* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class to handle connection creation.*
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <commdb.h> // CMDBSession
#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h> // CCDWAPIPBearerRecord
#include <connectionuiutilities.h>
#include <cmdestination.h>
#include <cdbcols.h>
#include <commdbconnpref.h>
#include <eikbtgrp.h>
#include <wlancdbcols.h>
#include <connpref.h>
#include <extendedconnpref.h>
#include <mpxlog.h>
#include <ipvideo/vcxconnectionutility.h>
#include <ipvideo/vcxconnutilengineobserver.h>
#include "vcxconnectionutility.hrh"
#include "vcxconnutilimpl.h"
#include "vcxconnutilengine.h"
#include "vcxconnutilpubsub.h"
#include "vcxconnutilwaitsch.h"
_LIT( KConnUtilRoleSema, "__ConnUtillMasterSlaveRoleSwitchSema__ ");
_LIT( KConnUtilConnectionSema, "__ConnUtillConnectionCreateSema__ ");
const TInt KIptvCenRepAPModeAlwaysAsk = 0;
const TInt KConUtilSemaStartupValue = 1;
const TInt KNbrOfNotFoundConnTries = 30;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::NewL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVcxConnUtilImpl* CVcxConnUtilImpl::NewL( CVcxConnectionUtility* aUiInterface )
CVcxConnUtilImpl* self = CVcxConnUtilImpl::NewLC( aUiInterface );
CleanupStack::Pop( self ); // self;
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::NewLC()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVcxConnUtilImpl* CVcxConnUtilImpl::NewLC( CVcxConnectionUtility* aUiInterface )
CVcxConnUtilImpl* self = new (ELeave) CVcxConnUtilImpl( aUiInterface );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::ConstructL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::ConstructL( )
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::ConstructL() in");
iWaitHandler = CVcxConnUtilWaitSch::NewL();
TInt err( KErrNone );
err = iSemaSwitchRole.CreateGlobal( KConnUtilRoleSema, KConUtilSemaStartupValue );
if( err == KErrAlreadyExists )
// semafore exists already, open it
err = iSemaSwitchRole.OpenGlobal( KConnUtilRoleSema );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = iSemaCreateConn.CreateGlobal( KConnUtilConnectionSema, KConUtilSemaStartupValue );
if( err == KErrAlreadyExists )
// semafore exists already, open it
err = iSemaCreateConn.OpenGlobal( KConnUtilConnectionSema );
User::LeaveIfError( err );
iEngine = CVcxConnUtilEngine::NewL( this );
iPubsub = CVcxConnUtilPubSub::NewL( this );
// check and set pubsub -values
TInt activeIap( 0 );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSIapId, activeIap ) );
if( activeIap != 0 )
// check if there really is connection, if not reinit values
if( !iEngine->IsIapConnected( activeIap ) )
// no connection, data integrity has been corrupted at some point
activeIap = 0;
if( activeIap == 0 )
MPX_DEBUG1("CVcxConnUtilImpl::ConstructL() no connection yet, initing values");
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSMasterExists, 0 ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSIapId, 0 ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSSnapId, 0 ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue(
EVCxPSConnectionStatus, EVCxNotConnected ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSNbrConnInstances, 0 ) );
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::ConstructL() out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::CVcxNsConnectionUtility()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVcxConnUtilImpl::CVcxConnUtilImpl( CVcxConnectionUtility* aUiInterface ) :
iUIInterface( aUiInterface )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::~CVcxConnectionUtility()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::~CVcxConnUtilImpl in");
if( iEngine && iPubsub )
TRAP_IGNORE( DisconnectL() );
delete iWaitHandler;
delete iPubsub;
delete iEngine;
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::~CVcxConnUtilImpl out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::RegisterObserverL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::RegisterObserverL( MConnUtilEngineObserver* aObserver )
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::RegisterObserverL in");
iObservers.AppendL( aObserver );
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::RegisterObserverL out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::RemoveObserver
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::RemoveObserver( MConnUtilEngineObserver* aObserver )
MPX_DEBUG1("Cvcxconnutil ## VcxConnUtilImpl::RemoveObserver in");
TInt i;
for ( i = 0; i < iObservers.Count(); i++ )
if ( aObserver == iObservers[i] )
iObservers.Remove( i );
MPX_DEBUG1("Cvcxconnutil ## VcxConnUtilImpl::RemoveObserver out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::EngineConnectionStatus
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TVCxConnectionStatus CVcxConnUtilImpl::EngineConnectionStatus()
return iEngine->ConnectionStatus();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::GetIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVcxConnUtilImpl::GetIap( TUint32& aIapId, TBool aSilent )
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::GetIap in ");
aIapId = 0;
TInt err( KErrNone );
// assume always new connection
iNewConnection = ETrue;
switch ( iEngine->ConnectionStatus() )
case EVCxNotConnected:
case EVCxDisconnecting:
err = KErrNotFound;
// KErrNotFound from connection creation indicates that we have
// some destination with unusable iap(s) in it for we cannot connect to
// in that case, destination id to db is setted as "always ask" and connection
// creation will be tried again for 30 times
for(TInt i = 0; i < KNbrOfNotFoundConnTries && err == KErrNotFound; ++i)
err = CreateConnection( aSilent );
MPX_DEBUG2("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::GetIap - CreateConnection returned %d ", err );
case EVCxConnecting:
// this instance is connecting, meaning engine is waiting for
// networking to create connection, we need to wait for the engine
// to finish it's waiting
TRAP( err, WaitL( EVCxPSConnectionStatus ) );
if( iEngine->ConnectionStatus() != EVCxConnected )
// if main active object didn't managed to create connection,
// return error. This active object does not know the actual
// error so return KErrGeneral
err = KErrGeneral;
err = HandleFinalizeConnection();
case EVCxRoamingAccepted: // pass throught
case EVCxRoamingRequest: // pass throught
TRAP( err, WaitL( EVCxPSConnectionStatus ) );
iNewConnection = EFalse;
if( err == KErrNone )
// get iap id if any. If this is the first connection for this
// instance, iap id will be fetched later on
aIapId = iEngine->IapId();
MPX_DEBUG2("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::GetIap out error: %d ", err );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::WapIdFromIapIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CVcxConnUtilImpl::WapIdFromIapIdL( TUint32 aIapId )
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::WapIdFromIapIdL() in ");
MPX_DEBUG2("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::WapIdFromIapIdL() IAP id = %d", aIapId);
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewL( CMDBSession::LatestVersion() );
CleanupStack::PushL( db );
// WapIpBearer table contains the mapping between wap and iap id's.
CCDWAPIPBearerRecord* wapBearerRecord =
static_cast<CCDWAPIPBearerRecord*>( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdWAPIPBearerRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( wapBearerRecord );
wapBearerRecord->iWAPIAP = aIapId;
TBool found = wapBearerRecord->FindL( *db );
if ( !found )
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::WapIdFromIapIdL() Record was not found. Leaving with KErrNotFound.");
TUint32 wap = static_cast<TUint32>( wapBearerRecord->iWAPAccessPointId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wapBearerRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
MPX_DEBUG2("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::WapIdFromIapIdL() Matching WAP id = %d", wap);
MPX_DEBUG1("vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::WapIdFromIapIdL() out ");
return wap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::PrepareConnSettings()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVcxConnUtilImpl::PrepareConnSettings()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::PrepareConnSettings in");
TInt err( KErrNone );
TInt vcDestinationID( 0 );
if ( !iEngine->QueryConn() )
TRAP( err, vcDestinationID =
iEngine->GetCmmDestinationIdL( CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown ) );
MPX_DEBUG2( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::PrepareConnSettings - destination id %d", vcDestinationID);
TBool detailsGotten( EFalse );
TRAP( err, detailsGotten = iEngine->PrepareConnectionDetailsL( vcDestinationID ) );
if( err == KErrNone && !detailsGotten )
// not able to resolve connection details, proceed with always ask
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::PrepareConnSettings out");
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnection()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnection( TBool aSilent )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnectionL in");
TInt err( KErrNone );
TInt connStatusPS( EVCxNotConnected );
err = PrepareConnSettings();
if( err != KErrNone )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnectionL error getting connsettings out");
return err;
err = iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSConnectionStatus, connStatusPS );
if( err != KErrNone )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnectionL error getting PS conn status out");
return err;
// if there is already an active connection created by some other
// instance, use that one
TInt snapId( 0 );
TBool masterConnect( EFalse );
if( connStatusPS == EVCxConnected || connStatusPS == EVCxRoamingRequest )
err = iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSSnapId, snapId );
if( err != KErrNone )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnectionL error getting PS snap id, out");
return err;
if( snapId == 0 )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnectionL not usable snap is in PS");
// current snap is undefined, set snap id KErrNotFound for
// DoCreateConnection to use active iap instead of snap id
snapId = KErrNotFound;
masterConnect = ETrue;
snapId = iEngine->DestinationId();
err = DoCreateConnection( aSilent, snapId, masterConnect );
if( err == KErrNotFound && masterConnect )
// KErrNotFound from connection creation indicates that we have
// some destination with unusable iap(s) in it. Enable connection query.
