--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vpnengine/utlpkcs10/src/pkcs10.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:14:51 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1375 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 - 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Pkcs10 certificate request.
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <asn1cons.h>
+#include <asn1enc.h>
+#include <x520ava.h>
+#include "pkcs10.h"
+#include "base64.h"
+#include "pkidefs.h"
+#include "utlcrypto.h"
+// Destructor
+EXPORT_C CPkcs10Req::~CPkcs10Req()
+ delete iDNDerBuf;
+// Set distinguished name parameter, Only CommonName given
+EXPORT_C TInt CPkcs10Req::SetDistinguishedName(const TDesC8 &aDistinguishedName)
+ TInt status = KErrNone;
+ // Set distiguished name
+ if(aDistinguishedName.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ iDistinguishedName.Set(aDistinguishedName);
+ iUseExtendedDistinguishedName = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ status = KErrArgument;
+ return (status);
+// SetDistinguishedNameExtended
+// Set distinguished name parameter. Complete distinguished name in format
+// CN=xxx,O=abc,OU=def or CN=xxx/O=abc/OU=def
+// OIds and corresponding texts (case insensitive):
+// KX520CountryName "" "c" {0x55, 0x04, 0x06}
+// KX520OrganizationName "" "o" {0x55, 0x04, 0x0a}
+// KX520OrganizationalUnitName "" "ou" {0x55, 0x04, 0x0b}
+// KX520LocalityName "" "l" {0x55, 0x04, 0x07}
+// KX520StateOrProvinceName "" "st" {0x55, 0x04, 0x08}
+// KX520Title "" "title" {0x55, 0x04, 0x0c}
+// KX520CommonName "" "cn" {0x55, 0x04, 0x03}
+// KX520GivenName "" "GivenName" {0x55, 0x04, 0x2a}
+// KX520Surname "" "sn" {0x55, 0x04, 0x04}
+// KX520Initials "" "initials" {0x55, 0x04, 0x2b}
+// KX520GenerationQualifier "" "generationQualifier" {0x55, 0x04, 0x2c}
+// KX520DNQualifier "" "dnQualifier" {0x55, 0x04, 0x2e}
+// KX520SerialNumber "" "serialNumber" {0x55, 0x04, 0x05}
+EXPORT_C TInt CPkcs10Req::SetDistinguishedNameExtendedL(const TDesC8 &aDistinguishedName)
+ TInt status = KErrNone;
+ // Set distiguished name
+ if(aDistinguishedName.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ delete iDNDerBuf; // delete possible old buffer
+ iDNDerBuf = NULL;
+ TRAPD(status, BuildDistinguishedNameDerFromTextL(iDNDerBuf, aDistinguishedName, EFalse, KCountryName()));
+ if(status == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iUseExtendedDistinguishedName = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ status = KErrArgument;
+ return (status);
+// BuildDistinguishedNameDerFromText
+EXPORT_C void CPkcs10Req::BuildDistinguishedNameDerFromTextL(
+ HBufC8 *&derBuffer,
+ const TDesC8 &aDistinguishedName,
+ TBool aByPass,
+ const TDesC8 &aByPassType
+ HBufC8 *shrinkedBuffer;
+ CArrayFixFlat<TIndexPair> *valueIndexArray =
+ new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TIndexPair>(1);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(valueIndexArray);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TIndexPair> *typeIndexArray =
+ new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TIndexPair>(1);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(typeIndexArray);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPtr8> *valuePtrArray =
+ new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPtr8>(1);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(valuePtrArray);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPtr8> *typePtrArray =
+ new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPtr8>(1);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(typePtrArray);
+ // Scan input and build index arrays for types and values
+ CPkcs10Req::BuildIndexPairsLC(
+ shrinkedBuffer,
+ aDistinguishedName,
+ typeIndexArray,
+ valueIndexArray
+ );
+ CPkcs10Req::BuildDerL(
+ shrinkedBuffer,
+ derBuffer,
+ typeIndexArray,
+ valueIndexArray,
+ typePtrArray,
+ valuePtrArray,
+ aByPass,
+ aByPassType
+ );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(5);
+// AttributeTypeOidToText
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CPkcs10Req::AttributeTypeOidToText(const TDesC &aType)
+ TPtrC8 temp;
+ if(aType.Compare(KX520CountryName) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KCountryName);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520OrganizationName) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KOrganizationName);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520OrganizationalUnitName) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KOrganizationalUnitName);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520LocalityName) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KLocalityName);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520StateOrProvinceName) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KStateOrProvinceName);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520Title) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KTitle);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520CommonName) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KCommonName);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520GivenName) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KGivenName);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520Surname) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KSurname);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520Initials) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KInitials);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520GenerationQualifier) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KGenerationQualifier);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520DNQualifier) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KDNQualifier);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KX520SerialNumber) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KSerialNumber);
+ else if(aType.Compare(KRFC2247DomainComponent) == 0)
+ temp.Set(KDomainComponent);
+ else
+ {
+ // Return dotted oid, length = 0
+ }
+ return temp;
+// BuildIndexPairsLC
+void CPkcs10Req::BuildIndexPairsLC(
+ HBufC8 *&buffer,
+ const TDesC8 &aDistinguishedName,
+ CArrayFixFlat<TIndexPair> *aTypePairArray,
+ CArrayFixFlat<TIndexPair> *aValuePairArray
+ // Some rules:
+ // 1) Separator: ','
+ // 2) Escape character '\'
+ // 3) Value may be quoted. Then separator in value is allowed
+ // (without preceding escape char)
+ HBufC8 *sourceBuffer;
+ HBufC8 *targetBuffer;
+ TUint i, j;
+ targetBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(aDistinguishedName.Length());
+ targetBuffer->Des().SetLength(aDistinguishedName.Length());
+ sourceBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(aDistinguishedName.Length());
+ sourceBuffer->Des().Copy(aDistinguishedName);
+ TPtr8 sourcePointer = sourceBuffer->Des();
+ TPtr8 targetPointer = targetBuffer->Des();
+ TBool insideQuotes = EFalse;
+ TIndexPair pair;
+ TUint elementStartPosition = 0;
+ TUint elementEndPosition = 0;
+ // Delete leading and trailing spaces
+ sourcePointer.Trim();
+ // Scan text in order to collect name value pairs
+ for(i = 0, j = 0; (TInt)i < sourcePointer.Length(); i++)
+ {
+ if(sourcePointer[i] == '"')
+ {
+ // Toggle quote state
+ // Don't ignore quotes in order to ease trimming.
