changeset 18 2c61986c60fa
parent 16 ae43a6765dd5
child 20 fbe6578feb8b
--- a/dvrengine/CommonRecordingEngine/src/CCRSock.cpp	Fri Apr 16 16:02:30 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,913 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:    Handles tcp/udp socket*
-#include "CCRSock.h"
-#include "videoserviceutilsLogger.h"
-_LIT( KCRSockLocalhost, "" );
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::CCRSock
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    MCRSockObserver& aObserver,
-    TInt aSockId, 
-    RConnection& aConnection,
-    RSocketServ& aSockServer, 
-    TBool aProtoTCP,
-    TBool aIssueRead )
-  : CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
-    iSockServer( aSockServer ),
-    iSockStatus( CCRSock::EInitNeeded ),
-    iObserver( aObserver ),
-    iSockId( aSockId ),
-    iProtoTCP( aProtoTCP ),
-    iIssueRead( aIssueRead ),
-    iReceivedData( NULL, 0 ),
-    iSentData( NULL, 0 ),
-    iConnection( aConnection )
-    {
-    // None
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCRSock* CCRSock::NewL(
-    MCRSockObserver& aObserver,
-    TInt aSockId, 
-    RConnection& aConnection,
-    RSocketServ& aSockServer,
-    TBool aProtoTCP,
-    TBool aIssueRead )
-    {
-    CCRSock* self = new( ELeave ) CCRSock( aObserver, aSockId, aConnection,
-                                           aSockServer, aProtoTCP, aIssueRead );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSock::ConstructL()
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSock::ConstructL() in" );
-    iReceivedDataBuf = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxDataSize );
-    iReceivedData.Set( iReceivedDataBuf->Des() );
-    iSentDataBuf = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxDataSize );
-    iSentData.Set( iSentDataBuf->Des() );
-    // Add self to active scheduler
-    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
-    if ( iIssueRead )
-        {
-        iReader = CCRSockReader::NewL( *this, iConnection, iSockServer );
-        }
-    iToAddr.SetPort( 0 );
-    LOG( "CCRSock::ConstructL() out" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::~CCRSock
-// Destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSock::~CCRSock()" );
-    CleanUp();
-    delete iReader;
-    delete iSentDataBuf;
-    delete iReceivedDataBuf;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::RunL
-// "Brain"
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSock::RunL() 
-    {
-    TInt err( KErrNone ); 
-    if ( iStatus == KErrEof && iWasListening )
-        {
-        iSocket.Close();
-        err = iSocket.Open( iSockServer );
-        if ( err == KErrNone )
-            {   
-            LOG1( "CCRSock::RunL(), reopening sock: %d for listen", iSockId );
-            iIsiSocketOpen = ETrue; 
-            iListenSocket.Accept( iSocket, iStatus );
-            iSockStatus = CCRSock::EListening;              
-            SetActive(); 
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            LOG2( "CCRSock::RunL(), iSocket.Open FAILED id: %d err: %d",
-                                                        iSockId, err );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        switch ( iSockStatus )
-            {
-        case EResolving: // in connection, this is usually 1st time to come to RunL
-            if ( iStatus == KErrNone )
-                { // host name found
-                iHostAddress().iAddr.SetPort( iPort );
-                iSocket.Close();
-                err = iSocket.Open( iSockServer, 
-                                   KAfInet, 
-                                   iProtoTCP ? KSockStream : KSockDatagram, 
-                                   iProtoTCP ? KProtocolInetTcp : KProtocolInetUdp,
-                                   iConnection )                ;
-                if ( err )
-                    {
-                    iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-                    iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, err );
-                    iResolver.Close();
-                    LOG2( "CCRSock::RunL(), iSockId: %d, err: %d", iSockId, err );
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    iIsiSocketOpen = ETrue; 
-                    if ( iLocalPort > 0 )
-                        {
-                        TInetAddr bindAddr( KInetAddrAny, iLocalPort );
-                        err = iSocket.Bind( bindAddr ); 
-                        if ( err != KErrNone ) 
-                            {
-                            LOG2( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), Bind FAILED, Id: %d, err %d", iSockId, err ); 
-                            }
-                        }
-                    LOG2( "CCRSock::RunL(), iSockId: %d, port: %d",
-                                            iSockId, iHostAddress().iAddr.Port() );
-                    iSocket.Connect( iHostAddress().iAddr, iStatus );
-                    iToAddr = iHostAddress().iAddr;
-                    err = iSocket.SetOpt( KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket);
-                    if ( err != KErrNone )
-                        {
-                        LOG1( "CCRSock::RunL(), iSocket.SetOpt FAILED: %d", err );
-                        }
-                    iSockStatus = CCRSock::EConnecting;
-                    iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, err );
-                    SetActive();
-                    iResolver.Close();
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                { // resolving not ok
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-                iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, iStatus.Int() );
-                iResolver.Close();
-                }
-            break;
-        case EConnecting:
-            if ( iStatus == KErrNone ) // success
-                {
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EIdle;
-                // next action is up to user, don't do SetActive here.