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnectionL - set connection query");
iEngine->SetQueryConn( ETrue );
if( err == KErrNone )
err = HandleFinalizeConnection();
MPX_DEBUG2( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CreateConnectionL out (%d)", err);
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoCreateConnection()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoCreateConnection( TBool /*aSilent*/, TInt32 aSnapId, TBool aMasterConnect )
MPX_DEBUG2( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoCreateConnectionL in (snapId=%d)", aSnapId);
TInt err( KErrNone );
if ( aSnapId == KIptvCenRepAPModeAlwaysAsk )
//In always ask mode we show always ask dialog
TCommDbConnPref connPref;
connPref.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefPrompt );
err = iEngine->StartToConnect( connPref );
MPX_DEBUG2( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoCreateConnectionL connection start always ask err %d", err);
else if ( aSnapId > KIptvCenRepAPModeAlwaysAsk )
TConnSnapPref prefs;
prefs.SetSnap( aSnapId );
err = iEngine->StartToConnect( prefs, aMasterConnect );
MPX_DEBUG2( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoCreateConnectionL connection start err %d", err);
TInt iapPS( 0 );
err = iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSIapId, iapPS );
if( err == KErrNone )
if( iapPS )
TCommDbConnPref connPref;
connPref.SetIapId( iapPS );
connPref.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt );
err = iEngine->StartToConnect( connPref, EFalse );
MPX_DEBUG2( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoCreateConnectionL connection via iap start err %d", err);
err = KErrNotFound;
if( err == KErrNone && aMasterConnect )
err = iEngine->CreateMobility();
MPX_DEBUG2( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoCreateConnectionL out (%d)", err);
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleFinalizeConnection()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleFinalizeConnection()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleFinalizeConnection in");
if( !iNewConnection )
// if connection is not new for this instance
// no finalizing required
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleFinalizeConnection no new connection, out");
return KErrNone;
if( iEngine->ConnectionStatus() != EVCxConnected )
// connection not ok, no point to proceed, return error
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleFinalizeConnection not connected, out");
return KErrGeneral;
iNewConnection = EFalse;
TRAPD( err, iEngine->FillActiveConnectionDetailsL() );
if( err == KErrNone )
TRAP( err, iPubsub->IncCounterPubSubL( EVCxPSNbrConnInstances ) );
if( err == KErrNone )
// master role check and switch if necessary
if( !iMaster )
err = CheckAndChangeSlaveToMaster();
if( err == KErrNone && iMaster )
TRAP( err, SaveConnectionToPubSubL() );
if( err == KErrNone )
// start getting events from pubsub
if( err != KErrNone )
// some operation above failed, internal error
// try to disconnect and return error
TRAPD( errDisc, DisconnectL() );
// return latest error if disconnecting fails
if( errDisc != KErrNone )
err = errDisc;
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleFinalizeConnection out");
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::DisconnectConnection()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::DisconnectL()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::Disconnect in");
TVCxConnectionStatus connStatus = iEngine->ConnectionStatus();
// if this is a master, and it is roaming we need to wait
// for roaming to finish
if( iMaster )
// because EVCxRoamingAccepted is never saved as
// connection status to PS,
// it is safe to wait PS value key change here
if( connStatus == EVCxRoamingRequest ||
connStatus == EVCxRoamingAccepted )
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::Disconnect master waiting roaming to finish");
WaitL( EVCxPSConnectionStatus );
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::Disconnect master waiting finished");
connStatus = iEngine->ConnectionStatus();
// if slave is about to disconnect
// and it's internal state is roaming
// we know that it has been responded to
// roaming request. Decrease value here
if( connStatus == EVCxRoamingRequest ||
connStatus == EVCxRoamingAccepted ||
connStatus == EVCxPendingClientRequest )
if( connStatus == EVCxRoamingAccepted )
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::Disconnect slave removes it's acceptance");
iPubsub->DecCounterPubSubL( EVCxPSNbRoamAccepted );
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::Disconnect slave removes it's response");
iPubsub->DecCounterPubSubL( EVCxPSNbrRoamResp );
// disconnecting, no longer interested in pubsub events
if( connStatus == EVCxNotConnected )
TInt nbrOfConnUsers( 0 );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSNbrConnInstances, nbrOfConnUsers ) );
if( nbrOfConnUsers > 0 )
iPubsub->DecCounterPubSubL( EVCxPSNbrConnInstances );
iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSNbrConnInstances, nbrOfConnUsers );
// we're leaving and there are no other instances using connection
if( nbrOfConnUsers == 0 )