+ // (Spaces inside quotes are meaningful)
+ insideQuotes = !insideQuotes;
+ targetPointer[j] = sourcePointer[i];
+ j++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(insideQuotes)
+ {
+ // Allow any character
+ // Check for escape
+ if(sourcePointer[i] == '\\')
+ {
+ if((TInt)i < sourcePointer.Length() - 1)
+ {
+ targetPointer[j] = sourcePointer[i + 1];
+ j++;
+ i++; // skip char
+ }
+ else
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ targetPointer[j] = sourcePointer[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check for escape
+ if(sourcePointer[i] == '\\')
+ {
+ if((TInt)i < sourcePointer.Length() - 1)
+ {
+ targetPointer[j] = sourcePointer[i + 1];
+ j++;
+ i++; // skip char
+ }
+ else
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check for pair separator
+ if(sourcePointer[i] == ',')
+ {
+ // End of type/value pair
+ elementEndPosition = j;
+ pair.startIndex = elementStartPosition;
+ pair.endIndex = elementEndPosition;
+ aValuePairArray->AppendL(pair);
+ elementStartPosition = j;
+ }
+ // Check for type/value separator
+ else if(sourcePointer[i] == '=')
+ {
+ elementEndPosition = j;
+ pair.startIndex = elementStartPosition;
+ pair.endIndex = elementEndPosition;
+ aTypePairArray->AppendL(pair);
+ elementStartPosition = j;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Plain copy
+ targetPointer[j] = sourcePointer[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Append final value
+ elementEndPosition = j;
+ pair.startIndex = elementStartPosition;
+ pair.endIndex = elementEndPosition;
+ aValuePairArray->AppendL(pair);
+ // Ensure we have consistent type/value pairs
+ if(aTypePairArray->Count() != aValuePairArray->Count())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // source
+ // Return allocated shrinked buffer and OK status
+ targetBuffer->Des().SetLength(j);
+ buffer = targetBuffer;
+// BuildDerLC
+void CPkcs10Req::BuildDerL(
+ HBufC8 *aSource,
+ HBufC8 *&derBuffer,
+ CArrayFixFlat<TIndexPair> *aTypeIndexArray,
+ CArrayFixFlat<TIndexPair> *aValueIndexArray,
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPtr8> *aTypePtrArray,
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPtr8> *aValuePtrArray,
+ TBool aByPass,
+ const TDesC8 &aByPassType
+ TUint i;
+ // trim types and values and count required der length
+ TUint elementLength = 0;
+ TUint totalLength = 0;
+ TUint wholeLength = 0;
+ TUint setLength = 0;
+ TUint seqLength = 0;
+ TUint oidLength = COMMON_NAME_OID_LTH;
+ TUint stringLength = 0;
+ TUint contentLength = 0;
+ TUint oidIndex = 0;
+ TBuf8<32> dottedOidDer;
+ CArrayFixFlat<HBufC8 *> *elementArray =
+ new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<HBufC8 *>(1);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(elementArray);
+ for(i = 0; (TInt)i < aTypeIndexArray->Count(); i++) // counts are equal
+ {
+ TPtr8 tempPtr(
+ CONST_CAST(TUint8*, aSource->Des().Ptr()) + aTypeIndexArray->At(i).startIndex,
+ aTypeIndexArray->At(i).endIndex - aTypeIndexArray->At(i).startIndex
+ );
+ tempPtr.SetLength(
+ aTypeIndexArray->At(i).endIndex - aTypeIndexArray->At(i).startIndex
+ );
+ aTypePtrArray->AppendL(tempPtr);
+ tempPtr.Set(
+ CONST_CAST(TUint8*, aSource->Des().Ptr()) + aValueIndexArray->At(i).startIndex,
+ aValueIndexArray->At(i).endIndex - aValueIndexArray->At(i).startIndex,
+ aValueIndexArray->At(i).endIndex - aValueIndexArray->At(i).startIndex
+ );
+ tempPtr.SetLength(aValueIndexArray->At(i).endIndex - aValueIndexArray->At(i).startIndex);
+ tempPtr.Trim();
+ if(0 == tempPtr.Length())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ // Remove quotes. Spaces inside quotes are meaningful,
+ // so Trim must be called before this operation
+ if(tempPtr[0] == '"')
+ {
+ if(tempPtr[tempPtr.Length() -1 ] != '"')
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt tempLength = tempPtr.Length() - 2;
+ tempPtr.Set(CONST_CAST(TUint8*, tempPtr.Ptr() + 1), tempLength, tempLength);
+ tempPtr.SetLength(tempLength);
+ }
+ }
+ if(0 == tempPtr.Length())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ aValuePtrArray->AppendL(tempPtr);
+ aTypePtrArray->At(i).Trim();
+ aTypePtrArray->At(i).UpperCase();
+ // Check if type is supported, it is ignored if not
+ if(CPkcs10Req::OidExistsL(aTypePtrArray->At(i), oidIndex, dottedOidDer))
+ {
+ if(KNullAttributeIndex == oidIndex)
+ {
+ oidLength = dottedOidDer.Length() - ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH;
+ }
