changeset 92 dde4619868dc
parent 86 703a2b94c06c
child 95 55a3258355ea
equal deleted inserted replaced
86:703a2b94c06c 92:dde4619868dc
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "stubsrv.h"
    19 #include "stubsrvsession.h"
    20 #include "stubsrvapiexecutor.h"
    21 #include "apibehavior.h"
    22 #include "stubsrvsecuritypolicy.h"
    24 CStubSrv::CStubSrv(TInt aPriority)
    25   	:CPolicyServer(aPriority, KStubSrvPolicy)
    26     {
    27     }
    29 CStubSrv* CStubSrv::NewLC()
    30     {
    31     CStubSrv* self = new (ELeave) CStubSrv(EPriorityNormal);
    32     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    33     self->StartL(KStubSrvName);
    34     self->ConstructL();
    35     return self;
    36     }
    38 CStubSrv::~CStubSrv()
    39     {
    40     iBehQueue.ResetAndDestroy();
    41     iBehQueue.Close();
    42     iSessions.Close();
    43     delete iTimer;
    44     }
    46 const TInt KShutdownDelay = 1000000;
    48 void CStubSrv::StartShutdownTimerIfNoSessions()
    49 	{
    50 	if (iSessions.Count() == 0 && !iTimer->IsActive())
    51 		{
    52 		iTimer->Start(KShutdownDelay, 0, TCallBack(CStubSrv::TimerFired, this));
    53 		}
    54 	}
    56 TInt CStubSrv::ClientOpened(CStubSrvSess& aSession)
    57 	{
    58 	return iSessions.Append(&aSession);
    59 	}
    61 void CStubSrv::ClientClosed(CStubSrvSess& aSession)
    62 	{
    63 	const TUint sessCount = iSessions.Count();
    64 	for ( TUint ii = 0 ; ii < sessCount ; ++ii )
    65 		{
    66 		if ( iSessions[ii] == &aSession )
    67 			{
    68 			iSessions.Remove(ii);
    69 			break;
    70 			}
    71 		}
    72 	StartShutdownTimerIfNoSessions();
    73 	}
    75 void CStubSrv::EnqueueL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
    76     {
    77     TApiBehaviorPckgBuf buf;
    78     aMessage.ReadL(0, buf);
    79     TInt duration = aMessage.Int1();
    81     TInt sesss = iSessions.Count();
    82     for (TInt i = 0; i < sesss; i++)
    83         {
    84         TInt err = iSessions[i]->ConsumeApiBehavior(buf(), duration);
    85         if (err == KErrNone)
    86             {
    87             return;
    88             }
    89         }
    90     TApiQueueItem* item = new (ELeave) TApiQueueItem();
    91     item->iBeh = buf();
    92     item->iExeDuration = duration;
    93     item->iTransactionId = 0;  
    94     CleanupStack::PushL(item);
    95     iBehQueue.AppendL(item);
    96     CleanupStack::Pop(item);
    97     }
    99 void CStubSrv::DeleteQueues(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   100     {
   101     TUint lib = aMessage.Int0();
   102     TUint api = aMessage.Int1();
   103     TInt count = iBehQueue.Count();
   104     for (TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
   105         {
   106         if (iBehQueue[i]->iBeh.MatchId(lib, api))
   107             {
   108             delete iBehQueue[i];
   109             iBehQueue.Remove(i);
   110             }
   111         }
   112     }
   114 TInt CStubSrv::Dequeue(TApiBehavior& aBeh, TInt& aExeDuration, TInt aTransactionId)
   115 	{
   116     TInt count = iBehQueue.Count();
   117     for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   118         {
   119         if (iBehQueue[i]->iBeh.MatchId(aBeh.iLib, aBeh.iApi) &&
   120             aTransactionId == iBehQueue[i]->iTransactionId)
   121             {
   122             aBeh = iBehQueue[i]->iBeh;
   123             aExeDuration = iBehQueue[i]->iExeDuration;
   124             delete iBehQueue[i];
   125             iBehQueue.Remove(i);
   126             return KErrNone;
   127             }
   128         }
   129     return KErrNotFound;	
   130 	}
   132 void CStubSrv::GetApiCompleteCodeL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   133     {
   134     TUint lib = aMessage.Int0();
   135     TUint api = aMessage.Int1();
   136     TInt count = iBehQueue.Count();
   137     for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   138         {
   139         if (iBehQueue[i]->iBeh.MatchId(lib, api))
   140             {
   141             iBehQueue[i]->iTransactionId = iTransctionUnique++;
   142             TPckgBuf<TInt> buf(iBehQueue[i]->iTransactionId);
   143             aMessage.WriteL(2, buf);
   144             aMessage.Complete(iBehQueue[i]->iBeh.iCompleteCode);
   145             return;
   146             }
   147         }
   148     aMessage.Complete(0);
   149     }
   151 void CStubSrv::ConstructL()
   152     {
   153     iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
   154     }
   156 CSession2* CStubSrv::NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/) const
   157     {
   158 	TVersion v(KStubSrvMajorVersionNumber, KStubSrvMinorVersionNumber, KStubSrvBuildNumber);
   159 	if ( !User::QueryVersionSupported(v, aVersion) )
   160 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   161     CStubSrvSess* session = CStubSrvSess::NewL(const_cast<CStubSrv&>(*this));
   162     const_cast<CStubSrv*>(this)->CancelShutdownTimer();
   163     return session;
   164     }
   166 void CStubSrv::CancelShutdownTimer()
   167     {
   168     iTimer->Cancel();
   169     }
   171 TInt CStubSrv::TimerFired(TAny* /*aThis*/)
   172 	{
   173 	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   174 	return KErrNone;
   175 	}
   177 static void RunServerL()
   178 	{
   179     static_cast<void>(User::LeaveIfError(User::RenameThread(KStubSrvName)));	
   180 	CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
   181 	CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
   182 	CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
   183     CStubSrv::NewLC();
   184 	RProcess::Rendezvous(KErrNone);
   185 	CActiveScheduler::Start();
   186 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, scheduler);
   187 	}
   189 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
   190     {
   191 	TInt ret = KErrNoMemory;
   192 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   193 	CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
   194 	if (cleanup)
   195 		{
   196 		TRAP(ret, RunServerL());
   197 		delete cleanup;
   198 		}
   199 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   200 	return ret;    
   201     }