changeset 0 33413c0669b9
child 38 9f4e37332ce5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vpnengine/ikepolparser/inc/ikepolparser.h	Thu Dec 17 09:14:51 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   IKE policy parser main module
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <in_sock.h>
+#define SEC_PARSER_VERSION          3
+#define IKE_SEPARATOR  _L("[IKE]")
+#define MAX_INFO_SIZE   1024
+#define PIECE_AVG_LENGTH 2048
+const TInt KIkePolicyBufferSizeIncrement = 6000;
+const TInt KNokiaNattDefaultPort = 9872;
+//Security Ike Parser Error codes
+// NOTE! The error code values below MUST be kept in sync with
+// the corresponding error code values defined together by
+// vpnapi/data/vpnerr.rss and vpnapi/data/vpnerr.ra
+const TInt KSecParserErrMode                = -5263;
+const TInt KSecParserErrNotify              = -5264;
+const TInt KSecParserErrCommit              = -5265;
+const TInt KSecParserErrIpsecExpire         = -5266;
+const TInt KSecParserErrSendCert            = -5267;
+const TInt KSecParserErrInitialContact      = -5268;
+const TInt KSecParserErrResponderLifetime   = -5269;
+const TInt KSecParserErrReplayStatus        = -5270;
+const TInt KSecParserErrGroupDesc_II        = -5271;
+const TInt KSecParserErrProposal            = -5272;
+const TInt KSecParserErrEncrAlg             = -5273;
+const TInt KSecParserErrAuthMethod          = -5274;
+const TInt KSecParserErrHashAlg             = -5275;
+const TInt KSecParserErrGroupDesc           = -5276;
+const TInt KSecParserErrGroupType           = -5277;
+const TInt KSecParserErrLifeBytes           = -5278;
+const TInt KSecParserErrLifeSecs            = -5279;
+const TInt KSecParserErrPRF                 = -5280;
+const TInt KSecParserErrPreKey              = -5281;
+const TInt KSecParserErrPreFormat           = -5282;
+const TInt KSecParserErrCA                  = -5283;
+const TInt KSecParserErrOwnCerts            = -5284;
+const TInt KSecParserErrOwnName             = -5285;
+const TInt KSecParserErrOwnKey              = -5286;
+const TInt KSecParserErrPeerCerts           = -5287;
+const TInt KSecParserErrPeerAddr            = -5288;
+const TInt KSecParserErrPeerMask            = -5289;
+const TInt KSecParserErrMaxLifetimeSec      = -5290;
+const TInt KSecParserErrMaxLifetimeKB       = -5291;
+const TInt KSecParserErrMaxRetrans          = -5292;
+const TInt KSecParserErrNoSeparator         = -5293;
+const TInt KSecParserErrCRACKLAMType        = -5294;
+const TInt KSecParserErrUseIntAddr          = -5295;
+const TInt KSecParserErrUseNATProbe         = -5296;
+const TInt KSecParserErrUnknown             = -5297;
+//Values for the choice lists used in the .RSS
+      IKE_PARSER_AGGRESSIVE};       //Modes
+enum {IKE_PARSER_MD5,
+      IKE_PARSER_SHA1};
+enum {IKE_PARSER_MODP_768 = 1, 
+      IKE_PARSER_MODP_1024 = 2, 
+      IKE_PARSER_MODP_1536 = 5, 
+      IKE_PARSER_MODP_2048 = 14};
+//CRACK Legacy Authentication types
+// IKE Parser
+//Data on a single proposal
+struct TProposalData
+    TUint8 iEncrAlg;
+    TUint8 iAuthMeth;
+    TUint8 iHashAlg;
+    TUint8 iGroupDesc;
+    TUint8 iGroupType;
+    TUint8 iPRF;
+    TUint32 iLifetimeKb;
