--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vpnapiimpl/src/vpnapi.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:14:51 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: The VPN API allows Symbian OS applications and servers
+* to perform VPN-specific operations.
+#include "vpnapi.h"
+#include "vpnmanagerserverdefs.h"
+#include "clistatic.h"
+EXPORT_C RVpnServ::RVpnServ() : RSessionBase()
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::Connect()
+ * Opens a connection (session) to the VPN Manager server.
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone if the connection succeeds, a system-wide error code
+ * if not.
+ */
+ {
+ const TInt KVpnManagerServerStackSize = 0x4000;
+ const TInt KVpnManagerServerInitHeapSize = 0x1000;
+ const TInt KVpnManagerServerMaxHeapSize = 0x1000000;
+ TInt retry = 2;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ TInt r=CreateSession(KVpnManagerServer,
+ Version(),
+ KDefaultMessageSlots);
+ if (r!=KErrNotFound && r!=KErrServerTerminated)
+ return r;
+ if (--retry==0)
+ return r;
+ r = Launcher::LaunchServer(KVpnManagerServer, KVpnManagerFile,
+ KVpnManagerUid3, KVpnManagerServerInitHeapSize,
+ KVpnManagerServerMaxHeapSize, KVpnManagerServerStackSize);
+ if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrAlreadyExists)
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RVpnServ::Close()
+ * Closes the connection (session) to the VPN Manager server.
+ */
+ {
+ RSessionBase::Close();
+ }
+EXPORT_C TVersion RVpnServ::Version() const
+ * Returns the version of the server with which this client is compatible.
+ *
+ * @return The version
+ */
+ {
+ return TVersion(KVpnManagerMajorVersionNumber,
+ KVpnManagerMinorVersionNumber,
+ KVpnManagerBuildVersionNumber);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RVpnServ::ImportPolicy(const TDesC& aDir, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ * Imports one or more VPN policies to the policy store
+ * maintained by the VPN Manager.
+ *
+ * The files that constitute the VPN policies are assumed
+ * to reside in the specified directory. For each policy,
+ * the files are:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Policy file (REQUIRED)</li>
+ * <li>Policy information file (REQUIRED)</li>
+ * <li>CA certificate files (REQUIRED)</li>
+ * <li>Client/user private key and certificate files (OPTIONAL)</li>
+ * <li>Gateway (peer) certificate files</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * The files must follow a certain naming convention and
+ * utilize certain file formats. The naming convention and the file
+ * formats are specified in a separate document.
+ *
+ * The policies in this case can refer to the CA certificates
+ * via a BIN type reference (i.e. a certificate file name).
+ * If they do, certificates with the specified names must be
+ * imported at the same time with the policy.
+ *
+ * The policy being imported can be marked as hidden by
+ * including the value of the KHiddenPolicyIndicator constant
+ * (defined in vpnapidefs.h) in the description section of policy
+ * informationation file.
+ *
+ * The return value is returned in the aStatus argument
+ * when the request completes. This can be one of:
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>KErrNone The import was successful</li>
+ * <li>\<VpnError\> A VPN error code if the import fails for some
+ * identified reason</li>
+ * <li>\<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if an out-of-resource
+ * error occurred while processing the request</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * @param aDir An absolute path to a directory that contains the
+ * files that constitute the VPN policy. NOTE. As this method is
+ * asynchronous, this reference must point to a variable that
+ * remains valid until this method is complete (i.e. it cannot be
+ * e.g. a local variable of the calling method)
+ * @param aStatus [out] A reference to the standard request status
+ * object. On request completion, contains the return code of the request.
+ *
+ */
+ {
+ SendReceive(EVpnImportPolicy, TIpcArgs(&aDir), aStatus);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RVpnServ::CancelImport()
+ * Cancels an ongoing policy import operation.
+ */
+ {
+ SendReceive(EVpnCancelImport, TIpcArgs(NULL));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::EnumeratePolicies(TInt& aCount)
+ * Returns the number of installed, visible VPN policies.