-                LOG1( "CCRSock::RunL(), iSockId: %d", iSockId );
-                if ( iIssueRead && iReader && ( !iReader->IsActive() ) ) 
-                    {
-                    iReader->IssueRead();
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-                iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, iStatus.Int() );
-                CleanUp(); /* close everything */
-                }       
-            iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, iStatus.Int() );
-            break;
-        case ESending:
-            // send has been finished,somehow:
-            if ( iStatus == KErrNone ) // success
-                {
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE ) 
-                sendBytes += iSentDataLen();
-                sendCount ++;
-                if ( ( sendCount % 50 ) == 0 )
-                    {
-                    LOG3( "CCRSock::RunL(), sendCount: %d, sendBytes: %d, iSockId: %d",
-                                            sendCount, sendBytes, iSockId );
-                    }
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EIdle;       
-                // next action is up to user, don't do SetActive here.
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-                CleanUp(); /* close everything */
-                }
-            iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, iStatus.Int() );
-            break;
-        case EListening:
-            if ( iStatus == KErrNone ) // success, da zocket is open
-                {
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EIdle;       
-                if ( iIssueRead && iReader && ( !iReader->IsActive() ) ) 
-                    {
-                    iReader->IssueRead();               
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-                CleanUp(); /* close everything */
-                }
-            iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, iStatus.Int() );
-            break;                                                              
-        default:
-            __ASSERT_DEBUG( 1==2, User::Panic( _L("CRRTP"), KErrArgument) );
-            break; /* this should not happend? */       
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::DoCancel
-// Cancels pending actions
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSock::DoCancel() 
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSock::DoCancel() in" );
-    if ( iIsiSocketOpen )
-        {
-        iSocket.CancelAll();
-        }
-    if ( iIsiListenSocketOpen )
-        {
-        iListenSocket.CancelAll(); 
-        }
-    LOG( "CCRSock::DoCancel() out" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::CopySendData
-// Handles send buffer size.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSock::CopySendData( const TDesC8& aData ) 
-    {
-    if ( aData.Length() > iSentData.MaxLength() )
-        {
-        // Alloc more than 8k
-        delete iSentDataBuf; iSentDataBuf = NULL;
-        iSentDataBuf = HBufC8::New( aData.Length() );
-        iSentData.Set( iSentDataBuf->Des() );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        if ( iSentData.MaxLength() > KMaxDataSize &&
-             aData.Length() <= KMaxDataSize  )
-            {
-            // Back to 8k if not more needed
-            delete iSentDataBuf; iSentDataBuf = NULL;
-            iSentDataBuf = HBufC8::New( KMaxDataSize );
-            iSentData.Set( iSentDataBuf->Des() );
-            }
-        }
-    iSentData.Copy( aData );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::CleanUp
-// Performs cleanup
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSock::CleanUp() 
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSock::CleanUp() in" );
-    Cancel();
-    iResolver.Close();
-    iSocket.Close();
-    iListenSocket.Close(); 
-    iSockStatus = CCRSock::EInitNeeded;
-    iIsiSocketOpen = EFalse;    
-    iIsiListenSocketOpen = EFalse;
-    LOG( "CCRSock::CleanUp() out" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::RunError
-// Q: Is anything wrong
-// A: Thanks for asking. About everything. 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRSock::RunError( TInt aError )
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRSock::RunError(), aError: %d", aError );
-    ( void )aError; // Prevent compiler warning
-    return KErrNone;        
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::ConnectSock
-// Initiates connection to remote addr. 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRSock::ConnectSock(
-    const TDesC& aAddr,
-    TUint aPort,
-    TInt aLocalPort ) 
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSock::ConnectSock()" );
-    TInt retval( KErrNone );
-    if ( IsActive() ) 
-        {
-        retval = KErrInUse;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iWasListening = EFalse;
-        iPort = aPort;
-        iLocalPort = aLocalPort; 
-        if ( aAddr.Compare( KCRSockLocalhost() ) != 0 ) 
-            {
-            iResolver.Close();
-            if ( (retval = iResolver.Open( iSockServer, KAfInet, 
