* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Event formatting services.
#include "eventviewer2.h"
#define KEventBufferSizeIncrement 1000
#define KConvTypeU 1
#define KConvTypeN 2
#define KConvTypeA 3
// HBufC* aDestBuf = FormatEvent(TInt aDescrCount, TDesc8 aDescrList,
// aEventString)
// This function formats an event string loaded from the localisation
// file by replacing the conversion specification elements with the data
// description parameters available in a log event read from the
// log file.
// -- aDestBuf = the result of formatting. The caller have to release
// the buffer
// -- aDescrCount = number of data description elements (lth/data
// pairs) in aDescrList.
// -- aDescrList = LTH, LTH, ... , Data , Data, ...
// -- aEventString = text containing 0 - 20 conversion specification
// elements. The format of conversion specification elements is
// as follows: %N %U or %iN %iU, where % starts a specification,
// N is numeric data, U is Unicode data, i is an optional sequence
// number of description used with this specification (1,2,3...).
HBufC* CEventViewer::FormatEvent(TInt aDescrCount,
const TDesC8& aDescrList,
const TDesC& aEventString)
TInt err;
TInt beginOffset;
TInt convSpecOffset;
TInt continueToLoop;
TInt descrNumber;
TInt currDescrNumber;
TUint32 convType;
TUint32 seqNumber;
HBufC* descrBuf = 0;
// Allocate a buffer for the result data. This buffer will
// contain the modified event string. The buffer may be extended
// during the operation.
iResultBuf = HBufC::New( KEventBufferSizeIncrement);
if (iResultBuf == 0)
return iResultBuf;
// Prepare to process an event string
beginOffset = 0;
err = KErrNone;
continueToLoop = ETrue;
currDescrNumber = 0;
// Loop here until all conversion specifications of an event string
// have been processed
while (continueToLoop)
// Locate a conversion specification element (It begins with '%'
convSpecOffset = aEventString.Mid(beginOffset).Locate('%');
// If no prefix (%) found, copy the last or the only part
// of text to buffer
if (convSpecOffset == KErrNotFound)
TInt lth = aEventString.Length();
if (lth > beginOffset)
TPtrC tempPtr = aEventString.Mid(beginOffset, lth - beginOffset);
err = BufferAppend(iResultBuf,
continueToLoop = EFalse;
// Copy the part preceding the conv spec to the destination buffer
TPtrC tempPtr = aEventString.Mid(beginOffset, convSpecOffset);
err = BufferAppend(iResultBuf,
if (err != KErrNone)
continueToLoop = EFalse;
// Analyse the conversion specification element
beginOffset += convSpecOffset + 1;
err = AnalyseConvSpec(
if (err != KErrNone)
continueToLoop = EFalse;
// Define the seq number of the descriptor element
if (seqNumber == 0) {
currDescrNumber++, // no number in conv spec element
descrNumber = currDescrNumber;
descrNumber = seqNumber; // number available in conv spec element
// Find descritptor from the descriptor list and return the data
descrBuf = 0;
descrBuf = GetDescriptorData (
if (descrBuf == 0)
// Store the data got from the descriptor list to the
// destination buffer
err = BufferAppend(iResultBuf,
if (err != KErrNone)
continueToLoop = EFalse;
delete descrBuf;
descrBuf = 0;
// While loop completed
delete descrBuf;
return iResultBuf;
// GetDescriptorData - Searches the requested descriptor and
// returns the data.
// -- returns: converted data in heap buffer. Caller must delete the
// buffer. Null if no descriptor returned.
// -- aDescrCount defines the number of LTH/DATA pairs
// --aDescrList has the following format:
// LTH LTH ... DATA DATA ..., where
// -- LTH is TUint32 length of corresponding DATA
// -- DATA is either 32-bit integer or 8-bit byte strings.
// --aConvType has value KConvTypeN (integer to desimal conversion
// needed) or KConvTypeU (Unicode data)
// or KConvTypeA (8-bits data)
// -- aDescrNumber is the sequence number of LTH/DATA pair (1, 2..)