+ * Policies marked as hidden (by including the
+ * KHiddenPolicyIndicator in the iDescription policy details
+ * field) are not included in the count.
+ *
+ * @param aCount [out] The policy count
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone, if the request was processed successfully;
+ * \<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if the request
+ * failed for some unexpected reason.
+ */
+ {
+ TPckg<TInt> pckgPolicyCount(aCount);
+ return SendReceive(EVpnEnumeratePolicies, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyCount));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::GetPolicyInfoList(CArrayFixFlat<TVpnPolicyInfo>* aPolicyInfoList)
+ * Fills the given list with information about the installed, visible
+ * policies. The method resizes the list according to the number of
+ * installed policies. Policies marked as hidden (by including the
+ * KHiddenPolicyIndicator in the iDescription policy details field)
+ * are not included in the listing.
+ *
+ * @param aPolicyInfoList A reference to a pointer to a list
+ * of policy information structures.
+ *
+ * @return \<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if the request
+ * failed for some unexpected reason.
+ */
+ {
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ // Get the current policy count
+ TInt policyCount;
+ ret = EnumeratePolicies(policyCount);
+ if (ret != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // If there are no policies, we can stop here
+ if (policyCount == 0)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ // Make sure that the (client-side) policy
+ // info array has the correct size
+ TRAP(ret, aPolicyInfoList->ResizeL(policyCount));
+ if (ret != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Create a writable descriptor in this thread's address space
+ // where the server will write the policy information list
+ TPtr8 policyList((TUint8*)&aPolicyInfoList->At(0), policyCount * aPolicyInfoList->Length());
+ return SendReceive(EVpnGetPolicyInfo, TIpcArgs(policyCount, &policyList));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::GetPolicyDetails(const TVpnPolicyId& aPolicyId, TVpnPolicyDetails& aPolicyDetails)
+ * Returns detailed information about the specified policy.
+ *
+ * @param aPolicyId The ID of the policy to return information
+ * about
+ * @param aPolicyDetails [out] Detailed policy information
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone, if the request was processed successfully;
+ * KVpnErrPolicyNotFound, if the specified policy was not found;
+ * \<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if the request
+ * failed for some unexpected reason.
+ */
+ {
+ TPckg<TVpnPolicyId> pckgPolicyId(aPolicyId);
+ TPckg<TVpnPolicyDetails> pckgPolicyDetails(aPolicyDetails);
+ return SendReceive(EVpnGetPolicyDetails, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyId, &pckgPolicyDetails));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::DeletePolicy(const TVpnPolicyId& aPolicyId)
+ * Deletes the specified policy from the VPN policy store
+ * maintained by the VPN Manager.
+ *
+ * NOTE. The policy is deleted even if its active.
+ *
+ * @param aPolicyId The ID of the policy to delete
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone, if the request was processed successfully;
+ * KVpnErrPolicyNotFound, if the policy was not found;
+ * \<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if the request
+ * failed for some unexpected reason.
+ */
+ {
+ TPckg<TVpnPolicyId> pckgPolicyId(aPolicyId);
+ return SendReceive(EVpnDeletePolicy, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyId));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RVpnServ::ChangePassword(const TPckg<TVpnPolicyId>& aPolicyId, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ * Initiates a user dialogue for changing the password that is used
+ * to protect the private keys associated with the installed VPN
+ * policies.
+ *
+ * The return value is returned in the aStatus argument
+ * when the request completes. This can be one of:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>KErrNone, if the request was processed successfully</li>
+ * <li>\<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if the request
+ * failed for some unexpected reason</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ *
+ * @param aPolicyId The ID of the policy whose associated key
+ * protection password is to be changed (NOTE 1. this parameter has
+ * no effect at the moment as all private keys are protected with
+ * the same password. NOTE 2: As this method is asynchronous, this
+ * reference must point to a variable that remains valid until this
+ * method is complete (i.e. it cannot be e.g. a local variable of
+ * the calling method))
+ *
+ * @param aStatus [out] A reference to the standard request status
+ * object. On request completion, contains the return code of the request.