+ else if(KDomainComponentIndex == oidIndex)
+ {
+ oidLength = DC_OID_LTH;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oidLength = COMMON_NAME_OID_LTH;
+ }
+ if(!(aByPass && aTypePtrArray->At(i).Compare(aByPassType) == 0))
+ {
+ // Printable string
+ elementLength = aValuePtrArray->At(i).Length();
+ stringLength = elementLength;
+ if(elementLength > 127)
+ elementLength++;
+ if(elementLength > 255)
+ elementLength++;
+ elementLength += ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH;
+ elementLength += oidLength; // Oid
+ elementLength += ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH;
+ seqLength = elementLength;
+ if(elementLength > 127)
+ elementLength++;
+ if(elementLength > 255)
+ elementLength++;
+ elementLength += ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH; // Sequence
+ setLength = elementLength;
+ if(elementLength > 127)
+ elementLength++;
+ if(elementLength > 255)
+ elementLength++;
+ elementLength += ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH; // Set
+ wholeLength = elementLength;
+ // Build one element
+ CPkcs10Req::BuildElementDerLC(
+ elementArray,
+ wholeLength,
+ setLength,
+ seqLength,
+ oidLength,
+ stringLength,
+ oidIndex,
+ dottedOidDer,
+ aValuePtrArray->At(i)
+ );
+ totalLength += elementLength;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( 0 == totalLength )
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ contentLength = totalLength;
+ if(totalLength > 127) // Sequence
+ totalLength++;
+ if(totalLength > 255)
+ totalLength++;
+ totalLength += ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH;
+ // Allocate buffer
+ derBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(totalLength);
+ derBuffer->Des().SetLength(totalLength);
+ TUint8 *derBufferPtr = (TUint8 *)derBuffer->Ptr();
+ derBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(derBufferPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ derBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(derBufferPtr, contentLength);
+ for(i = 0; (TInt)i < elementArray->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ derBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(
+ derBufferPtr,
+ CONST_CAST(unsigned char *, elementArray->At(i)->Des().Ptr()),
+ elementArray->At(i)->Length()
+ );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(elementArray->Count());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(elementArray);
+// OidExistsLC
+TBool CPkcs10Req::OidExistsL(
+ TPtr8 &aTypePtrArray,
+ TUint &aIndex,
+ TBuf8<32> &aDottedOidDer
+TBool validOId = EFalse;
+ aIndex = KNullAttributeIndex;
+ if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KCountryName) == 0)
+ aIndex = KCountryNameIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KOrganizationName) == 0)
+ aIndex = KOrganizationNameIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KOrganizationalUnitName) == 0)
+ aIndex = KOrganizationalUnitNameIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KLocalityName) == 0)
+ aIndex = KLocalityNameIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KStateOrProvinceName) == 0)
+ aIndex = KStateOrProvinceNameIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KTitle) == 0)
+ aIndex = KTitleIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KCommonName) == 0)
+ aIndex = KCommonNameIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KGivenName) == 0)
+ aIndex = KGivenNameIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KSurname) == 0)
+ aIndex = KSurnameIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KInitials) == 0)
+ aIndex = KInitialsIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KGenerationQualifier) == 0)
+ aIndex = KGenerationQualifierIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KDNQualifier) == 0)
+ aIndex = KDNQualifierIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KSerialNumber) == 0)
+ aIndex = KSerialNumberIndex;
+ else if(aTypePtrArray.Compare(KDomainComponent) == 0)
+ aIndex = KDomainComponentIndex;
+ if(KNullAttributeIndex != aIndex)
+ {
+ validOId = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(aTypePtrArray.Find(KDot) != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ // Dotted oid notation
+ TUint offset = 0;
+ TBuf<32> tempOidBuf;
+ tempOidBuf.Copy(aTypePtrArray);
+ CASN1EncObjectIdentifier *oidIdentifier =
+ CASN1EncObjectIdentifier::NewLC(tempOidBuf);
+ // WriteDERL uses Length() instead of MaxLength() ?
