Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: PKI Service API
* $file pkiserviceapi.h
* PKI server API module
#include "pkidefs.h"
* @mainpage PKI Service API
* @section intro Overview
* PKI Service API is an interface to a module called PKI Service.
* PKI Service is responsible of maintaining PKI keys and certificates
* and it provides a set of operations addressed to these objects, such as:
* <ul>
* <li>Save keypair</li>
* <li>Create keypair</li>
* <li>Save certificate</li>
* <li>Attach enrolled certificate to a generated key</li>
* <li>Sign using specified key</li>
* <li>Decrypt using specified key</li>
* <li>Read public key of a generated key</li>
* <li>Read certificate</li>
* <li>Remove keypaiR</li>
* <li>Remove certificate</li>
* <li>Build PKCS#10 certificate enrollment request for a generated key</li>
* </ul>
* PKI Service is implemented upon the Symbian Crypto Token Framework (CTF).
* CFT concept supports different types of stores to hold the PKI tokens.
* Main store types are: file store and WIM based store.
* Only one asynchronous operation can be pending at any time. KPKIErrServiceBusy status code will be returned,
* if any function except CancelPendingOperation is called.
* PKI Service API
* The API follows the standard Symbian OS client-server
* programming patterns.
class RPKIServiceAPI:public RSessionBase
* Constructor
IMPORT_C RPKIServiceAPI(void);
* Opens a connection (session) to the PKI server.
* @return KErrNone if the connection succeeds, a system-wide error code
* if not.
IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
* Closes the connection (session) to the PKI server.
IMPORT_C void Close();
* Lock keystore
* PIN code must be given again to unlock the keystore
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void Logoff(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* All operations referencing to private keys require a PIN,
* which protects the private key storage.
* The given PIN is valid until the service is terminated.
* By giving the PIN using the Logon function, you can avoid
* PIN dialogs during other private key operations.
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void Logon(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* Cancel the latest asynchronous operation
* @return Synchronous general error code
IMPORT_C TInt CancelPendingOperation();
* This function returns the required buffer size for the operation
* which has failed with error code KPKIErrBufferTooShort
* @return Synchronous general error code
IMPORT_C TInt GetRequiredBufferSize(TInt &aSize);
* Change existing PIN value. Decrypts the key store using the old PIN
* and encrypts the contents with the new PIN
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void ChangePassword(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* Sign using key specified by given SHA1 hash
* @param aKeyId Idenfies the key used in signing
* @param aHashIn The data to be signed
* @param aSignature [out] The result of the signing operation
IMPORT_C TInt Sign(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
const TDesC8& aHashIn, TDes8& aSignature) const;
* Sign using the key specified by arguments of the corresponding user certificate
* @param aTrustedAuthority Text or ASN1 format subtree name of the CA
* @param aIdentitySubjectName Text or ASN1 format string representing part of the subject name of the certificate.
* @param aIdentityRfc822Name Text format string representing rfc822Name in subjectAltName.
* @param aKeyUsage Usage bits of the certified key. Use 'OR' to build a required bit combination.
* @param aKeySize Size of the key in bits.
* @param aKeyAlgorithm Algorithm of the key.
* @param aHashIn Data to be signed.
* @param aSignature [out] Returned signature value.
IMPORT_C TInt Sign(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aIdentitySubjectName,
const TDesC8& aIdentityRfc822Name,
const TPKIKeyUsage aKeyUsage,
const TUint aKeySize,
const TPKIKeyAlgorithm aKeyAlgorithm,
const TDesC8& aHashIn,
TDes8& aSignature) const;
* Decrypt using the key specified by given SHA1 hash
* @param aKeyId Idenfies the key used in decrypting
* @param aDataIn The data to be decrypted
* @param aDataOut [out] The result of the decryption operation
IMPORT_C TInt Decrypt(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
const TDesC8& aDataIn, TDes8& aDataOut) const;
* Store keypair having listed characteristics, returns keyId (SHA1 hash of the key)
* @param aKeyId [out] Returned keyId
* @param aKeyDataIn A descriptor of the buffer containing keypair bytes (ASN1 or encrypted PKCS#5 format).