+    TUint32 iLifetimeSec;
+    TInt    iEncrKeyLth;
+    TProposalData *iNext;   //Used for chaining
+    TProposalData *iPrev;   //to make easier changing the order
+static const TUint KMaxPresharedKeyLength = 256;
+enum TKeyFormat
+    STRING_KEY = 0,
+    HEX_KEY = 1
+struct TPresharedKeyData
+    TBuf<KMaxPresharedKeyLength> iKey;
+    TKeyFormat iFormat;
+enum TCertFormat
+    PEM_CERT = 0,
+    BIN_CERT = 1,
+    CA_NAME  = 2,
+    KEY_ID   = 3,
+    APPL_UID = 4			   
+//RSA Encryption peer public keys
+struct TCertInfo
+    TCertFormat iFormat;
+    TFileName   iData;    
+enum TIdentityAsRfc822Name
+    {
+    EIdentityAsRfc822NameUndefined = 0,
+    EIdentityAsRfc822NameYes = 1,
+    EIdentityAsRfc822NameNo = 2
+    };
+//Own certificates
+struct TOwnCertInfo
+    TCertFormat iFormat;
+    TFileName iData;    //File containing the peer RSA public key
+    TBuf<128> iRfc822NameFqdn;
+    TIdentityAsRfc822Name iIdentityAsRfc822Name;
+    TBuf<256> iSubjectDnSuffix;
+    TInt iPrivateKeyLength;
+    TInt iOwnCertExists;                     // 0 = no own cert   1 = own cert exists
+class TStringData
+	public:
+		TStringData() :iBfr(NULL) {}		
+		TStringData(HBufC16* aBfr) :iBfr(aBfr) {}
+		~TStringData() {delete iBfr;}		
+		static inline TStringData* NewL(TInt aLth)
+		{
+			HBufC16* Databfr = HBufC16::NewL(aLth);
+			TStringData* StringData = new (ELeave)TStringData(Databfr);
+			return StringData;
+		}
+		static inline TStringData* NewL(const TPtrC16& aString)
+		{
+			TStringData* Obj = TStringData::NewL(aString.Length());
+			Obj->iBfr->Des().Copy(aString);
+			return Obj;
+		}
+		inline TPtrC16 GetData()
+		{
+			TPtrC16 DataPtr(NULL, 0);
+			if ( iBfr )
+				DataPtr.Set(iBfr->Des());
+			return DataPtr;
+		}
+		inline HBufC8* GetAsciiDataL()
+		{
+			HBufC8* Bfr8 = NULL;
+			if ( iBfr )
+			{
+			   Bfr8	= HBufC8::NewL(iBfr->Des().Length());
+			   Bfr8->Des().Copy(iBfr->Des());
+			}	
+			return Bfr8;
+		}	
+	private:
+		HBufC16*  iBfr;                    // Variable length data buffer
+class CIkeData : public CBase
+    IMPORT_C static CIkeData* NewL();
+    IMPORT_C static CIkeData* NewL(const CIkeData *aData);
+    IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const CIkeData *aData);
+    EXPORT_C ~CIkeData();
+    IMPORT_C void CopyL(const CIkeData *aData);
+    void Empty();
+    CIkeData();
+	TStringData* iFQDNAddr; //Peer host address in FQDN format
+    TInetAddr iAddr;       //Peer host address
+    TInetAddr iMask;       //Peer host mask    
+    TInetAddr iDnsServer;
+    TUint8 iMode;
+	TUint8 iIkeVersion;    //Preferred IKE version 
+	TUint8 iIdType;        //IKE Phase 1 identity type code. Integer value according to rfc2407
+	TUint8 iRemoteIdType;  
+	TBool  iSkipRemoteIdCheck; 
+    TBuf<128> iFQDN;
+	TStringData* iRemoteIdentity;
+    TBool iAcceptPartialRemoteId;
+	TBool iNotify;	
+    TBool iCommit;          //COMMIT bit processing
+    TBool iInitialContact;  //INITIAL-CONTACT sending
+    TBool iResponderLifetime;   //RESPONDER_LIFETIME sending
+    TBool iReplayStatus;    //REPLAY_STATUS sending
+    TBool iIpsecExpires;    //IPSEC SAs expire with ISAKMP SAs
