changeset 41 d88d70d98bbc
parent 34 814ba97beeb9
child 46 3bc36dbd63c2
--- a/dvrengine/CommonRecordingEngine/src/CCRRTSPPacketSource.cpp	Fri Jun 11 10:05:41 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2854 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:    RTSP Client impl.*
-#include "CCRRtspPacketSource.h"
-#include "CCRPunchPacketSender.h"
-#include "CCRRtpTcpStreamer.h"
-#include "CCRRtspCommand.h"
-#include "CCRPacketBuffer.h"
-#include <ipvideo/CDvrSdpParser.h>
-#include "CCRTimer.h"
-#include <Uri16.h>
-#include <e32msgqueue.h>
-#include <centralrepository.h>
-#include <WebUtilsInternalCRKeys.h>
-#include <mmf/common/mmferrors.h>  // ROP error codes
-// ######################################################
-// ######################################################
-#define private public
-// Explanation: timestamp getter in rtcp sender report
-// class is broken beyond repair. It may be fixed but the
-// broken version is already shipped to millions of phones
-// around the world. The broken getter method can't
-// be overridden as it requires access to private part
-// of sender reports instance variables. The item we
-// need (ntp timestamp) is there intact in private instance
-// variables but there is useless getter for that.
-#include <rtcp.h>
-/* sender report (SR) */
-class TRtcpSRPart
-    {
-    TUint32 ssrc;     /**< sender generating this report */
-    TUint32 ntp_sec;  /**< NTP timestamp */
-    TUint32 ntp_frac; /**< Fractal seconds */
-    TUint32 rtp_ts;   /**< RTP timestamp */
-    TUint32 psent;    /**< packets sent */
-    TUint32 osent;    /**< octets sent */
-    };
-#undef private
-// ######################################################
-// Major kludge ends here.
-// ######################################################
-const TInt KCRPortNumberBase( 16670 );
-const TInt KCSeqForRtspNegoation( 42 );
-const TInt KRtspPortNumber( 554 );
-const TInt KRtpPacketVersion( 2 ); 
-const TUint KSenderReportPacketType( 0xC8 ); // 200 decimal
-const TInt KDVR10Seconds( 10000000 );
-// The number of sequential packets that must be received
-// before a stream is considered good. 1 means no delay, start
-// from very first packet
-const TInt KDVRMinSequential( 1 ); 
-// The maximum number of dropped packets to be considered a
-// dropout, as opposed to an ended and restarted stream.    
-const TInt KDVRMaxMisorder( 50 ); 
-// The maximum number of packets by which a packet can be delayed 
-// before it is considered dropped. 
-const TInt KDVRMaxDropOut( 3000 ); 
-_LIT( KRtspPortString, "554" );
-_LIT8( KCRCName, "N++ " );
-// Timeout for RTP/UDP reception before switching to TCP mode
-const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KCRRtspRtpUdpTimeout( 10 * 1e6 );
-// Timeout for waiting for server response to any RTSP command
-const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KCRRtspResponseTimeout( 15 * 1e6 );
-// Timeout for waiting for server response to TIERDOWN command
-const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KCRRtspTierdownTimeout( 3 * 1e6 );
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCRRtspPacketSource* CCRRtspPacketSource::NewL(
-    const SCRRtspParams& aParams,
-    CCRConnection& aConnection,
-    RSocketServ& aSockServer,
-    MCRStreamObserver& aSessionObs,
-    CCRStreamingSession& aOwningSession )
-    {
-    CCRRtspPacketSource* self = new( ELeave )
-        CCRRtspPacketSource( aConnection, aSockServer, aSessionObs, aOwningSession );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aParams );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::CCRRtspPacketSource
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    CCRConnection& aConnection,
-    RSocketServ& aSockServer,
-    MCRStreamObserver& aSessionObs,
-    CCRStreamingSession& aOwningSession )
-  : CCRPacketSourceBase( aOwningSession, CCRStreamingSession::ECRRtspSourceId ),
-    iSockServer( aSockServer ),
-    iConnection( aConnection ),
-    iStage( ERTSPInit ),
-    iCSeq( KCSeqForRtspNegoation ),
-    iClientPort( KCRPortNumberBase ),
-    iSessionId(NULL, 0 ),
-    iReadyToPlay(EFalse),
-    iSessionObs( aSessionObs ),
-    iStartPos( KRealZero ),
-    iEndPos( KRealMinusOne ),
-    iUdpFound( EFalse ),
-    iTrafficFound( EFalse )
-    {
-    // None
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructL( const SCRRtspParams& aParams )
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructL() in" );
-    if ( aParams.iUrl.Length() == 0 ) 
-        {
-        User::Leave ( KErrArgument ); 
-        }
-    iSentData = HBufC8::NewL ( KCROptionsReply().Length() + KMaxInfoName );
-    iRtpTcpStreamer = CCRRtpTcpStreamer::NewL( *this );
-    iRtspUri = aParams.iUrl.AllocL();
-    iRtspUri8 = HBufC8::NewL( aParams.iUrl.Length());
-    iRtspUri8->Des().Copy( aParams.iUrl );
-    iUserName = aParams.iUserName.AllocL();
-    iPassword = aParams.iPassword.AllocL();
-    User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.RegisterObserver( this ) );
-    iUdpReceptionTimer = CCRTimer::NewL( EPriorityLow, *this );
-    iProxyServerAddr = aParams.iProxyServerAddr; 
-    iProxyServerPort = aParams.iProxyServerPort; 
-    DoConnectL(); // Makes no sense to construct without immediately connecting
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructL() out" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::~CCRRtspPacketSource
-// Destructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::~CCRRtspPacketSource() in" );
-    // Deletes everything related to session
-    CleanUp();
-    delete iRtspTimeout;
-    delete iSentData;
-    delete iAuthType;
-    delete iRtspUri8;
-    delete iUserName;
-    delete iPassword;
-    delete iNonce;
-    delete iOpaque;
-    delete iRealm;
-    delete iRtpTcpStreamer;
-    delete iUdpReceptionTimer;
-    iReceiveStreams.Reset();
-    iObserver = NULL;
-    iConnection.UnregisterObserver( this );
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::~CCRRtspPacketSource() out" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::CleanUp
-// Callback method called from cleanup-cidle that just calls the actual
-// cleanup method.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::CleanUp()
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CleanUp() in" );
-    if ( iUdpReceptionTimer )
-        {
-        iUdpReceptionTimer->Cancel();
-        }
-    delete iRtspPingTimer;
-    iRtspPingTimer = NULL;
-    iRtpRecvSrcAudio.Close();
-    iRtpRecvSrcVideo.Close();
-    iAudioSession.Close();
-    iVideoSession.Close();
-    iReadyToPlay = EFalse;
-    delete iSdpParser; iSdpParser = NULL;
-    delete iRtspUri; iRtspUri = NULL;
-    delete iRtspSock; iRtspSock = NULL;
-    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < ERTPMaxSockets; i++ )
-        {
-        delete iRTPSockArr[i];
-        iRTPSockArr[i] = NULL;
-        }
-    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < ERTSPLastStage; i++ )
-        {
-        delete iPrevCommands[i];
-        iPrevCommands[i] = NULL;
-        delete iResponses[i];
-        iResponses[i] = NULL;
-        }
-    iSessionId.Set( NULL, 0 );
-    delete iPunchPacketSenderAudio; iPunchPacketSenderAudio = NULL;
-    delete iPunchPacketSenderVideo; iPunchPacketSenderVideo = NULL;
-    delete iUserAgent; iUserAgent = NULL;
-    delete iWapProfile; iWapProfile = NULL;
-    iStartPos = KRealZero;
-    iEndPos = KRealMinusOne;
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CleanUp() out" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::DoConnectL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::DoConnectL( void )
-    {
-    if ( !iRtspUri )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
-        }
-    if ( iRtspSock )
-        {
-        delete iRtspSock; iRtspSock = NULL;
-        }
-    iRtspSock = CCRSock::NewL( *this, ERTPControl, iConnection.Connection(),
-                               iSockServer, ETrue, ETrue );
-    TUriParser uriParser;
-    User::LeaveIfError( uriParser.Parse( iRtspUri->Des() ) );
-    iRtspUriHost.Set( uriParser.Extract( EUriHost ) );
-    TPtrC portString( KRtspPortString );
-    if ( uriParser.IsPresent( EUriPort ) )
-        {
-        portString.Set( uriParser.Extract( EUriPort ) );
-        }
-    TLex portLex( portString );
-    TInt port( KRtspPortNumber );
-    if ( portLex.Val( port ) != KErrNone )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrMMInvalidURL );
-        }
-    if ( iProxyServerAddr.Length() && iProxyServerPort )
-        {
-        LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::DoConnectL(), Proxy: %S port: %d",
-            &iProxyServerAddr, iProxyServerPort );
-        User::LeaveIfError( iRtspSock->ConnectSock( iProxyServerAddr, iProxyServerPort ) );      
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        User::LeaveIfError(iRtspSock->ConnectSock( iRtspUriHost, port ) );
-        }
-    iCSeq = KCSeqForRtspNegoation;
-    TTime now;
-    now.UniversalTime();
-    iClientPort = 
-        KCRPortNumberBase + ( ( now.DateTime().MicroSecond() / 1000 ) * 2 );
-    // Get transport method from connection heuristics
-    iTransport = ( iConnection.GetHeuristic(
-        CCRConnection::EUdpStreamingBlocked ) )? ERTPOverTCP: ERTPOverUDP;
-    LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::DoConnectL(), RTP transport: %d (0=UDP, 1=TCP)", iTransport );
-    // Get user agent, bandwidth and wap profile based on connection bearer (3G or not)
-    TConnMonBearerType bearer = iConnection.BearerType();
-    TBool is3g( iConnection.IsBearerWLANor3G( bearer ) );
-    // Fetch wap profile from WebUtils repository
-    if ( !iWapProfile )
-        {
-        CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidWebUtils );
-        TUint32 profilekey = ( is3g )? KWebUtilsUaProf3G: KWebUtilsUaProf;
-        TFileName profilebuf( KNullDesC );
-        if ( !repository->Get( profilekey, profilebuf ) )
-            {
-            iWapProfile = HBufC8::NewL( profilebuf.Length() );
-            iWapProfile->Des().Copy( profilebuf );
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
-        LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::DoConnectL(), iWapProfile: %S", &profilebuf );
-        }
-    // Fetch user agent
-    // Should we add version information to user agent string?
