changeset 0 1e05558e2206
child 2 468cfcb53fd1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1e05558e2206
     1 // Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // 
    15 // 
    16 /** 
    17  @file
    18  */
    19 #include "bulkonlytransport.h"
    20 #include "mscfileserver.h"
    21 #include "usbmscfileshared.h"
    22 #include "debug.h"
    23 #define InEndpoint EEndpoint1
    24 #define OutEndpoint EEndpoint2
    25 //This value defined in USB Mass Storage Bulk Only Transrt spec and not supposed to be changed
    26 LOCAL_D const TInt KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints = 2; // in addition to endpoint 0. 
    29 //CBW offsets
    30 LOCAL_D const TInt KCbwSignatureOffset = 0;
    31 LOCAL_D const TInt KCbwTagOffset = 4;
    32 LOCAL_D const TInt KCbwDataTransferLengthOffset = 8;
    33 LOCAL_D const TInt KCbwFlagOffset = 12;
    34 LOCAL_D const TInt KCbwLunOffset = 13;
    35 LOCAL_D const TInt KCbwCbLengthOffset = 14;
    36 LOCAL_D const TInt KMaxCbwcbLength = 16;
    37 // CSW offsets
    38 LOCAL_D const TInt KCswSingnatureOffset = 0;
    39 LOCAL_D const TInt KCswTagOffset = 4;
    40 LOCAL_D const TInt KCswDataResidueOffset = 8;
    41 LOCAL_D const TInt KCswStatusOffset = 12;
    42 LOCAL_D const TInt KCswLength = 13;
    43 LOCAL_D const TInt KUsbNumInterfacesOffset = 4;
    45 /**
    46  This function unpacks into the TUsbRequestHdr class from a descriptor with 
    47  the alignment that would be introduced on the USB bus.
    49  @param aBuffer Input buffer
    50  @param aTarget Unpacked header.
    51  @return Error.
    52  */
    53 TInt TUsbRequestHdr::Decode(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
    55     {
    56     if (aBuffer.Length() < static_cast<TInt> (KRequestHdrSize))
    57         {
    58         TRACE_ERROR((_L("TUsbRequestHdr::Decode buffer invalid length %d"),aBuffer.Length()))
    59         return KErrGeneral;
    60         }
    62     // Decode as SPEC 1.3.3
    63     iRequestType = aBuffer[0];
    64     iRequest = static_cast<TEp0Request>(aBuffer[1]);
    65     iValue = static_cast<TUint16>(aBuffer[2] + (aBuffer[3] << 8));
    66     iIndex = static_cast<TUint16>(aBuffer[4] + (aBuffer[5] << 8));
    67     iLength = static_cast<TUint16>(aBuffer[6] + (aBuffer[7] << 8));
    68     TRACE_INFO((_L("type=%d request=%d value=%d index=%d length=%d"), iRequestType,iRequest,iValue,iIndex,iLength))
    70     return KErrNone;
    71     }
    73 /**
    74  This function determines whether data is required by the host in response 
    75  to a message header.
    77  @return TBool	Flag indicating whether a data response required.
    78  */
    79 TBool TUsbRequestHdr::IsDataResponseRequired() const
    81     {
    82     return (iRequestType & 0x80) ? ETrue : EFalse;
    83     }
    85 //
    86 /**
    87  Called by CBulkOnlyTransport to create an instance of CControlInterface
    89  @param aParent reference to the CBulkOnlyTransport
    90  */
    91 CControlInterface* CControlInterface::NewL(CBulkOnlyTransport& aParent)
    92     {
    93     CControlInterface* self = new (ELeave) CControlInterface(aParent);
    94     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    95     self->ConstructL();
    96     CActiveScheduler::Add(self);
    97     CleanupStack::Pop();
    98     return self;
    99     }
   101 void CControlInterface::ConstructL()
   102     {
   103     }
   105 /**
   106  c'tor
   108  @param aParent reference to the CBulkOnlyTransport
   109  */
   110 CControlInterface::CControlInterface(CBulkOnlyTransport& aParent) :
   111 	CActive(EPriorityStandard),
   112 	iParent(aParent),
   113 	iCurrentState(ENone)
   114     {
   115     }
   117 /**
   118  d'tor
   119  */
   120 CControlInterface::~CControlInterface()
   121     {
   122     TRACE_FUNC
   123 	Cancel();
   124     }
   126 /**
   127  Called by  CBulkOnlyTransportStart to start control interface
   128  */
   129 TInt CControlInterface::Start()
   130     {
   131     TRACE_FUNC
   132     TInt res = ReadEp0Data();
   133     return (res);
   134     }
   136 /**
   137  Called by CBulkOnlyTransportStart to stop control interface
   138  */
   139 void CControlInterface::Stop()
   140     {
   141     TRACE_FUNC
   142     // Don't need to be any thing if we're not in active state
   143     if (!IsActive())
   144         {
   145         TRACE_INFO((_L("Not active")))
   146         return;
   147         }
   149     TRACE_INFO((_L("Stopping...")))
   151     // Stop by cancel
   152     Cancel();
   153     iCurrentState = ENone;
   154     }
   156 /**
   157  Cancel outstanding request (if any)
   158  */
   159 void CControlInterface::DoCancel()
   160     {
   161     TRACE_FUNC
   162     switch(iCurrentState)
   163         {
   164         case EReadEp0Data:
   165         iParent.Ldd().ReadCancel(EEndpoint0);
   166         break;
   167         case ESendMaxLun:
   168         iParent.Ldd().WriteCancel(EEndpoint0);
   169         break;
   170         default:
