changeset 80 e02eb84a14d2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/usbuis/usbuinotif/data/usbuinotif.rss	Wed Sep 01 12:20:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  This file contains all the resources for the module 
+*                   USBUINotif.
+#include <eikon.rsg>
+#include <eikon.rh>
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+#include <avkon.rh>
+#include <avkon.mbg>
+#include <avkon.loc>
+#include <usbuinotif.loc>
+//default document name - not used
+RESOURCE TBUF { buf=""; }
+// === QUERIES ================================================================
+// r_usb_query_with_cancel
+// Query resource (with Cancel) 
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_usb_query_with_cancel
+    {
+    flags   = EGeneralQueryFlags;
+    items   =
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type    = EAknCtQuery;
+            id      = EGeneralQuery;
+            control = AVKON_CONFIRMATION_QUERY
+                {
+                layout    = EConfirmationQueryLayout;
+                animation = R_QGN_NOTE_QUERY_ANIM;
+                };
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// r_usb_query_without_cancel 
+// Query resource (without Cancel) 
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_usb_query_without_cancel
+    {
+    flags   = EGeneralQueryFlags;
+    items   =
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type    = EAknCtQuery;
+            id      = EGeneralQuery;
+            control = AVKON_CONFIRMATION_QUERY
+                {
+                layout    = EConfirmationQueryLayout;
+                animation = R_QGN_NOTE_INFO_ANIM;
+                };
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// r_usb_on_connection_query
+// Defines a dialog for usb mode query
+RESOURCE AVKON_LIST_QUERY r_usb_on_connection_query
+    {
+    items =
+        {
+            {
+            control = AVKON_LIST_QUERY_CONTROL
+                {
+                listtype = EAknCtSingleGraphicPopupMenuListBox;
+                listbox = AVKON_LIST_QUERY_LIST
+                    {
+                    array_id = r_usb_empty_array;
+                    };
+                heading = qtn_usb_mode_query_header; 
+                };
+            }
+        };
+    }
+//Prompts for message queries
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_mode_msg_header {
+    buf=qtn_usb_mode_msg_header; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_mode_msg_mass_storage {
+    buf= "%U mode :\n"qtn_usb_mode_msg_mass_storage"\n<AknMessageQuery Link>"qtn_usb_mode_msg_link"</AknMessageQuery Link>"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_mode_msg_pc_suite {
+    buf= "%U mode :\n"qtn_usb_mode_msg_pc_suite"\n<AknMessageQuery Link>" qtn_usb_mode_msg_link"</AknMessageQuery Link>"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_mode_msg_mtp {
+    buf= "%U mode :\n"qtn_usb_mode_msg_mtp"\n<AknMessageQuery Link>" qtn_usb_mode_msg_link"</AknMessageQuery Link>"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_mode_msg_ptp {
+    buf= "%U mode :\n"qtn_usb_mode_msg_ptp"\n<AknMessageQuery Link>" qtn_usb_mode_msg_link"</AknMessageQuery Link>"; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_mode_msg_link {
+    buf=qtn_usb_mode_msg_link; }
+// r_usb_on_connection_message_query
+// Defines a dialog for ask on connection query
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_usb_on_connection_message_query 
+    {
+    flags = EGeneralQueryFlags | EEikDialogFlagNoBorder | EEikDialogFlagNoShadow;
+    items=
+        {
+        DLG_LINE 
+            {
+            type = EAknCtPopupHeadingPane;
+            id = EAknMessageQueryHeaderId;
+            control = AVKON_HEADING
+                {
+                label = header_not_defined;
+                };
+            },
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type = EAknCtMessageQuery;
+            id = EAknMessageQueryContentId;
+            control = AVKON_MESSAGE_QUERY
+                {
+                };
+            }
+        };
+    }
+// r_usb_empty_array
+// Defines an empty array
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_usb_empty_array
+    {
+    items=
+        {
+        LBUF { txt=""; }
+        };
+    }
+// Prompts for information notes
+// Prompts for confirmation queries
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_memory_card_locked { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_mode_note_memory_card_locked; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_cable_unsafely_removed {
+    buf = qtn_usb_mode_note_cable_unsafely_removed; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_memorycard_unsafely_removed { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_mode_note_mmc_unsafely_removed; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_change_from_mass_storage {
+    buf = qtn_usb_mode_query_change_from_mass_storage; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_storage_media_failure { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_mode_note_storage_media_failure; }
+// USB OTG Resources
+// r_usb_query_otg_error
+RESOURCE DIALOG r_usb_query_otg_error
+    {
+    flags   = EGeneralQueryFlags;
+    items   =
+        {
+        DLG_LINE
+            {
+            type    = EAknCtQuery;
+            id      = EGeneralQuery;
+            control = AVKON_CONFIRMATION_QUERY
+                {
+                layout    = EConfirmationQueryLayout;
+                animation = R_QGN_NOTE_ERROR_ANIM;
+                };
+            }
+        };
+    }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_otg_error_current_limit { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_error_current_limit; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_otg_error_too_much_current_required { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_error_too_much_current_required; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_otg_error_unsupported { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_error_unsupported; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_otg_error_hub_unsupported { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_error_hub; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_otg_error_unrecoverable { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_error_unrecoverable; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_otg_warning_partial_support { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_warning_partial_support; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_no_memory_card {
+    buf = qtn_usb_mode_query_no_memory_card; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_otg_error_attach_timedout { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_error_cable; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_msmm_error_unknown_filesystem { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_error_unsupported_filesystem; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_msmm_error_general_mass_storage_error { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_otg_general_mass_storage_error; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_msmm_error_out_of_memory { 
+    buf = qtn_memlo_not_enough_memory; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_error_memory_not_enough { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_error_memory_not_enough; }
+RESOURCE TBUF r_usb_error_disk_full { 
+    buf = qtn_usb_error_disk_full; }
+// End of File