+ aDottedOidDer.SetLength(32);
+ oidIdentifier->WriteDERL(aDottedOidDer, offset);
+ aDottedOidDer.SetLength(oidIdentifier->LengthDER());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // oidIdentifier
+ validOId = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ return validOId;
+// GetOid
+TInt CPkcs10Req::GetOid(TUint aIndex, const TUint8 *&aValue)
+ switch(aIndex)
+ {
+ case KCountryNameIndex:
+ aValue = KCountryNameOid;
+ break;
+ case KOrganizationNameIndex:
+ aValue = KOrganizationNameOid;
+ break;
+ case KOrganizationalUnitNameIndex:
+ aValue = KOrganizationalUnitNameOid;
+ break;
+ case KLocalityNameIndex:
+ aValue = KLocalityNameOid;
+ break;
+ case KStateOrProvinceNameIndex:
+ aValue = KStateOrProvinceNameOid;
+ break;
+ case KTitleIndex:
+ aValue = KTitleOid;
+ break;
+ case KCommonNameIndex:
+ aValue = KCommonNOid;
+ break;
+ case KGivenNameIndex:
+ aValue = KGivenNameOid;
+ break;
+ case KSurnameIndex:
+ aValue = KSurnameOid;
+ break;
+ case KInitialsIndex:
+ aValue = KInitialsOid;
+ break;
+ case KGenerationQualifierIndex:
+ aValue = KGenerationQualifierOid;
+ break;
+ case KDNQualifierIndex:
+ aValue = KDNQualifierOid;
+ break;
+ case KSerialNumberIndex:
+ aValue = KSerialNumberOid;
+ break;
+ case KDomainComponentIndex:
+ aValue = KDomainComponentOid;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+// FillDer
+void CPkcs10Req::BuildElementDerLC(CArrayFixFlat<HBufC8 *> *aElementArray, TUint aWholeLength, TUint aSetLength, TUint aSeqLength, TUint aOidLength, TUint aStringLength, TUint aOidIndex, TBuf8<32> &aDottedOidDer, TPtr8 &aValuePtr)
+ HBufC8 *elementBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(aWholeLength);
+ elementBuffer->Des().SetLength(aWholeLength);
+ TUint8 *elementBufferPtr = (TUint8 *)elementBuffer->Ptr();
+ const TUint8 *oidPtr;
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(elementBufferPtr, (EASN1Set | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(elementBufferPtr, aSetLength);
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(elementBufferPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(elementBufferPtr, aSeqLength);
+ if(aOidIndex != 0)
+ {
+ GetOid(aOidIndex, oidPtr);
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(elementBufferPtr, EASN1ObjectIdentifier);
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(elementBufferPtr, aOidLength);
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(elementBufferPtr, oidPtr, aOidLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Dotted oid representation
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(elementBufferPtr, CONST_CAST(unsigned char *, aDottedOidDer.Ptr()), aDottedOidDer.Length());
+ }
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(elementBufferPtr, EASN1UTF8String);
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(elementBufferPtr, aStringLength);
+ elementBufferPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(elementBufferPtr, CONST_CAST(unsigned char *, aValuePtr.Ptr()), aValuePtr.Length());
+ aElementArray->AppendL(elementBuffer);
+// Set subject alt name extension, email
+EXPORT_C TInt CPkcs10Req::SetSubjectAltNameRfc822(const TDesC8 &aSubjectAltNameRfc822)
+ TInt status = KErrNone;
+ // Set subject alt name
+ if(aSubjectAltNameRfc822.Length() > 0)
+ iSubjectAltName.Set(aSubjectAltNameRfc822);
+ return (status);
+// Set DNSname extension
+EXPORT_C TInt CPkcs10Req::SetDNSName(const TDesC8 &aDNSName)
+ TInt status = KErrNone;
+ // Set subject alt name
+ if(aDNSName.Length() > 0)
+ iDNSName.Set(aDNSName);
+ return (status); // DNS name is optional
+// Set challenge password extension
+EXPORT_C TInt CPkcs10Req::SetChallengePw(const TDesC8 &aChallengePw)
+ // Set challenge password
+ if(aChallengePw.Length() > 0)
+ iChallengePW.Set(aChallengePw);
+ return KErrNone; // ChallengePw is optional
+// Set public key and key type (only RSA supported!)
+EXPORT_C TInt CPkcs10Req::SetPublicKey(const TDesC8 &aPublicKeyBits)
+ TInt status = KErrNone;
+ // Build public key DER
+ if(aPublicKeyBits.Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ iPublicKey.Set(aPublicKeyBits);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = KErrArgument;
+ }
+ return (status);
+// Create the request
+// In: THashType aSignatureAlgorithmId, MD5 os SHA1
+// const TDesC& aPrivateKeyFilename, keyid used in kmdserver
+// TBool doPEM, set ETrue if PEM encoding requested, otherwise out format is DER
+// TSignCallback aSignCallBackL, signing callback function address, defined in pkcs10.h
+// Out: HBufC8 * containing the request. Remember to pop it out of the cleanupstack and delete it when not needed anymore.