+ *
+ */
+ {
+ SendReceive(EVpnChangePassword, TIpcArgs(&aPolicyId), aStatus);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RVpnServ::CancelChange()
+ * Cancels an ongoing password changing operation.
+ */
+ {
+ SendReceive(EVpnCancelChange, TIpcArgs(NULL));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::GetPolicyData(const TVpnPolicyId& aPolicyId, HBufC8*& aPolicyData)
+ * Returns policy data.
+ */
+ {
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(ret, DoGetPolicyDataL(aPolicyId, aPolicyData));
+ return ret;
+ }
+void RVpnServ::DoGetPolicyDataL(const TVpnPolicyId& aPolicyId, HBufC8*& aPolicyData)
+ {
+ TPckg<TVpnPolicyId> pckgPolicyId(aPolicyId);
+ // First get the policy size
+ TInt policySize;
+ TPckg<TInt> policySizePckg(policySize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(EVpnGetPolicySize, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyId, &policySizePckg)));
+ // Allocate a buffer to hold the policy data
+ HBufC8* policyData = HBufC8::NewL(policySize);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(policyData);
+ TPtr8 policyDataPtr = policyData->Des();
+ // Fetch the policy data
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(EVpnGetPolicyData, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyId, &policySizePckg, &policyDataPtr)));
+ aPolicyData = policyData;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // policyData
+ }
+// Additions to make it easier to implement OMA DM based VPN policy management
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::AddPolicy(TVpnPolicyDetails& aPolicyDetails, const TDesC8& aPolicyData)
+ * Adds a new VPN policy to the policy store maintained by the
+ * VPN Manager.
+ *
+ * The policy details in this case CAN include a (globally
+ * unique) policy ID for the policy. This policy ID is defined
+ * by the policy author according to the author's own rules.
+ * This is the ID that becomes also the local ID of the policy.
+ * In other words, a single global ID is used to identify a
+ * policy both inside and outside the device.
+ * If a policy with the specified ID already exists in the
+ * policy store, the method returns KErrAlreadyExists.
+ * If the policy ID is missing from policy details argument on
+ * input, a globally unique ID is automatically created for the
+ * policy. This ID is placed in the policy details argument on
+ * output.
+ *
+ * The policy details must also include a non-empty policy name.
+ * If a name is missing, the method returns KErrArgument.
+ * If the proposed policy name is already in use, a sequence number
+ * is added to the policy name. The new policy name is placed in
+ * the policy details argument on output.
+ *
+ * The policy data argument contains the policy content in the
+ * text format described in separate VPN policy format documentation.
+ * If the policy data argument is empty, the method returns the
+ * KErrArgument error code. The policy data does not include any
+ * PKI objects, as the assumption is that the PKI data associated
+ * with the policy is placed in the device's PKI store via some
+ * other mechanism and APIs. The policy in this case must refer to
+ * the CA certificates via some other reference type than BIN
+ * (file reference). BIN type references are supported only when
+ * policies are imported to the policy store with the ImportPolicy
+ * method. All supported reference types are described in the IKE
+ * policy format documentation.
+ *
+ * The policy being added can be marked as hidden by
+ * including the descriptor KHiddenPolicyIndicator in the
+ * iDescription field of the policy details argument.
+ * The policy is assumed to be visible if the iDescription
+ * field does not contain the KHiddenPolicyIndicator
+ * descriptor.
+ *
+ * @param aPolicyDetails Details (metadata) about the policy
+ * @param aPolicyData The policy data (content)
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone if the addition was successful;
+ * KErrArgument, if the policy ID is missing from policy details;
+ * \<VpnError\> A VPN error code if the addition fails for some
+ * identified reason;
+ * \<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if an out-of-resource
+ * error occurred while processing the request.