-    delete iUserAgent; iUserAgent = NULL;
-    iUserAgent = KCRRTSPDefaultUserAgent().AllocL();
-    // Get bandwidth from connection
-    iBandwidth = iConnection.MaximumBandwidth();
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::DoConnectL out" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::URI
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TPtr CCRRtspPacketSource::URI(void)
-    {
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iRtspUri != NULL , User::Panic( _L( "RTSP source" ), KErrBadHandle ) );
-    TPtr retval ( NULL , 0 );
-    if ( iRtspUri ) 
-        {
-        retval.Set( iRtspUri->Des() );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::URI iRtspUri was NULL !!!!!!!!!! " );
-        }
-    return retval; 
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::GetSdp
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::GetSdp( TPtrC8& aSdp )
-    {
-    TInt retval( KErrNotReady );
-    if ( iSdpParser )
-        {
-        return iSdpParser->GetSdp( aSdp );
-        }
-    return retval;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SeqAndTS
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::SeqAndTS(
-    TUint& aAudioSeq,
-    TUint& aAudioTS,
-    TUint& aVideoSeq,
-    TUint& aVideoTS )
-    {
-    TInt retval( KErrNotReady );
-    if ( iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo != 0 || iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio != 0  )
-        {
-        aAudioSeq = iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio;
-        aAudioTS = iRTPTimeStampAudio;
-        aVideoSeq = iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo;
-        aVideoTS = iRTPTimeStampVideo;
-        retval = KErrNone;
-        }
-    return retval;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::PostActionL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::PostActionL()
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::PostActionL(), SDP will be handled, iSdpParser: %d",
-                                                                    iSdpParser );
-    User::LeaveIfNull( iSdpParser );
-    iSessionObs.StatusChanged( MCRPacketSource::ERtpStateSdpAvailable );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::Play
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::Play( const TReal& aStartPos, const TReal& aEndPos )
-    {
-    LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::Play(), aStartPos: %f, aEndPos: %f",
-                                        aStartPos, aEndPos );
-    LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::Play(), sent seq: %d, rec: %d", 
-                                        iCSeq, iLastReceivedSeq );
-    iReadyToPlay = ETrue;
-    iStartPos = aStartPos;
-    iEndPos = aEndPos;
-    ResetStreamFlags();
-    // In xps case we never get startpos with this method. 
-    // instead setposition will be called 
-    if ( iBuffer )
-        {
-        iBuffer->ResetBuffer();
-        }    
-    // If both audio and video sessions are closed, we
-    // need to open at least one of them:
-    TInt err( KErrNone );
-    if ( iStage == ERTSPReadyToPlay || iStage == ERTSPPauseSent )
-        {
-        if ( iStage == ERTSPReadyToPlay || iCSeq == ( iLastReceivedSeq + 1 ) )
-            {
-            TRAP( err, SendPlayCommandL() );
-            }
-        else
-            { 
-            // We have a fast-fingered user in charge; play has been issued
-            // but the previous pause has not been completed yet: postpone this
-            // operation
-            iPostPonedPlay = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    return err;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::Pause
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::Pause()
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRRTSPPacketSource::Pause() stage %d", iStage );
-    TInt err( KErrNotReady );
-    if ( iStage == ERTSPPlaying )
-        {
-        if ( iResponses[ERTSPPlaySent]->IsLiveStream() || iSdpParser->IsLiveStream() )
-            {
-            err = KErrNotSupported;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            TRAP( err, SendPauseCommandL() );
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iStage == ERTSPPauseSent )
-        {
-        err = KErrNone;
-        }
-    return err;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::Stop
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::Stop()
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::Stop()" );
-    iReadyToPlay = EFalse;
-    iPostPonedPlay = EFalse;
-    iStartPos = KRealZero;
-    TInt err( KErrDisconnected );
-    if ( iStage == ERTSPPlaySent || iStage == ERTSPPlaying ||
-         iStage == ERTSPPauseSent || iStage == ERTSPSetupAudioSent ||
-         iStage == ERTSPSetupVideoSent )
-        {
-        err = KErrNone;
-        if ( iRtspSock )
-            {
-            iRtspSock->Cancel();
-            }
-        TRAP_IGNORE( SendTearDownCommandL() ); // if this fails, we don't care
-        iStage = ERTSPTearDownSent;
-        StartRtspTimeout( KCRRtspTierdownTimeout );
-        }
-    return err;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SetPosition
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::SetPosition( const TInt64 aPosition ) 
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetPosition(), iStartPos: %f", iStartPos );
-    if ( aPosition == -2 )
-        {
-        if ( iStage != ERTSPPlaySent && iObserver )
-            {
-            iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                ECRReadyToSeek, KErrNone );
-            }
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::GetRange
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::GetRange( TReal& aLower, TReal& aUpper )
-    {
-    aLower = KRealZero;
-    aUpper = KRealMinusOne;
-    if ( ( iStage == ERTSPPlaySent || iStage == ERTSPPlaying ) &&
-         iResponses[ERTSPPlaySent] )
-         {
-         iResponses[ERTSPPlaySent]->GetRange(aLower,aUpper);
-         }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::DataReceived
-// This is called when data is received from socket.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::DataReceived( TInt /*aSockId*/, const TDesC8& aData )
-    {
-    // Find out RTCP message or RTP packet from IP packet
-    iRtpTcpStreamer->DataAvailable( aData, ( iTransport == ERTPOverTCP ) );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::RtspMsgAvailable
-// This is called when data is received from socket.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::RtspMsgAvailable( const TDesC8& aData )
-    {
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE )
-    if ( aData.Length() > 0 )
-        {
-        LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::RtspMsgAvailable(), aData len: %d", aData.Length() );
-        TName d( KNullDesC );
-        for( TInt i( 0 );  i < aData.Length(); i++ )
-            {
-            TChar c = aData[i];
-            d.Append( c );
-            if ( ( i > 0 ) && ( i % 80 ) == 0 )
-                {
-                LOG1( ">%S<", &d );
-                d.Zero();
-                }
-            }
-        LOG1( ">%S<", &d );
-        }
-    TRAPD( err, ProcessRtspResponseL( aData ) );
-    if ( err )
-        {
-        LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::RtspMsgAvailable(), ProcessRtspResponseL Leaved, err: %d", err );
-        if ( err == KErrNotSupported ) 
-            {
-            // The response did not look like rtsp response at all. 
-            // some servers decide to send rtsp commands to us so lets
-            // try interpreting it as a command
-            err = KErrNone; 
-            TRAP( err, ProcessRTSPCommandL( aData ) )
-            if ( err )
-                {
-                iOwningSession.SourceStop();                
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SockStatusChange
-// This is called when socket status changes.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SockStatusChange(
-    TInt aSockId, 
-    CCRSock::TCRSockStatus aStatus,
-    TInt aError )
-    {
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE )
-    if ( aStatus == CCRSock::EFailed )
-        {
-        LOG3( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SockStatusChange(), aSockId: %d,  aStatus: %d, aError: %d",
-                                                        aSockId, aStatus, aError );
-        }
-    ( void )aSockId;
-    ( void )aError;
-    if ( aStatus == CCRSock::EFailed )
-        {
-        // Ask session to perform cleanup
-        iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-        if ( iStage == ERTSPInit && aSockId == ERTPControl && aError == KErrCouldNotConnect )
-            {
-            // map error to different error id, so we can know that showing reconnect query is pointless.
-            aError = KErrEof;
-            }
-        // Inform the observer that there is a problem. Exclude case where we're closing
-        // and the error is KErrEof
-        if ( ! ( iStage == ERTSPTearDownSent && aError == KErrEof ) ) 
-            {
-            if ( iObserver )
-                {
-                iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                    iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(), ECRConnectionError, aError );
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SockStatusChange(), eof in closing: normal" );
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( aSockId == ERTPControl && aStatus == CCRSock::EIdle && 
-              iStage == ERTSPInit )
-        {
-        // Called once from here for lifetime of this object
-        TRAPD( err, SendRtspCommandL() ); 
-        if ( err )
-            {
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SockStatusChange(), SendRtspCommandL Leaved: %d", err );
-            // Ask session to perform cleanup
-            iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::RtpTcpPacketAvailable
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::RtpTcpPacketAvailable(
-    TInt aChannel,
-    const TDesC8& aPacket )
-    {
-    // Map embedded TCP channel to streamid:
-    // video: channel=(0,1) --> id=(2,3)
-    // audio: channel=(2,3) --> id=(0,1)  when video present
-    // audio: channel=(0,1) --> id=(0,1)  when audio only
-    TInt mappedChannel( ( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() )? 
-                        ( aChannel + 2 ) % 4: aChannel );
-    MCRPacketSource::TCRPacketStreamId streamid( 
-        ( MCRPacketSource::TCRPacketStreamId )( mappedChannel ) );
-    iBuffer->AddPacket( streamid, aPacket );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ForwardRtpTcpChunk
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ForwardRtpTcpChunck( const TDesC8& aChunk )
-    {
-    if ( iRtspSock )
-        {
-        iRtspSock->SendData( aChunk );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::TimerExpired
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::TimerExpired( CCRTimer* )
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::TimerExpired: RTP/UDP timer expired, switching to RTP/TCP" );
-    if ( !iUdpFound )
-        {            
-        // Signal heuristic for TCP streaming
-        LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::TimerExpired - Switch to TCP" );
-        iConnection.SetHeuristic( CCRConnection::EUdpStreamingBlocked, ETrue );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // We had UDP before in this session but now it is lost for some reason.
-        // Try UDP again.
-        // Flag UDP found away
-        iUdpFound = EFalse;
-        iTrafficFound = EFalse;
-        // Clear stream followup
-        iReceiveStreams.Reset();
-        LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::TimerExpired - Trying UDP again" );
-        }
-    // Notify client to close us and start a new session
-    if ( iObserver )
-        {
-        // Notify client
-        iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-            iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(), ECRSwitchingToTcp, KErrNone );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // If no client observer, teardown and cleanup ourselves
-        iPostPonedPlay = EFalse; 
-        TRAPD( err, SendTearDownCommandL() );
-        if ( err != KErrNone )
-            {
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::TimerExpired() Send TEARDOWN failed: %d", err );
-            }
-        CleanUp();
-        iSessionObs.StatusChanged( MCRPacketSource::ERtpStateClosing );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRTSPCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRTSPCommandL( const TDesC8& aData )
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRTSPCommandL(), iStage: %d", ( int )iStage );
-    CCRRtspCommand* cmd = CCRRtspCommand::NewL();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( cmd );
-    cmd->TryParseL( aData );
-    switch ( cmd->Command() )
-        {
-        case CCRRtspCommand::ERTSPCommandOPTIONS:
-            iSentData->Des().Format( KCROptionsReply, cmd->CSeq() );
-            iRtspSock->SendData( iSentData->Des() );
-            break;
-        default:
-            // Server sent us a command and it is not options. 