+// Output format is either der (in example below, ASN1 decoding done)
+// 0:d=0 hl=4 l= 431 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 4:d=1 hl=4 l= 281 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 8:d=2 hl=2 l= 1 prim: INTEGER :00
+// 11:d=2 hl=2 l= 52 cons: SEQUENCE : Distinguished name
+// 13:d=3 hl=2 l= 16 cons: SET
+// 15:d=4 hl=2 l= 14 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 17:d=5 hl=2 l= 3 prim: OBJECT :commonName
+// 22:d=5 hl=2 l= 7 prim: PRINTABLESTRING :subject
+// 31:d=3 hl=2 l= 32 cons: SET //
+// 33:d=4 hl=2 l= 30 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 35:d=5 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :emailAddress
+// 46:d=5 hl=2 l= 17 prim: IA5STRING
+// 65:d=2 hl=3 l= 138 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 68:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 70:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :rsaEncryption
+// 81:d=4 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
+// 83:d=3 hl=2 l= 121 prim: BIT STRING
+// 206:d=2 hl=2 l= 81 cons: cont [ 0 ]
+// 208:d=3 hl=2 l= 26 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 210:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :challengePassword
+// 221:d=4 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SET
+// 223:d=5 hl=2 l= 11 prim: PRINTABLESTRING :challengepw
+// 236:d=3 hl=2 l= 51 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 238:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :Extension Request
+// 249:d=4 hl=2 l= 38 cons: SET
+// 251:d=5 hl=2 l= 36 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 253:d=6 hl=2 l= 34 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 255:d=7 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :emailAddress
+// 266:d=7 hl=2 l= 21 prim: OCTET STRING
+// 289:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
+// 291:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :sha1WithRSAEncryption
+// 302:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
+// 304:d=1 hl=3 l= 129 prim: BIT STRING
+// or PEM, which looks like this
+// VpVRw3fdq2qgBMe6zsO0kctBYkvdZ67Yq3Gdmzx1Ofx4S0F4BUDT6TGH2uP3zi04
+// zMb3IoDxF9BAp9drc6BKzMnhN5HBIV0RUoTLhQ8HKbFcwmqIAo0uJkUx2gbr+aOD
+// AgMBAAGgUjAXBgkqhkiG9w0BCQcxChMIcGFzc3dvcmQwNwYJKoZIhvcNAQkOMSow
+// KDAmBgNVHREEHzAdggtrdWtrdWx1dXJ1dYEOanVraUBub2tpYS5jb20wDQYJKoZI
+// hvcNAQEEBQADgYEAbltAG0DNe2NuyMHoJPg4QQExhUb9rep6eSJvrACbyT2qVgJe
+// vrdpOesdw7//MsOhgTP+MU36DlTVRbpoUJ8xO1wM10ljrxkWcwNfdEU4kf3NOiWB
+// 4i+V99jPK2nbK/ofNpJU7m2nMvi4Z66WlM/kDEwVJe5GWwIzOIyOlfkiyc8=
+EXPORT_C HBufC8* CPkcs10Req::CreateCertificateRequestLC(
+THashType aSignatureAlgorithmId,
+const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aPrivateKeyFilename,
+TBool aDoBase64,
+TBool aDoPEM,
+TSignCallback aSignCallBackL,
+TAny* aSignCallBackContext)
+ // Build certificate request
+ HBufC8 *CRInfoBuffer = NULL;
+ HBufC8 *CRBuffer = NULL;
+ TBuf8<SHA1_HASH_LTH> hash;
+ TBase64Codec base64Codec;
+ HBufC8 *encodedCRBuffer = NULL;
+ HBufC8 *tempBuffer = NULL;
+ TBuf8<MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH> signature;
+ // Create CertificationRequestInfo consisting
+ //
+ // - subject distinguished name
+ // - public key
+ // - Attributes
+ // -Subject alt name Rfc822
+ // -Challenge PW
+ CRInfoBuffer = ASNEncodeCertificationRequestInfoLC();
+ if(CRInfoBuffer)
+ {
+ // Sign CertificationRequestInfo
+ //
+ // - create hash using the defined signature algorithm
+ // - create digital signature of the hash by calling the given callback function
+ DigestL(CRInfoBuffer->Des(), hash, aSignatureAlgorithmId);
+ // Capsulate hash in digest info
+ TUint digestInfoLength = hash.Length() + 5 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + MD5SIGNATURE_OID_LTH;
+ HBufC8 *digestInfo = HBufC8::NewLC(digestInfoLength);
+ digestInfo->Des().SetLength(digestInfoLength);
+ TUint8 *digestInfoPtr = (TUint8*)digestInfo->Ptr();
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(digestInfoPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(digestInfoPtr, digestInfoLength - ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH);
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(digestInfoPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(digestInfoPtr, MD5SIGNATURE_OID_LTH + 2 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH);
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(digestInfoPtr, EASN1ObjectIdentifier);
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(digestInfoPtr, MD5SIGNATURE_OID_LTH);
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(digestInfoPtr, (TUint8*)KMd5SignatureOid, MD5SIGNATURE_OID_LTH);
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(digestInfoPtr, EASN1Null);
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(digestInfoPtr, 0);
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(digestInfoPtr, EASN1OctetString);
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(digestInfoPtr, hash.Length());
+ digestInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(digestInfoPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, hash.Ptr()), hash.Length());
+ // Sign it
+ // Only RSA supported by now
+ iSignatureAlgorithmId = aSignatureAlgorithmId;
+ aSignCallBackL(
+ *digestInfo,
+ signature,
+ aPrivateKeyFilename,
+ aSignCallBackContext);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( digestInfo );
+ // Collect CertificationRequestInfo, signature algoritm identifier (NO OPTIONS)
+ // and signature into PKCS#10 CertificationRequest
+ CRBuffer = ASNEncodeCertificationRequestLC(CRInfoBuffer->Des(), signature);
+ if(CRBuffer)
+ {
+ if(aDoBase64)
+ {
+ // Base64 encode the CertificationRequest
+ tempBuffer = base64Codec.Base64EncodeLC(CRBuffer->Des());
+ if(tempBuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ // Append PEM header and trailer
+ encodedCRBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(tempBuffer->Length() + HEADERLENGTH + TRAILERLENGTH + 1);
+ TPtr8 encodedCRBufferPtr = encodedCRBuffer->Des();
+ if(aDoPEM)
+ {
+ encodedCRBufferPtr.Copy(HEADER);
+ encodedCRBufferPtr.Append(tempBuffer->Des());
+ encodedCRBufferPtr.Append(TRAILER);
+ }
+ else
+ encodedCRBufferPtr.Copy(tempBuffer->Des());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //tempBuffer, CRInfoBuffer, CRBuffer
+ CleanupStack::PushL(encodedCRBuffer);
+ }
+ else
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //CRInfoBuffer, CRBuffer
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CleanupStack::Pop(1);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); //CRInfoBuffer