// no more connection users, reset PS -values
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSIapId, 0 ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSSnapId, 0 ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue(
EVCxPSConnectionStatus, EVCxNotConnected ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue(
EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus, EVCxRoamingNotInit ) );
// cannot be master anymore if not using connection
if( iMaster )
iMaster = EFalse;
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSMasterExists, 0 ) );
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::Disconnect out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::SaveConnectionToPubSubL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::SaveConnectionToPubSubL()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::SaveConnectionToPubSubL in");
// publish connection properties
// IAP id:
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSIapId, iEngine->IapId() ) );
// Snap ID:
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSSnapId, iEngine->DestinationId() ) );
// connection State
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue(
EVCxPSConnectionStatus, iEngine->ConnectionStatus() ) );
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::SaveConnectionToPubSubL out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CVcxConnUtilImpl::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL in");
TBool okToRoam( ETrue );
// if this instance is master, need to wait for slaves to request their status before proceeding
if( iMaster )
// init pubsubs for roaming request status checking
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSNbrRoamResp, 0 ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSNbRoamAccepted, 0 ) );
// query own state
okToRoam = DoRequestClientRoamingL();
// client might have disconnected
if( iEngine->ConnectionStatus() == EVCxNotConnected )
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL master disconnected, out");
return EFalse;
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSConnectionStatus, EVCxRoamingRequest ) );
TInt nbrOfConnUsers(0);
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSNbrConnInstances, nbrOfConnUsers ) );
if( okToRoam && nbrOfConnUsers > 1 )
// if we have slaves also using connection,
// we need to wait for them to request roaming statuses
// from their clients also. In this case, the status is being
// checked via pubsub EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus to which master
// updates after enought resposes are received
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL master waiting");
TRAPD( err, WaitL( EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus ) );
if( err != KErrNone )
MPX_DEBUG2( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL master wait leaved %d", err );
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL master released");
TInt roamingStatus( EVCxRoamingNotInit );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus, roamingStatus ) );
if( EVCxRoamingAllowed != roamingStatus )
okToRoam = EFalse;
// reset roaming PS value
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus, EVCxRoamingNotInit ) );
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::RequestIsRoamingAllowedL out");
return okToRoam;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoRequestClientRoamingL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoRequestClientRoamingL()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoRequestClientRoamingL in" );
TBool okToRoam( ETrue );
TInt err( KErrNone );
TVCxConnectionStatus oldState = iEngine->ConnectionStatus();
iEngine->SetConnectionStatus( EVCxPendingClientRequest );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iObservers.Count() && okToRoam; i++ )
TRAP( err, okToRoam = iObservers[i]->RequestIsRoamingAllowedL() );
if( err != KErrNone || !okToRoam )
okToRoam = EFalse;
if( iEngine->ConnectionStatus() != EVCxNotConnected )
// operation path back to connection utility, reset state, in case
// client has not diconnected during callback
iEngine->SetConnectionStatus( oldState );
if( okToRoam && err == KErrNone )
// roaming ok for this instance, increase nbr of accepted
iPubsub->IncCounterPubSubL( EVCxPSNbRoamAccepted );
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoRequestClientRoamingL accepted increased" );
// increase nbr of responses
iPubsub->IncCounterPubSubL( EVCxPSNbrRoamResp );
MPX_DEBUG2( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::DoRequestClientRoamingL allowed %d out", okToRoam );
return okToRoam;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChanged()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChangedL()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChanged in");
if( !iMaster )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChanged not master out");
TInt err( KErrNone );
// current information
TUint32 oldIap = iEngine->IapId();
TVCxConnectionStatus engineStatus = iEngine->ConnectionStatus();
// resolve connection information from the network middleware
if( engineStatus != EVCxNotConnected &&
engineStatus != EVCxError )
// if there is no active connection or gotten iap id is invalid
