* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// disable "identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the browser information" warning
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
// disable "decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated"
#pragma warning (disable:4503)
#include "MLAttributes.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class TMLEqCompDataLine;
class TMLEqCompDataTable;
class TMLEqCompData;
class TMLAttributes;
class FormulaTreeNode;
extern const string KEqCompDataPaneOutputOrder[];
extern const int KEqCompDataPaneOutputOrderSize;
extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamLeft;
extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamTop;
extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamRight;
extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamBottom;
extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamWidth;
extern const string KEqCompDataKeywordParamHeight;
* TMLEqCompDataFormula
* This represents a formula entry. It contains both the original string representation and any
* subsequent parsed and resolved versions.
struct TMLEqCompDataFormula
TMLEqCompDataFormula(const TMLEqCompDataFormula& aOther);
TMLEqCompDataFormula(string aFormulaString);
const TMLEqCompDataFormula& operator=(const TMLEqCompDataFormula& aOther);
bool operator==(const TMLEqCompDataFormula& aOther) const;
virtual ~TMLEqCompDataFormula();
public: // new methods
void Compile();
string iFormulaString; // owned, must be present for lifetime of iFormulaTree
int iZoomId;
// don't think that we need these as they don't seem to be used
// string lowerMargin;
// string upperMargin;
// string minLimit;
// string maxLimit;
FormulaTreeNode* iFormulaTree; // owned, but it references iFormulaString
typedef vector<TMLEqCompDataFormula> TMLEqCompDataFormulae;
enum TMLEqCompDataOptionSetOrientation
EMLEqCompDataOptionSetOrientationUndefined = 0x00,
EMLEqCompDataOptionSetOrientationPortrait = 0x01,
EMLEqCompDataOptionSetOrientationLandscape = 0x02
* TMLEqCompDataValuesOptionSet
* an option set for a given value, which may apply to either or both orientation
struct TMLEqCompDataValuesOptionSet : public TMLEqCompDataFormulae
void Compile();
TMLEqCompDataOptionSetOrientation iOrientation;
typedef map<int, TMLEqCompDataValuesOptionSet> TMLEqCompDataValuesOptionSets;
* TMLEqCompDataValues
* The values stored in a cell in a layout line
class TMLEqCompDataValues : public TMLEqCompDataFormulae
public: // constructors, operators, etc
TMLEqCompDataValues(TMLEqCompDataLine* aLine);
virtual ~TMLEqCompDataValues();
bool operator==(const TMLEqCompDataValues& aOther) const;
public: // new methods
bool Merge(TMLEqCompDataLine* aLine, string aName, TMLEqCompDataValues& aOtherValues, bool aMirrorMerge);
void Compile(int aOptionSetId);
static string CppValue(const string& aValue);
static string MirrorJustificationValue(const string& aValue);
public: // member data
TMLEqCompDataLine* iLine; // not owned
TMLEqCompDataValuesOptionSets iOptionSets; // owned
string iName;
// Parent Info
* TMLEqCompDataParentInfoSelector
* The parent id and parent variety index for each variety index
struct TMLEqCompDataParentInfoSelector
TMLEqCompDataParentInfoSelector(int aParentId, int aParentVariety);
int iParentId;
int iParentVariety;
typedef map<int, TMLEqCompDataParentInfoSelector> TMLEqCompDataParentInfoVarieties;
* TMLEqCompDataParentInfo
* Contains the parent info selector for each variety index
class TMLEqCompDataParentInfo : public TMLEqCompDataParentInfoVarieties
public: // constructors etc
TMLEqCompDataParentInfo(TMLEqCompDataLine* aLine);
virtual ~TMLEqCompDataParentInfo();
public: // new methods
void Merge(const TMLEqCompDataParentInfo& aOther);
public: // member data
TMLEqCompDataLine* iLine; // not owned
class TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfo;
* TMLEqCompDataLine
* A layout line
class TMLEqCompDataLine : public map<string, TMLEqCompDataValues>
enum TComponentType
public: // constructors etc
TMLEqCompDataLine(const TMLEqCompDataLine& aOther);
virtual ~TMLEqCompDataLine();
bool operator==(const TMLEqCompDataLine& aOther) const;
static bool lessthan(TMLEqCompDataLine* aLeft, TMLEqCompDataLine* aRight);
bool ValuesEqual(const TMLEqCompDataLine& aOther) const;
public: // new methods
bool Merge(TMLEqCompDataLine& aOther);
void Compile(int aOptionSetId);
TMLAttributeZoomLevels* GetAttributeZoomLevels(string aAttribName, int aVariety);
public: // get and set methods
string Name() const;
int NumCols() const;
int NumRows() const;
void SetNumCols(int aNumCols);
void SetNumRows(int aNumRows);
public: // helpers
int EncodeFontId(int aHeight, int aPosture, int aWeight, int aCategory) const;
bool MatchParams(const TMLEqCompDataLine& aLine) const;
bool MatchNameDiscountingSuffix(const TMLEqCompDataLine& aLine) const;
bool MatchType(const TMLEqCompDataLine& aLine) const;
string NameDiscountingSuffix() const;
string NameSuffix() const;
private: // helpers
TMLAttributeZoomLevels* GetParentAttributeZoomLevels(string aAttribSetName, int aAttribId, int aVariety);
TMLAttributeZoomLevels* FindAttributeZoomLevels(string aAttribSetName, int aAttribId);