+ CleanupStack::PushL(CRBuffer);
+ return (CRBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); //CRInfoBuffer
+ }
+ return (encodedCRBuffer);
+// MD5 hash function
+void CPkcs10Req::MD5_HashL(const TDesC8 &aInData, TDes8& aOutData)
+ CUtlMessageDigest* md5 = TUtlCrypto::MakeMessageDigesterL(TUtlCrypto::EUtlMessageDigestMd5);
+ aOutData.Copy(md5->Final(aInData));
+ delete md5;
+// SHA1 hash function
+void CPkcs10Req::SHA1_HashL(const TDesC8 &aInData, TDes8& aOutData)
+ CUtlMessageDigest* sha1 = TUtlCrypto::MakeMessageDigesterL(TUtlCrypto::EUtlMessageDigestSha1);
+ aOutData.Copy(sha1->Final(aInData));
+ delete sha1;
+// Digest function, calling either MD5 or SHA1 hash
+void CPkcs10Req::DigestL(const TDesC8& aData, TDes8& aDigest, THashType aHashType)
+ if (aHashType == HASH_TYPE_MD5)
+ MD5_HashL(aData, aDigest);
+ else
+ SHA1_HashL(aData, aDigest);
+// ASN1 related operations
+// Set ASN1 length
+TInt CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(TUint8 *p, TInt aLen)
+ *
+ * Encode length value (max value supported 65535)
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------*/
+ TInt CodingLth;
+ aLen &= ASN1_MAX_LENGTH;
+ if ( aLen > 127 )
+ {
+ if ( aLen < 256 )
+ {
+ *p = 0x81;
+ CodingLth = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *p = 0x82;
+ p ++;
+ *p = (TUint8)((aLen >> 8) & 0xff);
+ CodingLth = 3;
+ }
+ p ++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CodingLth = 1;
+ }
+ *p = (TUint8)(aLen & 0xff);
+ return CodingLth;
+// Set ASN1 integer
+TInt CPkcs10Req::DERSetInteger(TUint8 *p, TInt aValue)
+ *
+ * Encode Integer value (max value supported 65535)
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------*/
+ TInt CodingLth;
+ aValue &= ASN1_MAX_INTEGER;
+ if ( aValue > 255 )
+ CodingLth = CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(p, 2);
+ else CodingLth = CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(p, 1);
+ p += CodingLth; //skip length
+ if ( aValue > 255 ) {
+ *p = (TUint8)((aValue >> 8) & 0xff);
+ p ++;
+ CodingLth ++;
+ }
+ *p = (TUint8)(aValue & 0xff);
+ CodingLth ++;
+ return CodingLth;
+// Encode Certification Request Info
+HBufC8* CPkcs10Req::ASNEncodeCertificationRequestInfoLC()
+ // Build certificate request info
+ HBufC8 *CRInfoBuffer = NULL;
+ TUint8 *CRInfoPtr;
+ TUint requestInfoLength;
+ TUint coverSeqHeaderLength = 2;
+ HBufC8 *commonAttributes;
+ HBufC8 *pkiInfo;
+ HBufC8 *extendedAttributes;
+ // Build components
+ // Encode common attributes
+ commonAttributes = ASNEncodeCommonAttributesLC();
+ // Encode private key
+ pkiInfo = ASNEncodePKIinfoLC();
+ // Encode common attributes
+ extendedAttributes = ASNEncodeExtendedAttributesLC();
+ requestInfoLength = commonAttributes->Length() + pkiInfo->Length() + extendedAttributes->Length() + ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + 1; // Fixed one byte version number!
+ if(requestInfoLength > 127)
+ coverSeqHeaderLength++;
+ if(requestInfoLength > 255)
+ coverSeqHeaderLength++;
+ requestInfoLength = requestInfoLength + coverSeqHeaderLength;
+ if(requestInfoLength > 0)
+ {
+ CRInfoBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(requestInfoLength);
+ CRInfoBuffer->Des().SetLength(requestInfoLength);
+ CRInfoPtr = (TUint8*)CRInfoBuffer->Ptr();
+ // Build header
+ CRInfoPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(CRInfoPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ CRInfoPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(CRInfoPtr, requestInfoLength - coverSeqHeaderLength);
+ CRInfoPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(CRInfoPtr, EASN1Integer);
+ CRInfoPtr += DERSetInteger(CRInfoPtr, 0); // version
+ // Copy component ders
+ if(commonAttributes != NULL && commonAttributes->Length() > 0)
+ CRInfoPtr += CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(CRInfoPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, commonAttributes->Ptr()), commonAttributes->Length());
+ if(pkiInfo != NULL && pkiInfo->Length() > 0)
+ CRInfoPtr += CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(CRInfoPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, pkiInfo->Ptr()), pkiInfo->Length());
+ if(extendedAttributes != NULL && extendedAttributes->Length() > 0)
+ CRInfoPtr += CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(CRInfoPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, extendedAttributes->Ptr()), extendedAttributes->Length());
+ }
+ if(extendedAttributes != NULL)
+ {
+ delete extendedAttributes;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(1);
+ }
+ if(pkiInfo != NULL)
+ {
+ delete pkiInfo;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(1);
+ }
+ if(commonAttributes != NULL)
+ {
+ delete commonAttributes;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(1);
+ }
+ if(CRInfoBuffer != NULL)
+ CleanupStack::PushL(CRInfoBuffer); // to be destroyed by the caller
+ return (CRInfoBuffer);
+// Encode Certification Request
+HBufC8* CPkcs10Req::ASNEncodeCertificationRequestLC(const TDes8 &CRInfoBuffer, const TDes8 &signature)
+ HBufC8 *CRBuffer = NULL;
+ TUint8 *CRPtr;
+ TUint requestLength;
+ TUint coverSeqHeaderLength = 2;
+ TUint signatureLength = 0;
+ if(CRInfoBuffer.Length() > 0 && signature.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ signatureLength = signature.Length() + 1; // No padding zero added
+ if(signatureLength > 127)
+ signatureLength++;
+ if(signatureLength > 255)
+ signatureLength++;
+ if(iSignatureAlgorithmId == HASH_TYPE_MD5)
+ requestLength = CRInfoBuffer.Length() + signatureLength + 4 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + MD5WITHRSA_OID_LTH;
+ else
+ requestLength = CRInfoBuffer.Length() + signatureLength + 4 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + SHA1WITHRSA_OID_LTH;
+ if(requestLength > 127)
+ coverSeqHeaderLength++;
+ if(requestLength > 255)
+ coverSeqHeaderLength++;
+ requestLength = requestLength + coverSeqHeaderLength;
+ CRBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(requestLength);
+ CRBuffer->Des().SetLength(requestLength);
+ CRPtr = (TUint8*)CRBuffer->Ptr();
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(CRPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(CRPtr, requestLength - coverSeqHeaderLength);
+ // Copy Certificate request info
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(CRPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, CRInfoBuffer.Ptr()), CRInfoBuffer.Length());
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(CRPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(CRPtr, MD5WITHRSA_OID_LTH + 2 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH); // null included!