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void StoreKeypair(TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
const TDesC8& aKeyDataIn,
TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* Generate keypair having given characteristics
* @param aKeyId [out] Returned keyId
* @param aKeySize Size of the key in bits.
* @param aKeyAlgorithm Algorithm of the key.
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void GenerateKeypair(TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
const TUint aKeySize,
const TPKIKeyAlgorithm aKeyAlgorithm,
TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* Read public key of a generated keypair
* @param aKeyId Idenfies the key used.
* @param aDataOut [out] Returned public key bytes in ASN1 format.
IMPORT_C TInt ReadPublicKey(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
TDes8& aDataOut) const;
* Read a certificate having listed characteristics
* For CA certificates, only aTrustedAuthority, aOwnerType and aCert parameters meaningful.
* @param aTrustedAuthority Text or ASN1 format subtree name of the CA
* @param aIdentitySubjectName Text or ASN1 format string representing part of the subject name of the certificate.
* @param aIdentityRfc822Name Text format string representing rfc822Name in subjectAltName.
* @param aOwnerType Type of the requested certificate.
* @param aKeySize Size of the key in bits.
* @param aKeyAlgorithm Algorithm of the key.
* @param aCert [out] Returned ASN1 encoded certificate.
* @param aResArray [out] This returned object must be given as a parameter in the Finalize call when this function has completed.
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void ReadCertificateL(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aIdentitySubjectName,
const TDesC8& aIdentityRfc822Name,
const TPKICertificateOwnerType aOwnerType,
const TUint aKeySize,
const TPKIKeyAlgorithm aKeyAlgorithm,
TDes8 &aCert,
TAny **aResArray,
TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* Read a certificate having listed characteristics
* @param aTrustedAuthority Text or ASN1 format subtree name of the CA
* @param aSerialNumber serial number of the certificate
* @param aCert [out] Returned ASN1 encoded certificate.
IMPORT_C TInt ReadCertificate(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aSerialNumber,
TDes8 &aCert);
* Read a certificate having listed characteristics
* @param aKeyId SubjectKeyID.
* @param aCert [out] Returned ASN1 encoded certificate.
* @param aResArray [out] This returned object must be given as a parameter in the Finalize call when this function has completed.
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void ReadCertificateL(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
TDes8 &aCert,
TAny **aResArray,
TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* List all certificates
* @param aCertList [out] Returned list of certificates.
IMPORT_C void ListCertificatesL(CArrayFix<TCertificateListEntry> *&aCertList);
* List CA certificates applicable for all requested applications
* @param aApplications List of applications
* @param aCertList [out] Returned list of certificates.
IMPORT_C void ListApplicableCertificatesL(const RArray<TUid>& aApplications,
CArrayFix<TCertificateListEntry> *&aCertList);
* List all keys. Returns list of all keys stored in the device.
* @param aKeyList [out] Returned list of keys.
IMPORT_C void ListKeysL(CArrayFix<TKeyListEntry> *&aKeyList);
* Store a certificate having listed characteristics
* For CA certificates, only aOwnerType and aDataIn parameters are meaningful.
* @param aOwnerType Type of the certificate.
* @param aKeySize Size of the key in bits.
* @param aKeyAlgorithm Algorithm of the key.
* @param aDataIn A descriptor of the buffer conatining ASN1 coded certificate bytes.
* @param aResArray [out] This returned object must be given as a parameter in the Finalize call when this function has completed.
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void StoreCertificateL(const TPKICertificateOwnerType aOwnerType,
const TUint aKeySize,
const TPKIKeyAlgorithm aKeyAlgorithm,
const TDesC8& aDataIn,
TAny **aResArray,
TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* Store a certificate having listed characteristics
* For CA certificates, only aOwnerType and aDataIn parameters are meaningful.