+ */
+ {
+ TPckg<TVpnPolicyDetails> pckgPolicyDetails(aPolicyDetails);
+ return SendReceive(EVpnAddPolicy, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyDetails, &aPolicyData));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::UpdatePolicyDetails(TVpnPolicyDetails& aPolicyDetails)
+ * Updates the details of the specified VPN policy.
+ * The ID of the policy whose details are to be
+ * updated is specified in the policy details
+ * argument. If the ID is missing, the method returns
+ * KErrArgument. If a policy with the specified ID
+ * cannot be found, the method returns KVpnErrPolicyNotFound.
+ *
+ * The policy details must include a non-empty policy name.
+ * If a name is missing, the method returns KErrArgument.
+ * If the policy details contain a new name for the policy,
+ * the new name is checked agains existing other policy names.
+ * If the name is already in use, a sequence number is added
+ * to the policy name. The new policy name is placed in the
+ * policy details argument on output.
+ *
+ * The policy being updated can be marked as hidden by
+ * including the descriptor KHiddenPolicyIndicator in the
+ * iDescription field of the policy details argument.
+ * The policy is assumed to be visible if the iDescription
+ * field does not contain the KHiddenPolicyIndicator
+ * descriptor.
+ *
+ * @param aPolicyDetails Detailed policy information
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone, if the update was successful;
+ * \<VpnError\> A VPN error code if the addition fails for some
+ * identified reason;
+ * \<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if an out-of-resource
+ * error occurred while processing the request.
+ *
+ */
+ {
+ TPckg<TVpnPolicyDetails> pckgPolicyDetails(aPolicyDetails);
+ return SendReceive(EVpnUpdatePolicyDetails, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyDetails));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::UpdatePolicyDetails(const TVpnPolicyDetails& aPolicyDetails)
+ * Updates the details of the specified VPN policy.
+ * The ID of the policy whose details are to be
+ * updated is specified in the policy details
+ * argument. If the ID is missing, the method returns
+ * KErrArgument. If a policy with the specified ID
+ * cannot be found, the method returns KVpnErrPolicyNotFound.
+ *
+ * The policy details must include a non-empty policy name.
+ * If a name is missing, the method returns KErrArgument.
+ * If the policy details contain a new name for the policy,
+ * the new name is checked agains existing other policy names.
+ * If the name is already in use, a sequence number is added
+ * to the policy name. The new policy name is placed in the
+ * policy details argument on output.
+ *
+ * The policy being updated can be marked as hidden by
+ * including the descriptor KHiddenPolicyIndicator in the
+ * iDescription field of the policy details argument.
+ * The policy is assumed to be visible if the iDescription
+ * field does not contain the KHiddenPolicyIndicator
+ * descriptor.
+ *
+ * @param aPolicyDetails Detailed policy information
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone, if the update was successful;
+ * \<VpnError\> A VPN error code if the addition fails for some
+ * identified reason;
+ * \<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if an out-of-resource
+ * error occurred while processing the request.
+ */
+ {
+ TPckg<TVpnPolicyDetails> pckgPolicyDetails(aPolicyDetails);
+ return SendReceive(EVpnUpdatePolicyDetails, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyDetails));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RVpnServ::UpdatePolicyData(const TVpnPolicyId& aPolicyId, const TDesC8& aPolicyData)
+ * Updates the data of the specified VPN policy. If a policy with the
+ * specified ID cannot be found, the method returns the
+ * KVpnErrPolicyNotFound error code. If the policy ID or data argument
+ * is empty, the method returns the KErrArgument error code.
+ *
+ * @param aPolicyId The ID of the policy to update
+ * @param aPolicyData The policy data
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone, if the update was successful;
+ * \<VpnError\> A VPN error code if the update fails for some
+ * identified reason;
+ * \<SystemError\> A system-wide error code if an out-of-resource
+ * error occurred while processing the request.
+ */
+ {
+ TPckg<TVpnPolicyId> pckgPolicyId(aPolicyId);
+ return SendReceive(EVpnUpdatePolicyData, TIpcArgs(&pckgPolicyId, &aPolicyData));
+ }