1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
3 <TS version="3.0" language="en_GB" sourcelanguage="en_GB"> |
4 <context> |
5 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_description_5"> |
6 <comment>Description for USB Ovi Suite personality. This gives user help about the selected personality.</comment> |
7 <source>Manage your phone with Ovi Suite and sync your media content.</source> |
8 <translation variants="no">Manage your phone with Ovi Suite and sync your media content.</translation> |
9 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
10 <extra-loc-viewid>Text ID</extra-loc-viewid> |
11 <extra-loc-positionid>description</extra-loc-positionid> |
12 <extra-loc-feature>Te</extra-loc-feature> |
13 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
14 </message> |
15 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_modelistname_5"> |
16 <comment>USB mode name for Ovi Suite personality. This is used in USB application in a radio button list. Note that this string should use exactly the same words as txt_usb_modename_5.</comment> |
17 <source>Ovi Suite</source> |
18 <translation variants="no">Ovi Suite</translation> |
19 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
20 <extra-loc-viewid>Comment</extra-loc-viewid> |
21 <extra-loc-positionid>modelistname</extra-loc-positionid> |
22 <extra-loc-feature>Co</extra-loc-feature> |
23 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
24 </message> |
25 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_modelistname_2"> |
26 <comment>USB mode name for Mass storage personality. This is used in USB application in a radio button list. Note that this string should use exactly the same words as txt_usb_modename_2.</comment> |
27 <source>Mass storage</source> |
28 <translation variants="no">Mass storage</translation> |
29 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
30 <extra-loc-viewid>Layout ID</extra-loc-viewid> |
31 <extra-loc-positionid>modelistname</extra-loc-positionid> |
32 <extra-loc-feature>La</extra-loc-feature> |
33 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
34 </message> |
35 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_modename_2"> |
36 <comment>USB mode name for Mass storage personality. This is used in USB application as the default (selected) mode.</comment> |
37 <source>Mass storage</source> |
38 <translation variants="no">Mass storage</translation> |
39 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
40 <extra-loc-viewid>View ID (draft)</extra-loc-viewid> |
41 <extra-loc-positionid>modename</extra-loc-positionid> |
42 <extra-loc-feature>Vi</extra-loc-feature> |
43 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
44 </message> |
45 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_modelistname_6"> |
46 <comment>USB mode name for Phone as modem personality. This is used in USB application in a radio button list. Note that this string should use exactly the same words as txt_usb_modename_6.</comment> |
47 <source>Connect PC to Web</source> |
48 <translation variants="no">Connect PC to Web</translation> |
49 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
50 <extra-loc-viewid></extra-loc-viewid> |
51 <extra-loc-positionid>modelistname</extra-loc-positionid> |
52 <extra-loc-feature></extra-loc-feature> |
53 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
54 </message> |
55 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_description_2"> |
56 <comment>Description for USB Mass storage personality. This gives user help about the selected personality.</comment> |
57 <source>Access your phones memory card from the device you are connected to.</source> |
58 <translation variants="no">Access your phones memory card from the device you are connected to.</translation> |
59 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
60 <extra-loc-viewid>Position ID</extra-loc-viewid> |
61 <extra-loc-positionid>description</extra-loc-positionid> |
62 <extra-loc-feature>Po</extra-loc-feature> |
63 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
64 </message> |
65 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_modelistname_4"> |
66 <comment>USB mode name for MTP personality. This is used in USB application in a radio button list. Note that this string should use exactly the same words as txt_usb_modename_4.</comment> |
67 <source>Media transfer</source> |
68 <translation variants="no">Media transfer</translation> |
69 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
70 <extra-loc-viewid></extra-loc-viewid> |
71 <extra-loc-positionid>modelistname</extra-loc-positionid> |
72 <extra-loc-feature></extra-loc-feature> |
73 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
74 </message> |
75 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_modename_5"> |
76 <comment>USB mode name for Ovi Suite personality. This is used in USB application as the default (selected) mode.</comment> |
77 <source>Ovi Suite</source> |
78 <translation variants="no">Ovi Suite</translation> |
79 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
80 <extra-loc-viewid>File name</extra-loc-viewid> |
81 <extra-loc-positionid>modename</extra-loc-positionid> |
82 <extra-loc-feature>Fi</extra-loc-feature> |
83 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
84 </message> |
85 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_description_6"> |
86 <comment>Description for USB Phone as Modem personality. This gives user help about the selected personality.</comment> |
87 <source>Use your mobile phone as a modem</source> |
88 <translation variants="no">Use your mobile phone as a modem</translation> |
89 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
90 <extra-loc-viewid></extra-loc-viewid> |
91 <extra-loc-positionid>description</extra-loc-positionid> |
92 <extra-loc-feature></extra-loc-feature> |
93 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
94 </message> |
95 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_description_4"> |
96 <comment>Description for USB MTP personality. This gives user help about the selected personality.</comment> |
97 <source>Sync your media content with Windows Media Player or Nokia Ovi Player, or connect to compatible stereos.</source> |
98 <translation variants="no">Sync your media content with Windows Media Player or Nokia Ovi Player, or connect to compatible stereos.</translation> |
99 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
100 <extra-loc-viewid></extra-loc-viewid> |
101 <extra-loc-positionid>description</extra-loc-positionid> |
102 <extra-loc-feature></extra-loc-feature> |
103 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
104 </message> |
105 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_modename_6"> |
106 <comment>USB mode name for Phone as Modem personality. This is used in USB application as the default (selected) mode.</comment> |
107 <source>Connect PC to Web</source> |
108 <translation variants="no">Connect PC to Web</translation> |
109 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
110 <extra-loc-viewid></extra-loc-viewid> |
111 <extra-loc-positionid>modename</extra-loc-positionid> |
112 <extra-loc-feature></extra-loc-feature> |
113 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
114 </message> |
115 <message numerus="no" id="txt_usb_modename_4"> |
116 <comment>USB mode name for MTP personality. This is used in USB application as the default (selected) mode.</comment> |
117 <source>Media transfer</source> |
118 <translation variants="no">Media transfer</translation> |
119 <extra-loc-layout_id></extra-loc-layout_id> |
120 <extra-loc-viewid></extra-loc-viewid> |
121 <extra-loc-positionid>modename</extra-loc-positionid> |
122 <extra-loc-feature></extra-loc-feature> |
123 <extra-loc-blank>False</extra-loc-blank> |
124 </message> |
125 </context> |
126 </TS> |