changeset 35 381bc1d93c7b
parent 31 07dea94512a2
--- a/videoutils_plat/videoconnutility_api/inc/ipvideo/vcxconnectionutility.h	Fri May 28 09:48:00 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:    Class to handle connection creation.*
-#ifndef __VCX_CONNUTIL_H_
-#define __VCX_CONNUTIL_H_
-#include <e32base.h>
-class CVcxConnUtilImpl;
-class MConnUtilEngineObserver;
-* Class is the main interface class for the vcxconnectionutility.dll.
-* By using this class, client can fetch iap ID and maintain an active connection
-* for that iap.
-* Usage:
-*  @code
-*  #include <vcxconnectionutility.h>
-*  #include <vcxconnutilengineobserver.h> // for receiving events from ALR and iap changes
-*  // Instantiation of connectionutility is done by Instance()
-*  // every Instance call increments internal reference count by 
-*  // one. When reference count is decremented to 0 deallocation
-*  // occurs. Client should make sure that it calls as many
-*  // DecreaseReferenceCount() as it calls InstanceL()
-*  CVcxConnectionUtility* conUtil = CVcxConnectionUtility::InstanceL();
-*  // in case client is interested in events from ALR or from iap changes,
-*  // client must implement MConnUtilEngineObserver interface and register
-*  // as observer. See MConnUtilEngineObserver documentation for details 
-*  conUtil->RegisterObserverL( this );
-*  // getting the best possible iap is handled by the GetIap
-*  TInt err( KErrNone );
-*  TUint32 iapId( 0 );
-*  err = conUtil->GetIap( iapId, EFalse );
-*  // in case client does not want the "connecting" dialog  // shown, aSilent
-*  // parameter should be ETrue     
-*  // client can try to explicitly disconnect connection, but if there are other references 
-*  // connection is not closed.
-*  // suggestion is to maintain connection at all time as long as vcxconnectionutility 
-*  // is being used and just react to notifications 
-*  conUtil->Disconnect();
-*  // when connectionutility is no longer needed, client must call DecreaseReferenceCount()
-*  // if there are no more references left, memory allocated for the library is deallocated
-*  // and possible active connection is closed
-*  // if client has registered as observer, it should deregister first 
-*  conUtil->RemoveObserver();
-*  conUtil->DecreaseReferenceCount();  
-*  conutil = NULL;
-*  @endcode
-* @lib vcxconnectionutility.dll
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CVcxConnectionUtility) : public CActive
-    {
-    public: // Constructors and destructor
-        /**
-         * returns instance of the singleton object. This increases
-         * local reference count by one, so utility members should
-         * not be called through this.
-         *
-         * @return Pointer to CVcxConnectionUtility object.
-         */
-        IMPORT_C static CVcxConnectionUtility* InstanceL();
-        /**
-        * Remove the reference to this connectionutility instance.
-        * 
-        * This should be called when client does not need 
-        * utility anymore.
-        *
-        * Decreases the reference count by one. When
-        * all references are removed, the ui engine is destructed.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void DecreaseReferenceCount();
-    private:
-        /**
-         * Destructor.
-         */
-        virtual ~CVcxConnectionUtility();
-        /**
-         * constructor.
-         *
-         */
-        CVcxConnectionUtility( );
-        /**
-         * Private 2nd phase construction.
-         */
-        void ConstructL();
-        /**
-         * From CActive, handles an active object’s request completion event
-         */
-        void RunL();
-        /**
-         * From CActive, implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
-         * This function is called as part of the active object’s Cancel().
-         */
-        void DoCancel();  
-    public: // New functions
-        /**
-        * Returns open IAP, if connection is not opened it is created
-        *
-        * @param aIapId     On return, IAP ID.
-        * @param aSilent    If ETrue, tries to open connection silently (without dialogs)
-        *                   In the 'Always ask' mode query dialog is always shown.
-        *                    
-        * @return KErrNone or one of the system wide error codes.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt GetIap( TUint32& aIapId, TBool aSilent );
-        /**
-         * Gets WAP id from IAP id. Leaves with KErrNotFound if no record with given 
-         * IAP id is found.
-         * 
-         * @param aIapId IAP id to match.
-         * @return WAP id matching the given IAP id.
-         */
-        IMPORT_C TUint32 WapIdFromIapIdL( TUint32 aIapId );
-        /**
-        * Closes open connection.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void DisconnectL();
-        /**
-         * Registers observer
-         * 
-         * @param MConnUtilEngineObserver
-         */
-        IMPORT_C void RegisterObserverL( MConnUtilEngineObserver* aObserver );
-        /**
-         * Removes observer from the array of observers
-         * 
-         * @param MConnUtilEngineObserver 
-         */
-        IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver( MConnUtilEngineObserver* aObserver );
-        /**
-         * Displays a wait note. Method calls notifier to show 
-         * dialog and sets this active object active. If user cancels
-         * dialog by pressing cancel, RunL is being called with KErrCancel.
-         *   
-         * @param aConnectionName name of connection to show on the dialog          
-         */ 
-        void DisplayWaitNote( const TDesC& aConnectionName = KNullDesC );
-        /**
-         * closes a wait note
-         *           
-         */
-        void CloseWaitNote();
-    private: // Data
-        /**
-         * Count of references to this object.
-         */ 
-        TInt iReferenceCount;
-        /**
-         * Utility implementation object
-         */
-        CVcxConnUtilImpl* iUtilImpl;
-        /**
-         * Notifier used for showing connecting dialogs
-         */
-        RNotifier iNotifier; 
-    };
-#endif // __VCXNS_CONNUTIL_H_
-// End of File