   171         TRACE_ERROR((_L("\nWrong state !")))
   172         __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsControlInterfaceBadState));
   173         }
   174     }
   176 /**
   177  Implement CControlInterface state machine
   178  */
   179 void CControlInterface::RunL()
   180     {
   181     TRACE_FUNC
   182     if (iStatus != KErrNone)
   183         {
   184         TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "Error %d in RunL" ), iStatus.Int() ))
   186         //read EP0  again 
   187         ReadEp0Data();
   188         return;
   189         }
   191     switch (iCurrentState)
   192         {
   193         case ESendMaxLun:
   194             ReadEp0Data();
   195             break;
   197         case EReadEp0Data:
   198             DecodeEp0Data();
   199             break;
   201         default:
   202             TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "error: (Shouldn't end up here...)" ) ))
   203             __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsControlInterfaceBadState));
   204             break;
   205         }
   206     return;
   207     }
   209 /**
   210  Post a read request to EEndpoint0 to read request header
   211  */
   212 TInt CControlInterface::ReadEp0Data()
   213     {
   214     TRACE_FUNC
   215     if ( IsActive() )
   216         {
   217         TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "Still active" ) ))
   218         return KErrServerBusy;
   219         }
   221     iParent.Ldd().Read(iStatus, EEndpoint0, iData, KRequestHdrSize);
   223     iCurrentState = EReadEp0Data;
   225     SetActive();
   226     return KErrNone;
   227     }
   229 /**
   230  Decode request header and do appropriate action - get max LUN info or post a reset request
   231  */
   232 void CControlInterface::DecodeEp0Data()
   233     {
   234     TRACE_FUNC
   235     if ( IsActive() )
   236         {
   237         TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "Still active" ) ))
   238         __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsControlInterfaceStillActive));
   239         return;
   240         }
   242     TInt err = iRequestHeader.Decode(iData);
   244     if (err != KErrNone)
   245         {
   246         TRACE_WARNING((_L("Decode header error : err=%d"), err))
   247         return;
   248         }
   250     switch(iRequestHeader.iRequest)
   251         {
   252         // GET MAX LUN (0xFE)
   253         case TUsbRequestHdr::EReqGetMaxLun:
   254             {
   255             TRACE_INFO((_L("DecodeEp0Data : 'Get Max LUN' Request MaxLun = %d" ),
   256                             iParent.MaxLun() ))
   258             if ( iRequestHeader.iRequestType != 0xA1 //value from USB MS BOT spec
   259                     || iRequestHeader.iIndex> 15 || iRequestHeader.iValue != 0 || iRequestHeader.iLength != 1)
   260                 {
   261                 TRACE_ERROR((_L("GetMaxLun command packet check error")))
   262                 iParent.Ldd().EndpointZeroRequestError();
   263                 break;
   264                 }
   266             iData.FillZ(1); //Return only 1 byte to host 
   267             iData[0] = static_cast<TUint8>(iParent.MaxLun()); // Supported Units
   268             iParent.Ldd().Write(iStatus, EEndpoint0, iData, 1);
   270             iCurrentState = ESendMaxLun;
   271             SetActive();
   273             return;
   274             }
   276         // RESET (0xFF)
   277         case TUsbRequestHdr::EReqReset:
   278             {
   279             TRACE_INFO((_L("DecodeEp0Data : 'Mass Storage Reset' Request")))
   281             if ( iRequestHeader.iRequestType != 0x21 //value from USB MS BOT spec
   282                     || iRequestHeader.iIndex> 15 || iRequestHeader.iValue != 0 || iRequestHeader.iLength != 0)
   283                 {
   284                 TRACE_ERROR((_L("MSC Reset command packet check error")))
   285                 iParent.Ldd().EndpointZeroRequestError();
   286                 break;
   287                 }
   289             iParent.HwStop();
   290             iParent.Controller().Reset();
   291             iParent.HwStart(ETrue);
   293             err = iParent.Ldd().SendEp0StatusPacket();
   294             TRACE_INFO((_L("SendEp0StatusPacket: err=%d"), err))
   296             return;
   297             }
   298         // Unknown?
   299         default:
   300             {
   301             TRACE_ERROR((_L("DecodeEp0Data : Unknown Request")))
   302             }
   303         }
   304     ReadEp0Data(); //try to get another request 
   305     }
   307 //-------------------------------------
   308 /**
   309  Create CBulkOnlyTransport object
   310  @param aNumDrives - The number of drives available for MS
   311  @param aController - reference to the parent
   312  @return pointer to newly created object
   313  */
   314 CBulkOnlyTransport* CBulkOnlyTransport::NewL(TInt aNumDrives,CMscFileController& aController)
   315     {
   316 	CBulkOnlyTransport* self = new(ELeave) CBulkOnlyTransport(aNumDrives, aController);
   317     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   318     self->ConstructL();
   319     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   320     return self;
   321     }
   323 /**
   324  c'tor 
   325  @param aNumDrives - The number of drives available for MS
   326  @param aController - reference to the parent
   327  */
   328 CBulkOnlyTransport::CBulkOnlyTransport(TInt aNumDrives,CMscFileController& aController):
   329 	CActive(EPriorityStandard),
   330 	iMaxLun(aNumDrives-1),
   331 	iController(aController),
   332 	iReadBuf(NULL,0),
   333 	iWriteBuf(NULL,0),
   334 	iStallAllowed(ETrue)
   335     {
   336     }
   338 /**
   339  Constructs the CBulkOnlyTranspor object
   340  */
   341 void CBulkOnlyTransport::ConstructL()
   342     {
   343     TRACE_FUNC
   344     iControlInterface = CControlInterface::NewL(*this);
   345     iDeviceStateNotifier = CActiveDeviceStateNotifier::NewL(*this);
   346     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   347     }
   349 /**
   350  Destructor
   351  */
   352 CBulkOnlyTransport::~CBulkOnlyTransport()
   353     {
   354     TRACE_FUNC
   355     if (iInterfaceConfigured)
   356         {
   357         Stop();
   358         }
   359     delete iControlInterface;
   360     delete iDeviceStateNotifier;
   361     }
   363 /**
   364  Set or unset configuration descriptor for USB MassStorage Bulk Only transport
   366  @param aUnset indicate whether set or unset descriptor
   367  @return KErrNone if operation was completed successfully, errorcode otherwise
   368  */
   369 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::SetupConfigurationDescriptor(TBool aUnset)
   370     {
