* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This module defines event mediator and the services of it.
* @file eventmediator.h
* This module defines event mediator and the services of it.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include "eventmediatorapi.h"
#include "eventmediatordefs.h"
#include "sitdeathobserver.h"
class CEventMediatorSession;
class TEventContainer;
class CEventLogger;
class CSit;
class CListenerContainer;
* Defines the event mediator server.
class CEventMediatorServer : public CPolicyServer, public MSitDeathListener
friend class CEventMediatorSession; // Friend class
public: //Methods
// Constructors and destructor
* Static constructor
static CEventMediatorServer* NewL(void);
* Static constructor
static CEventMediatorServer* NewLC(void);
* Destructor
* Creates a new session.
CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
// Other methods
* Reports new envent to the eventmediator server.
* @param aType: type of the event.
* @param aSpec: additional info on event.
* @param aData: a descriptor containing event data.
void ReportEventL(const TEventType aType, TDesC8* aSpec,
TDesC8* aData, TInt aStatus = KErrNone);
* Completes the last message in error case.
* @param aError: Cause of the call of this function.
void CompleteLastMessage(TInt aError);
* Finds out whether the specified client thread is a SIT
* thread or not
TBool IsClientTheSitL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Starts the SIT thread if it is not running
void MakeSureSitIsRunningL();
* Saves a pointer to the listening request that represents the
* task arrival observation request
void SetTaskArrivalListenerL(CListenerContainer* aListener);
* Clears the pointer to the listening request that represents the
* task arrival observation request
void ClearTaskArrivalListener();
* Returns the pointer to the task arrival observation request
CListenerContainer* TaskArrivalListener();
* Notifies the server about a new task request that has arrived
void TaskRequestArrivedL(CListenerContainer* aTaskRequest);
* Notifies the server about a new task arrival
* observation request that has arrived from the SIT
void TaskArrivalObservationRequestArrivedL();
* Notifies the server about a new task request event
* specification fetching request that has arrived from
* the SIT.
void TaskRequestEventSpecFetchingRequestArrivedL(CListenerContainer* aFetchingRequest);
* Notifies the server about a new task cancellation
* observation request that has arrived from the SIT.
void TaskCancellationObservationRequestArrivedL(CListenerContainer* aRequest);
* Completes a pending task arrival observation
* request when a new task request has arrived.
void CompleteTaskArrivalObservationRequestL(TEventType aEventType, TDesC8* aSpec);
* Completes a pending task request event
* specification fetching request.
void CompleteTaskRequestEventSpecFetchingRequestL(TInt aStatus, TDesC8* aEventSpec,
TDesC8* aTaskRequestEventSpec);
* Tries to find a task request that is not yet
* being fulfilled by the SIT.
CListenerContainer* FindWaitingTaskRequest();
* Retrieves the event listener object, if any, that has the
* specified event type and event specification ID.
CListenerContainer* FindListener(TEventType aEventType, TInt aEventSpecId);
* Retrieves the event listener object, if any, that is using
* the SIT that has the specified thread ID and is fulfilling
* the specified event.
CListenerContainer* FindListener(TEventType aEventType, const TDesC8* aEventSpec);
* Completes the listener that matches the specified search
* criteria.
void CompleteListener(TEventType aEventType, const TDesC8* aEventSpec, TInt aStatus);
* Completes the listener that matches the specified search
* criteria.
void CompleteListener(CListenerContainer* aListenerPtr, TInt aStatus);
* Returns the number of "normal" (non-sit)
* sessions that are present
TInt NormalSessionCount();
* Completes all task requests with the specified status
void CompleteTaskRequests(TInt aStatus);
* Returns a new event specification ID.
TInt NewEventSpecId();
TPtrC EventLogFileName(void);
public: // From MSitDeathListener
void SitDied();
* Process any errors
* @param aError the leave code reported
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
private: // Methods
// Constructors and destructor
* Default constructor
* Perform the second phase construction of a CVpnManagerServer
* object.
* @param aServer Pointer to the server itself.
void ConstructL(CEventMediatorServer* aServer);
// Other methods
* Stops the server if the session count is zero.
void StopEventMediator(void);
* Copies data describing an event to the client.
* @param aMessge: a message from client side sent by RConnection::FetchData
* @return error code, KErrNone if successfull
TInt CopyEventDataL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Reduces listener count of a stored event by one and destroys it if count becomes zero.
* @param aIndex: the index of the stored event in the list.
void MarkStoredEventListened(TInt aIndex);
* Sets the iShuttingDown flag.
void SetShuttingDown(TBool aShuttingDown);
private: //Data
// List of Events that have been reported but not handled by all listeners.
CArrayFixFlat<TEventContainer*> iStoredEvents;
// Number of currently existing sessions.
TInt iSessionCount;
// Log writer
CEventLogger* iLogger;
// The next event specification ID
// (used with SIT event listening requests)
TInt iNextEventSpecId;
// The single SIT instance
CSit* iSit;
// The single task arrival listener
CListenerContainer* iTaskArrivalListener;
// A flag that is set to true when
// the server starts going down
TBool iShuttingDown;
TFileName iEventLogFileName;
static const TUint iRangeCount;
static const TInt iRanges[];
static const TUint8 iElementIndex[];
static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement iElements[];
static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy iPolicy;
* Defines the session to the VPN manager server.
class CEventMediatorSession : public CSession2
public: //Message types
public: // Methods
// Constructors and destructor
* Static constructor
static CEventMediatorSession* NewL(CEventMediatorServer* aServer, const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Default destructor
* Wrapper function which Dispatches and executes the client's service calls
* (See Message type definition).
void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Checks if client is listening events of the given type and completes message
* sent by clients ListenToEvent function. The length of the event data and
* the pointer to that data are written to the message.