* @param aOwnerType Type of the certificate.
* @param aIsDeletable true if certificate is deletable
* @param aKeySize Size of the key in bits.
* @param aKeyAlgorithm Algorithm of the key.
* @param aDataIn A descriptor of the buffer conatining ASN1 coded certificate bytes.
IMPORT_C TInt StoreCertificate(const TPKICertificateOwnerType aOwnerType,
const TBool& aIsDeletable,
const TUint aKeySize,
const TPKIKeyAlgorithm aKeyAlgorithm,
const TDesC8& aDataIn) const;
* Attach a user certificate having listed characteristics to a generated key identified by keyId
* @param aKeyId Idenfies the key to attach the certificate
* @param aKeySize Size of the key in bits.
* @param aKeyAlgorithm Algorithm of the key.
* @param aDataIn A descriptor of the buffer conatining ASN1 coded certificate bytes.
* @param aResArray [out] This returned object must be given as a parameter in the Finalize call when this function has completed.
* @param aRequestStatus [out] A reference to the request status object. On
* request completion, contains the return code of the request.
IMPORT_C void AttachCertificateL(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
const TUint aKeySize,
const TPKIKeyAlgorithm aKeyAlgorithm,
const TDesC8& aDataIn,
TAny **aResArray,
TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
* Attach a user certificate having listed characteristics to a generated key identified by keyId
* @param aKeyId Idenfies the key to attach the certificate
* @param aIsDeletable true if certificate is deletable
* @param aKeySize Size of the key in bits.
* @param aKeyAlgorithm Algorithm of the key.
* @param aDataIn A descriptor of the buffer conatining ASN1 coded certificate bytes.
IMPORT_C TInt AttachCertificate(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
const TBool& aIsDeletable,
const TUint aKeySize,
const TPKIKeyAlgorithm aKeyAlgorithm,
const TDesC8& aDataIn) const;
* Remove keypair identified by keyId
* @param aKeyId Idenfies the key used
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveKeypair(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId) const;
* Remove certificate identified by listed characteristics
* For CA certificates, only aTrustedAuthority and aOwnerType parameters meaningful.
* @param aTrustedAuthority Text or ASN1 format subtree name of the CA
* @param aSerialNumber serial number of the certificate
IMPORT_C TInt RemoveCertificate(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aSerialNumber) const;
* Creates and saves a certificate request
* @param aKeyId KeyId of the key for which the certificate will be generated
* @param aSubjectName Subject name of the certificate owner
* @param aSubjectAltName SubjectAlt name of the certificate owner
* @param aChallengePw ChallengePw of the certificate owner
* @param aDNSName DNS name of the certificate owner
* @param aCertRequestRef Identifier of the returned certificate request
* @param arequestLength [out] Length of the ertificate request
IMPORT_C void CreateAndSaveCertificateRequestL(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
const TDesC8& aSubjectName,
const TDesC8& aSubjectAltNameRfc822,
const TDesC8& aChallengePw,
const TDesC8& aDNSName,
TDes& aCertRequestRef,
TInt& aRequestLength);
* Reads a certificate request
* @param aCertRequestRef Identifier of the certificate request
* @param aCertRequest [out] Certificate request data
IMPORT_C TInt ReadCertificateRequest(const TDesC& aCertRequestRef,
TDes8& aCertRequest) const;
* Deletes a certificate request
* @param aCertRequestRef Identifier of the certificate request
IMPORT_C TInt DeleteCertificateRequest(const TDesC& aCertRequestRef) const;
* ReleaseResources. Must be called every time when an asyncronous request has completed and synchronously returned TAny **aResArray.
* @param aResObject Object pointer returned as a result in an earlier asynchronous operation.