   371     TRACE_FUNC
   372     TInt ret(KErrNone);
   373     TInt configDescriptorSize(0);
   375     iLdd.GetConfigurationDescriptorSize(configDescriptorSize);
   376     if (static_cast<TUint> (configDescriptorSize) != KUsbDescSize_Config)
   377         {
   378         return KErrCorrupt;
   379         }
   381     TBuf8<KUsbDescSize_Config> configDescriptor;
   382     ret = iLdd.GetConfigurationDescriptor(configDescriptor);
   383     if (ret != KErrNone)
   384         {
   385         return ret;
   386         }
   388     // I beleive that other fields setted up during LDD initialisation
   389     if (aUnset)
   390         {
   391         --configDescriptor[KUsbNumInterfacesOffset];
   392         }
   393     else
   394         {
   395         ++configDescriptor[KUsbNumInterfacesOffset];
   396         }
   397     ret = iLdd.SetConfigurationDescriptor(configDescriptor);
   399     return ret;
   400     }
   402 /**
   403  Set up interface descriptor
   405  @return KErrNone if operation was completed successfully, errorcode otherwise
   406  */
   407 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::SetupInterfaceDescriptors()
   408     {
   409     TRACE_FUNC
   410     // Device caps
   411     TUsbDeviceCaps d_caps;
   412     TInt ret = iLdd.DeviceCaps(d_caps);
   413     if (ret != KErrNone)
   414         {
   415         return ret;
   416         }
   417     TInt totalEndpoints = d_caps().iTotalEndpoints;
   418     if (totalEndpoints < KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints)
   419         {
   420         return KErrHardwareNotAvailable;
   421         }
   423     // Endpoint caps
   424     TUsbcEndpointData data[KUsbcMaxEndpoints];
   425 	TPtr8 dataptr(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(data), sizeof(data), sizeof(data));
   426     ret = iLdd.EndpointCaps(dataptr);
   427     if (ret != KErrNone)
   428         {
   429         return ret;
   430         }
   432     // Set the active interface
   433     TUsbcInterfaceInfoBuf ifc;
   434     TInt ep_found = 0;
   435     TBool foundBulkIN = EFalse;
   436     TBool foundBulkOUT = EFalse;
   438     for (TInt i = 0; i < totalEndpoints; i++)
   439         {
   440         const TUsbcEndpointCaps* caps = &data[i].iCaps;
   441         const TInt maxPacketSize = caps->MaxPacketSize();
   442 		if (!foundBulkIN &&
   443 			(caps->iTypesAndDir & (KUsbEpTypeBulk | KUsbEpDirIn)) == (KUsbEpTypeBulk | KUsbEpDirIn))
   444             {
   445             // InEndpoint is going to be our TX (IN, write) endpoint
   446             ifc().iEndpointData[0].iType = KUsbEpTypeBulk;
   447             ifc().iEndpointData[0].iDir = KUsbEpDirIn;
   448             ifc().iEndpointData[0].iSize = maxPacketSize;
   449             ifc().iEndpointData[0].iInterval_Hs = 0;
   450 			ifc().iEndpointData[0].iFeatureWord1 = KUsbcEndpointInfoFeatureWord1_DMA;
   451             foundBulkIN = ETrue;
   452             if (++ep_found == KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints)
   453                 {
   454                 break;
   455                 }
   456             continue;
   457             }
   458 		if (!foundBulkOUT &&
   459 			(caps->iTypesAndDir & (KUsbEpTypeBulk | KUsbEpDirOut)) == (KUsbEpTypeBulk | KUsbEpDirOut))
   460             {
   461             // OutEndpoint is going to be our RX (OUT, read) endpoint
   462             ifc().iEndpointData[1].iType = KUsbEpTypeBulk;
   463             ifc().iEndpointData[1].iDir = KUsbEpDirOut;
   464             ifc().iEndpointData[1].iSize = maxPacketSize;
   465             ifc().iEndpointData[1].iInterval_Hs = 0;
   466 			ifc().iEndpointData[1].iFeatureWord1 = KUsbcEndpointInfoFeatureWord1_DMA;
   467             foundBulkOUT = ETrue;
   468             if (++ep_found == KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints)
   469                 {
   470                 break;
   471                 }
   472             continue;
   473             }
   474         }
   475     if (ep_found != KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints)
   476         {
   477         return KErrHardwareNotAvailable;
   478         }
   479     _LIT16(string, "USB Mass Storage Interface");
   480     ifc().iString = const_cast<TDesC16*> (&string);
   481     ifc().iTotalEndpointsUsed = KRequiredNumberOfEndpoints;
   482     ifc().iClass.iClassNum = 0x08; // Mass Storage
   483     ifc().iClass.iSubClassNum = 0x06; // SCSI Transparent Command Set
   484     ifc().iClass.iProtocolNum = 0x50; // Bulk Only Transport
   486 	TUint bandwidth_priority = (EUsbcBandwidthOUTDefault | EUsbcBandwidthINDefault);
   487     if (d_caps().iHighSpeed)
   488         {
   489         // If this device supports USB High-speed, then we request 64KB buffers
   490         // (otherwise the default 4KB ones will do).
   491         bandwidth_priority = (EUsbcBandwidthOUTPlus2 | EUsbcBandwidthINPlus2);
   492         // Also, tell the Protocol about it, because it might want to do some
   493         // optimizing too.
   494         iProtocol->ReportHighSpeedDevice();
   495         }
   496     ret = iLdd.SetInterface(0, ifc, bandwidth_priority);
   497     return ret;
   498     }
   500 /**
   501  Called by the protocol after processing the packet to indicate that more data is required.  
   503  @param aData reference to the data buffer. 
   504  */
   505 void CBulkOnlyTransport::SetupReadData(TPtr8& aData)
   506     {
   507     TRACE_FUNC
   508     TRACE_INFO((_L("Length = %d  (bytes)"), aData.Length()))
   509     iReadBuf.Set(aData);
   510     iReadSetUp = ETrue;
   511     }
   513 /**
   514  Called by the protocol after processing the packet to indicate that data should be written to the host.  
   516  @param aData reference to the data buffer. 
   517  */
   518 void CBulkOnlyTransport::SetupWriteData(TPtrC8& aData)
   519     {
   520     TRACE_FUNC
   521     TRACE_INFO((_L("Length = %d  (bytes)"), aData.Length()))
   522     iWriteBuf.Set(aData);
   523     iWriteSetUp = ETrue;
   524     }
   526 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::Start()
   527     {
   530     TInt err = KErrNone;
   532     if (!iProtocol)
   533         {
   534         return KErrBadHandle; //protocol should be set up before start
   535         }
   537     if (IsActive())
   538         {
   539         TRACE_ERROR((_L("Active before start!")))
   540         return KErrInUse;
   541         }
   543     if ((err = iLdd.Open(0)) != KErrNone )
   544         {
   545         TRACE_ERROR((_L("Error during open ldd!")))
   546         return err;
   547         }
   549     if ((err = SetupConfigurationDescriptor()) != KErrNone ||
   550             (err = SetupInterfaceDescriptors()) != KErrNone )
   551         {
   552         iLdd.Close();
