author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:44:07 +0100
changeset 34 cc281bee0180
parent 19 c29f8e059978
permissions -rw-r--r--
Catchup to latest Symbian^4

* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Receiver for UDP data

#ifndef C_RECEIVER_H
#define C_RECEIVER_H

#include <e32base.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
#include "ikesocketdefs.h"

class MIkeDebug;

 *  Receiver callback interface.
 *  Callback interface for informing that data has been received or error
 *  has occured.
 *  @lib ikesocket.lib
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( MReceiverCallback )
     * Notifies that data has been received. Receiving is continued
     * automatically.
     * @param aUdpData Received UDP data. Ownership transferred.
     * @param aSrcAddr Source address
     * @param aLocalPort Local port
    virtual void DataReceived( HBufC8* aUdpData,
                                   const TInetAddr& aSrcAddr,
                                   const TInt aLocalPort ) = 0;
     * Notifies about receive error. Receiving has been stopped.
     * @param aStatus Error status
    virtual void ReceiveError( const TInt aStatus ) = 0;

 *  Receiver of UDP data.
 *  This class provides functionality for receiving UDP data from specified
 *  socket (RSocket). Notification that data has been received and unhandled
 *  errors in receiving are notified via MReceiverCallback callback interface.
 *  Received data will be ignored, if data does not correspond to specified
 *  IKE major version.
 *  @lib ikesocket.lib
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CReceiver ) : private CTimer
     * Two-phased constructor.
     * @param aSocket Socket which is used for receiving
     * @param aCallback Callback interface
     * @param aDebug Debug trace interface
    static CReceiver* NewL( RSocket& aSocket,
                            MReceiverCallback& aCallback,
                            MIkeDebug& aDebug );
     * Destructor.
     * Sets IKE major version.
     * @param aIkeMajorVersion IKE major version
    void SetIkeMajorVersion( const IkeSocket::TIkeMajorVersion aIkeMajorVersion );
     * Starts receiving UDP data. Notification that data has been received or
     * notification about unhandled errors will be done via MReceiverCallback
     * callback interface.
     * IKE major version must be set before receiving is started. Received data
     * will be ignored, if data does not correspond to specified IKE major
     * version.
    void Receive();
     * Cancels receiving.
    void CancelReceive();

    enum TReceiverState
        EIdle,                   // Idle
        EWaitingData,            // Waiting data to become available for reading
        EReceiving,              // Receiving data
        EWaitingAfterSocketError // Waiting after socket error 

    CReceiver( RSocket& aSocket,
               MReceiverCallback& aCallback,
               MIkeDebug& aDebug );
    void ConstructL();
     * Waits for data to become available for reading.
    void WaitDataAvailable();
     * Receives data from socket.
    void ReceiveDataL();

     * Handles received data.
    void HandleDataReceivedL();
     * Handles error in receiving.
     * @param aStatus Error status
     * @param aSocket Informs if delay needed
    void HandleError( const TInt aStatus,
                      const TBool aDelayNeeded = EFalse );
     * Notifies client that data has been received.
    void NotifyDataReceived();
// from base class CActive
     * From CActive.
     * Handles a leave occurring in RunL().
     * @param aError The leave code
    TInt RunError( TInt aError );
     * From CActive.
     * Handles an active object's request completion event about available data
     * or received data.
    void RunL();
     * From CActive.
     * Implements cancellation of an active request.
    void DoCancel();    
private: // data    
     * Receiver state.
     * Own.
    TReceiverState      iState;
     * Maximum error count.
     * Own.
    TInt                iErrorCount;
     * Message data.
     * Own.
    HBufC8*             iMsg;
     * Message pointer.
     * Own.
    TPtr8               iMsgPtr;
     * Flags for Ioctl command.
     * Own.
    TPckgBuf< TUint >   iFlags;
     * Source address.
     * Own.
    TInetAddr           iSrcAddr;
     * IKE major version.
     * Own.
    TUint               iIkeMajorVersion;    
     * Socket.
     * Not own.
    RSocket&            iSocket;

     * Callback for completing receiving.
     * Not own.
    MReceiverCallback&  iCallback;
     * Debug trace interface.
     * Not own.
    MIkeDebug&          iDebug;

#endif // C_RECEIVER_H