HBufC* CEventViewer::GetDescriptorData (
TUint32 aDescrCount,
const TDesC8& aDescrList,
TUint32 aConvType,
TUint32 aDescrNumber)
HBufC* descrDataBuf = 0;
TBuf8<4> lthBuf;
TUint lth = 0;;
// Check that descriptor number is valid
if (aDescrNumber > aDescrCount || aDescrNumber == 0)
return descrDataBuf; // return Null
TInt dataOffset = 0;
TInt lthOffset = 0;
TUint32 currDescrNumber = 1;
// Search the requested LTH/DATA pair
TInt fillerLth = 0;
while (currDescrNumber <= aDescrNumber)
lthBuf.Copy(&aDescrList[lthOffset],4); // Copy lth to 4 byte buffer
lth = *(TInt*) (lthBuf.Ptr());
dataOffset += 4;
fillerLth = 0;
if (currDescrNumber < aDescrNumber)
dataOffset += lth;
if (lth % 4 != 0)
fillerLth = 4 - (lth % 4);
dataOffset += fillerLth; // Remainder is filler count in data
lthOffset += 4;
dataOffset += 4 * (aDescrCount - (currDescrNumber - 1)); // rest of lth fields
// Convert integer to character string
if (aConvType == KConvTypeN)
TInt intValue;
if (lth != 4)
return descrDataBuf; // return 0, because wrong size for integer
descrDataBuf = HBufC::New(16);
if (descrDataBuf !=0)
TPtr descrDataPtr(descrDataBuf->Des());
TPtrC8 ptr8 = aDescrList.Mid(dataOffset, 4);
intValue = *(TInt*) (ptr8.Ptr());
return descrDataBuf;
else if (aConvType == KConvTypeA)
// ConvType == A, convert 8-bit string to unicode
descrDataBuf = HBufC::New(lth);
if (descrDataBuf == 0)
return descrDataBuf;
TPtr descrDataPtr(descrDataBuf->Des());
TPtrC8 ptr8 = aDescrList.Mid(dataOffset, lth);
return descrDataBuf;
// ConvType == U, unicode string, only copy data
descrDataBuf = HBufC::New(lth/2);
if (descrDataBuf == 0)
return descrDataBuf;
TPtr descrDataPtr(descrDataBuf->Des());
TPtrC8 ptr8 = aDescrList.Mid(dataOffset, lth);
TPtrC ptr16(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(ptr8.Ptr()), ptr8.Length() / 2);;
return descrDataBuf;
// AnalyseConvSpec - Analyse Conversion Specification string
// The format of string is as follows:
// %U or %N or %A or %sU or %sN or %sA where:
// -- % is prefix
// -- U means Unicode (16-bits) data
// -- A means 8-bits data
// -- N means numeric data
// -- s means 1 or 2 character sequence number
TInt CEventViewer::AnalyseConvSpec(
const TDesC& aSourceBuf,
TInt& aOffset, // input/output
TUint32& aConvType, // U or N
TUint32& aSeqNumber)
TInt currOffset = aOffset;
TUint32 seqNumber = 0;
TUint32 convType;
TInt sourceDataLeft = aSourceBuf.Length() - aOffset;
TBuf<2> seqNumberBuf;
// One byte data should exist
if (sourceDataLeft < 1)
return KErrNotFound;
// Check if 1 or 2 byte long sequence number follows. Value
// should be 1 - 20.
if (aSourceBuf[currOffset] >= '0' &&
aSourceBuf[currOffset] <= '9')
seqNumberBuf.Copy(&aSourceBuf[currOffset], 1);
if (aSourceBuf[currOffset] >= '0' &&
aSourceBuf[currOffset] <= '9')
seqNumberBuf.Append(&aSourceBuf[currOffset], 1);
TLex seqNumberLex(seqNumberBuf);
seqNumberLex.Val(seqNumber, EDecimal);
if (seqNumber == 0 || seqNumber > 20)
return KErrNotFound;
// One byte data should exist
if (sourceDataLeft < 1)
return KErrNotFound;
// Check if the conversion type is U
if (aSourceBuf[currOffset] == 'U' ||
aSourceBuf[currOffset] == 'u')
convType = KConvTypeU;
// Check if the conversion type is N
else if
(aSourceBuf[currOffset] == 'N' ||
aSourceBuf[currOffset] == 'n')
convType = KConvTypeN;
// Check if the conversion type is A
else if
(aSourceBuf[currOffset] == 'A' ||
aSourceBuf[currOffset] == 'a')
convType = KConvTypeA;
return KErrNotFound;
// Return parameters to caller
aConvType = convType;
aOffset = currOffset;
aSeqNumber = seqNumber;
return KErrNone;
// BufferAppend()
// This function appends a buffer by storing a new string.
// If the buffer does not have space enough, the function extends
// the buffer.
TInt CEventViewer::BufferAppend(HBufC*& aDestBuf,
const TDesC& aString)
TInt err = KErrNone;
// Make sure that we have enough space for the new text
TInt spaceLeft = aDestBuf->Des().MaxLength() - aDestBuf->Des().Length();
if (aString.Length() > spaceLeft)
// Allocate enough space for the new string + some additional
// free space so that allocations are not too frequent
TInt newMaxLength = aDestBuf->Des().MaxLength() + aString.Length() + KEventBufferSizeIncrement;
HBufC* tempBuf = aDestBuf->ReAlloc(newMaxLength);
if (tempBuf != NULL)
aDestBuf = tempBuf;
err = KErrNoMemory;
// Store current string to the buffer
return err;