   553         TRACE_ERROR((_L("Error during descriptors setup!")))
   554         return err;
   555         }
   557     iDeviceStateNotifier->Activate(); // activate notifier wich will wait until USB became configured
   558     TUsbcDeviceState deviceStatus = EUsbcDeviceStateDefault;
   559     err = iLdd.DeviceStatus(deviceStatus);
   560     TRACE_INFO((_L("Device status = %d"), deviceStatus))
   561     if (err == KErrNone && deviceStatus == EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
   562         {
   563         TRACE_INFO(_L("Starting bulk only transport\n"));
   564         err = HwStart();
   565         }
   566     iInterfaceConfigured = ETrue;
   567     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   568     return err;
   569     }
   571 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::HwStart(TBool aDiscard)
   572     {
   575     TInt res = iControlInterface->Start();
   577     iCurrentState = ENone;
   578     iWriteSetUp = EFalse;
   579     iReadSetUp = EFalse;
   580     iStarted = ETrue;
   582     if (aDiscard)
   583         {
   584         TInt bytes;
   585         const TInt err = iLdd.QueryReceiveBuffer(OutEndpoint, bytes);
   586         if (err != KErrNone || bytes <= 0)
   587             {
   588             TRACE_ERROR((_L("Error: err=%d bytes=%d"), bytes))
   589             }
   590         else
   591             {
   592             TRACE_ERROR((_L("RxBuffer has %d bytes"), bytes))
   593             ReadAndDiscardData(bytes);
   594             }
   595         }
   597     ReadCBW();
   598     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   599     return res;
   600     }
   602 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::HwStop()
   603     {
   604     TRACE_FUNC
   606     if (iStarted)
   607         {
   608         Cancel();
   609         iControlInterface->Cancel();
   610         iProtocol->Cancel();
   611         iStarted = EFalse;
   612         }
   613     return KErrNone;
   614     }
   616 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::HwSuspend()
   617     {
   618     TRACE_FUNC
   619     return KErrNone;
   620     }
   622 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::HwResume()
   623     {
   624     TRACE_FUNC
   625     return KErrNone;
   626     }
   628 /**
   629  Stops the Bulk Only Transport
   630  */
   631 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::Stop()
   632     {
   633     TRACE_FUNC
   634     iControlInterface->Cancel();
   635     iDeviceStateNotifier->Cancel();
   636     Cancel();
   637     if (iInterfaceConfigured)
   638         {
   639         iLdd.ReleaseInterface(0);
   640         SetupConfigurationDescriptor(ETrue);
   641         iLdd.Close();
   642         }
   643     iCurrentState = ENone;
   644     iInterfaceConfigured = EFalse;
   646     return KErrNone;
   647     }
   649 /**
   650  Read aLength bytes of data from the host into the read buffer.
   651  @param aLength The number of bytes to read from the host.
   652  */
   653 void CBulkOnlyTransport::ReadCBW()
   654     {
   655     TRACE_FUNC
   656     if (IsActive())
   657         {
   658         TRACE_ERROR(( _L( "Still active" ) ))
   659         __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsBulkOnlyStillActive));
   660         return;
   661         }
   663     iCbwBuf.SetMax();
   664     iLdd.ReadUntilShort(iStatus, OutEndpoint, iCbwBuf, iCbwBuf.Length());
   666     iCurrentState = EWaitForCBW;
   667     SetActive();
   668     }
   670 void CBulkOnlyTransport::DoCancel()
   671     {
   672     TRACE_FUNC
   673     iLdd.WriteCancel(InEndpoint);
   674     iLdd.ReadCancel(OutEndpoint);
   675     }
   677 void CBulkOnlyTransport::Activate(TInt aReason)
   678     {
   679     SetActive();
   680     TRequestStatus* r = &iStatus;
   681     User::RequestComplete(r, aReason);
   682     }
   684 void CBulkOnlyTransport::RunL()
   685     {
   686     TRACE_FUNC
   687     if (iStatus != KErrNone)
   688         {
   689         TRACE_ERROR((_L("Error %d in RunL, halt endpoints \n"), iStatus.Int()))
   690         SetPermError(); //halt endpoints for reset recovery
   691         return;
   692         }
   694     switch (iCurrentState)
   695         {
   696         case EWaitForCBW:
   697             TRACE_INFO((_L("EWaitForCBW")))
   698             DecodeCBW();
   699             break;
   701         case EWritingData:
   702             TRACE_INFO((_L("EWritingData")))
   703             iWriteSetUp = EFalse; //the buffer was used
   705             if (iDataResidue && iStallAllowed)
   706                 {
   707                 StallEndpointAndWaitForClear(InEndpoint);
   708                 }
   710             SendCSW(iCbwTag, iDataResidue, iCmdStatus);
   711             break;
   713         case EReadingData:
   714             {
   715             TRACE_INFO((_L("EReadingData")))
   717             TInt ret = KErrNone;
   718             FOREVER
   719                 {
   720                 if (iReadSetUp)
   721                     {
   722                     ret = iProtocol->ReadComplete(KErrNone);
   723                     }
   725                 TUint deviceDataLength = static_cast<TUint>(iReadBuf.Length());
   726                 if(ret == KErrCompletion)
   727                     {
   728                     // The protocol has indicated with KErrCompletion that sufficient
   729                     // data is available in the buffer to process the transfer immediately.
   730                     iDataResidue -= deviceDataLength;
   731                     iLdd.Read(iStatus, OutEndpoint, iReadBuf, deviceDataLength);
   732                     User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
   733                     if (iStatus != KErrNone)
   734                         {
   735                         // An error occurred - halt endpoints for reset recovery
   736                         TRACE_ERROR((_L("Error %d in EReadingData, halt endpoints"),
   737                                         iStatus.Int()))
   738                         SetPermError();
   739                         return;
   740                         }
   741                     }
   742                 else if(ret == KErrNotReady)
   743                     {
   744                     // The protocol has indicated with KErrNotReady that insufficient
   745                     // data is available in the buffer, so should wait for it to arrive
   746                     ReadData(deviceDataLength);
   747                     break;
   748                     }
   749                 else
   750                     {
   751                     // The protocol has indicated that transfer is 
   752                     // complete, so send the CSW response to the host.
   753                     iReadSetUp = EFalse;
   755                     if (ret != KErrNone)
   756                         {
   757                         iCmdStatus = ECommandFailed;
   758                         }
   760                     if (iDataResidue)
   761                         {
   762                         TRACE_INFO((_L("Discarding residue")))
   763                         // we have to read as much data as available that host PC sends;
   764                         // otherwise, bulk-out endpoint will need to keep sending NAK back.
