* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: ?Description*
#include <StifLogger.h>
#include <TestScripterInternal.h>
#include <StifTestModule.h>
#include "MIptvTestTimerObserver.h"
#include "vcxconnutilengineobserver.h"
#include "VCXConnUtilTestPSObserver.h"
#include "../../../../videoconnutility/inc/vcxconnectionutility.hrh"
#include "../../../../videoconnutility/inc/vcxconnutilcommon.h"
const TInt KVcxConnUtilTestModeSubscriber = 0;
const TInt KVcxConnUtilTestModeConnectivity = 1;
const TInt KVcxConnUtilTestModeBoth = 2; // Default mode, P&S is subscribed and connection creation is allowed
const TInt KTimeoutTimerId = 0;
// Logging path
_LIT( KVCXConnUtilTestLogPath, "\\logs\\testframework\\VCXConnUtilTest\\" );
// Log file
_LIT( KVCXConnUtilTestLogFile, "VCXConnUtilTest.txt" );
_LIT( KVCXConnUtilTestLogFileWithTitle, "VCXConnUtilTest_[%S].txt" );
//?type ?function_name(?arg_list);
class CVCXConnUtilTest;
class CVCXTestCommon;
class CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber;
class CIptvTestTimer;
class CIptvTestActiveWait;
//enum ?declaration
//typedef ?declaration
//extern ?data_type;
class TVcxConnTestPSProperty
TVcxConnTestPSProperty( )
iIsInteger = EFalse;
TVcxConnTestPSProperty( TInt aProperty, TInt aValue )
iProperty = aProperty;
iIntegerValue = aValue;
iIsInteger = ETrue;
TVcxConnTestPSProperty( TInt aProperty, TDesC& aValue )
iProperty = aProperty;
iStringValue = aValue;
iIsInteger = EFalse;
~TVcxConnTestPSProperty( )
TBool iIsInteger;
TInt iProperty;
TInt iIntegerValue;
TBufC<256> iStringValue;
* CVCXConnUtilTest test class for STIF Test Framework TestScripter.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVCXConnUtilTest) : public CScriptBase,
public MVCXConnUtilTestPSObserver,
public MIptvTestTimerObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CVCXConnUtilTest* NewL( CTestModuleIf& aTestModuleIf );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CVCXConnUtilTest();
public: // New functions
public: // Functions from base classes
* From CScriptBase Runs a script line.
* @since ?Series60_version
* @param aItem Script line containing method name and parameters
* @return Symbian OS error code
virtual TInt RunMethodL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* From MVCXConnUtilTestPSObserver, called when P&S key changes.
void ValueChangedL( const TUid& aUid, const TUint32& aKey, const TInt& aValue );
* From MVCXConnUtilTestPSObserver, called when P&S key changes.
void ValueChangedL( const TUid& aUid, const TUint32& aKey, const TDesC& aValue );
* From MIptvTestTimerObserver Handles timer completion
* @since
* @param aTimerId
* @param aError
void TimerComplete(TInt aTimerId, TInt aError);
private: // New functions
* Gets name string for property.
void GetPropertyNameL( TInt aProperty, TDes& aPropertyName );
* Gets connection name into a string.
void GetConnectionStatusL( TInt aConnectionStatus, TDes& aStatusString );
* Checks that the tester process is still alive. Leaves if it's dead.
void TesterExeAliveL();
void CreateTesterProcessL();
protected: // New functions
* C++ default constructor.
CVCXConnUtilTest( CTestModuleIf& aTestModuleIf );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Frees all resources allocated from test methods.
* @since ?Series60_version
void Delete();
* Test methods are listed below.
* Tries to close all tester exe's, should be called in start of each case before call
* to any CreateL.
virtual TInt PrepareCaseL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Commands the tester exe to shutdown checks for any error codes for the process exit.
* Should be called in end of each test case before deleting test module.
virtual TInt ShutdownTesterL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Initializes the test module.
* @param mode, If KVcxConnUtilTestModeNormal
* - Doesn't subscribe ConnUtil P&S keys.
* - Main use connectivity.
* If KVcxConnUtilTestModeSubscribe
* - Subscribes ConnUtil P&S keys and keeps track of the changes.
* - Doesn't create instance of ConnUtil, can't be used for connectivity.
* @param caseId.
virtual TInt CreateL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Calls CVcxConnectionUtility::GetIap which creates connection.
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeNormal mode.
virtual TInt GetIapL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Calls CVcxConnectionUtility::WapIdFromIapIdL for the defined IAP.
* @param iapName, if IAP is not found then invalid IAP ID is used.
virtual TInt WapIdFromIapIdL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Calls CVcxConnectionUtility::Disconnect which disconnects active connection.
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeNormal mode.
virtual TInt DisconnectL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Calls CVcxConnectionUtility::Disconnect which disconnects active connection.
* Can be used always.
virtual TInt CheckPropertyL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Sets roaming flag which is returned to ConnUtil upon request.
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeNormal mode.
virtual TInt SetRoamingAllowedL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Sets flag for test module to cause User::Leave when it gets roaming request.
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeNormal mode.
virtual TInt SetLeaveAtRoamingRequestL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Sets delay before roaming request is answered.
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeNormal mode.
virtual TInt SetDelayBeforeRoamingRequestL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Gets the values for ConnUtil P&S properties and prints 'em to debug ouput.
* Can be used always.
virtual TInt PrintConnUtilDetails( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Adds property and value to queue of waited P&S changes.
* @param property
* @param value
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeSubscriber mode.
virtual TInt AddWaitedPropertyL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Adds property that is causes error signal while there's properties in queue
* added with AddWaitedProperty.
* @param property
* @param value
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeSubscriber mode.
virtual TInt AddNotAllowedPropertyL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* Resets the queue of expected property changes.
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeSubscriber mode.
virtual TInt ResetWaitedPropertiesL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
* After call to this when queue for waited properties is empty the test script will be signaled.
* Can only be used when test module is created in KVcxConnUtilTestModeSubscriber mode.
virtual TInt WaitForPropertyQueueL( CStifItemParser& aItem );
private: // Data
CVCXTestCommon* iTestCommon;
// KVcxConnUtilTestModeSubscriber or KVcxConnUtilTestModeNormal
TInt iMode;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iConnectionStatusSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iIapIdSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iSnapIdSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iMasterExistsSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iNbrConnInstancesSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iRoamingRequestStatusSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iNbrRoamRespSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iNbRoamAcceptedSubscriber;
// Array of P&S changes to properties of VcxConnUtil
RArray<TVcxConnTestPSProperty> iWaitedPSChanges;
RArray<TVcxConnTestPSProperty> iNotAllowedPSChanges;
TBool iWaitingForEmptyPropertyQueue;
// Timeout timer
CIptvTestTimer* iTimeoutTimer;
CIptvTestActiveWait* iWait;
// Is wait for connection request enabled.
TInt iWaitTimedRequest;
// This will show in function traces.
TBuf<256> iName;
// Testexe
RProcess iProcess;
TInt iPSKeyBase;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iTesterGetAckResponseSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iTesterResponseSubscriber;
CVCXConnUtilTestSubscriber* iTesterCountSubscriber;
TBool iShutdownCalled;
TBool iTesterCountChangedAlready;
// End of File