TUint32 iapID = iEngine->IapId();
if( iapID == 0 || !( iEngine->IsIapConnected( iapID ) ) )
if( engineStatus != EVCxError )
engineStatus = EVCxNotConnected;
// signal status before disconnect -call to make sure
// slaves react in case master's disconnecting fails
MPX_DEBUG2( "IapChanged not connected notify %d ", engineStatus );
iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSConnectionStatus, engineStatus );
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChanged no active iap, diconnect");
TRAP( err, DisconnectL() );
if( err != KErrNone )
MPX_DEBUG2( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChanged no active iap, diconnect leaves %d", err );
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChanged iap connected");
engineStatus = EVCxConnected;
iEngine->SetConnectionStatus( EVCxConnected );
// refresh PS connection state
// notify clients about iap change
if( engineStatus != EVCxError && ( oldIap != iapID || !iapID ) )
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChanged notify observers");
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::IapChanged out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::WaitL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::WaitL( TUint32 aWaitId )
iWaitHandler->WaitL( aWaitId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::EndWait()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::EndWait( TUint32 aWaitId )
iWaitHandler->EndWait( aWaitId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::IsMaster()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CVcxConnUtilImpl::IsMaster()
return iMaster;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::ValueChangedL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::ValueChangedL( const TUint32& aKey, const TInt& aValue )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::ValueChangedL (TInt) in");
EndWait( aKey );
// pubsub key value changed, check and update
// functionality as required.
switch( aKey )
case EVCxPSMasterExists:
case EVCxPSConnectionStatus:
HandleSlaveConnectionStatusL( aValue );
case EVCxPSNbrRoamResp:
HandleRoamingReponsesL( aValue );
case EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus:
// NOP
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::ValueChangedL (TInt) out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleMasterChangeL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleMasterChangeL()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleMasterChangeL in");
// if this instance is not connected, don't bother
// to change. Not connected instance cannot be master
if( iMaster )
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleMasterChangeL master, out");
if( iEngine->ConnectionStatus() != EVCxConnected )
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleMasterChangeL not connected, out");
User::LeaveIfError( CheckAndChangeSlaveToMaster() );
if( iMaster )
// at this point we need to reinit ex-slave's connection to use
// destination (snap) instead of IAP for the ex-slave to be able
// to get mobility events.
// if original connection was via IAP due "always ask", do nothing
if( iEngine->DestinationId() )
// this instance has become master, so it needs to init the mobility object
if( iEngine->CreateMobility() != KErrNone )
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleMasterChangeL master reinit connection not ok");
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleMasterChangeL master reinit connection ok");
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleMasterChangeL out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::CheckAndChangeSlaveToMaster()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVcxConnUtilImpl::CheckAndChangeSlaveToMaster()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CheckAndChangeSlaveToMaster in");
TInt err( KErrNone );
TInt status( 0 );
// entering critical section
err = iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSMasterExists, status );
// if master already exists, do nothing
if( !status && err == KErrNone)
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::CheckAndChangeSlaveToMaster changing master");
iMaster = ETrue;
err = iPubsub->SetValue( EVCxPSMasterExists, iMaster );
// Leaving critical section
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CheckAndChangeSlaveToMaster out");
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleSlaveConnectionStatusL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleSlaveConnectionStatusL( const TInt& aNewStatus )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleSlaveConnectionStatus in");
// if master, do nothing
if( iMaster )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleSlaveConnectionStatus master out");
// resolve given connection, this structure is needed
// to prevent errors in type check
TVCxConnectionStatus gottenStatus( EVCxNotConnected );
switch( aNewStatus )
case EVCxNotConnected:
gottenStatus = EVCxNotConnected;
case EVCxConnecting:
gottenStatus = EVCxConnecting;
case EVCxConnected:
gottenStatus = EVCxConnected;
case EVCxDisconnecting:
gottenStatus = EVCxDisconnecting;
case EVCxRoamingRequest:
gottenStatus = EVCxRoamingRequest;