   765                         ReadAndDiscardData(iDataResidue);
   766                         }
   767                     SendCSW(iCbwTag, iDataResidue, iCmdStatus);
   768                     break;
   769                     }
   770                 }
   771             }
   772         break;
   774         case ESendingCSW:
   775         TRACE_INFO((_L("ESendingCSW")))
   776         ReadCBW();
   777         break;
   779         case EPermErr:
   780         TRACE_INFO((_L("EPermErr")))
   781         StallEndpointAndWaitForClear(InEndpoint);
   782         break;
   784         default:
   785         SetPermError(); // unexpected state
   786         }
   787     }
   789 /**
   790  Prepare incase we need to read data from host
   791  Called in DecodeCBW(...)
   792  @param aHostDataLength The number of bytes to read from the host.
   793  */
   794 void CBulkOnlyTransport::PrepareReadFromHost(TUint aHostDataLength)
   795     {
   796     if (!iReadSetUp)
   797         {
   798 			iDataResidue =aHostDataLength;
   799 			TRACE_INFO((_L("Read buffer was not setup\n")))
   800             //Use next block instead of StallEndpointAndWaitForClear(OutEndpoint); 
   801             {
   802             iBuf.SetLength(KBOTMaxBufSize);
   803             TUint c =0;
   804             TRequestStatus status;
   805             while (c<aHostDataLength)
   806                 {
   807                 TInt len;
   808                 if (aHostDataLength - c> KBOTMaxBufSize)
   809                     {
   810                     len = KBOTMaxBufSize;
   811                     }
   812                 else
   813                     {
   814                     len = aHostDataLength - c;
   815                     }
   817                 iLdd.Read(status, OutEndpoint, iBuf, len);
   818                 User::WaitForRequest(status);
   819                 c += KBOTMaxBufSize;
   820                 }
   821             }
   823         if (iWriteSetUp) //case (10)
   824             {
   825             TRACE_INFO((_L("case 10\n")))
   826             SendCSW(iCbwTag, aHostDataLength, EPhaseError);
   827             }
   828         else // case (9)
   830             {
   831             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 9\n")))
   832             SendCSW(iCbwTag, aHostDataLength, iCmdStatus);
   833             }
   835         return;
   836         }
   837     else
   838         {
   839         TUint deviceDataLength = static_cast<TUint>(iReadBuf.Length());
   840         iDataResidue =aHostDataLength - deviceDataLength;
   841         TRACE_INFO((_L("deviceDataLength=%d, DataResidue (read from host) =%d\n"),
   842                         deviceDataLength,iDataResidue))
   844         if (deviceDataLength <= aHostDataLength) // case (11) and (12)
   846             {
   847             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 11 or 12\n")))
   848             ReadData(deviceDataLength);
   849             return;
   850             }
   852         if (deviceDataLength> aHostDataLength) // case  (13)
   854             {
   855             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 13\n")))
   856             /**
   857              * Comment following line in order to pass compliant test.
   858              * As spec said in case 13:"The device may receive data up to a
   859              * total of dCBWDataTransferLength."
   860              * Here we choose to ignore incoming data.
   861              */
   862             //StallEndpointAndWaitForClear(OutEndpoint); //Stall Out endpoint
   863             if (iReadSetUp)
   864                 {
   865                 iLdd.Read(iStatus, OutEndpoint, iReadBuf, aHostDataLength);
   866                 User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
   867                 iProtocol->ReadComplete(KErrGeneral);
   868                 iReadSetUp = EFalse;
   869                 }
   870             SendCSW(iCbwTag, aHostDataLength, EPhaseError);
   871             return;
   872             }
   873         }
   874     }
   876 /**
   877  Prepare incase we need to read data from host
   878  Called in DecodeCBW(...)
   879  @param aHostDataLength The number of bytes to write to the host.
   880  */
   881 void CBulkOnlyTransport::PrepareWriteToHost(TUint aHostDataLength)
   882     {
   883     if (!iWriteSetUp) //write buffer was not set up 
   884         {
   885         TRACE_INFO((_L("Write buffer was not setup")))
   886         iDataResidue =aHostDataLength;
   887         TRACE_INFO((_L("DataResidue (write to host)=%d"),iDataResidue))
   889         //------------------------------------
   890         if (aHostDataLength <= KBOTMaxBufSize)
   891             {
   892             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 4 or 8\n")))
   893             iBuf.FillZ(aHostDataLength);
   894             iLdd.Write(iStatus, InEndpoint, iBuf, aHostDataLength);
   895             SetActive();
   896             iCurrentState = EWritingData;
   897             iStallAllowed = EFalse;
   898             if (iReadSetUp) //read buffer WAS set up - case (8)
   900                 {
   901                 TRACE_INFO((_L("It is Case 8")))
   902                 iCmdStatus = EPhaseError;
   903                 }
   904             return;
   905             }
   906         else
   907         //------------------------------------
   908         //					Use next block instead of StallEndpointAndWaitForClear(InEndpoint);
   910             {
   911             iBuf.FillZ(KBOTMaxBufSize);
   912             TUint c =0;
   913             TRequestStatus status;
   914             while (c<aHostDataLength)
   915                 {
   916                 TInt len;
   917                 if (aHostDataLength - c> KBOTMaxBufSize)
   918                     {
   919                     len = KBOTMaxBufSize;
   920                     }
   921                 else
   922                     {
   923                     len = aHostDataLength - c;
   924                     }
   926                 iLdd.Write(status, InEndpoint, iBuf, len);
   927                 User::WaitForRequest(status);
   928                 c += KBOTMaxBufSize;
   929                 }
   930             }
   932         if (iReadSetUp) //read buffer WAS set up - case (8)
   933             {
   934             TRACE_INFO(_L("Case 8"));
   935             SendCSW(iCbwTag, aHostDataLength, EPhaseError);
   936             //don't care to reset any flag - should get reset recovery
   937             }
   938         else // case (4)
   939             {
   940             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 4")))
   941             SendCSW(iCbwTag, aHostDataLength, iCmdStatus);
   942             }
   943         return;
   944         }
   945     else
   946         {
   947         //================== 
   948         TUint deviceDataLength = static_cast<TUint>(iWriteBuf.Length());
   949         iDataResidue =aHostDataLength - deviceDataLength;
   950         TRACE_INFO((_L("Device data length = %d, DataResidue (write to host)=%d"),
   951                         deviceDataLength, iDataResidue))
   953         if (deviceDataLength < aHostDataLength &&
   954                 aHostDataLength < KBOTMaxBufSize )
   955             {
   956             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 5 (padding)\n")))
   957             iBuf.Zero();
   958             iBuf.Append(iWriteBuf);
   959             iBuf.SetLength(aHostDataLength);
   960             iStallAllowed = EFalse;
   961             TRACE_INFO((_L("iBuf.Length=%d\n"),iBuf.Length()))
   962             iLdd.Write(iStatus, InEndpoint, iBuf, aHostDataLength);
   963             SetActive();
   964             iCurrentState = EWritingData;
   965             return;
   966             }
   968         //===================
   970         if (deviceDataLength == aHostDataLength) //case (6)[==]
   972             {
   973             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 6\n")))
   974             WriteData(deviceDataLength);
   975             return;
   976             }
   977         else if (deviceDataLength < aHostDataLength) //case (5)[<]
   979             {
   980             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 5\n")))
   981             WriteData(deviceDataLength, ETrue); // Send ZLP
   982             return;
   983             }
   984         else // deviceDataLength > aHostDataLength - case (7)
   986             {
   987             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 7\n")))
   988             iCmdStatus = EPhaseError;
   989             iDataResidue = 0;
   990             WriteData(aHostDataLength);
   991             return;
   992             }
   993         }
   994     }
   996 /**
   997  Decode the CBW received from the host via OutEndpoint
   999  - If the header is valid, the data content is passed to the parser.