+ // Set algorithm identifier
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(CRPtr, EASN1ObjectIdentifier);
+ if(iSignatureAlgorithmId == HASH_TYPE_MD5)
+ {
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(CRPtr, MD5WITHRSA_OID_LTH);
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(CRPtr, (TUint8*)KMd5WithRSAEncryptionOid, MD5WITHRSA_OID_LTH);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(CRPtr, SHA1WITHRSA_OID_LTH);
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(CRPtr, (TUint8*)KSha1WithRSAEncryptionOid, SHA1WITHRSA_OID_LTH);
+ }
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(CRPtr, EASN1Null);
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(CRPtr, 0);
+ // Copy signature
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(CRPtr, EASN1BitString);
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(CRPtr, signature.Length() + 1);
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(CRPtr, 0); // add 0, no padding
+ CRPtr += CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(CRPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, signature.Ptr()), signature.Length());
+ CleanupStack::PushL(CRBuffer); // to be destroyed by the caller
+ }
+ return (CRBuffer);
+// Encode common attributes
+HBufC8* CPkcs10Req::ASNEncodeCommonAttributesLC()
+ HBufC8 *commonAttributesBuffer = NULL;
+ TUint8 *commonAttributesPtr;
+ TUint distinguishedNameAttrLength;
+ TUint totalLength = 0;
+ TUint coverSeqHeaderLength = 2;
+ if(iUseExtendedDistinguishedName)
+ {
+ if(iDNDerBuf != NULL && iDNDerBuf->Des().Length() > 0)
+ commonAttributesBuffer = iDNDerBuf->Des().AllocLC();
+ return (commonAttributesBuffer);
+ }
+ if(iDistinguishedName.Length() == 0)
+ distinguishedNameAttrLength = 0;
+ else
+ distinguishedNameAttrLength = 4 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + COMMON_NAME_OID_LTH + iDistinguishedName.Length();
+ totalLength = distinguishedNameAttrLength;
+ if(totalLength > 127)
+ coverSeqHeaderLength++;
+ if(totalLength > 255)
+ coverSeqHeaderLength++;
+ totalLength = totalLength + coverSeqHeaderLength;
+ if(totalLength > 0)
+ {
+ commonAttributesBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(totalLength);
+ commonAttributesBuffer->Des().SetLength(totalLength);
+ commonAttributesPtr = (TUint8*)commonAttributesBuffer->Ptr();
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(commonAttributesPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(commonAttributesPtr, totalLength - coverSeqHeaderLength);
+ if(iDistinguishedName.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ // Encode common name
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(commonAttributesPtr, (EASN1Set | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(commonAttributesPtr, distinguishedNameAttrLength - ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH);
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(commonAttributesPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(commonAttributesPtr, distinguishedNameAttrLength - 2 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH);
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(commonAttributesPtr, EASN1ObjectIdentifier);
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(commonAttributesPtr, COMMON_NAME_OID_LTH);
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(commonAttributesPtr, (TUint8*)KCommonNameOid, COMMON_NAME_OID_LTH);
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(commonAttributesPtr, EASN1UTF8String);
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(commonAttributesPtr, iDistinguishedName.Length());
+ commonAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(commonAttributesPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, iDistinguishedName.Ptr()), iDistinguishedName.Length());
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(commonAttributesBuffer);
+ }
+ return (commonAttributesBuffer);
+// Encode Private key information
+HBufC8* CPkcs10Req::ASNEncodePKIinfoLC()
+ HBufC8 *pkiInfoBuffer = NULL;
+ TUint8 *pkiInfoPtr;
+ TUint entityLength;
+ TUint bitStringHeaderLength = 2;
+ TUint coverSeqHeaderLength = 2;
+ if(iPublicKey.Length() == 0)
+ entityLength = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ entityLength = iPublicKey.Length() + 1; // Add 1 for padding indicator byte
+ if(entityLength > 127)
+ bitStringHeaderLength++;
+ if(entityLength > 255)
+ bitStringHeaderLength++;
+ entityLength = entityLength + bitStringHeaderLength + 3 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + KEY_TYPE_RSA_OID_LTH;
+ if(entityLength > 127)
+ coverSeqHeaderLength++;
+ if(entityLength > 255)
+ coverSeqHeaderLength++;
+ entityLength = entityLength + coverSeqHeaderLength;
+ }
+ if(entityLength > 0)
+ {
+ pkiInfoBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(entityLength);
+ pkiInfoBuffer->Des().SetLength(entityLength);
+ pkiInfoPtr = (TUint8*)pkiInfoBuffer->Ptr();
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(pkiInfoPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(pkiInfoPtr, entityLength - coverSeqHeaderLength);
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(pkiInfoPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(pkiInfoPtr, KEY_TYPE_RSA_OID_LTH + ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + ASN1_NULL_LTH);
+ // Only RSA key supported
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(pkiInfoPtr, EASN1ObjectIdentifier);
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(pkiInfoPtr, KEY_TYPE_RSA_OID_LTH);
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(pkiInfoPtr, (TUint8*)KKeyTypeRSAOid, KEY_TYPE_RSA_OID_LTH);
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(pkiInfoPtr, EASN1Null);
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(pkiInfoPtr, 0);
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(pkiInfoPtr, EASN1BitString);