-                                           KProtocolInetTcp, iConnection) ) == KErrNone )
-                {
-                iResolver.GetByName( aAddr, iHostAddress, iStatus ); 
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EResolving;
-                SetActive();
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                LOG2( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), Resolver.Open id: %d, err: %d",
-                                                        iSockId, retval ); 
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;             
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            { // localhost, no need to resolve
-            iHostAddress().iAddr.SetPort( iPort );
-            iSocket.Close();
-            retval = iSocket.Open( iSockServer, 
-                                  KAfInet, 
-                                  iProtoTCP ? KSockStream : KSockDatagram, 
-                                  iProtoTCP ? KProtocolInetTcp : KProtocolInetUdp,
-                                  iConnection )             ;
-            if ( retval )
-                {
-                LOG2( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), Socket.Open id: %d, err: %d",
-                                                      iSockId, retval );
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iIsiSocketOpen = ETrue;
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EConnecting;
-                if ( aLocalPort > 0 )
-                    {
-                    TInetAddr bindAddr( KInetAddrAny, aLocalPort );
-                    TInt err( iSocket.Bind( bindAddr ) );
-                    if ( err != KErrNone )
-                        {
-                        LOG2( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), Bind FAILED iSockId: %d, err: %d",
-                                                                   iSockId, err );
-                        }
-                    }
-                iToAddr = TInetAddr( KInetAddrLoop, aPort );
-                LOG2( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), iSockId %d port %d",
-                                               iSockId, aPort );
-                iSocket.Connect( iToAddr, iStatus );
-                SetActive();
-                if ( iProtoTCP ) 
-                    {
-                    retval = iSocket.SetOpt( KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket );
-                    }
-                iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, retval );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    LOG1( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), retVal: %d", retval );
-    return retval;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::ConnectSock
-// Initiates connection to remote addr without resolving. 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRSock::ConnectSock(
-    const TSockAddr& aAddr,
-    TInt aLocalPort ) 
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), no dns" );
-    TInt retval( KErrNone );
-    if ( IsActive() ) 
-        {
-        retval = KErrInUse;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iWasListening = EFalse;
-        iPort = aAddr.Port();
-        iLocalPort = aLocalPort; 
-        iHostAddress().iAddr = aAddr; 
-        iSocket.Close();
-        retval = iSocket.Open( iSockServer, 
-                              KAfInet, 
-                              iProtoTCP ? KSockStream : KSockDatagram, 
-                              iProtoTCP ? KProtocolInetTcp : KProtocolInetUdp,
-                              iConnection ) ;       
-        if ( retval )
-            {
-            LOG2( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), Socket.Open id: %d, err: %d",
-                                                  iSockId, retval );
-            iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iIsiSocketOpen = ETrue;
-            iSockStatus = CCRSock::EConnecting;
-            if ( aLocalPort > 0 )
-                {
-                TInetAddr bindAddr( KInetAddrAny, aLocalPort );
-                TInt err( iSocket.Bind( bindAddr ) );
-                if ( err != KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    LOG2( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), Bind FAILED id: %d err: %d",
-                                                               iSockId, err );
-                    }
-                }
-            iToAddr = aAddr; 
-            LOG2( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), id: %d, port: %d", iSockId, iPort );
-            iSocket.Connect( iToAddr, iStatus );
-            SetActive();
-            if ( iProtoTCP ) 
-                {
-                retval = iSocket.SetOpt( KSOBlockingIO, KSOLSocket );
-                }
-            iObserver.SockStatusChange( iSockId, iSockStatus, retval );
-            }
-        }
-    LOG1( "CCRSock::ConnectSock(), retVal: %d", retval );
-    return retval;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::ListenPort
-// Starts listening to port. Synchronous. 