  1000  - Depending on the command, more data may be transmitted/received.
  1001  - ...or the CSW is sent (if not a data command).
  1003  */
  1004 void CBulkOnlyTransport::DecodeCBW()
  1005     {
  1006     TRACE_FUNC
  1007     if (!CheckCBW()) //check if CBW valid and meaningful
  1009         {
  1010         // CBW not valid or meaningful
  1011         // Specification says: "If the CBW is not valid, the device shall STALL
  1012         // the Bulk-In pipe. Also, the device shall either STALL the Bulk-Out pipe,
  1013         // or the device shall accept and discard any Bulk-Out data. The device
  1014         // shall maintain this state until a Reset Recovery."
  1015         // Here we keep bulk-in ep stalled and ignore bulk-out ep.
  1016         SetPermError();
  1017         return;
  1018         }
  1020     TPtrC8 aData;
  1021     aData.Set(&iCbwBuf[KCbwCbLengthOffset], KMaxCbwcbLength + 1); //prepare data for protocol starting form Length 
  1022     TUint8 lun = static_cast<TUint8> (iCbwBuf[13] & 0x0f);
  1024 	iCbwTag  =	static_cast<TUint32>(iCbwBuf[KCbwTagOffset])		| 
  1025 				static_cast<TUint32>(iCbwBuf[KCbwTagOffset+1])	<<8 | 
  1026 				static_cast<TUint32>(iCbwBuf[KCbwTagOffset+2])	<<16| 
  1027 				static_cast<TUint32>(iCbwBuf[KCbwTagOffset+3])	<<24;
  1029     TInt i = KCbwDataTransferLengthOffset;
  1030 	TUint hostDataLength = 	static_cast<TUint32>(iCbwBuf[i  ])		| 
  1031 							static_cast<TUint32>(iCbwBuf[i+1]) <<8 	| 
  1032 							static_cast<TUint32>(iCbwBuf[i+2]) <<16	| 
  1033 							static_cast<TUint32>(iCbwBuf[i+3]) <<24;
  1035     TBool dataToHost = iCbwBuf[KCbwFlagOffset] & 0x80;
  1037     TRACE_INFO((_L("lun =%d, hostDataLength=%d, CBWtag = 0x%X\n, dataToHost=%d"),
  1038                     lun, hostDataLength, iCbwTag, dataToHost))
  1039     //
  1040     TBool ret = iProtocol->DecodePacket(aData, lun);
  1041     //
  1043     iStallAllowed = ETrue;
  1045     if (!ret)
  1046         {
  1047         TRACE_INFO((_L("Command Failed")))
  1048         iCmdStatus = ECommandFailed;
  1049         }
  1050     else
  1051         {
  1052         TRACE_INFO((_L("Command Passed")))
  1053         iCmdStatus = ECommandPassed;
  1054         }
  1056     if (hostDataLength == 0)
  1057         {
  1058         TRACE_INFO((_L("No data transfer expected\n")))
  1059         iDataResidue = 0;
  1060         if (iWriteSetUp || iReadSetUp) // case (2) and (3)
  1062             {
  1063             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 2 or 3\n")))
  1064             SendCSW(iCbwTag, 0, EPhaseError);
  1065             }
  1066         else
  1067             {
  1068             TRACE_INFO((_L("Case 1\n")))
  1069             SendCSW(iCbwTag, 0, iCmdStatus); //case (1)
  1070             }
  1072         return;
  1073         }
  1074     else
  1075         {
  1076         // Data Direction, To or From Host
  1077         if (dataToHost)
  1078             {
  1079             PrepareWriteToHost(hostDataLength);
  1080             }
  1081         else
  1082             {
  1083             PrepareReadFromHost(hostDataLength);
  1084             }
  1085         }
  1086     }
  1088 /**
  1089  Check if CBW Valid and Meaningful.  
  1091  @return ETrue if CBW is Valid and Meaningful, EFalse otherwise
  1092  */
  1093 TBool CBulkOnlyTransport::CheckCBW()
  1094     {
  1095     TRACE_FUNC
  1097     // Check valid
  1099     // Check length
  1100     if (iCbwBuf.Length() != KCbwLength)
  1101         {
  1102         TRACE_INFO((_L("Bad length: %d"), iCbwBuf.Length()))
  1103         return EFalse;
  1104         }
  1106     // Check signature
  1107     TInt i = KCbwSignatureOffset;
  1108 	if (iCbwBuf[i  ] != 0x55 ||         // CBW Singature from USB Bulk-Only Transport spec
  1109 		iCbwBuf[i+1] != 0x53 ||
  1110 		iCbwBuf[i+2] != 0x42 ||
  1111 		iCbwBuf[i+3] != 0x43)
  1112         {
  1113         TRACE_INFO((_L("Bad signature")))
  1114         TRACE_INFO((_L(" 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x"),
  1115                         iCbwBuf[i], iCbwBuf[i+1], iCbwBuf[i+2],iCbwBuf[i+3]))
  1116         return EFalse;
  1117         }
  1119     // Check meaningful
  1121     // Check reserved bits ( must be zero )
  1122     if ((iCbwBuf[KCbwLunOffset] & 0xF0) || (iCbwBuf[KCbwCbLengthOffset] & 0xE0))
  1123         {
  1124         TRACE_INFO((_L("Reserved bits not zero\n")))
  1125         return EFalse;
  1126         }
  1128     // check command block length
  1129     TInt cbwcbLength = iCbwBuf[KCbwCbLengthOffset] & 0x1F;
  1130     if (cbwcbLength>KMaxCbwcbLength)
  1131         {
  1132         TRACE_INFO((_L("Incorrect block length\n")))
  1133         return EFalse;
  1134         }
  1136     //check LUN
  1137     TInt8 lun = static_cast<TUint8>(iCbwBuf[KCbwLunOffset] & 0x0f);
  1138     if (iMaxLun < lun)
  1139         {
  1140         TRACE_INFO((_L("bad lun: %d"), lun))
  1141         return EFalse;
  1142         }
  1144     return ETrue;