-            // for sure they want us to stop ; is there 
-            iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-            break;
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmd );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL( const TDesC8& aData )
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL(), iStage: %d", iStage );
-    // Cancel timeout timer
-    if ( iRtspTimeout )
-        {
-        iRtspTimeout->Cancel();
-        }
-    // The server responded to our TEARDOWN command. No need to parse the response
-    // since we don't care what the server said. Ask session to clean us up.
-    if ( iStage == ERTSPTearDownSent )
-        {
-        iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-        return;
-        }
-    // First parse response
-    CCRRtspResponse* resp = CCRRtspResponse::NewL();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( resp );
-    resp->TryParseL( aData );
-    // Then find the command that this resp is associated with:
-    iLastReceivedSeq = resp->CSeq(); 
-    TBool commandFound( EFalse );
-    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < ERTSPLastStage && !commandFound; i++ )
-        {
-        LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource:: prevcommand stage: %d cseq: %d", 
-            i, ( iPrevCommands[i] )? iPrevCommands[i]->CSeq(): KErrNotFound );
-        if ( iPrevCommands[i] && ( iPrevCommands[i]->CSeq() == resp->CSeq() ) )
-            {
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL(), matching command: %d", i );
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL(), cseq was: %d", resp->CSeq() );
-            delete iResponses[i];
-            CleanupStack::Pop( resp );
-            iResponses[i] = resp;
-            commandFound = ETrue;
-            if ( i == ERTSPOptSent )
-                {
-                // Process options no further, used only for ping here
-                return; 
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    // Delete response if sequency not match
-    if ( !commandFound )
-        {
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( resp );
-        LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL(), Command not found, cseq: %d", resp->CSeq() );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        if ( iResponses[iStage]->StatusCode() ==  CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespOK ||      // 200
-             iResponses[iStage]->StatusCode() ==  CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespCreated )  // 201
-            {
-            // Extract useful information from response depending on stage:
-            switch ( iStage )
-                {
-                case ERTSPSetupAudioSent: // From setups take session id
-                case ERTSPSetupVideoSent:
-                    if ( !iSessionId.Ptr() )
-                        {
-                        iResponses[iStage]->SessionId( iSessionId );
-                        }
-                    // Check for sdp parser and send punch packets for UDP transport
-                    // (TCP or multicast: session setup and PLAY in SendRTSPCommand)
-                    if ( iSdpParser && iTransport == ERTPOverUDP )
-                        {
-                        // If we see that we don't need to send further setups,
-                        // do send punch packets now.
-                        if ( ( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() && // if we have video
-                             iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent] &&   // and we have video se tup
-                             iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr().Length() &&   // and we have audio
-                             iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent] ) || // and we have audio set up or...
-                           ( !iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() &&  // if we have no video
-                             !iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent] &&  // and we've video not set up
-                             iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr().Length() &&   // and it shows we have audio
-                             iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent] ) || // and we've audio set up or...
-                           ( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() &&   // if we have video
-                             iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent] &&   // and we have video set up
-                             !iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr().Length() &&  // and we have no audio
-                             !iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent] ) ) // and we have no audio set up
-                            {
-                            SendPunchPacketsL();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    // Notify sink that SETUP repply received
-                    iSessionObs.StatusChanged(
-                        MCRPacketSource::ERtpStateSetupRepply );
-                    break;
-                case ERTSPDescSent: // From desc take sdp
-                    if ( iObserver && iResponses[iStage]->ContentLen() <= 0 )
-                        { 
-                        // This should not happen
-                        if ( iObserver ) 
-                            {
-                            iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                                iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(), ECRConnectionError, KErrUnderflow );
-                            }
-                        iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        delete iSdpParser; iSdpParser = NULL;
-                        iSdpParser = CDvrSdpParser::NewL();
-                        if ( iResponses[iStage]->ContentBase().Length() )
-                            {
-                            iSdpParser->TryParseL( iResponses[iStage]->Content(), 
-                                                   iResponses[iStage]->ContentBase() );
-                            }
-                        else
-                            {
-                            iSdpParser->TryParseL( iResponses[iStage]->Content(), 
-                                                   iRtspUri8->Des() );
-                            }                  
-                        // Check for multicast address in SDP
-                        if ( iSdpParser->IsMultiCastSdp() )
-                            {
-                            iTransport = ERTPOverMulticast;
-                            }
-                        if ( iObserver && iSdpParser->IsRealMediaContent() )
-                            {
-                            iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                                iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                                ECRStreamIsRealMedia, KErrNotSupported );
-                            iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-                            return; // Make sure we don't continue with SETUP commands
-                            }
-                        else // do not send realmedia sdp to sinks
-                            { 
-                            if ( iObserver && iSdpParser->IsLiveStream() )
-                                {
-                                iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                                    iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                                    ECRStreamIsLiveStream, KErrNone );
-                                }
-                            // then check for bandwidth requirements even before we start:
-                            if ( iObserver )
-                                {
-                                // Unknown bitrate or bandwidth are returned as zero.
-                                // Bitrates in kbit/s
-                                TInt bitrate( iSdpParser->VideoBitrate() + 
-                                              iSdpParser->AudioBitrate() );
-                                TInt bandwidth( iConnection.MaximumBandwidth() / 1000 );
-                                if ( bitrate && bandwidth && bandwidth < bitrate )
-                                    {
-                                    LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL(), bitrate:%d, bandwidth: %d -> NotEnoughBandwidth",
-                                                                                        bitrate, bandwidth);
-                                    iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                                        iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                                        ECRNotEnoughBandwidth, KErrNone );
-                                    return; // Make sure we don't tell sinks anything about
-                                            // sdp that has too high bitrate for our network bearer
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            // But if we didn't have realmedia stream and the bandwidth check
-                            // is also all right, then go on and tell the sinks ->
-                            iSessionObs.StatusChanged(
-                                MCRPacketSource::ERtpStateSdpAvailable );
-                            }
-                        }
-                    break;
-                case ERTSPPlaySent:
-                    {
-                    CCRRtspResponse::SRTPInfoHeader rtpInfo;
-                    iResponses[ERTSPPlaySent]->RTPInfoHeader( rtpInfo );
-                    TPtrC8 videoAddr ( NULL, 0 ); 
-                    if ( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() ) 
-                        {
-                        videoAddr.Set ( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr() );
-                        }
-                    TPtrC8 audioAddr ( NULL , 0 );
-                    if ( iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr().Length() ) 
-                        {
-                        audioAddr.Set ( iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr() );
-                        }
-                    if ( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() && 
-                        rtpInfo.iFirstURL.Length() &&
-                        videoAddr.Find( rtpInfo.iFirstURL ) >= 0 )
-                        {
-                        iRTPTimeStampVideo = rtpInfo.iFirstTS ? rtpInfo.iFirstTS : 1;
-                        iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo = rtpInfo.iFirstSeq;
-                        }
-                    if ( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() && 
-                         rtpInfo.iSecondURL.Length() &&
-                         videoAddr.Find( rtpInfo.iSecondURL ) >= 0 )
-                        {
-                        iRTPTimeStampVideo = rtpInfo.iSecondTS ? rtpInfo.iSecondTS : 1;
-                        iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo = rtpInfo.iSecondSeq;
-                        }
-                    if ( iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr().Length() && 
-                         rtpInfo.iFirstURL.Length() &&
-                         audioAddr.Find( rtpInfo.iFirstURL) >= 0 )
-                        {
-                        iRTPTimeStampAudio = rtpInfo.iFirstTS ? rtpInfo.iFirstTS : 1;
-                        iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio = rtpInfo.iFirstSeq;
-                        }
-                    if ( iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr().Length() && 
-                         rtpInfo.iSecondURL.Length() &&
-                         audioAddr.Find( rtpInfo.iSecondURL) >= 0 )
-                        {
-                        iRTPTimeStampAudio = rtpInfo.iSecondTS ? rtpInfo.iSecondTS : 1;
-                        iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio = rtpInfo.iSecondSeq;
-                        }
-                    // ok, if we don't have rtp-info header, we don't know yet.
-                    if (  rtpInfo.iFirstURL.Length() == 0 &&
-                          rtpInfo.iSecondURL.Length() == 0 )
-                        {
-                        iNoRtpInfoHeader++;
-                        }
-                    else    
-                        {
-                        // We have RTP-info, so control stream is no longer mandatory
-                        // Mark control streams as "found"                        
-                        StreamFound( EAudioControlStream );
-                        StreamFound( EVideoControlStream );
-                        //StreamFound( ESubTitleControlStream );
-                        iSessionObs.StatusChanged( 
-                            MCRPacketSource::ERtpStateSeqAndTSAvailable );
-                        }
-                    // Live state
-                    if ( iResponses[ERTSPPlaySent]->IsLiveStream() || iSdpParser->IsLiveStream() ) 
-                        {
-                        if ( iObserver )
-                            {
-                            iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                                iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                                ECRStreamIsLiveStream, KErrNone );
-                            }
-                        }
-                    // Notify seeking
-                    if ( iObserver )
-                        {
-                        iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                            iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                            ECRReadyToSeek, KErrNone );
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-            default:
-                // by default extract no information
-                break;
-                }
-            // Then continue with business:
-            SendRtspCommandL(); // will change iStage also
-            }
-        // Authentication needed..