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRSock::ListenPort( TUint aPort )
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRSock::ListenPort(), aPort: %d", aPort );
-    TInt retval( KErrNone );
-    if ( IsActive() ) 
-        {
-        return KErrInUse;
-        }
-    if ( iSockStatus != CCRSock::EInitNeeded    )
-        {
-        return KErrNotReady;
-        }
-    iHostAddress().iAddr.SetPort( iPort );
-    iWasListening = ETrue; 
-    if ( iProtoTCP )
-        { 
-        iListenSocket.Close();
-        if ( ( retval = iListenSocket.Open( iSockServer, KAfInet,
-               KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, iConnection ) ) == KErrNone )
-            {
-            iIsiListenSocketOpen = ETrue; 
-            TInetAddr listenAddr( KInetAddrAny, aPort );
-            LOG2( "CCRSock::ListenPort(), id: %d, port: %d", iSockId,(TInt)aPort);            
-            retval = iListenSocket.Bind( listenAddr );
-            if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                {
-                retval = iListenSocket.Listen( 5 );
-                if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    iSocket.Close();
-                    retval = iSocket.Open( iSockServer );
-                    if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                        {   
-                        iIsiSocketOpen = ETrue;
-                        iListenSocket.Accept( iSocket, iStatus );
-                        iSockStatus = CCRSock::EListening;
-                        SetActive();
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        LOG1( "CCRSock::ListenPort(), iSocket.Open FAILED retval: %d", retval );
-                        }
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    LOG1( "CCRSock::ListenPort(), iListenSock.Listen FAILED retval: %d", retval );
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                LOG2( "CCRSock::ListenPort() iListenSocket.Bind FAILED Id: %d, retval: %d", iSockId, retval);
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            LOG2( "ListenSocket.Open id: %d, err: %d", iSockId, retval );
-            }   
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // for UDP things are different: just open, bind 
-        iSocket.Close();
-        if ( ( retval = iSocket.Open( iSockServer, 
-                                      KAfInet, 
-                                      KSockDatagram, 
-                                      KProtocolInetUdp,
-                                      iConnection ) ) != KErrNone )
-            {
-            iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-            LOG2( "CCRSock::ListenPort(), UDPSocket.Open id: %d, err: %d", iSockId, retval );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            TInetAddr listenAddr( KInetAddrAny, aPort );
-            retval = iSocket.Bind( listenAddr );
-            if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                {
-                LOG2( "CCRSock::ListenPort(), udp: %d ok, id: %d", aPort,iSockId );
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EIdle;
-                iIsiSocketOpen = ETrue;
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                LOG2( "CCRSock::ListenPort(), UDPSocket.Bind FAILED id: %d, retval: %d", iSockId, retval ); 
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-                }
-            if ( iIssueRead && iReader && ( !iReader->IsActive() ) ) 
-                {
-                iReader->IssueRead();                   
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    LOG1( "CCRSock::ListenPort(), retval: %d", retval );
-    return retval; 
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::JoinGroup
-// Joins a multicast group. Synchronous.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRSock::JoinGroup( const TInetAddr& aGroupAddr )
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSock::JoinGroup()" );
-    TPckgBuf<TIp6Mreq> request;
-    request().iAddr = aGroupAddr.Ip6Address();
-    request().iInterface = 0;
-    return iSocket.SetOpt( KSoIp6JoinGroup, KSolInetIp, request );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::SendData
-// Initiates async data sending
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSock::SendData( const TDesC8& aDataThatIsSentOverSocket )
-    {
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE ) 
-    if ( iProtoTCP && aDataThatIsSentOverSocket.Length() &&
-         aDataThatIsSentOverSocket[0] != ( TUint8 )( '$' ) )
-        {   
-        LOG2("CCRSock::SendData(), id: %d, len: %d", 
-                                   iSockId, aDataThatIsSentOverSocket.Length() ); 
-        TChar c;
-        TName d;
-        for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < aDataThatIsSentOverSocket.Length(); i++ )
-            {
-            c = aDataThatIsSentOverSocket[i]; 
-            d.Append( c ); 
-            if ( ( i > 0 ) && ( i % 80 ) == 0 )
-                {
-                LOG1( ">%S<", &d );             
-                d.Zero(); 
-                }
-            }
-        LOG1( ">%S<", &d );
-        }
-    // Data to socket
-    if ( !IsActive() )
-        {
-        CopySendData( aDataThatIsSentOverSocket );
-        if ( iProtoTCP )
-            {       
-            iSocket.Write( iSentData, iStatus );
-            iSockStatus = CCRSock::ESending;
-            SetActive();
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            if ( iToAddr.Port() != 0 ) 
-                {
-                iSocket.SendTo( iSentData, iToAddr, 0, iStatus, iSentDataLen );
-                iSockStatus = CCRSock::ESending;                
-                SetActive();
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                LOG1( "CCRSock::SendData(), Discarding send, id: %d" ,iSockId );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        LOG2( "CCRSock::SendData(), id: %d, Already active, Dumped packet, len: %d" ,
-            iSockId, aDataThatIsSentOverSocket.Length() );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::SockStatus
-// returns status
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCRSock::TCRSockStatus CCRSock::SockStatus() const