  1145     }
  1147 /**
  1148  Initiate stalling of bulk IN endpoint.
  1149  Used when protocol wants to force host to initiate a reset recovery.
  1150  */
  1151 void CBulkOnlyTransport::SetPermError()
  1152     {
  1153     TRACE_FUNC
  1154     iCurrentState = EPermErr;
  1155     Activate(KErrNone);
  1156     }
  1158 /**
  1159  Send data provided by protocol to the host
  1161  @param aLength amount of data (in bytes) to be send to host
  1162  */
  1163 void CBulkOnlyTransport::WriteData(TUint aLength, TBool aZlpRequired)
  1164     {
  1165     TRACE_FUNC
  1167     if (IsActive())
  1168         {
  1169         TRACE_INFO((_L("Still active")))
  1170         __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsBulkOnlyStillActive));
  1171         return;
  1172         }
  1173     iLdd.Write(iStatus, InEndpoint, iWriteBuf, aLength, aZlpRequired);
  1174     iCurrentState = EWritingData;
  1175     SetActive();
  1176     }
  1178 /**
  1179  Request data form the host for the protocol
  1181  @param aLength amount of data (in bytes) to be received from the host
  1182  */
  1183 void CBulkOnlyTransport::ReadData(TUint aLength)
  1184     {
  1185     TRACE_FUNC
  1186     if (IsActive())
  1187         {
  1188         TRACE_INFO((_L("Still active")))
  1189         __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsBulkOnlyStillActive));
  1190         return;
  1191         }
  1192     iLdd.Read(iStatus, OutEndpoint, iReadBuf, aLength);
  1193     SetActive();
  1194     iCurrentState = EReadingData;
  1195     }
  1197 /**
  1198  Send Command Status Wrapper to the host
  1200  @param aTag Echo of Command Block Tag sent by the host.
  1201  @param aDataResidue the difference between the amount of data expected by the
  1202  host, and the actual amount of data processed by the device.
  1203  @param aStatus indicates the success or failure of the command.
  1204  */
  1205 void CBulkOnlyTransport::SendCSW(TUint aTag, TUint aDataResidue, TCswStatus aStatus)
  1206     {
  1207     TRACE_FUNC
  1208     TRACE_INFO((_L("DataResidue = %d, Status = %d \n"), aDataResidue, aStatus))
  1210     if (IsActive())
  1211         {
  1212         TRACE_INFO((_L("Still active")))
  1213         __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsBulkOnlyStillActive));
  1214         return;
  1215         }
  1216     TBuf8<KCswLength> csw(KCswLength);
  1218     TInt i = KCswSingnatureOffset;
  1219     csw[i] = 0x55; // CSW Singature from USB Bulk-Only Transport spec
  1220     csw[i + 1] = 0x53;
  1221     csw[i + 2] = 0x42;
  1222     csw[i + 3] = 0x53;
  1224     i = KCswTagOffset;
  1226     csw[i] = static_cast<TUint8> ((aTag & 0x000000FF));
  1227     csw[i + 1] = static_cast<TUint8> ((aTag & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
  1228     csw[i + 2] = static_cast<TUint8> ((aTag & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
  1229     csw[i + 3] = static_cast<TUint8> ((aTag & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
  1231     i = KCswDataResidueOffset;
  1232     csw[i] = static_cast<TUint8> ((aDataResidue & 0x000000FF));
  1233     csw[i + 1] = static_cast<TUint8> ((aDataResidue & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
  1234     csw[i + 2] = static_cast<TUint8> ((aDataResidue & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
  1235     csw[i + 3] = static_cast<TUint8> ((aDataResidue & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
  1237     csw[KCswStatusOffset] = static_cast<TUint8> (aStatus);
  1239     iLdd.Write(iStatus, InEndpoint, csw, KCswLength);
  1241     iCurrentState = ESendingCSW;
  1243     SetActive();
  1244     }
  1246 /**
  1247  Associates the transport with the protocol.  Called during initialization of the controller.
  1249  @param aProtocol reference to the protocol
  1250  */
  1251 void CBulkOnlyTransport::RegisterProtocol(MProtocolBase& aProtocol)
  1252     {
  1253     TRACE_FUNC
  1254     iProtocol = &aProtocol;
  1255     }
  1257 /**
  1258  Used by CControlInterface
  1260  @return reference to the controller which instantiate the CBulkOnlyTransport
  1261  */
  1262 CMscFileController& CBulkOnlyTransport::Controller()
  1263     {
  1264     return iController;
  1265     }
  1267 /**
  1268  @return the number of logical units supported by the device. 
  1269  Logical Unit Numbers on the device shall be numbered contiguously starting from LUN
  1270  0 to a maximum LUN of 15 (Fh).
