* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Resource definitions for VPN API.
// IPSec Policy API errors
rls_string STRING_r_error_EOpenSocketError "IPSec policy loading failed (socket open failed)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_EBindSocketError "IPSec policy loading failed (socket bind failed)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_EOpenAlgorithmsFileError "IPSec policy loading failed (algorithms configuration file not found)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_ESecpolSocketSetOptError "IPSec policy loading failed (socket options could not be set)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_EUnknownPolicyHandle "Unknown IPSec policy handle"
rls_string STRING_r_error_EParsingError "IPSec policy loading failed (invalid policy)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_EWriteSocketError "IPSec policy loading failed (socket write failed)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_ESecpolReaderError "IPSec event logging failed (socket error)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_ENoSelectorFound "No matching IPSec policy selector found"
rls_string STRING_r_error_ENoMemory "IPSec policy handling failed (no memory)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_EInboundOutboundConflict "IPSec policy loading failed (conflicting policy already active)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_ESelectorConflict "IPSec policy loading failed (conflicting policy already active)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_ENoConflictInfoFound "IPSec policy conflict information not found"
// VPN API errors
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrNoPolicyFile "VPN policy file not found"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrNoPolicyInfoFile "VPN policy information file not found"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrInvalidPolicyFile "Invalid VPN policy file"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrPolicyNotFound "VPN policy not found"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrInvalidCaCertFile "VPN CA certificate file not found or file is corrupted"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrPeerCertFileMissing "VPN gateway certificate file not found"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrInvalidUserCertFile "VPN user certificate file not found or file is corrupted"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrInvalidUserPrivKeyFile "VPN user private key file not found, file is corrupted or wrong password used"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrImportOngoing "VPN policy import already in progress"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrPwdChangeOngoing "Password change already in progress"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrPolicyCountChanged "VPN policy count has changed"
// PKI Service API errors
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrWrongObjectType "Wrong PKI object (key or certificate) type"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrObjectUninitialized "PKI object (key or certificate) uninitialized"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrPassword "PKI key store password error"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrServiceBusy "PKI service is busy"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrCancel "PKI service request cancelled"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrBufferTooShort "Not enough space reserved for a PKI object (key or certificate)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrCertRequestParam "Parameter error in certificate request"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrCertRequest "Generating certificate request failed"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrNotFound "Key or certificate not found"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrAmbiguous "Key or certificate selection was ambiguous"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrNotSupported "Function not supported"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrUnexpectedState "Unexpected state encountered"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KPKIErrKeyStoreEmpty "Logon or ChangePassword is impossible because the key store is empty"
// IKE policy parser errors
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrMode "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE mode value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrNotify "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE notify value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrCommit "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE commit value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrIpsecExpire "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE expire value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrSendCert "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE send certificate value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrInitialContact "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE initial contact value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrResponderLifetime "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE responder lifetime value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrReplayStatus "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE replay status value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrGroupDesc_II "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE group description II value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrProposal "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE proposal)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrEncrAlg "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE encryption algorithm value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrAuthMethod "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE authentication method value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrHashAlg "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE hash algorithm value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrGroupDesc "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE group description value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrGroupType "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE group type value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrLifeBytes "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE lifetime bytes value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrLifeSecs "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE lifetime seconds value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrPRF "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE PRF value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrPreKey "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE preshared key value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrPreFormat "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE preshared key format value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrCA "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE CA value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrOwnCerts "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE own certificate value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrOwnName "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE own name value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrOwnKey "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE own key value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrPeerCerts "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE peer certificate value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrPeerAddr "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE peer address value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrPeerMask "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE peer mask value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrMaxLifetimeSec "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE max. lifetime seconds value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrMaxLifetimeKB "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE max. lifetime kilobytes value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrMaxRetrans "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE max. retransmissions value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrNoSeparator "Invalid VPN policy (no separator)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrCRACKLAMType "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE CRACK LAM type value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrUseIntAddr "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE use internal addressing value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrUseNATProbe "Invalid VPN policy (invalid IKE use NAT probe value)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KSecParserErrUnknown "Invalid VPN policy (unknown error)"
// KMD API errors
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdTooWeakCryptoLib "Crypto library is too weak"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdNoAlgorithmsFile "VPN Configuration error (Algorithms.conf cannot be found)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdIkePolicyFileErr "VPN Configuration error (Error in IKE configuration)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdIkeNegotFailed "IKE Phase 1 negotiation failed"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdIkeNoResponse "IKE Phase 1 negotiation failed (no proper response from peer)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdIkeNoProposalErr "IKE Phase 1 negotiation failed (no proposal chosen by peer)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdIkeAuthFailedErr "IKE Phase 1 negotiation failed (local end authentication failed)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdIkePeerAuthFailed "IKE Phase 1 negotiation failed (peer authentication failed)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdIkeNoCertFoundErr "IKE Phase 1 negotiation failed (proper certificate not found)"
rls_string STRING_r_error_KKmdIkeNoPolicyErr "IKE Phase 1 negotiation failed (no IKE policy section found"
// VPN API errors 2
rls_string STRING_r_error_KVpnErrPolicySizeChanged "VPN policy size has changed"