-        else if ( iResponses[iStage]->StatusCode() ==  
-                  CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespUnauthorized || // 401
-                  iResponses[iStage]->StatusCode() ==
-                  CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespProxyAuthenticationRequired )  // 407
-            {
-            iAuthFailedCount++;
-            if ( iUserName && 
-                 iUserName->Length() && 
-                 iPassword && 
-                 iAuthFailedCount == 1 )
-                {
-                iAuthenticationNeeded = ETrue;
-                iAuthType = iResponses[iStage]->AuthenticationTypeL().AllocL();
-                iRealm = iResponses[iStage]->RealmL().AllocL();
-                iOpaque = iResponses[iStage]->OpaqueL().AllocL();
-                iNonce = iResponses[iStage]->NonceL().AllocL();
-                SendAuthDescribeL();
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iAuthFailedCount = 0;
-                LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL() Authentication failure !" );
-                // Cleanup
-                iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-                if ( iObserver )
-                    {
-                    iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                        iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(), 
-                        ECRAuthenticationNeeded, KErrNone );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        else if ( iResponses[iStage]->StatusCode() ==  CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespUnsupportedTransport )  // 461
-            {            
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL() - Unsupported Transport: %d", iTransport );
-            if ( iConnection.GetHeuristic( CCRConnection::EUdpStreamingBlocked ) )
-                {
-                // Using TCP, change to UDP                                
-                LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL() - Change TCP to UDP" );
-                iConnection.SetHeuristic( CCRConnection::EUdpStreamingBlocked, EFalse );                
-                // Notify observer at client side:
-                ProcessRtspErrorResponseL( iResponses[iStage]->StatusCode() );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                // Using UDP, change to TCP
-                LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspResponseL() - Change UDP to TCP");
-                iConnection.SetHeuristic( CCRConnection::EUdpStreamingBlocked, ETrue );
-                // Notify observer at client side:
-                ProcessRtspErrorResponseL( iResponses[iStage]->StatusCode() );
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // before doing cleanup, notify observer at client side:
-            ProcessRtspErrorResponseL( iResponses[iStage]->StatusCode() );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspErrorResponseL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ProcessRtspErrorResponseL(
-    CCRRtspResponse::TResponseCode aErrorCode )
-    {
-    SCRQueueEntry entry;
-    entry.iMsg = ECRMsgQueueConnectionError;
-    switch ( aErrorCode )
-        {
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespLowOnStorageSpace:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespMultipleChoices:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespMovedPermanently:
-            entry.iErr = KErrNotFound;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespMovedTemporarily:
-            entry.iErr = KErrNotFound;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespSeeOther:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespNotModified:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespUseProxy:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespBadRequest:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespPaymentRequired:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespForbidden:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespGone:
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespConferenceNotFound:
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespNotFound:
-            entry.iErr = KErrNotFound;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespMethodNotAllowed:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespNotAcceptable:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespRequestTimeOut:
-            entry.iErr = KErrTimedOut;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespLengthRequired:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespPreconditionFailed:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespRequestEntityTooLarge:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespRequestURITooLarge:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespParameterNotUnderstood:
-            entry.iErr = KErrArgument;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespNotEnoughBandwidth:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespSessionNotFound:
-            entry.iErr = KErrCouldNotConnect;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespMethodNotValidInThisState:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespHeaderFieldNotValidForResource:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespInvalidRange:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespParameterIsReadOnly:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespAggregateOperationNotAllowed:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespOnlyAggregateOperationAllowed:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespUnsupportedTransport:
-            entry.iErr = KErrCouldNotConnect;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespDestinationUnreachable:
-            entry.iErr = KErrCouldNotConnect;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespInternalServerError:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespNotImplemented:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespBadGateway:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespServiceUnavailable:
-            entry.iErr = KErrCouldNotConnect;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespGatewayTimeOut:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespUnsupportedMediaType:
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespOptionNotSupported:
-        case CCRRtspResponse::ERTSPRespRTSPVersionNotSupported:
-            entry.iErr = KErrNotSupported;
-            break;
-        default:
-            entry.iErr = KErrGeneral;
-            break;
-        }
-    if ( iObserver )
-        {
-        iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-            iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(), ECRConnectionError, entry.iErr );
-        }
-    // Try tear down first
-    if ( Stop() == KErrDisconnected )
-        {
-        iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::StartRtspTimeout
-// Starts RTSP command response timeout.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::StartRtspTimeout( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTime )
-    {
-    // Start a timeout timer to wait for the server to respond.
-    // If the server doesn't respond in time, cleanup will be initialized.
-    if ( !iRtspTimeout )
-        {
-        TRAPD( err, iRtspTimeout = 
-            CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard ) );
-        if ( err != KErrNone )
-            {
-            // Timer creation failed, start cleanup immediately
-            iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iRtspTimeout->Cancel(); 
-        }
-    // Start timeout timer
-    iRtspTimeout->Start( 
-        aTime,
-        aTime,
-        TCallBack( RtspTimeoutCallback, this ) );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::RtspTimeoutCallback
-// Callback for RTSP response timeout. Just ask session to start cleanup
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::RtspTimeoutCallback( TAny* aPtr )
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::RtspTimeoutCallback()" );
-    CCRRtspPacketSource* self = static_cast<CCRRtspPacketSource*>( aPtr );
-    self->iRtspTimeout->Cancel();
-    self->iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-    return 0;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendRtspCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SendRtspCommandL()
-    {
-    LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SendRtspCommandL(), iStage: %d", iStage );
-    if ( iPostPonedPlay )
-        {
-        iPostPonedPlay = EFalse;
-        Play( iStartPos, iEndPos );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        switch ( iStage )
-            {
-            case ERTSPInit:
-            case ERTSPOptSent:
-                {
-                delete iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent];
-                iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent] = NULL;
-                iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent] = CCRRtspCommand::NewL();
-                iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetCommand( 
-                    CCRRtspCommand::ERTSPCommandDESCRIBE );
-                TPtrC8 uriDes ( iRtspUri8->Des() );
-                iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetURL( uriDes );
-                iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetCSeq( iCSeq++ );
-                if ( iUserAgent )
-                    {
-                    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetUserAgentL( *iUserAgent );
-                    }
-                if ( iWapProfile )
-                    {
-                    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetWapProfileL( *iWapProfile );
-                    }
-                if ( iBandwidth )
-                    {
-                    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetBandwidth( iBandwidth );
-                    }
-                if ( iRtspSock )
-                    {
-                    iRtspSock->SendData( iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->ProduceL() );
-                    StartRtspTimeout( KCRRtspResponseTimeout );
-                    iStage = ERTSPDescSent;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case ERTSPDescSent:
-                if ( iSdpParser )
-                    {
-                    const TInt audio( iSdpParser->MediaIdentifierAudio() );
-                    const TInt video( iSdpParser->MediaIdentifierVideo() );
-                    TBool videoExists( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() > 0 );
-                    TBool audioExists( iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr().Length() > 0 );
-                    /* If both medias are reported with dynamic payload 
-                     * type and audio stream is reported with lower 
-                     * payload type, then some servers don't work correctly 
-                     * if the SETUP commands are not in correct order, ie.
-                     * we need to first SETUP the audio stream here.
-                     */
-                    const TBool audioBeforeVideo(
-                        audioExists && audio >= 96 && video >= 96 && audio < video );
-                    if ( videoExists && !audioBeforeVideo )
-                        {
-                        SendSetupCommandL( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr(), EFalse );
-                        iStage = ERTSPSetupVideoSent;
-                        }
-                    else if ( audioExists )
-                        {
-                        SendSetupCommandL( iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr(), ETrue );
-                        iStage = ERTSPSetupAudioSent;
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SendRtspCommand stag %d have no audio nor video",
-                            ( TInt )iStage );
-                        // no audio, no video, el panique grande
-                        iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-                        }
-                    }
-                break;
-            case ERTSPSetupAudioSent:
-                {
-                const TInt audio( iSdpParser->MediaIdentifierAudio() );
-                const TInt video( iSdpParser->MediaIdentifierVideo() );
-                if ( audio >= 96 && video >= 96 && audio < video &&
-                     iSdpParser && iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() )
-                    {
-                    // Video exists also and has not been setup before, so 
-                    // let's setup it now.
-                    TPtrC8 ctrlAddr ( iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr() );
-                    SendSetupCommandL( ctrlAddr, EFalse );
-                    iStage = ERTSPSetupVideoSent;
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    ConditionallySetupMultiCastOrTcpStreamingL();
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case ERTSPSetupVideoSent:
-                {
-                const TInt audio( iSdpParser->MediaIdentifierAudio() );
-                const TInt video( iSdpParser->MediaIdentifierVideo() );
-                // Check explanation for this in case ERTSPDescSent above.
-                const TBool audioBeforeVideo(
-                    audio >= 96 && video >= 96 && audio < video );
-                // Then send audio, if applicable:
-                if ( iSdpParser && iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr().Length() &&
-                     !audioBeforeVideo )
-                    {
-                    TPtrC8 ctrlAddr ( iSdpParser->AudioControlAddr() );
-                    SendSetupCommandL( ctrlAddr, ETrue );
-                    iStage = ERTSPSetupAudioSent;
-                    }
-                else
-                    { 
-                    // there is no audio that need setup so lets check also multicast+tcp
-                    ConditionallySetupMultiCastOrTcpStreamingL();                  
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case ERTSPPauseSent:
-                // If we're paused, do zero the buffer, in tcp streaming case
-                // some servers seem to send packets even after play..