+    TBool iAlwaysSendCert;  //Sends a Cert without even if NOT receiving a CR
+//  Private IKE extension
+    TBool  iUseInternalAddr;
+    TBool  iUseNatProbing;
+    TBool  iUseXauth;       //Use XAUTH defined in <draft-beaulieu-ike-xauth-02.txt>
+    TBool  iUseCfgMode;     //Use CFG-MODE defined in <draft-dukes-ike-mode-cfg-01.txt>
+	TBool  iUseMobIke;      //Use MOBIKE Ikev2 extension<draft-ietf-mobike-protocol-04.txt>	
+    TInt   iEspUdpPort;     //Port value for IPSEC ESP encapsulation (= In  NAT-traversal)
+	TInt   iNatKeepAlive;   //NAT keep alive timeout in seconds (if zero not used)
+	TUint8 iDscp;           //DSCP tag
+	TInt   iDPDHeartBeat;   //DPD Heart beat timeout in seconds (if zero not used)
+	TInt   iRekeyingThreshold; //Rekeying threshold value
+	TUint8 iGroupDesc_II;   
+	TUint8 iCRACKLAMType;   //CRACK Legacy Authentication Method type
+	TStringData* iCRACKLAMUserName;
+	TStringData* iCRACKLAMPassword;
+	TStringData* iClientCertType;
+	TUint8 iEAPProtocol;
+	TUint8 iEAPReserved;
+	TBool  iEAPHideIdentity;
+	TStringData* iEAPRealmPrefix;
+	TStringData* iEAPManualRealm;
+	TStringData* iEAPManualUserName;		
+	TBool iCARequired;		//If RSA based authentication method is used then at least one CA is required 
+    TBool iCAFound;			//CAs section
+    TInt iNumProp;
+    TProposalData *iPropList;
+    TPresharedKeyData iPresharedKey;
+    TCertInfo iCA;                      // Left for backward compatibility    
+    CArrayFixFlat<TCertInfo*> *iCAList; // For multiple CAs
+    TOwnCertInfo iOwnCert;
+    TCertInfo iPrivKey;
+    TCertInfo iPeerCert;
+class CIkeDataArray : public CArrayFixFlat<CIkeData*>
+    IMPORT_C static CIkeDataArray* NewL(TInt aGranularity);
+    IMPORT_C static CIkeDataArray* NewL(CIkeDataArray *aData);
+    IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CIkeDataArray *aData);
+    IMPORT_C ~CIkeDataArray();
+    IMPORT_C void CopyL(CIkeDataArray *aData);
+    IMPORT_C void Empty();
+    CIkeDataArray(TInt aGranularity);
+    CIkeDataArray(CIkeDataArray *aData);
+    //General Data
+    TUint32 iMaxLifetimeSec;
+    TUint32 iMaxLifetimeKB;
+    TInt iMaxRetrans;
+    TInt iMaxTraceFileSize;
+class TIkeParser : public TLex
+    IMPORT_C TIkeParser();
+    IMPORT_C TIkeParser(const TDesC &aStr, TInt aVersion = SEC_PARSER_VERSION);
+    IMPORT_C void MainParseL(CIkeDataArray *aIkeList);
+    IMPORT_C void ParseL(CIkeData *aConf);
+    IMPORT_C static TInt MainWrite(CIkeData *aConf, HBufC8*& aPolBfr);
+    IMPORT_C static TInt GeneralInfoWrite(
+        TUint32 aMaxLifetimeSec, TUint32 aMaxLifetimeKB, 
+        TInt aMaxRetrans, HBufC8*& aPolBfr); 
+    IMPORT_C static TInt GeneralInfoWrite(
+        TUint32 aMaxLifetimeSec, TUint32 aMaxLifetimeKB, 
+        TInt aMaxRetrans, TInt aMaxTraceFileSize, HBufC8*& aPolBfr);
+    IMPORT_C static TInt Write(CIkeData *aConf, HBufC8*& aPolBfr);
+    IMPORT_C void ParseIKESectionsL(CIkeDataArray *aIkeList);
+    IMPORT_C static TInt BufferAppend( HBufC8*& aPolBfr, const TDesC8& aText);
+    TInt ParseGeneralData(CIkeDataArray *aIkeList);
+    void ParseIkePieceL(CIkeData *aIkeData, TInt aVersion, TPtrC& aSectionName);
+    void DoMainParseL(CIkeDataArray *aIkeList, TPtrC& aSectionName);    