case EVCxRoamingAccepted:
gottenStatus = EVCxRoamingAccepted;
case EVCxError:
gottenStatus = EVCxError;
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
TVCxConnectionStatus currentStatus = iEngine->ConnectionStatus();
MPX_DEBUG2( "HandleSlaveConnectionStatus gotten %d", gottenStatus );
MPX_DEBUG2( "HandleSlaveConnectionStatus current %d", currentStatus );
if( gottenStatus == EVCxRoamingRequest && currentStatus == EVCxConnected )
// if master is requesting roaming, query all external clients
// whether we can roam or not
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleSlaveConnectionStatus slave check Roaming");
if ( DoRequestClientRoamingL() )
gottenStatus = EVCxRoamingAccepted;
// client might have disconnected during roaming. In that case do not change status
if( iEngine->ConnectionStatus() != EVCxNotConnected )
// set connection status explicitly to tell slave we're roaming
iEngine->SetConnectionStatus( gottenStatus );
else if( ( currentStatus == EVCxRoamingRequest ||
currentStatus == EVCxRoamingAccepted ||
currentStatus == EVCxConnected ) &&
gottenStatus == EVCxConnected )
// if current status was roaming or
// master has notified new connection and state
// has changed to connected, meaning
// master has succesfully reinitialized preferred connection
// slave needs to try to reinit connection via new iap if
// new iap differs from current
TInt valueFromPS( 0 );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSIapId, valueFromPS ) );
MPX_DEBUG2( "HandleSlaveConnectionStatus slave iap %d", iEngine->IapId() );
MPX_DEBUG2( "HandleSlaveConnectionStatus slave PS iap %d", valueFromPS );
if( valueFromPS != iEngine->IapId() )
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSSnapId, valueFromPS ) );
if( DoCreateConnection( ETrue, valueFromPS, EFalse ) == KErrNone )
// refresh connection details
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleSlaveConnectionStatus slave restarted ok" );
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleSlaveConnectionStatus slave restarting not ok" );
gottenStatus = EVCxNotConnected;
iEngine->SetConnectionStatus( gottenStatus );
if( gottenStatus == EVCxNotConnected ||
gottenStatus == EVCxError )
// master has notified disconnecting or error for some reason
// notify normal disconnect to observers
if( gottenStatus == EVCxNotConnected )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleSlaveConnectionStatus out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::ValueChangedL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleRoamingReponsesL( const TInt& aNbrOfResps )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleRoamingReponsesL in");
if( !iMaster )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleRoamingReponsesL slave out");
if( iEngine->ConnectionStatus() != EVCxRoamingRequest )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleRoamingReponsesL not roaming");
// check if all have been responded and if all agreed on roaming
TInt nbrOfConUsers( 0 );
TInt nbrOfAgeed( 0 );
TInt nbrofResponses( aNbrOfResps );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSNbrConnInstances, nbrOfConUsers ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->GetValue( EVCxPSNbRoamAccepted, nbrOfAgeed ) );
if( nbrOfConUsers == nbrofResponses )
if( nbrofResponses == nbrOfAgeed )
// every instance has responded and all agrees roaming,
// change state for master's main thread to proceed
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleRoamingReponsesL EVCxRoamingAllowed");
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue(
EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus, EVCxRoamingAllowed ) );
MPX_DEBUG1( "CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleRoamingReponsesL EVCxRoamingNotInit");
User::LeaveIfError( iPubsub->SetValue(
EVCxPSRoamingRequestStatus, EVCxRoamingNotInit ) );
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::HandleRoamingReponsesL out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::NotifyObserversIAPChanged()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::NotifyObserversIAPChanged()
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iObservers.Count(); i++ )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::NotifyObserversIAPChanged notifying observer");
TRAPD( err, iObservers[i]->IapChangedL() );
if( err != KErrNone )
MPX_DEBUG2( "vcxconnutil ## NotifyObserversIAPChanged::IapChanged observer leaved %d", err);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::DisplayWaitNote()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::DisplayWaitNote(const TDesC& aConnectionName)
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::DisplayWaitNote in");
if( iUIInterface )
iUIInterface->DisplayWaitNote( aConnectionName );
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::DisplayWaitNote out");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVcxConnUtilImpl::CloseWaitNote()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVcxConnUtilImpl::CloseWaitNote()
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CloseWaitNote in");
if( iUIInterface )
MPX_DEBUG1( "vcxconnutil ## CVcxConnUtilImpl::CloseWaitNote out");
// End of File