-                break; 
-            case ERTSPReadyToPlay:
-                // In these stages send no further commands
-                break;
-            case ERTSPPlaySent:
-                // Start timer for UDP reception and start streaming
-                if ( iTransport == ERTPOverUDP )
-                    {
-                    iUdpReceptionTimer->Cancel();
-                    iUdpReceptionTimer->After( KCRRtspRtpUdpTimeout );
-                    }
-                iStage = ERTSPPlaying;
-                if ( !iNoRtpInfoHeader )
-                    {
-                    iSessionObs.StatusChanged( MCRPacketSource::ERtpStatePlaying );
-                    }
-                break;
-            case ERTSPPlaying:
-                // None
-                break;
-            case ERTSPTearDownSent:
-                iPostPonedPlay = EFalse; 
-                iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-                break;
-            default:
-                // By default send no further commands
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendPlayCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SendPlayCommandL(void)
-    {
-    delete iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent];
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent] = NULL;
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent] = CCRRtspCommand::NewL();
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent]->SetCommand ( CCRRtspCommand::ERTSPCommandPLAY );
-    TPtrC8 uriDes( iRtspUri8->Des() );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent]->SetURL( uriDes );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent]->SetCSeq( iCSeq ++ );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent]->SetRange( iStartPos , iEndPos );
-    if ( iUserAgent )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent]->SetUserAgentL( *iUserAgent );
-        }
-    if ( iSessionId.Ptr() )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent]->SetSessionId( iSessionId );
-        }
-    if ( iAuthenticationNeeded )
-        {
-        AddAuthenticationL( ERTSPPlaySent );
-        }
-    if ( iRtspSock ) 
-        {
-        iRtspSock->SendData( iPrevCommands[ERTSPPlaySent]->ProduceL() );
-        StartRtspTimeout( KCRRtspResponseTimeout );
-        iStage = ERTSPPlaySent;
-        }
-    iStartPos = KRealZero;
-    iEndPos = KRealMinusOne;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendPauseCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SendPauseCommandL(void)
-    {
-    delete iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent];
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent] = NULL;
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent] = CCRRtspCommand::NewL();
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent]->SetCommand ( CCRRtspCommand::ERTSPCommandPAUSE );
-    TPtrC8 uriDes( iRtspUri8->Des() );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent]->SetURL( uriDes );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent]->SetCSeq( iCSeq ++ );
-    if ( iUserAgent )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent]->SetUserAgentL( *iUserAgent );
-        }
-    if ( iSessionId.Ptr() )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent]->SetSessionId( iSessionId );
-        }
-    if ( iAuthenticationNeeded )
-        {
-        AddAuthenticationL( ERTSPPauseSent );
-        }
-    if ( iRtspSock )
-        {
-        iRtspSock->SendData( iPrevCommands[ERTSPPauseSent]->ProduceL() );
-        StartRtspTimeout( KCRRtspResponseTimeout );
-        iStage = ERTSPPauseSent;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendSetupCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::SendSetupCommandL(
-    const TDesC8& aControlAddr,
-    TBool aForAudio )
-    {
-    TCRRTSPStage newStage = aForAudio ? ERTSPSetupAudioSent : ERTSPSetupVideoSent;
-    delete iPrevCommands[newStage];
-    iPrevCommands[newStage] = NULL;
-    iPrevCommands[newStage] = CCRRtspCommand::NewL();
-    iPrevCommands[newStage]->SetCommand ( CCRRtspCommand::ERTSPCommandSETUP );
-    iPrevCommands[newStage]->SetURL( aControlAddr );
-    iPrevCommands[newStage]->SetCSeq( iCSeq ++ );
-    iPrevCommands[newStage]->SetTransport( iTransport );
-    // Map stream to port number (when streaming over UDP) or channel (over TCP)
-    // base: iClientPort for UDP, 0 for TCP
-    // video: (base+0, base+1)
-    // audio: (base+2, base+3) or (base+0, base+1) when audio only
-    TInt portbase( ( iTransport == ERTPOverUDP )? iClientPort: 0 );
-    TInt portoffset( ( aForAudio && iSdpParser->VideoControlAddr().Length() )? 2: 0 );
-    iPrevCommands[newStage]->SetClientPort( portbase + portoffset );
-    if ( iSessionId.Ptr() )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[newStage]->SetSessionId ( iSessionId );
-        }
-    if ( iAuthenticationNeeded )
-        {
-        AddAuthenticationL( newStage );
-        }
-    if ( iUserAgent )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[newStage]->SetUserAgentL( *iUserAgent );
-        }
-    if ( iWapProfile )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[newStage]->SetWapProfileL( *iWapProfile );
-        }
-    if ( iRtspSock ) 
-        {
-        iRtspSock->SendData( iPrevCommands[newStage]->ProduceL() );
-        StartRtspTimeout( KCRRtspResponseTimeout );
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendTearDownCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SendTearDownCommandL()
-    {
-    CCRRtspCommand*& teardowncmd = iPrevCommands[ERTSPTearDownSent];
-    iPostPonedPlay = EFalse; 
-    if ( teardowncmd )
-        {
-        delete teardowncmd; teardowncmd = NULL;
-        }
-    teardowncmd = CCRRtspCommand::NewL();
-    teardowncmd->SetCommand( CCRRtspCommand::ERTSPCommandTEARDOWN );
-    TPtrC8 uri( iRtspUri8->Des() );
-    teardowncmd->SetURL( uri );
-    teardowncmd->SetCSeq( iCSeq++ );
-    if ( iSessionId.Ptr() )
-        {
-        teardowncmd->SetSessionId( iSessionId );
-        }
-    if ( iUserAgent )
-        {
-        teardowncmd->SetUserAgentL( *iUserAgent );
-        }
-    if ( iAuthenticationNeeded )
-        {
-        AddAuthenticationL( ERTSPTearDownSent );
-        }
-    if ( iRtspSock )
-        {
-        iRtspSock->SendData( teardowncmd->ProduceL() );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendOptionsCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SendOptionsCommandL(void)
-    {
-    delete iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent];
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent] = NULL;
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent] = CCRRtspCommand::NewL();
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent]->SetCommand ( CCRRtspCommand::ERTSPCommandOPTIONS );
-    TPtrC8 uriDes ( iRtspUri8->Des() );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent]->SetURL ( uriDes );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent]->SetCSeq ( iCSeq ++ );
-    if ( iUserAgent )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent]->SetUserAgentL( *iUserAgent );
-        }
-    if ( iSessionId.Ptr() )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent]->SetSessionId ( iSessionId );
-        }
-    if ( iAuthenticationNeeded )
-        {
-        AddAuthenticationL( ERTSPOptSent );
-        }
-    if ( iRtspSock )
-        {
-        iRtspSock->SendData( iPrevCommands[ERTSPOptSent]->ProduceL() );
-        }
-    // Sending options ping does not change our state
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions( void )
-    {
-    TInt retval( KErrNone );
-    if ( !iRtspSock )
-        {
-        retval = KErrNotReady;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TInetAddr localAddr( iRtspSock->LocalAddr() );
-        TInetAddr remoteAddr( iRtspSock->ConnectedAddr() );
-        // Clear used streams
-        iReceiveStreams.Reset();
-        iTrafficFound = EFalse;
-        // First audio:
-        if ( iRtspSock && iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent] )
-            {
-            if ( iTransport == ERTPOverMulticast )
-                {
-                retval = CreateMulticastSocket( ERTPAudioSend1, 
-                    iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent]->Destination(),
-                    iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent]->ClientPort() );
-                if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    retval = CreateMulticastSocket( ERTPAudioSend2, 
-                        iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent]->Destination(),
-                        iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent]->ClientPort()+1 );
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                localAddr.SetPort( iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent]->ClientPort() );
-                remoteAddr.SetPort( iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent]->ServerPort() );
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE )
-                TName _addr;
-                localAddr.Output( _addr );
-                LOG2( "localaddr for video is %S:%d", &_addr, localAddr.Port() );
-                remoteAddr.Output( _addr );
-                LOG2( "remoteAddr for video is %S:%d", &_addr, remoteAddr.Port() );
-                retval = CreateUnicastSocket( ERTPAudioSend1, localAddr, remoteAddr );
-                if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    localAddr.SetPort( localAddr.Port()+1 );
-                    remoteAddr.SetPort( remoteAddr.Port()+1 );
-                    retval = CreateUnicastSocket( ERTPAudioSend2, localAddr, remoteAddr );
-                    }
-                }
-            if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                {
-                TRAP( retval, iAudioSession.OpenL(
-                    iRTPSockArr[ERTPAudioSend1]->Socket(),
-                    KAverageExpectedRtpPacketMaxSize,
-                    iRTPSockArr[ERTPAudioSend2]->Socket(),
-                    EPriorityNormal, KCRCName() ) );
-                }
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions audio sess open: %d", retval );
-            if ( !retval )
-                {
-                SetRtpSession( iAudioSession , iSdpParser->AudioTimerGranularity() );
-                iAudioSession.SetBandwidth( iSdpParser->AudioBitrate() * 1000 ); 
-                TRAP( retval, iAudioSession.PrivRegisterEventCallbackL( ERtpNewSource, 
-                    ( TRtpCallbackFunction )CCRRtspPacketSource::AudioRTPCallBack, this ) );
-                TReceiveStream audioDataStream;
-                audioDataStream.iStreamType = EAudioStream;
-                audioDataStream.iDataReceived = EFalse;                
-                iReceiveStreams.Append( audioDataStream );
-                LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions - AudioStream found" );
-                TReceiveStream audioControlStream;
-                audioControlStream.iStreamType = EAudioControlStream;
-                audioControlStream.iDataReceived = EFalse;
-                LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions - AudioControlStream found" );
-                iReceiveStreams.Append( audioControlStream );
-                LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions audio stat: %d, ts: %u",
-                    retval, ( TUint )iRTPTimeStampAudio );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                if ( iObserver )
-                    {
-                    iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                        iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                        ECRConnectionError, retval );
-                    }
-                iOwningSession.SourceStop();                    
-                }
-            }
-        // Then video
-        if ( retval == KErrNone && iRtspSock && iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent] )
-            {
-            if ( iTransport==ERTPOverMulticast )
-                {
-                retval = CreateMulticastSocket( ERTPVideoSend1, 
-                    iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent]->Destination(),
-                    iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent]->ClientPort() );
-                if ( retval==KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    retval = CreateMulticastSocket( ERTPVideoSend2, 
-                        iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent]->Destination(),
-                        iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent]->ClientPort()+1 );
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                localAddr.SetPort( iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent]->ClientPort() );
-                remoteAddr.SetPort( iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent]->ServerPort() );
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE )
-                TName _addr;
-                localAddr.Output( _addr );
-                LOG2( "localaddr for video is %S:%d", &_addr, localAddr.Port() );
-                remoteAddr.Output( _addr );
-                LOG2( "remoteAddr for video is %S:%d", &_addr, remoteAddr.Port() );
-                retval = CreateUnicastSocket( ERTPVideoSend1, localAddr, remoteAddr );
-                if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    localAddr.SetPort( localAddr.Port() + 1 );
-                    remoteAddr.SetPort( remoteAddr.Port() + 1 );
-                    retval = CreateUnicastSocket( ERTPVideoSend2, localAddr, remoteAddr );
-                    }
-                }
-            if ( retval == KErrNone )
-                {
-                TRAP( retval, iVideoSession.OpenL( iRTPSockArr[ERTPVideoSend1]->Socket(),
-                    KAverageExpectedRtpPacketMaxSize, iRTPSockArr[ERTPVideoSend2]->Socket(),
-                    EPriorityNormal, KCRCName() ) );
-                }
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions video sess open: %d", retval );
-            if ( !retval )
-                {
-                SetRtpSession( iVideoSession , iSdpParser->VideoTimerGranularity() );
-                iVideoSession.SetBandwidth( iSdpParser->VideoBitrate() * 1000 ); 
-                TRAP( retval, iVideoSession.PrivRegisterEventCallbackL( ERtpNewSource,
-                    ( TRtpCallbackFunction )CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack, this ) );
-                TReceiveStream videoDataStream;
-                videoDataStream.iStreamType = EVideoStream;
-                videoDataStream.iDataReceived = EFalse;
-                LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions - VideoStream found" );
-                iReceiveStreams.Append( videoDataStream );
-                TReceiveStream videoControlStream;
-                videoControlStream.iStreamType = EVideoControlStream;
-                videoControlStream.iDataReceived = EFalse;
-                LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions - VideoControlStream found" );
-                iReceiveStreams.Append( videoControlStream );
-                LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupRTPSessions video stat: %d, ts: %u",
-                    retval, ( TUint )iRTPTimeStampVideo );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                if ( iObserver )
-                    {
-                    iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                        iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                        ECRConnectionError, retval );
-                    }
-                iOwningSession.SourceStop();                    
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    return retval;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateMulticastSocket
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateMulticastSocket(
-    TCRRTPSockId aSockId, 
-    const TInetAddr& aGroupAddr,
-    TInt aPort )
-    {
-    // Alias for socket being created
-    CCRSock*& sock = iRTPSockArr[aSockId];
-    // Delete if already existing
-    if ( sock )
-        {
-        delete sock;
-        sock = NULL;
-        }
-    // Create socket
-    TRAPD( err, sock = CCRSock::NewL( *this, aSockId, iConnection.Connection(),
-                                      iSockServer, EFalse, EFalse) );
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateMulticastSocket: CCRSock::NewL FAILED, sockId: %d, err: %d",
-            aSockId, err );
-        return err;
-        }
-    // Bind socket to local UDP port, issue no reads -> handled by RRtpSession
-    err = sock->ListenPort( aPort );
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateMulticastSocket: ListenPort FAILED, port: %d, err: %d",
-            aPort, err );
-        return err;
-        }
-    err = sock->JoinGroup( aGroupAddr );
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateMulticastSocket: JoinGroup FAILED, err: %d", err );
-        return err;
-        }
-#if defined(LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE) || defined(LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE)
-    TName group;
-    aGroupAddr.Output( group );
-    LOG3( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateMulticastSocket: sockid: %d, group: '%S', port: %d OK",
-        aSockId, &group, aPort );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateUnicastSocket
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateUnicastSocket(
-    TCRRTPSockId aSockId, 
-    const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
-    const TInetAddr& /*aRemoteAddr*/ )
-    {
-    // Alias for socket being created
-    CCRSock*& sock = iRTPSockArr[aSockId];
-    // Delete if already existing
-    if ( sock )
-        {
-        delete sock;
-        sock = NULL;
-        }
-    // Create socket: EFalse=UDP, EFalse=issue no read (handled by RRtpSession)
-    TRAPD( err, sock = CCRSock::NewL( *this,aSockId, iConnection.Connection(),
-                                      iSockServer, EFalse, EFalse ) );
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateUnicastSocket: CCRSock::NewL FAILED, sockId: %d, err: %d",
-            aSockId, err );
-        return err;
-        }
-    // Bind to local port, ignore remote address and port
-    TInt port = aLocalAddr.Port();
-    err = sock->ListenPort( port );
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateUnicastSocket: ListenPort FAILED, port: %d, err: %d",
-            port, err );
-        return err;
-        }
-#if defined(LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE) || defined(LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE)
-    LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CreateUnicastSocket: sockid: %d, port: %d OK",
-        aSockId, port );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::RTPPayloadProcessor
-// This is called from audio and video callbacks when real payload packet
-// is received from rtp stack.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::RTPPayloadProcessor(
-    const TRtpEvent& aEvent,
-    const TBool aIsAudio )
-    {
-    // If udp traffic hasn't been flagged as found
-    // keep marking streams as found
-    if ( !iTrafficFound )
-        {            
-        if ( aIsAudio )
-            {
-            StreamFound( EAudioStream );        
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            StreamFound( EVideoStream );        
-            }
-        // Cancel UDP timer, so as not to trigger TCP streaming
-        if ( CheckReceiveOfStreams() )
-            {
-            // We have traffic from all needed streams, cancel reception timer
-            // and set UDP flag.            
