
string MLCompDataToCdl::SubTableParamLimtsApiName(TMLCompDataTable::TMLCompDataSubTable& aSubTable)
return CdlTkUtil::ToCpp(aSubTable.iName + KFuncParamLimitsSuffix);
string MLCompDataToCdl::LineApiName(TMLCompDataLine& aLine)
return CdlTkUtil::ToCpp(aLine.iName);
string MLCompDataToCdl::LineParamLimitsApiName(TMLCompDataLine& aLine)
return CdlTkUtil::ToCpp(aLine.iName + KFuncParamLimitsSuffix);
string MLCompDataToCdl::ReturnType(TMLCompDataLine& aLine)
string returnType = "BadType";
case TMLCompDataLine::EScreenComponent:
case TMLCompDataLine::EContainerComponent:
case TMLCompDataLine::EPaneComponent:
case TMLCompDataLine::EGraphicComponent:
returnType = KTypeWindowComponentLayout;
case TMLCompDataLine::ETextComponent:
returnType = KTypeTextComponentLayout;
throw GeneralErr(" MLCompDataToCdl::ReturnType - uncategorised component");
return returnType;
void MLCompDataToCdl::ReplaceRemovedAPIs(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, const TMLCompData& aLayout, bool aDeletesAllowed)
bool error = false;
// look for apis for which there is no equivalent internal structure.
CCdlTkApiList& apiList = aInterface.ApiList();
for(CCdlTkApiList::reverse_iterator pApi = apiList.rbegin(); pApi != apiList.rend(); ++pApi)
CCdlTkApi*& api = *pApi;
string apiName = api->Name();
if(iInterfaceNamesUsed.find(apiName) == iInterfaceNamesUsed.end())
delete api; // remove the missing api
CCdlTkApi*& last = *(apiList.rbegin()); // get a reference to the pointer to the last element
api = last; // copy the last element pointer to fill the gap
// erasing the last element will not invalidate our reverse iterator
// but we need a forward iterator to the last element,
// so take the address of our reference to the pointer
cout << "Replacing missing API: " << apiName << " <- " << api->Name() << endl;
error = true;
cout << "Detected missing API: " << apiName << endl;
throw GeneralErr("Error: -nodeletes was specified on command line, but some APIs were missing.");
void MLCompDataToCdl::CleanUpAPIComments(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface)
string currentComment;
CCdlTkApiList& apiList = aInterface.ApiList();
for(CCdlTkApiList::iterator pApi = apiList.begin(); pApi != apiList.end(); ++pApi)
CCdlTkApi& api = **pApi;
string nextComment = api.Comment();
if(nextComment == currentComment)
currentComment = nextComment;
CCdlTkFunctionApi* MLCompDataToCdl::ProcessFunctionApi(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, string aReturnType, string aName, bool& aIsNew)
CCdlTkFunctionApi* funcApi;
CCdlTkApi* api = aInterface.ApiList().Find(aName);
funcApi = static_cast<CCdlTkFunctionApi*>(api);
UpdateFunctionApi(*funcApi, aInterface, aReturnType, aName);
funcApi = CreateFunctionApi(aInterface, aReturnType, aName);
aIsNew = true;
return funcApi;
CCdlTkFunctionApi* MLCompDataToCdl::CreateFunctionApi(CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, string aReturnType, string aName)
cout << "Adding new API: " << aName << endl;
CCdlTkFunctionApi* api = new CCdlTkFunctionApi(aInterface);
return api;
void MLCompDataToCdl::UpdateFunctionApi(CCdlTkFunctionApi& aApi, CCdlTkInterface& aInterface, string aReturnType, string aName)
void MLCompDataToCdl::UpdateParams(
CCdlTkApiParams& aOldParams,
CCdlTkApiParams& aParams,
string aApiName,
bool aAllParamsRequested,
bool aColsRowsRequired,
bool aIsNew,
bool aNeedsComponentId,
bool aNeedsOptions,
bool aNeedsCols,
bool aNeedsRows)
const bool allParamsDoesntApply = false;
AddParamToParams(aOldParams, aParams, KParamComponentId, allParamsDoesntApply, aIsNew, aNeedsComponentId);
AddParamToParams(aOldParams, aParams, KParamOptionIndex, aAllParamsRequested, aIsNew, aNeedsOptions);
AddParamToParams(aOldParams, aParams, KParamColIndex, aAllParamsRequested && aColsRowsRequired, aIsNew, aNeedsCols && aColsRowsRequired);
AddParamToParams(aOldParams, aParams, KParamRowIndex, aAllParamsRequested && aColsRowsRequired, aIsNew, aNeedsRows && aColsRowsRequired);
if(aOldParams != aParams)
cout << "Updating parameters: " << aApiName << endl;
void MLCompDataToCdl::AddParamToParams(
CCdlTkApiParams& aOldParams,
CCdlTkApiParams& aParams,
string aType,
bool aAllParamsRequested,
bool aIsNewLine,
bool aNeedsParam)
// only add new params if needed
bool alreadyPresent = aOldParams.FindByName(aType) != aOldParams.end();
if((aNeedsParam || aAllParamsRequested) && !alreadyPresent)
// the only circumstance in which we don't use a default parameter,
// is if we're adding a needed param to a new line
bool needsDefaultValue = !(aIsNewLine && aNeedsParam);
string defaultValue;
if(aParams.size() != 0 && aParams.back().DefaultValue() == CdlTkUtil::IntToString(0))
defaultValue = CdlTkUtil::IntToString(0);
defaultValue = needsDefaultValue ? CdlTkUtil::IntToString(0) : string();
CCdlTkApiParam param(KTypeInt, aType, defaultValue);