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(pkiInfoPtr, iPublicKey.Length() + 1);
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(pkiInfoPtr, 0); // add 0, no padding
+ pkiInfoPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(pkiInfoPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, iPublicKey.Ptr()), iPublicKey.Length());
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pkiInfoBuffer);
+ }
+ return (pkiInfoBuffer);
+// Encode Extended attributes
+HBufC8* CPkcs10Req::ASNEncodeExtendedAttributesLC()
+ HBufC8 *extendedAttributesBuffer = NULL;
+ TUint8 *extendedAttributesPtr;
+ TUint challengePWLength;
+ TUint DNSLength;
+ TUint SubAltNLength;
+ TUint emailExtensionLength;
+ TUint totalLength;
+ TUint tempLength;
+ TUint coverTagLength = 2;
+ if(iChallengePW.Length() == 0)
+ challengePWLength = 0;
+ else
+ challengePWLength = 4 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + CHALLENGEPW_OID_LTH + iChallengePW.Length();
+ if((iSubjectAltName.Length() == 0) && (iDNSName.Length() == 0))
+ emailExtensionLength = 0;
+ else
+ // Header part
+ if(iSubjectAltName.Length() == 0)
+ SubAltNLength = 0;
+ else
+ SubAltNLength = ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + iSubjectAltName.Length();
+ emailExtensionLength = emailExtensionLength + SubAltNLength;
+ if(iDNSName.Length() == 0)
+ DNSLength = 0;
+ else
+ DNSLength = ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + iDNSName.Length();
+ emailExtensionLength = emailExtensionLength + DNSLength;
+ totalLength = challengePWLength + emailExtensionLength;
+ if(totalLength > 127)
+ coverTagLength++;
+ totalLength = totalLength + coverTagLength;
+ if(totalLength > 0)
+ {
+ extendedAttributesBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(totalLength);
+ extendedAttributesBuffer->Des().SetLength(totalLength);
+ extendedAttributesPtr = (TUint8*)extendedAttributesBuffer->Ptr();
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1EOC | ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, totalLength - coverTagLength);
+ if(challengePWLength > 0)
+ {
+ // Challenge password
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, challengePWLength - ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH );
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, EASN1ObjectIdentifier);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, CHALLENGEPW_OID_LTH);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(extendedAttributesPtr, (TUint8*)KChallengePWOid, CHALLENGEPW_OID_LTH);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1Set | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, iChallengePW.Length() + ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH );
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1PrintableString));
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, iChallengePW.Length());
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(extendedAttributesPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, iChallengePW.Ptr()), iChallengePW.Length());
+ }
+ if(emailExtensionLength > 0)
+ {
+ // SubjectAltName.Email assumed to be less than 97 bytes
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, emailExtensionLength - ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH );
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, EASN1ObjectIdentifier);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, PKCS10_EXTENSION_OID_LTH);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(extendedAttributesPtr, (TUint8*)KPkcs10ExtensionOid, PKCS10_EXTENSION_OID_LTH);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1Set | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ tempLength = SUBJECTALTNAME_OID_LTH + 5 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + DNSLength + SubAltNLength;
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, tempLength);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, tempLength - ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH );
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, tempLength - 2 * ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, EASN1ObjectIdentifier);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, SUBJECTALTNAME_OID_LTH);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetOid(extendedAttributesPtr, (TUint8*)KSubjectAltNameOid, SUBJECTALTNAME_OID_LTH);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, EASN1OctetString);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, ASN1_SHORT_TAG_HDR_LTH + DNSLength + SubAltNLength);
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1Sequence | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED));
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, DNSLength + SubAltNLength);
+ if(SubAltNLength > 0)
+ {
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1EOC | ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 0x1)); // context specific 1
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, iSubjectAltName.Length());
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(extendedAttributesPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, iSubjectAltName.Ptr()), iSubjectAltName.Length());
+ }
+ if(DNSLength > 0)
+ {
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetTag(extendedAttributesPtr, (EASN1EOC | ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC | 0x2)); // context specific 2
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::DERSetLength(extendedAttributesPtr, iDNSName.Length());
+ extendedAttributesPtr+= CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(extendedAttributesPtr, CONST_CAST(TUint8 *, iDNSName.Ptr()), iDNSName.Length());
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(extendedAttributesBuffer);
+ }
+ return (extendedAttributesBuffer);
+// ASN1 copy
+TInt CPkcs10Req::ASNCopy(TUint8 *dataPtr, TUint8 *valuePtr, TInt length)
+ Mem::Copy(dataPtr, valuePtr, length);
+ return (length);