IMPORT_C void Finalize(TAny *aResObject);
* Change trust setting of a certificate in Symbian certificate store
* @param aTrustedAuthority Text or ASN1 format subtree name of the CA
* @param aSerialNumber serial number of the certificate
* @param aTrusted ETrue, if trusted; EFalse, otherwise
IMPORT_C TInt SetTrust(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aSerialNumber,
const TBool& aTrusted) const;
* Read trust setting of a certificate in Symbian certificate store
* @param aTrustedAuthority Text or ASN1 format subtree name of the CA
* @param aSerialNumber serial number of the certificate
* @param aTrusted returns ETrue, if trusted; EFalse, otherwise
IMPORT_C TInt Trusted(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aSerialNumber,
TBool& aTrusted) const;
* Set applications of a certificate in Symbian certificate store
* @param aTrustedAuthority Text or ASN1 format subtree name of the CA
* @param aSerialNumber serial number of the certificate
* @param aApplications list of applications (uids) for whom the certificate is applicable
IMPORT_C void SetApplicabilityL(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aSerialNumber,
const RArray<TUid>& aApplications) const;
* Get applications of a certificate in Symbian certificate store
* @param aTrustedAuthority Text or ASN1 format subtree name of the CA
* @param aSerialNumber serial number of the certificate
* @param aApplications list of applications (uids) for whom the certificate is applicable
IMPORT_C void ApplicationsL(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aSerialNumber,
RArray<TUid>& aApplications) const;
* Get certificate details of a certificate in Symbian certificate store
* @param aKeyId SubjectKeyID
* @param aCertDetails details of a certificate
IMPORT_C TInt CertificateDetails(const TDesC8& aTrustedAuthority,
const TDesC8& aSerialNumber,
TCertificateListEntry &aCertDetails) const;
* Get details of a key.
* This method searches the key from both the User store
* and device cert store.
* @param aKeyId SubjectKeyID
* @param aKeyDetails [out] Returned details of a key.
* @return KErrNone if no error occured or an error code.
IMPORT_C TInt KeyDetails(const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
TKeyListEntry &aKeyDetails) const;
* List all certificate request
* @param aCertReqList [out] Returned list of certificates.
IMPORT_C void ListCertificateRequestsL(CArrayFix<TCertificateRequestListEntry> *&aCertReqList) const;
* Specify which certificate store to use for keystore AND certstore operations within this
* PKI session. This setting can be changed at any time, and all subsequent operations will
* use the specified store type until the state is changed again.
* If SetStoreType is not called, then both cert store and key store are set to type
* Options are:
* STORETYPE_DEVICE: Use device keystore / certstore (will not prompt for password)
* STORETYPE_USER: Use user keystore / certstore (will prompt for password)
* STORETYPE_ANY: Use device and user keystore / certstore
* @param aStoreType Desired store type for all consequent operations on both
* certificate store and key store. Supported values:
* @return KErrNone iff store type was changed successfully.
IMPORT_C TInt SetStoreType(TPkiServiceStoreType aStoreType) const;
* Specify the store type for EITHER the keystore OR the certstore.
* @param aStoreType Desired store type for all operations on the specified store.
* @return KErrNone iff store type was changed successfully.
IMPORT_C TInt SetStoreType(TInt aStore, TPkiServiceStoreType aStoreType) const;
* Get cert store type.
* @return KErrNone iff store type supported
IMPORT_C TInt CertStoreType(TPkiServiceStoreType& aStoreType) const;
* Get key store type.
* @return KErrNone iff store type supported
IMPORT_C TInt KeyStoreType(TPkiServiceStoreType& aStoreType) const;
* Makes every subsequent certificate-related query an informational one.
* Informational, in this context, means that even expired certificates
* turn up in queries / searches. This should only be set when the certificate
* isn't used for any functional purpose -- i.e. only when using the certificate
* data to display certificate details on VPN UI Policy Details view.
* @param aInfoOnly If ETrue, all subsequent queries will produce results
* that include expired certificates; if EFalse, only
* temporally valid certificates will be included.
IMPORT_C void SetInformational(const TBool aInfoOnly);
static TBool Pkcs10SignCallbackL(const TDesC8& aDigest, TDes8& aSignature,
const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId,
TAny* aContext);