-            iUdpReceptionTimer->Cancel();
-            iUdpFound = ETrue;
-            iTrafficFound = ETrue;
-            }
-        }    
-    // Here process packet
-    RRtpReceivePacket p = aEvent.ReceiveSource().Packet();
-    TUint32 flag( 0 );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&flag, p.Flags() );
-    // Header
-    TCRRtpMessageHeader packetHeader;
-    memcpy( &packetHeader, &flag, sizeof( flag ) );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&packetHeader.iTimestamp, p.Timestamp() );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&packetHeader.iSSRC, p.SSRC() );
-    TPtrC8 rtpHeader( ( TUint8* )&packetHeader, sizeof( packetHeader ) );
-    if ( iNoRtpInfoHeader )
-        {
-        ConstructSeqAndTsForSink(
-            aIsAudio ? MCRPacketSource::EAudioStream : MCRPacketSource::EVideoStream,
-            0 /*nop*/, 0 /*nop*/, 0 /*nop*/, p.SequenceNumber() );
-        }
-    // Stream
-    MCRPacketSource::TCRPacketStreamId stream( 
-        ( aIsAudio )? MCRPacketSource::EAudioStream : 
-                      MCRPacketSource::EVideoStream );
-    iBuffer->AddPacket( stream, rtpHeader, p.Payload() );
-    // Count of packets
-    if ( aIsAudio )
-        {
-        iAudioBytes += p.Payload( ).Length();
-        iAudioPackets ++;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iVideoBytes += p.Payload( ).Length();
-        iVideoPackets ++;
-        }
-    p.Close();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::AudioRTPCallBack
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::AudioRTPCallBack(
-    CCRRtspPacketSource* aPtr,
-    const TRtpEvent& aEvent )
-    {
-    switch ( aEvent.Type() )
-        {
-        case ERtpPacketReceived:
-            static_cast<CCRRtspPacketSource*>( aPtr )->
-                RTPPayloadProcessor( aEvent, ETrue );
-            break;
-        // RTCP
-        case ERtpSR:
-            {
-            // We have audio control traffic
-            if ( !aPtr->iTrafficFound )
-                {                    
-                aPtr->StreamFound( EAudioControlStream );
-                if ( aPtr->CheckReceiveOfStreams() )
-                    {                    
-                    // Cancel UDP timer, so as not to trigger TCP streaming
-                    aPtr->iUdpReceptionTimer->Cancel();
-                    aPtr->iUdpFound = ETrue;
-                    aPtr->iTrafficFound = ETrue;
-                    }
-                }
-            // Sender report
-            SenderReport( aPtr, aEvent, MCRPacketSource::EAudioControlStream );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ERtpNewSource:
-            {
-            // Handle audio 
-            TRAPD( err, HandleNewSourceL( aPtr, aPtr->iRtpRecvSrcAudio, aEvent,
-                ( TRtpCallbackFunction )CCRRtspPacketSource::AudioRTPCallBack ) );
-            if ( err )
-                {
-                LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::AudioRTPCallBack(), HandleNewSourceL Leaved: %d", err );
-                aPtr->iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case ERtpSessionFail:
-        case ERtpSourceFail:
-            LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack(), source/session fail" );
-            aPtr->iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-            if ( aPtr->iObserver )
-                {
-                aPtr->iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange( 
-                     aPtr->iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                     ECRNormalEndOfStream, KErrSessionClosed );
-                }
-            break;
-        case ERtpBYE:
-            LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::AudioRTPCallBack(), ERtpBYE" );
-            if ( aPtr->iObserver )
-                {
-                aPtr->iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange( 
-                     aPtr->iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(), 
-                     ECRNormalEndOfStream, KErrNone );
-                }
-            break;
-        default:
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::AudioRTPCallBack default case, type 0x%x",
-                ( TUint )( aEvent.Type() ) );
-            // by do nothing
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack(
-    CCRRtspPacketSource* aPtr,
-    const TRtpEvent& aEvent )
-    {
-    switch ( aEvent.Type() )
-        {
-        case ERtpPacketReceived:
-            static_cast<CCRRtspPacketSource*>( aPtr )->
-                RTPPayloadProcessor( aEvent, EFalse );
-            break;
-        // RTCP
-        case ERtpSR:
-            {
-            // We have video control traffic
-            if ( !aPtr->iTrafficFound )
-                {                    
-                aPtr->StreamFound( EVideoControlStream );
-                if ( aPtr->CheckReceiveOfStreams() )
-                    {                    
-                    // Cancel UDP timer, so as not to trigger TCP streaming
-                    aPtr->iUdpReceptionTimer->Cancel();
-                    aPtr->iUdpFound = ETrue;
-                    aPtr->iTrafficFound = ETrue;
-                    }
-                }
-            // Sender report
-            SenderReport( aPtr, aEvent, MCRPacketSource::EVideoControlStream );
-            }
-            break;
-        case ERtpNewSource:
-            {
-            // Handle video
-            TRAPD( err, HandleNewSourceL( aPtr, aPtr->iRtpRecvSrcVideo, aEvent,
-                ( TRtpCallbackFunction )CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack ) );
-            if ( err )
-                {
-                LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack(), HandleNewSourceL Leaved: %d", err );
-                aPtr->iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case ERtpSessionFail:
-        case ERtpSourceFail:
-            LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack(), Source/session fail" );
-            aPtr->iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-            if ( aPtr->iObserver )
-                {
-                aPtr->iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange( 
-                     aPtr->iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(),
-                     ECRNormalEndOfStream, KErrSessionClosed );
-                }
-            break;
-        case ERtpBYE:
-            LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack(), ERtpBYE" );
-            if ( aPtr->iObserver )
-                {
-                aPtr->iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange( 
-                     aPtr->iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(), 
-                     ECRNormalEndOfStream, KErrNone );
-                }
-            break;
-        default:
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::VideoRTPCallBack default case, type 0x%x",
-                ( TUint )( aEvent.Type() ) );
-            // By do nothing
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SenderReport
-// rfc-1305:
-// NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsigned fixed-
-// point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 1900.