+    TInt ParseProposals(CIkeData *aConf);
+    TInt ParsePresharedKeys(CIkeData *aConf);
+    TInt ParseCAs(CIkeData *aConf);
+    TInt ParseCAItem(CIkeData *aConf, TCertInfo *aCA, TPtrC& aToken);
+    void ParseCAListL(CIkeData *aConf, TInt aCACount, TPtrC& aToken);      
+    TInt ParseOwnCerts(CIkeData *aConf);
+    TInt ParsePeerCerts(CIkeData *aConf);
+	TInt CheckPolicy(CIkeData* aConf);
+    TPtrC GetRestOfLine();    
+    TInt ParseFileName(TDes& aFileName);
+    static TBufC<16> TextMode(const TInt aMode);
+    static TBufC<16> TextEncrAlg(const TInt aAlg, const TInt aKeyLth);
+    static TBufC<16> TextAuthMethod(const TInt aMethod);
+    static TBufC<16> TextHashAlg(const TInt aAlg);
+    static TBufC<16> TextGroupDesc(const TInt aDesc);
+    static TBufC<16> TextGroupType(const TInt aType);
+    static TBufC<16> TextPRF(const TInt aPRF);
+    static TBufC<16> TextFormat(const TKeyFormat aFormat);
+    static TBufC<16> CertFormat(TCertFormat aFormat);
+    static TBufC<16> TextLAMType(const TUint8 aLAMType);
+     TInt iVersion;
+class CGeneralData : public CBase
+    IMPORT_C CGeneralData();
+    IMPORT_C CGeneralData(CGeneralData* aData);
+    TInt iDeactivationTimeout;
+//Multiple Security Info combined
+class CSecurityPiece : public CBase
+    IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TInt aSize = 64);  //default 64 bytes description
+    inline HBufC *Info() {return iInfo;}
+    IMPORT_C void SetInfoL(const TDesC &aDes);       //needed to resize it if needed
+    inline CIkeData *IkeData() {return iIkeData;}
+    inline CGeneralData *GeneralData(){return iGeneralData;}
+    IMPORT_C ~CSecurityPiece();
+    HBufC* iInfo;
+    CIkeData *iIkeData;
+    CGeneralData *iGeneralData;
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<CSecurityPiece *> CPiecesList;
+//  class TSecParser
+class TSecParser : public TLex
+    IMPORT_C TSecParser(const TDesC &aDes);
+    IMPORT_C TInt ParseL(CSecurityPiece *aPiece_data);
+    IMPORT_C static TInt Write(CSecurityPiece *aPiece_data, HBufC8*& aPolBfr);
+    IMPORT_C TInt ParseGeneralData(CGeneralData* aData);
+    TBool CheckVersion();
+    void ParseInfoL(CSecurityPiece *aPiece_data);  
+    void NextTag();
+    TInt DoParseL(CSecurityPiece *aPiece_data, TBool aIncludeIKE);
+    TInt ParseGeneral(CGeneralData *aGeneralData);
+    static TInt WriteVersion(HBufC8*& aPolBfr);
+    static TInt WriteInfo(CSecurityPiece *aPiece_data, HBufC8*& aPolBfr);
+    static TInt WriteIke(CSecurityPiece *aPiece_data, HBufC8*& aPolBfr);
+    TInt iVersion;  //File version
+class TGeneralParser : public TLex
+    IMPORT_C TGeneralParser(const TDesC &aStr);
+    IMPORT_C TInt Parse(CGeneralData *aData);
+class IkeParser
+	public:
+		IMPORT_C static RArray<TUid>* GetApplUidListL(const TDesC16& aApplUidString);
+		IMPORT_C static HBufC8* TextToHexOctetsL(const TDesC16& aTextString);
+		IMPORT_C static TBool TextToHexOctets(const TDesC16& aTextString, TDes8& aHexOctets);				
+	private:
+		void  static NextHexaDigit(TLex& aUidString);		
+		TBool static DeHex(const TUint16* aUcStr, TInt aStrLen, TUint8* aDstBfr);
+		TBool static HexVal(TUint8& c);		