public: // member data
int iId;
string iName;
TComponentType iType;
int iDrawingOrder;
TMLEqCompDataTable* iParentTable;
TMLEqCompDataParentInfo* iParentInfo;// owned
// TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfo* iAttributeInfo;// owned
bool iIsUnique;
int iGlobalIndex;
bool iIsMirroredHorizontally; // i.e. l and r are swapped
int iNumCols; // there is always at least one column
int iNumRows; // there is always at least one row
// Attribute Info
* TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfoSelector
* Contains the attribute set name, which is used to
* disambiguate the attribute data for a given component
struct TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfoSelector
TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfoSelector(string aAttributeSetName);
string iAttributeSetName;
typedef map<int, TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfoSelector> TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfoVarieties;
* TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfo
* Contains the attribute info selector for each variety
class TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfo : public TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfoVarieties
public: // constructors etc
TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfo(TMLEqCompDataLine* aLine);
virtual ~TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfo();
public: // new methods
void Merge(const TMLEqCompDataAttributeInfo& aOther);
public: // member data
TMLEqCompDataLine* iLine; // not owned
typedef vector<TMLEqCompDataLine*> TMLEqCompDataLines;
* TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSet
* an option set for a given value, which may apply to either or both orientation
struct TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSet : public TMLEqCompDataLines
TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSet(const TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSet& aOther);
virtual ~TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSet();
void Compile(int aOptionSetId);
TMLEqCompDataLine* FindLine(int aId) const;
TMLEqCompDataOptionSetOrientation iOrientation;
typedef map<int, TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSet> TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSets;
* TMLEqCompDataTable
* A layout table
class TMLEqCompDataTable : public TMLEqCompDataTableOptionSets
public: // constructors etc
TMLEqCompDataTable(TMLEqCompData* aTables);
TMLEqCompDataTable(TMLEqCompData* aTables, const TMLEqCompDataTable& aOther);
virtual ~TMLEqCompDataTable();
public: // new methods
TMLEqCompDataLine* FindLine(const string& aName);
void Merge(TMLEqCompDataTable& aOther);
void Compile();
void SetDefaultColumnNames();
public: // accessors
string Name();
static bool IsValueColumn(string aName);
static bool IsNumericColumn(string aName);
static bool IsHorizontalColumn(string aName);
static bool IsVerticalColumn(string aName);
public: // member data
int iId;
string iName;
TMLEqCompData* iTables;
vector<string> iColumnNames;
TMLEqCompDataLine* iParentLine; // not owned
string iParentName;
// the "List" xml is needed to get the name of each component.
* TMLEqListComponent
* This is the component element stored in the list xml.
struct TMLEqListComponent
int iId;
string iName;
// the "ParChild" xml is needed to get the parent relations
* TMLEqParChildComponent
* This is the component element stored in the parent chlid xml.
struct TMLEqParChildComponent
int iId;
int iParentId;
* TMLEqCompData
* The core layout class - this represents a complete master layout,
* typically loaded from a .xml file that has been extracted from the internal
* xml data of the layout tool
class TMLEqCompData : public vector<TMLEqCompDataTable*>
typedef map<int, TMLEqListComponent*> TMLEqListComponents;
typedef map<int, TMLEqCompDataLine*> TMLEqCompDataComponents;
typedef map<int, TMLEqParChildComponent*> TMLEqParChildComponents;
public: // constructors
TMLEqCompData(const TMLEqCompData& aOther);
TMLEqCompData& operator=(const TMLEqCompData& aOther);
public: // new methods
virtual ~TMLEqCompData();
TMLEqCompDataLine* FindComponent(const string& aName) const;
TMLEqCompDataLine* FindLine(const string& aName) const;
TMLEqCompDataTable* FindTable(int aId) const;
TMLEqCompDataTable* FindTable(const string& aName) const;
void Merge(TMLEqCompData& aOther);
void MergeComponents(TMLEqCompData& aOther);
void Compile();
void UpdateNames();
void CreateTables();
void DeleteComponents();
public: // member data
string iName;
bool iCanBeMirror;
string iMasterName;
string iLayoutName;
string iVariantName;
string iResolutionHeight;
string iResolutionWidth;
string iTimestamp;
TMLEqListComponents iListComponents; // this is used to accumulate the lines from the , which are then compiled into tables
TMLEqCompDataComponents iComponents; // this is used to accumulate the lines, which are then compiled into tables
TMLEqParChildComponents iParChildComponents; // this is used to accumulate the lines, which are then compiled into tables
bool iIsBaseInstance;
TMLAttributes* iAttributes; // owned
// End of File