* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Controls the vpn policy import procedure.
#include <e32base.h>
#include "vpnnotifierdefs.h"
#include "vpnapi.h"
#include "vpnnotifierdefs.h"
class CZipFileDecompressor;
class CApaCommandLine;
class CVpnPolicyInstaller;
* Activeobject for wait note during policy import procedure
class CImportWaitNoteHandler : public CActive
static CImportWaitNoteHandler* NewL(CVpnPolicyInstaller* aCallBack);
CImportWaitNoteHandler(CVpnPolicyInstaller* aCallBack);
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
void ConstructL();
* Starts the wait note. The exact nature of note depends on aNoteId
* parameter.
* @param aNoteId The note type to display. Possible values are
* TVpnDialog::EPolicyInstallInProgress ("Importing"; default)
* and TVpnDialog::EGenericProgress ("Processing" with no cancel)
void StartWaitNote(TInt aNoteId = TVpnDialog::EPolicyInstallInProgress);
TPckgBuf<TVpnDialogInfo> iDialogInfoDes;
TPckgBuf<TVpnDialogOutput> iDialogResponseDes;
RNotifier iNotifier;
TInt iStatem;
// Callback used when cancel occurs
CVpnPolicyInstaller* iCallBack;
class CVpnPolicyInstaller : public CActive
static CVpnPolicyInstaller* NewL();
void InstallPolicy();
void DialogDismissedL(TInt /*aButtonId*/)
void UserCancelledWait();
void CancelWaitNote();
protected: // From CActive
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
void ConstructL();
* Starts the policy installation process
void InstallPolicyL();
* Unzips the .VPN zipped file
void DeflateZippedPolicyL();
* "Emtpies" the temp dir that was used for zip extraction
void EmtpyTempDirL();
* Locate the command file from the extracted VPN file contents,
* and parse it. Parsed variables are stored locally to CVpnPolicyInstaller
* instance (at the moment, the variables are PKCS#12 password,
* device lock policy level and device lock optionality information)
void ExtractAndParseCmdFileL();
* Install a policy that is unpacked. Used after a VPN file has been
* decompressed, as well.
void InstallPinPolicyL(const TDesC& aFileDirectory);
* Shows a generic "Installation failed" note
void ShowImportErrorNote(const TInt aReason = KErrGeneral);
* Shows the device lock related confirmation note
* "Import VPN policy X? Note: devlock will be forced"
* @return ETrue iff the user gave positive confirmation
TBool ShowDevLockConfirmNote();
* Shows the standard confirmation note
* "Import VPN policy X?"
* Used when a) no devlock used or b) devlock use is optional and
* no device lock found / device lock not accessible by VPN.
* @return ETrue iff the user gave positive confirmation
TBool ShowConfirmNote();
* Shows a wait note. Default wait note is "Importing policy" (can
* be cancelled). For special purposes, a generic "Processing" wait
* note (non-cancellable) can be used.
* @param aNoteId The type of the note to display. Valid values are
* TVpnDialog::EPolicyInstallInProgress and
* TVpnDialog::EGenericProgress
void ShowWaitNoteL(TInt aNoteId = TVpnDialog::EPolicyInstallInProgress);
* Continues policy install operation
void ContinueInstallPolicyL();
* After VPN zip has been decompressed, go through its contents,
* locate the commanad / p12 files, check the device lock status,
* parse command file, and extract p12 objects.
void ProcessBundleContentsL();
* Parse cmd file XML and extract the relevant parameters to local
* instance variables
* @param aCmdData XML-formatted cmd file data, in 8bit descriptor
* @leave Leaves if oom, or if data is corrupted
void ExtractCommandParametersL(const TDesC8& aCmdData);
* Dump PKCS#12 objects into separate files
* @param aData Raw PKCS#12 data in binary format
* @param aPwd The password used for descrambling PKCS#12 data.
* If password is wrong, it will be prompted again (and again,
* and again...)
* @leave Leaves if PKCS#12 is corrupt or OOM
void ExtractPKCS12ObjectsL(const TDesC8& aData, const TDesC& aPwd);
* Checks whether device lock is available, and usable by VPN.
* Returns false if it's not. Leaves in case of OOM.
* @return ETrue iff device lock is available and VPN-enabled
TBool IsDeviceLockAvailable();
* Checks whether Device Lock is available / requested, and then
* prompts the user about it with confirm note
* @return ETrue if user confirmed devicelock policy install
TBool ConfirmDeviceLockUseL();
* Applies the device lock settings. This should be done only after
* the policy has been successfully imported.
* @leave Leaves if OOM or if there are problems with device
* lock access.
void ApplyDevLockSettingsL();
enum TTask
ETaskNone = 1,
RNotifier iNotifier;
RVpnApi iVpnServ;
RFs iFileServer;
CApaCommandLine* iCommandLine;
HBufC* iDriveAndPath;
HBufC* iFormat;
HBufC8* iFileName;
HBufC* iP12Password;
TInt iDevLockPolicy;
TBool iDevLockRequired;
TBool iDevSupportsDevLock;
TTask iOngoingTask;
RLibrary iTCLib;
CZipFileDecompressor* iDecompressor;
TPckgBuf<TVpnDialogInfo> iDialogInfoDes;
TPckgBuf<TVpnDialogOutput> iDialogResponseDes;
CImportWaitNoteHandler* iWaitNoteHandler;