  1271  */
  1272 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::MaxLun()
  1273     {
  1274     return iMaxLun;
  1275     }
  1277 /**
  1278  Used by CControlInterface
  1279  @return reference to USB logical driver
  1280  */
  1281 RDevUsbcClient& CBulkOnlyTransport::Ldd()
  1282     {
  1283     return iLdd;
  1284     }
  1287 void CBulkOnlyTransport::StallEndpointAndWaitForClear(TEndpointNumber aEndpoint)
  1288     {
  1289     TRACE_FUNC
  1290     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aEndpoint != EEndpoint0, User::Panic(KUsbMsSvrPncCat, EMsWrongEndpoint));
  1292     // Now stall this endpoint
  1293     TRACE_INFO((_L("Stalling endpoint %d"), aEndpoint))
  1294     TInt r = iLdd.HaltEndpoint(aEndpoint);
  1295     if (r != KErrNone)
  1296         {
  1297         TRACE_ERROR((_L("Error: stalling ep %d failed: %d"), aEndpoint, r))
  1298         }
  1299     TEndpointState ep_state;
  1300     TInt i = 0;
  1301     do
  1302         {
  1303         // Wait for 10ms before checking the ep status
  1304         User::After(10000);
  1305         iLdd.EndpointStatus(aEndpoint, ep_state);
  1306         if (++i >= 1000)
  1307             {
  1308             // 10 secs should be enough
  1309             TRACE_ERROR((_L("Error: Checked for ep %d de-stall %d seconds - giving up now..."),
  1310                             aEndpoint, i / 100))
  1311             // We can only hope for a Reset Recovery
  1312             return;
  1313             }
  1314         }while ((ep_state == EEndpointStateStalled) && iStarted);
  1315     TRACE_INFO((_L("Checked for ep %d de-stall: %d time(s)"), aEndpoint, i))
  1316     }
  1318 /**
  1319  * Read out rest data from OutEndpoint and discard them
  1320  */
  1321 void CBulkOnlyTransport::ReadAndDiscardData(TInt aBytes)
  1322     {
  1323     TRACE_FUNC
  1324     const TUint bufsize = static_cast<TUint>(iReadBuf.Length());
  1325     __ASSERT_ALWAYS(bufsize> 0, User::Panic(_L("Buffer size is zero"), bufsize));
  1326     TRequestStatus status;
  1327     while (aBytes> 0)
  1328         {
  1329         TRACE_INFO((_L("Bytes still to be read: %d\n"), aBytes))
  1330         iLdd.ReadOneOrMore(status, OutEndpoint, iReadBuf, bufsize);
  1331         User::WaitForRequest(status);
  1332         TInt err = status.Int();
  1333         if (err != KErrNone)
  1334             {
  1335             // Bad.
  1336             break;
  1337             }
  1338         aBytes -= iReadBuf.Length();
  1339         }
  1340     iReadBuf.SetLength(bufsize);
  1341     }
  1343 /**
  1344  Called by the protocol to determine how many bytes of data are available in the read buffer. 
  1346  @return The number of bytes available in the read buffer
  1347  */
  1348 TInt CBulkOnlyTransport::BytesAvailable()
  1349     {
  1350     TInt bytes = 0;
  1351     TInt err = iLdd.QueryReceiveBuffer(OutEndpoint, bytes);
  1352     if (err != KErrNone)
  1353         bytes = 0;
  1354     return bytes;
  1355     }
  1357 //
  1358 // --- class CActiveDeviceStateNotifier ---------------------------------------------------------
  1359 //
  1360 CActiveDeviceStateNotifier::CActiveDeviceStateNotifier(CBulkOnlyTransport& aParent)
  1361 /**
  1362  *
  1363  */
  1364 	: CActive(EPriorityStandard),
  1365 	  iParent(aParent),
  1366 	  iDeviceState(EUsbcNoState),
  1367             iOldDeviceState(EUsbcNoState)
  1368     {
  1370     }
  1373 CActiveDeviceStateNotifier* CActiveDeviceStateNotifier::NewL(CBulkOnlyTransport& aParent)
  1374 /**
  1375  *
  1376  */
  1377     {
  1378 	CActiveDeviceStateNotifier* self = new (ELeave) CActiveDeviceStateNotifier(aParent);
  1379     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  1380     self->ConstructL();
  1381     CActiveScheduler::Add(self);
  1382     CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
  1383     return (self);
  1384     }
  1386 void CActiveDeviceStateNotifier::ConstructL()
  1387 /**
  1388  *
  1389  */
  1390     {
  1391     TRACE_FUNC
  1392 	}
  1394 CActiveDeviceStateNotifier::~CActiveDeviceStateNotifier()
  1395 /**
  1396  *
  1397  */
  1398     {
  1399     TRACE_FUNC
  1400     Cancel();												// base class
  1401     }
  1403 void CActiveDeviceStateNotifier::DoCancel()
  1404 /**
  1405  *
  1406  */
  1407     {
  1408     TRACE_FUNC
  1409     iParent.Ldd().AlternateDeviceStatusNotifyCancel();
  1410     }
  1412 void CActiveDeviceStateNotifier::RunL()
  1413 /**
  1414  *
  1415  */
  1416     {
  1417     TRACE_FUNC
  1418     // This displays the device state.
  1419     // In a real world program, the user could take here appropriate action (cancel a
  1420     // transfer request or whatever).
  1421     if (!(iDeviceState & KUsbAlternateSetting))
  1422         {
  1424         switch (iDeviceState)
  1425             {
  1426             case EUsbcDeviceStateUndefined:
  1427             TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: Undefined\n")))
  1428             iParent.HwStop();
  1429             break;
  1430             case EUsbcDeviceStateAttached:
  1431             TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: Attached\n")))
  1432             iParent.HwStop();
  1433             break;
  1434             case EUsbcDeviceStatePowered:
  1435             TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: Powered\n")))
  1436             iParent.HwStop();
  1437             break;
  1438             case EUsbcDeviceStateDefault:
  1439             TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: Default\n")))
  1440             iParent.HwStop();
  1441             break;
  1442             case EUsbcDeviceStateAddress:
  1443             TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: Address\n")))
  1444             iParent.HwStop();
  1445             break;
  1446             case EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured:
  1447             TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: Configured\n")))
  1448             if (iOldDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateSuspended)
  1449                 {
  1450                 iParent.HwResume();
  1451                 }
  1452             else
  1453                 {
  1454                 iParent.HwStart();
  1455                 }
  1456             break;
  1457             case EUsbcDeviceStateSuspended:
  1458             TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: Suspended\n")))
  1459             if (iOldDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
  1460                 {
  1461                 iParent.HwSuspend();
  1462                 }
  1463             break;
  1464             default:
  1465             TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: ***BAD***\n")))
  1466             iParent.HwStop();
  1467             break;
  1468             }
  1469         iOldDeviceState = iDeviceState;
  1470         }
  1471     else if (iDeviceState & KUsbAlternateSetting)
  1472         {
  1473         TRACE_INFO((_L("Device State notifier: Alternate interface setting has changed: now %d\n"),
  1474                         iDeviceState & ~KUsbAlternateSetting))
  1475         }
  1476     Activate();
  1477     }
  1479 void CActiveDeviceStateNotifier::Activate()
  1480 /**
  1481  *
  1482  */
  1483     {
  1484     TRACE_FUNC
  1485     if (IsActive())
  1486         {
  1487         TRACE_INFO((_L("Still active")))
  1488         return;
  1489         }
  1490     iParent.Ldd().AlternateDeviceStatusNotify(iStatus, iDeviceState);
  1491     SetActive();
  1492     }