-    {   
-    return iSockStatus; 
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::ConnectedAddr
-// returns endpoint addr of this sock
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInetAddr CCRSock::ConnectedAddr( void )
-    {
-    TInetAddr addr;
-    iSocket.RemoteName( addr );
-    return addr;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::LocalAddr
-// returns local addr of this sock
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInetAddr CCRSock::LocalAddr( void )
-    {
-    TInetAddr addr;
-    iSocket.LocalName( addr );
-    return addr;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::SetToAddr
-// sets "to" addr of this sock
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSock::SetToAddr( const TInetAddr &aAddr )
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSock::SetToAddr() in" );
-    iToAddr = aAddr;    
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE ) 
-    TName an_addr;
-    iToAddr.Output( an_addr ); 
-    LOG3( "CCRSock::SetToAddr(), id: %d, addr: %S, port: %d", iSockId, &an_addr, aAddr.Port() );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::Socket
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RSocket& CCRSock::Socket()
-    {
-    return iSocket;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------- here begins implementation of "SockReader" helper class----------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSockReader::NewL
-// Construction startpoint
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCRSockReader* CCRSockReader::NewL(
-    CCRSock& aSock, 
-    RConnection& aConnection, RSocketServ& aSockServer )
-    {
-    CCRSockReader* self = new ( ELeave ) CCRSockReader( 
-        aSock, aConnection, aSockServer );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSockReader::CCRSockReader
-// Default constructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      CCRSock& aSock, RConnection& aConnection,
-      RSocketServ& aSockServer ) 
-    : CActive( EPriorityStandard ),
-      iSock( aSock ),
-      iConnection( aConnection ),
-      iSockServer( aSockServer )
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSockReader::ConstructL
-// Actual constructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSockReader::ConstructL() 
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSockReader::ConstructL()" );
-    // Add self to active scheduler
-    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );  
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSock::~CCRSockReader
-// Destructor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSockReader::~CCRSockReader()" );
-    Cancel();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSockReader::RunL
-// Work-horse
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSockReader::RunL()
-    {
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE ) 
-    if ( iSock.iProtoTCP && iStatus.Int() != KErrNone )
-        {
-        LOG2( "CCRSockReader::RunL(), id: %d, status: %d", iSock.iSockId, iStatus.Int() );
-        }
-    switch ( iStatus.Int() )    
-        {
-        case KErrNone:
-            {
-#if defined( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE )
-            if ( !iSock.iProtoTCP ) 
-                {
-                recvBytes += iSock.iReceivedData.Length();
-                recvCount ++;
-                if ( ( recvCount % 50 ) == 0 )
-                    {
-                    LOG3( "CCRSockReader::RunL(), recvCount: %d, recvBytes: %d, id: %d",
-                                                  recvCount, recvBytes, iSock.iSockId );
-                    TName an_addr;
-                    iSock.iFromAddr.Output( an_addr );
-                    TInt a_byte2 = iSock.iReceivedData[2];
-                    TInt a_byte3 = iSock.iReceivedData[3];          
-                    LOG3( "CCRSockReader::RunL(), Addr %S, port: %d, last seq: %d",
-                           &an_addr, iSock.iFromAddr.Port(), ( a_byte2 * 255 ) + a_byte3 );
-                    }
-                }
-            iSock.iObserver.DataReceived( iSock.iSockId, iSock.iReceivedData );
-            IssueRead();
-            }
-            break;
-        default: // error cases
-            {
-            LOG2( "CCRSockReader::RunL(), id: %d, status: %d", iSock.iSockId, iStatus.Int() );
-            iSock.iSockStatus = CCRSock::EFailed;
-            iSock.iObserver.SockStatusChange(
-                iSock.iSockId, iSock.iSockStatus, iStatus.Int() );
-            }
-            break;       
-        }   
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSockReader::IssueRead
-// Asks for more data
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSockReader::IssueRead()
-    {
-    if ( IsActive() )
-        {
-        LOG( "CCRSockReader::IssueRead(), IsActive! return" );
-        return;
-        }
-    iSock.iReceivedData.Zero();
-    if ( iSock.iProtoTCP )
-        {       
-        iSock.iSocket.RecvOneOrMore( iSock.iReceivedData, 0, iStatus, 
-                                     iSock.iReceivedDataLen );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iSock.iSocket.RecvFrom( iSock.iReceivedData, iSock.iFromAddr, 0, iStatus );
-        }
-    SetActive();
-    }   
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSockReader::DoCancel
-// Cancels outstanding operations
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRSockReader::DoCancel() 
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRSockReader::DoCancel()" );
-    // CCRSock::DoCancel() has already called CancelAll to socket so no need to do it here
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRSockReader::RunError
-// If anything goes wrong
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRSockReader::RunError( TInt aError )
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRSockReader::RunError(), aError: %d, return KErrNone", aError  );
-    ( void )aError; // Prevent compiler warning
-    return KErrNone;    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------- here ends implementation of "SockReader" helper class----------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  End of File