-// The integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction
-// part in the last 32 bits.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SenderReport(
-    CCRRtspPacketSource* aPtr,
-    const TRtpEvent& aEvent,
-    MCRPacketSource::TCRPacketStreamId aStreamId )
-    {
-    TCRRtpSRReportHeader srReport;
-    srReport.iVersion = KRtpPacketVersion; // value is 2
-    srReport.iPadding = 0;
-    srReport.iReportCount = 0;
-    srReport.iPacketType = KSenderReportPacketType;
-    RRtpReceiveSource source( aEvent.ReceiveSource() );
-    BigEndian::Put16( ( TUint8* )&srReport.iLength, 6 );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&srReport.iSenderSSRC,
-        source.SSRC() );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&srReport.iMSWTimestamp,
-        source.GetSR().iSrPtr.ntp_sec );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&srReport.iLSWTimestamp,
-        source.GetSR().iSrPtr.ntp_frac );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&srReport.iRTPTimestamp, 
-        source.GetSR().RTPTimestamp() );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&srReport.iSenderPacketCount,
-        aPtr->iAudioPackets );
-    BigEndian::Put32( ( TUint8* )&srReport.iSenderOctetCount,
-        aPtr->iAudioBytes );
-    TPtrC8 rtcpHeader( ( TUint8* )&srReport, sizeof( srReport ) );
-    aPtr->iBuffer->AddPacket( aStreamId, rtcpHeader );
-    // Verify Seq and Ts 
-    if ( aPtr->iNoRtpInfoHeader )
-        {
-        aPtr->ConstructSeqAndTsForSink (
-            aStreamId,
-            source.GetSR().iSrPtr.ntp_sec,
-            source.GetSR().iSrPtr.ntp_frac,
-            source.GetSR().RTPTimestamp(),
-            0 ); // 0 not used
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::HandleNewSourceL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::HandleNewSourceL(
-    CCRRtspPacketSource* aPtr,
-    RRtpReceiveSource& aSource,
-    const TRtpEvent& aEvent,
-    TRtpCallbackFunction aCallback )
-    {
-    // Cancel UDP timer, so as not to trigger TCP streaming
-    aPtr->iUdpReceptionTimer->Cancel();
-    delete aPtr->iPunchPacketSenderAudio;
-    aPtr->iPunchPacketSenderAudio = NULL;
-    if ( aSource.IsOpen() )
-        {
-        aSource.Close();
-        }
-    // Source
-    aSource = aEvent.Session().NewReceiveSourceL();
-    aSource.PrivRegisterEventCallbackL( ERtpPacketReceived, aCallback, aPtr );
-    aSource.PrivRegisterEventCallbackL( ERtpSR, aCallback, aPtr );
-    aSource.PrivRegisterEventCallbackL( ERtpBYE, aCallback, aPtr );
-    aSource.PrivRegisterEventCallbackL( ERtpSessionFail, aCallback, aPtr );
-    aSource.PrivRegisterEventCallbackL( ERtpSourceFail, aCallback, aPtr );
-    // Ping Timer
-    if ( !aPtr->iRtspPingTimer )
-        {
-        aPtr->iRtspPingTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityLow );
-        aPtr->iRtspPingTimer->Start(
-            KDVR10Seconds, 2 * KDVR10Seconds, TCallBack( SendRtspPing, aPtr ) );
-        }
-    aEvent.Session().SendAPPL( KCRCName() );
-    aEvent.Session().SetRTCPAutoSend( ETrue );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendAuthDescribeL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SendAuthDescribeL( )
-    {
-    delete iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent];
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent] = NULL;
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent] = CCRRtspCommand::NewL();
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetCommand (
-        CCRRtspCommand::ERTSPCommandDESCRIBE );
-    TPtrC8 uriDes ( iRtspUri8->Des() );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetURL ( uriDes );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetCSeq ( iCSeq ++ );
-    if ( iAuthType )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetAuthenticationTypeL( iAuthType->Des() );
-        }
-    if ( iNonce )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetNonceL( iNonce->Des() );
-        }
-    if ( iRealm )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetRealmL( iRealm->Des() );
-        }
-    if ( iOpaque )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetOpaqueL( iOpaque->Des() );
-        }
-    if ( iUserAgent )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetUserAgentL( *iUserAgent );
-        }
-    if ( iWapProfile )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetWapProfileL( *iWapProfile );
-        }
-    if ( iBandwidth )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetBandwidth( iBandwidth );
-        }
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetUserNameL( iUserName->Des() );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetPassWdL( iPassword->Des() );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetRtspUriL( iRtspUri->Des() );
-    iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->SetAuthentication ( iAuthenticationNeeded );
-    if ( iRtspSock ) 
-        {
-        iRtspSock->SendData( iPrevCommands[ERTSPDescSent]->ProduceL() );
-        StartRtspTimeout( KCRRtspResponseTimeout );
-        }
-    iStage = ERTSPDescSent;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::AddAuthenticationL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::AddAuthenticationL( TInt aCommand )
-    {
-    if ( iPrevCommands[aCommand] && iNonce && 
-         iOpaque && iUserName && iPassword )
-        {
-        iPrevCommands[aCommand]->SetAuthenticationTypeL( iAuthType->Des() );
-        iPrevCommands[aCommand]->SetNonceL( iNonce->Des() );
-        iPrevCommands[aCommand]->SetRealmL( iRealm->Des() );
-        iPrevCommands[aCommand]->SetOpaqueL( iOpaque->Des() );
-        iPrevCommands[aCommand]->SetUserNameL( iUserName->Des() );
-        iPrevCommands[aCommand]->SetPassWdL( iPassword->Des() );
-        iPrevCommands[aCommand]->SetRtspUriL( iRtspUri->Des() );
-        iPrevCommands[aCommand]->SetAuthentication ( iAuthenticationNeeded );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::PunchPacketsSent
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::PunchPacketsSent( CCRPunchPacketSender* aPuncher )
-    {
-    if ( iPunchPacketSenderVideo && aPuncher == iPunchPacketSenderVideo )
-        {
-        iPunchPacketSentForVideo = ETrue;
-        }
-    if ( iPunchPacketSenderAudio && aPuncher == iPunchPacketSenderAudio )
-        {
-        iPunchPacketSentForAudio = ETrue;
-        }
-    if ( ( iPunchPacketSenderVideo && !iPunchPacketSenderAudio && 
-           iPunchPacketSentForVideo ) ||
-         ( !iPunchPacketSenderVideo && iPunchPacketSenderAudio &&
-           iPunchPacketSentForAudio ) ||
-         ( iPunchPacketSenderVideo && iPunchPacketSenderAudio && 
-           iPunchPacketSentForVideo && iPunchPacketSentForAudio ) )
-        {
-        LOG1( "PunchPacketsSent, play readiness: %d", iReadyToPlay );
-        SetupSessionsAndPlay();
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupSessionsAndPlay
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SetupSessionsAndPlay()
-    {
-    // all needed punch packets are sent:
-    if ( SetupRTPSessions() != KErrNone )
-        {
-        iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // if we're ready to play, play
-        if ( iReadyToPlay )
-            {
-            TRAPD( err, SendPlayCommandL() );
-            if ( err != KErrNone )
-                {
-                iOwningSession.SourceStop();
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iStage = ERTSPReadyToPlay;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendPunchPackets
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SendPunchPacketsL( void )
-    {
-    LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SendPunchPacketsL in" );
-    delete iPunchPacketSenderAudio;
-    iPunchPacketSenderAudio = NULL;
-    delete iPunchPacketSenderVideo;
-    iPunchPacketSenderVideo = NULL;
-    if ( iSdpParser &&iRtspSock && iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent] )
-        {
-        TInetAddr localAddr = iRtspSock->LocalAddr();
-        TInetAddr remoteAddr = iRtspSock->ConnectedAddr();
-        localAddr.SetPort(iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent]->ClientPort());
-        remoteAddr.SetPort(iResponses[ERTSPSetupVideoSent]->ServerPort());
-        iPunchPacketSenderVideo = CCRPunchPacketSender::NewL(
-            iConnection.Connection(), iSockServer,
-            localAddr, remoteAddr, 0, *this );
-        }
-    if ( iSdpParser && iRtspSock && iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent] )
-        {
-        TInetAddr localAddr = iRtspSock->LocalAddr();
-        TInetAddr remoteAddr = iRtspSock->ConnectedAddr();
-        localAddr.SetPort(iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent]->ClientPort());
-        remoteAddr.SetPort(iResponses[ERTSPSetupAudioSent]->ServerPort());
-        iPunchPacketSenderAudio = CCRPunchPacketSender::NewL(
-            iConnection.Connection(), iSockServer,
-            localAddr, remoteAddr, 0, *this );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ConnectionStatusChange
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ConnectionStatusChange(
-    TInt /*aSessionId*/,
-    TCRConnectionStatus aStatus,
-    TInt /* aErr */ )
-    {
-    switch( aStatus )
-        {
-        // Connection has gone up or bearer has changed -> check bandwidth
-        case ECRBearerChanged:
-            {
-            LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConnectionStatusChange: IapUp or IapUp2G" );
-            if ( iSdpParser && iObserver )
-                {
-                // Unknown bitrate or bandwidth are returned as zero. Bitrates in kbit/s
-                TInt bitrate( iSdpParser->VideoBitrate() + 
-                              iSdpParser->AudioBitrate() );
-                TInt bandwidth( iConnection.MaximumBandwidth() / 1000 );
-                if ( bitrate > 0 && bandwidth > 0 && bandwidth < bitrate )
-                    {
-                    LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConnectionStatusChange: clip_bitrate: %d, connection_bandwidth: %d -> NotEnoughBandwidth",
-                        bitrate, bandwidth );
-                    iObserver->ConnectionStatusChange(
-                        iOwningSession.SourceChecksum(), ECRNotEnoughBandwidth, KErrNone );
-                    }
-                }
-            break;
-            }
-        // Connection has gone down or error occured -> switch back to RTP/UDP transport
-        case ECRConnectionError:
-        case ECRIapDown:
-            {
-            LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConnectionStatusChange: IapDown or ConnectionError -> switch to RTP/UDP streaming" );
-            iConnection.SetHeuristic( CCRConnection::EUdpStreamingBlocked, EFalse );
-            break;
-            }
-        // Nothing to do for:
-        // ECRConnecting
-        // ECRAuthenticationNeeded
-        // ECRNotEnoughBandwidth
-        // ECRNormalEndOfStream
-        default:
-            {
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConnectionStatusChange: unhandled status: %d", aStatus );
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::RegisterConnectionObs
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::RegisterConnectionObs( MCRConnectionObserver* aObserver )
-    {
-    iObserver = aObserver;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::UnregisterConnectionObs
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::UnregisterConnectionObs( )
-    {
-    iObserver = NULL;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SetRtpSession
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::SetRtpSession(
-    RRtpSession& aSession,
-    TReal aGranularity )
-    {
-    // Unit is 1/second
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iSdpParser != NULL, User::Panic( _L( "RTSP source" ), KErrBadHandle ) );
-    TUint32 howManyNanoSecondsIsOneTick( 
-        ( TUint32 )( TReal( 1000000000.0L ) / aGranularity ) );
-    LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::SetRtpSession clock tick: %u", howManyNanoSecondsIsOneTick );        
-    aSession.SetRTPTimeConversion( 0, howManyNanoSecondsIsOneTick );
-    aSession.SetRtpStreamParameters( KDVRMinSequential, // 1
-                                     KDVRMaxMisorder,   // 50
-                                     KDVRMaxDropOut );  // 3000
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::SendRtspPing
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCRRtspPacketSource::SendRtspPing( TAny* aSelfPtr )
-    {
-    CCRRtspPacketSource* ptr = static_cast<CCRRtspPacketSource*> ( aSelfPtr );
-    TRAPD( err, ptr->SendOptionsCommandL() );
-    return err;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructSeqAndTsForSink
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructSeqAndTsForSink ( 
-    MCRPacketSource::TCRPacketStreamId aStreamId,
-    TUint32 aMSWTimestamp,
-    TUint32 aLSWTimestamp,
-    TUint32 aRTPTimestamp,
-    TUint aSeq ) 
-    {
-    switch ( aStreamId )
-        {
-        case EAudioStream:
-            if ( iRTPTimeStampAudio )
-                {
-                iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio = aSeq;
-                if ( iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio == 0 )
-                    {
-                    iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio++;
-                    }
-                LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructSeqAndTsForSink(), Audio seq: %d ", ( int )aSeq );  
-                // We may declare that we have seq+ts if we're here and have only audio or
-                // if we're here and have both audio and video and have also seq for video
-                if ( ( iSdpParser->SupportedContent() == CDvrSdpParser::EDvrAudioOnly )  ||
-                     ( iSdpParser->SupportedContent() == CDvrSdpParser::EDvrBothAudioAndVideo &&
-                       iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo && iRTPTimeStampVideo ) )
-                    {
-                    iSessionObs.StatusChanged( 
-                        MCRPacketSource::ERtpStateSeqAndTSAvailable );                   
-                    iNoRtpInfoHeader = EFalse;  
-                    if ( iStage == ERTSPPlaying )
-                        {
-                        iSessionObs.StatusChanged( 
-                            MCRPacketSource::ERtpStatePlaying );                                            
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            break;
-        case EAudioControlStream:
-            if ( !iMSWTimestamp ) 
-                { // no wall clock time yet set
-                iMSWTimestamp = aMSWTimestamp; 
-                iLSWTimestamp = aLSWTimestamp; 
-                iRTPTimeStampAudio = aRTPTimestamp; 
-                if ( iRTPTimeStampAudio == 0 ) 
-                    {
-                    iRTPTimeStampAudio++; 
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                { 
-                // Sync audio with video
-                TInt64 wallClockOfVideo = MAKE_TINT64 ( iMSWTimestamp , iLSWTimestamp ); 
-                TInt64 wallClockOfAudio = MAKE_TINT64 ( aMSWTimestamp , aLSWTimestamp ); 
-                // Then figure out the difference. unit is now difficult ; upper 
-                // 32 bits contain whole seconds, lower contains fraction
-                TInt64 wallClockDifference( wallClockOfVideo - wallClockOfAudio );
-                // Now, the aRTPTimestamp has different scale, declared in SDP. 