* @param aType: type of the event.
* @param aSpec: additional info on event.
* @param aData: event data.
* @return number of listeners for the event was listened.
TInt CheckEventL(const TEventType aType, const TDesC8* aSpec, const TDesC8* aData, TInt aStatus);
* Tries to find a task request that is not being fulfilled
* already
CListenerContainer* FindWaitingTaskRequest();
* Retrieves the event listener object, if any, that is using
* the SIT that is fulfilling the specified event.
CListenerContainer* FindListener(TEventType aEventType, TInt aEventSpecId);
* Retrieves the event listener object, if any, that is using
* the SIT that is fulfilling the specified event.
CListenerContainer* FindListener(TEventType aEventType, const TDesC8* aEventSpec);
* Completes the specified listener if it is owned by the
* session. Returns ETrue is the listener was found and
* completed, EFalse otherwise.
void CompleteListener(TEventType aEventType, const TDesC8* aEventSpec, TInt aStatus);
void CompleteTaskRequests(TInt aStatus);
TBool IsASitSession();
private: //Methods
// Constructors and destructor
* Constructor
CEventMediatorSession(CEventMediatorServer* aServer);
* Starts listening events of requesteed type by coping the message to iListenedEvents.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients ListenToEvent function.
* @return: error code, KErrNone if successfull.
TInt ListenToEventWithSpecL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Starts listening events of requesteed type by coping the message to iListenedEvents.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients ListenToEvent function.
* @return: error code, KErrNone if successfull.
TInt ListenToEventL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Reports the event contained in the message to the event mediator server.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients ReportEvent function.
* @return: error code, KErrNone if successfull.
void ReportEventL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Reports a log event contained in the message to the event mediator server.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients ReportLogEvent function.
* @return: error code, KErrNone if successfull.
void ReportLogEventL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Reports the event contained in the message to the event mediator server.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients ReportEvent function.
* @return: error code, KErrNone if successfull.
void ReportEventWithSpecL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Cancels listning of one event type.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients CancelListenToEvent function.
void CancelListening(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Cancels listning of one event type.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients CancelListenToEvent function.
void CancelListeningWithSpecL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Cancels all listening.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients CancelAllListening function.
void CancelAll();
* Copies event data from the server to the client.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients FetchData function.
* @return: error code, KErrNone if successfull.
TInt FetchDataL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Looks up a message from iListenedEvents.
* @param aType: type of the event the message is listening to.
* @param aIndex: the position of the message in iListenedEvents.
* @return ETrue if message exists, EFalse if not.
TBool FindListenerMsg(const TEventType aType,TInt& index);
* Looks up a message from iListenedEvents.
* @param aType: type of the event the message is listening to.
* @param aIndex: the position of the message in iListenedEvents.
* @return ETrue if message exists, EFalse if not.
TBool FindListenerMsg(const TEventType aType,const TDesC8* aSpec,TInt& index);
* Searches for a task request type event listening request
TBool FindTaskRequestListenerMsg(TInt& index);
* Reads data that was reported with the event from client. Allocates a buffer
* for data and gives ownership of that buffer to caller.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent by clients ReportEvent function.
* @return pointer to the newly created buffer containig data.
HBufC8* ReadEventDataFromClientL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Reads specification describing the event from client. Allocates a buffer
* for secification and gives ownership of that buffer to caller.
* @param aMessage: aMessage sent with event specification.
* @return pointer to the newly created buffer containig data.
HBufC8* ReadSpecificationFromClientL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Completes the specified listener and deletes it from the
* listener list
void CompleteListener(TInt aIndex, TInt aStatus);
* Returns to the client a new event specification ID
void NewEventSpecIdL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt DeletePrivateFiles();
void DeletePrivateFilesL();
TInt GetEventLogSize(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt GetEventLogHeader(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt GetEventLogData(const RMessage2& aMessage);
TInt ClearEventLog();
private: //Data
// List of messages listening to events
CArrayFixFlat<CListenerContainer*> iListenedEvents;
// Event mediator server
CEventMediatorServer* iServer;
RFs iFs;
RFile iEventLogFile;
TBool iEventLogFileOpen;
// Is this session from a SIT or not
TBool iIsSitSession;
* Container for one reported event from witch it can be read by all listening sessions.
class TEventContainer
public: //Methods
// Constructors and destructor
* Inline constructor
inline TEventContainer(TInt aCount, TDesC8* aData) : iData(aData), iListenerCount(aCount){};
public: //Data
// Data descriptor reported with the event.
TDesC8* iData;
// number of listeners that need this event
TInt iListenerCount;
* Container for one reported event from which it can be read by all listening sessions
class CListenerContainer : public CBase
public: //Methods
// Constructors and destructor
CListenerContainer(const RMessage2& aMessage, TDesC8* aSpec,
CEventMediatorServer* aServer);
inline TEventType Type() {return (TEventType) iMessage.Int0();}
inline RMessage2& Message() {return iMessage;}
inline TDesC8* Specification() {return iSpec;}
void Complete(TInt status);
void AnalyzeRequestL();
TBool WaitingForFulfilling();
void MarkAsBeingFulfilled();
TBool BeingFulfilled();
TBool HandlesEvent(TEventType aEventType, const TDesC8* aEventSpec);
private: //Data
// Data descriptor reported with the event.
TDesC8* iSpec;
RMessage2 iMessage;
TEventType iEventType;
// Pointer to the event mediator server
CEventMediatorServer* iServer;
// A flag that tells whether the request
// is being fulfilled by the SIT or not
TBool iBeingFulfilledBySit;