-                // first make one second that has same scale as wallClockDifference
-                TInt64 granularity( MAKE_TINT64( 1, 0 ) ); 
-                // Then divide that one second with the given granularity. variable
-                // granularity will now contain in its low 32 bits the fraction of the
-                // second that re-presents one clock tick (e.g. 1/90000 sec for video)
-                granularity = granularity / static_cast<TInt64>(
-                    iSdpParser->AudioTimerGranularity() ); 
-                // Then divide our difference with this fraction of second
-                TInt64 wallClockDifferenceGranular = wallClockDifference / granularity;
-                // unit of wallClockDifferenceGranular is now 2^32 / granularity             
-                TInt32 wallClockDifferenceGranular32 = wallClockDifferenceGranular;
-                LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructSeqAndTsForSink(), Audio ts: %u adjust by: %d",
-                    aRTPTimestamp , wallClockDifferenceGranular32 );        
-                iRTPTimeStampAudio = aRTPTimestamp + wallClockDifferenceGranular32;                
-                if ( iRTPTimeStampAudio == 0 ) 
-                    {
-                    iRTPTimeStampAudio++; 
-                    }
-                }
-            break;                         
-        case EVideoStream:
-            if ( iRTPTimeStampVideo )
-                {
-                iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo = aSeq;
-                if ( iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo == 0 )
-                    {
-                    iSeqFromRtpInfoForVideo++;
-                    }
-                LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructSeqAndTsForSink(), Video seq: %d ",
-                    ( int )aSeq );        
-                // We may declare that we have seq+ts if we're here and have only video or
-                // if we're here and have both and have also seq for video
-                if ( ( iSdpParser->SupportedContent() == CDvrSdpParser::EDvrVideoOnly )  ||
-                     ( iSdpParser->SupportedContent() == CDvrSdpParser::EDvrBothAudioAndVideo &&
-                       iSeqFromRtpInfoForAudio && iRTPTimeStampAudio ) )
-                    {
-                    iSessionObs.StatusChanged( 
-                        MCRPacketSource::ERtpStateSeqAndTSAvailable );                   
-                    iNoRtpInfoHeader = EFalse;  
-                    if ( iStage == ERTSPPlaying )
-                        {
-                        iSessionObs.StatusChanged( 
-                            MCRPacketSource::ERtpStatePlaying );                                            
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            break;                         
-        case EVideoControlStream:
-            if ( !iMSWTimestamp ) 
-                { // No wall clock time yet set
-                iMSWTimestamp = aMSWTimestamp; 
-                iLSWTimestamp = aLSWTimestamp; 
-                iRTPTimeStampVideo = aRTPTimestamp; 
-                if ( iRTPTimeStampVideo == 0 ) 
-                    {
-                    iRTPTimeStampVideo++; 
-                    }               
-                }
-            else
-                { 
-                // Sync audio with video
-                TInt64 wallClockOfAudio = MAKE_TINT64 ( iMSWTimestamp , iLSWTimestamp ); 
-                TInt64 wallClockOfVideo = MAKE_TINT64 ( aMSWTimestamp , aLSWTimestamp ); 
-                // Then figure out the difference. unit is now difficult ; upper 
-                // 32 bits contain whole seconds, lower contains fraction
-                TInt64 wallClockDifference( wallClockOfAudio - wallClockOfVideo );
-                // Now, the aRTPTimestamp has different scale, declared in SDP. 
-                // first make one second that has same scale as wallClockDifference
-                TInt64 granularity( MAKE_TINT64( 1, 0 ) ); 
-                // Then divide that one second with the given granularity. variable
-                // granularity will now contain in its low 32 bits the fraction of the
-                // second that re-presents one clock tick (e.g. 1/90000 sec for video)
-                granularity = granularity / static_cast<TInt64>(
-                    iSdpParser->VideoTimerGranularity()); 
-                // Then divide our difference with this fraction of second
-                TInt64 wallClockDifferenceGranular = wallClockDifference / granularity;
-                // Unit of wallClockDifferenceGranular is now 2^32 / granularity             
-                TInt32 wallClockDifferenceGranular32 = wallClockDifferenceGranular;
-                LOG2( "CCRRtspPacketSource::ConstructSeqAndTsForSink(), Video ts: %u adjust by: %d",
-                    aRTPTimestamp , wallClockDifferenceGranular32 );        
-                iRTPTimeStampVideo = aRTPTimestamp + wallClockDifferenceGranular32;
-                if ( iRTPTimeStampVideo == 0 ) 
-                    {
-                    iRTPTimeStampVideo++; 
-                    }               
-                }
-            break;
-        default:
-            // no thing
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ConditionallySetupMultiCastOrTcpStreamingL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ConditionallySetupMultiCastOrTcpStreamingL ( void ) 
-    {
-    // UDP: Punch packets or play sent in ProcessRTSPResponseL, so do nothing.
-    if ( iTransport == ERTPOverUDP )
-        { 
-        }
-    // Multicast: no punch packets needed but session setup yes
-    else if ( iTransport == ERTPOverMulticast )
-        {
-        SetupSessionsAndPlay();
-        }
-    // TCP: no punch packets or session, just send PLAY .. but wait for UI
-    else if ( iTransport == ERTPOverTCP  )
-        {
-        if ( iReadyToPlay )
-            {
-            SendPlayCommandL();
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iStage = ERTSPReadyToPlay;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::CheckReceiveOfStreams
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCRRtspPacketSource::CheckReceiveOfStreams()
-    {
-    TBool retVal( ETrue );
-    // Go through all streams and check that all streams have receive flag on,
-    // if not return false.
-    for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iReceiveStreams.Count() ; i++ )
-        {
-        if ( iReceiveStreams[i].iDataReceived == EFalse )
-            {
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CheckReceiveOfStreams - Missing atleast stream %d", iReceiveStreams[i].iStreamType );
-            retVal = EFalse;
-            break;
-            }        
-        }
-    if ( retVal )
-        {
-        LOG( "CCRRtspPacketSource::CheckReceiveOfStreams - Receiving from all streams!" );
-        }
-    return retVal;    
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::StreamFound
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::StreamFound( TCRPacketStreamId aStreamType )
-    {
-     // Go through streams and find correct stream to set the receive flag.
-    for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iReceiveStreams.Count(); i++ )
-        {
-        if ( iReceiveStreams[i].iStreamType == aStreamType )
-            {
-            iReceiveStreams[i].iDataReceived = ETrue;
-            LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::StreamFound - Stream %d found", iReceiveStreams[i].iStreamType );            
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ResetStreamFlags
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ResetStreamFlags( )
-    {
-     // Go through streams and clear receiving flag.
-    for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < iReceiveStreams.Count() ; i++ )
-        {        
-        iReceiveStreams[i].iDataReceived = EFalse;         
-        }
-    // We have to check receive again    
-    iTrafficFound = EFalse;
-    }    
-#if defined ( LIVE_TV_FILE_TRACE ) || defined ( LIVE_TV_RDEBUG_TRACE )
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCRRtspPacketSource::ShowHeader
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCRRtspPacketSource::ShowHeader(
-    const TDesC8& aRtcpHeader,
-    const TCRRtpSRReportHeader& aSrReport )
-    {
-    TBuf<100> b( KNullDesC );
-    LOG1( "CCRRtspPacketSource::TCP control packet len: %d", aRtcpHeader.Length() );
-    for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < 32 && j < aRtcpHeader.Length(); j++ )
-        {
-        b.AppendFormat( _L( "%2X " ), ( unsigned )( aRtcpHeader[j] ) );
-        if ( j > 0 && ( ( j % 16 ) == 0 ) )
-            {
-            LOG2( "%d -> %S", j, &b );
-            b.Zero();
-            }
-        }
-    LOG1( "iVersion %u", ( unsigned )aSrReport.iVersion  );
-    LOG1( "iPadding %u", ( unsigned )aSrReport.iPadding );
-    LOG1( "iReportCount %u",( unsigned )aSrReport.iReportCount );
-    LOG1( "iPacketType %u", ( unsigned )aSrReport.iPacketType );
-    LOG1( "iLength %u",
-        ( unsigned)BigEndian::Get16( ( const TUint8* )&aSrReport.iLength ) );
-    LOG1( "iSenderSSRC %u",
-        ( unsigned )BigEndian::Get32( ( const TUint8* )&aSrReport.iSenderSSRC ) );
-    LOG1( "iMSWTimestamp %u",
-        ( unsigned )BigEndian::Get32( ( const TUint8* )&aSrReport.iMSWTimestamp) );
-    LOG1( "iLSWTimestamp %u",
-        ( unsigned)BigEndian::Get32( ( const TUint8* )&aSrReport.iLSWTimestamp ) );
-    LOG1( "iRTPTimestamp %u",
-        ( unsigned )BigEndian::Get32( ( const TUint8* )&aSrReport.iRTPTimestamp ) );
-    LOG1( "iSenderPacketCount %u",
-        ( unsigned )BigEndian::Get32( ( const TUint8* )&aSrReport.iSenderPacketCount) );
-    LOG1( "iSenderOctetCount %u",
-        ( unsigned )BigEndian::Get32( ( const TUint8* )&aSrReport.iSenderOctetCount ) );
-    }
-//  End of File